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Technical Program for Wednesday June 29, 2011
Continental 4-6 |
Technical Challenges of Human Space Transportation (Plenary Session) |
Chair: Shoureshi, Rahmat |
Univ. of Denver |
08:00-09:00 |
WeP1.1 |
Technical Challenges of Human Space Transportation*. |
Nelson, John D. |
Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company |
Franciscan A |
Adaptive Control I (Regular Session) |
Chair: Cheng, Marvin |
West Virginia Univ. |
Co-Chair: Adetola, Veronica |
United Tech. Res. Center |
09:30-09:50 |
WeA01.1 |
Adaptive Robust Control of Tracking and Synchronization for Multi-Axis Motion System, pp. 1-6. |
Cheng, Marvin |
West Virginia Univ. |
09:50-10:10 |
WeA01.2 |
L1 Adaptive Control for Optical Soliton Propagation, pp. 7-12. |
Xargay, Enric |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Langbort, Cedric |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Hovakimyan, Naira |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
10:10-10:30 |
WeA01.3 |
L1 Adaptive Control for Positive LTI Systems, pp. 13-18. |
Sun, Hui |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Zhu, Quanyan |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Hovakimyan, Naira |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Basar, Tamer |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
10:30-10:50 |
WeA01.4 |
Fractional Order Adaptive Feedforward Cancellation, pp. 19-24. |
Luo, Ying |
Utah State Univ. |
Chen, YangQuan |
Utah State Univ. |
Pi, Youguo |
South China Univ. of Tech. China |
10:50-11:10 |
WeA01.5 |
Electro-Hydraulic Piston Control Using Neural MRAC Based on a Modified State Observer, pp. 25-30. |
Yang, Yang |
Missouri Univ. of Science and Tech. |
Balakrishnan, S.N. |
Missouri Univ. of Science and Tech. |
Tang, Lie |
Missouri Univ. of Science and Tech. |
Landers, Robert G. |
Missouri Univ. of Science and Tech. |
11:10-11:30 |
WeA01.6 |
Adaptive Estimation in Nonlinearly Parameterized Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, pp. 31-36. |
Adetola, Veronica |
United Tech. Res. Center |
Lehrer, Devon |
Queens' Univ. |
Guay, Martin |
Queen's Univ. |
Franciscan B |
Stochastic Systems I (Regular Session) |
Chair: Lacy, Seth L. |
Air Force Res. Lab. |
Co-Chair: Spall, James C. |
Johns Hopkins Univ. |
09:30-09:50 |
WeA02.1 |
Reconstruction of Topologies for Acyclic Networks of Dynamical Systems, pp. 37-41. |
Materassi, Donatello |
Univ. of Minnesota |
09:50-10:10 |
WeA02.2 |
Improved Stochastic Process Models for Linear Structure Behavior, pp. 42-47. |
Paez, Thomas |
MannaTech |
Lacy, Seth L. |
Air Force Res. Lab. |
Babuska, Vit |
Sandia National Lab. |
Miller, Daniel N. |
Univ. of California San Diego |
10:10-10:30 |
WeA02.3 |
Inequality-Based Reliability Estimates for Complex Systems, pp. 48-53. |
Hill, Stacy D. |
Johns Hopkins Univ. |
Spall, James C. |
Johns Hopkins Univ. |
Maranzano, Coire Joseph |
Johns Hopkins Univ. Applied Physics Lab. |
10:30-10:50 |
WeA02.4 |
Mean-Square Optimal Controller for Stochastic Polynomial Systems with Multiplicative Noise, pp. 54-59. |
Basin, Michael V. |
Autonomous Univ. of Nuevo Leon |
Shi, Peng |
Univ. of Glamorgan |
Soto Perez, Pedro Marcelo |
Autonomous Univ. of Nuevo Leon |
10:50-11:10 |
WeA02.5 |
On 1-Norm Stochastic Optimal Control with Bounded Control Inputs, pp. 60-65. |
Korda, Milan |
Czech Tech. Univ. in Prague |
Cigler, Jiri |
Czech Tech. Univ. in Prague |
11:10-11:30 |
WeA02.6 |
Mean-Square H_infinity Filter Design: Application to a 2DOF Helicopter, pp. 66-71. |
Basin, Michael V. |
Autonomous Univ. of Nuevo Leon |
Elvira Ceja, Jose Santiago |
CINVESTAV-IPN, Campus Guadalajara |
Sanchez, Edgar N. |
Franciscan C |
Identification I (Regular Session) |
Chair: Zambrano, Darine |
Univ. of Uppsala |
Co-Chair: Rogers, Eric |
Univ. of Southampton |
09:30-09:50 |
WeA03.1 |
Data-Driven Modelling of Wind Turbines, pp. 72-77. |
van der Veen, Gijs |
Delft Univ. of Tech. |
van Wingerden, Jan-Willem |
Delft Univ. of Tech. |
Verhaegen, Michel |
Delft Univ. of Tech. |
09:50-10:10 |
WeA03.2 |
Zambrano, Darine |
Uppsala Univ. |
Tayamon, Soma |
Uppsala Univ. |
Carlsson, Bengt |
Uppsala Univ. |
Wigren, Torbjorn |
Uppsala Univ. |
10:10-10:30 |
WeA03.3 |
A New Parameter Estimation Algorithm for Non-Uniformly Multirate Sampled-Data Systems, pp. 84-89. |
Liu, Yanjun |
Jiangnan Univ. |
Ding, Feng |
Jiangnan Univ. |
Shi, Yang |
Univ. of Victoria |
10:30-10:50 |
WeA03.4 |
Online Identification of Electrically Stimulated Muscle Models, pp. 90-95. |
Le, Fengmin |
Univ. of Southampton |
Markovsky, Ivan |
Univ. of Southampton |
Freeman, Christopher T. |
Univ. of Southampton |
Rogers, Eric |
Univ. of Southampton |
10:50-11:10 |
WeA03.5 |
Bayesian Method for Identification of Constrained Nonlinear Processes with Missing Output Data, pp. 96-101. |
Deng, Jing |
Univ. of Alberta |
Huang, Biao |
Univ. of Alberta |
11:10-11:30 |
WeA03.6 |
Algebraic Identification of a DC Servomechanism Using a Least Squares Algorithm, pp. 102-106. |
Garrido, Rubén |
Cinvestav-IPN |
Concha Sánchez, Antonio |
Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN |
Franciscan D |
Machine Learning (Regular Session) |
Chair: Schwartz, Howard M. |
Carleton Univ. |
Co-Chair: Beling, Peter |
U. Virginia |
09:30-09:50 |
WeA04.1 |
Decentralized Learning in Two-Player Zero-Sum Games: A LR-I Lagging Anchor Algorithm, pp. 107-112. |
Lu, Xiaosong |
Carleton Univ. |
Schwartz, Howard M. |
Carleton Univ. |
09:50-10:10 |
WeA04.2 |
Inverse Reinforcement Learning with Gaussian Process, pp. 113-118. |
Qiao, Qifeng |
Univ. of Virginia |
Beling, Peter |
U. Virginia |
10:10-10:30 |
WeA04.3 |
Parametrized Stochastic Multi-Armed Bandits with Binary Rewards, pp. 119-124. |
Jiang, Chong |
Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Srikant, R |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
10:30-10:50 |
WeA04.4 |
Unsupervised Inductive Learning in Symbolic Sequences Via Recursive Identification of Self-Similar Semantics, pp. 125-130. |
Chattopadhyay, Ishanu |
Penn State |
Wen, Yicheng |
Penn State Univ. |
Ray, Asok |
Pennsylvania State Univ. |
Phoha, Shashi |
Pennsylvania State Univ. |
10:50-11:10 |
WeA04.5 |
Regression-Based LP Solver for Chance Constrained Finite Horizon Optimal Control with Nonconvex Constraints, pp. 131-138. |
Banerjee, Ashis |
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
Ono, Masahiro |
Roy, Nicholas |
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
Williams, Brian |
11:10-11:30 |
WeA04.6 |
Variational Learning of Autoregressive Mixtures of Experts for Fully Bayesian Hybrid System Identification, pp. 139-144. |
Ahmed, Nisar R. |
Cornell Univ. |
Campbell, Mark E. |
Cornell Univ. |
Continental 1 |
LPV System Identification and Applications (Invited Session) |
Chair: Mohammadpour, Javad |
Univ. of Houston |
Co-Chair: Farhood, Mazen |
Virginia Tech. |
Organizer: Mohammadpour, Javad |
Univ. of Houston |
Organizer: Farhood, Mazen |
Virginia Tech. |
Organizer: Tóth, Roland |
Delft Univ. of Tech. |
09:30-09:50 |
WeA05.1 |
Identification of Box-Jenkins Models for Parameter-Varying Spatially Interconnected Systems (I), pp. 145-150. |
Ali, Mukhtar |
Tech. Univ. Hamburg Harburg (TUHH) |
Ali, Ahsan |
Inst. of Control Systems, Hamburg Univ. of Tech. |
Abbas, Hossam Seddik |
Assiut Uinveristy |
Werner, Herbert |
Hamburg Univ. of Tech. |
09:50-10:10 |
WeA05.2 |
LPV Identification of High Performance Positioning Devices (I), pp. 151-158. |
Tóth, Roland |
Univ. of California at Berkeley |
van de Wal, Marc |
Heuberger, Peter S.C. |
Delft Univ. of Tech. |
Van den Hof, Paul M.J. |
Delft Univ. of Tech. |
10:10-10:30 |
WeA05.3 |
Direct Identification of Continuous-Time LPV Models (I), pp. 159-164. |
Laurain, Vincent |
Nancy-Univ. |
Gilson, Marion |
Nancy-Univ. |
Tóth, Roland |
Univ. of California at Berkeley |
Garnier, Hugues |
Nancy-Univ. |
10:30-10:50 |
WeA05.4 |
LPV Subspace Identification Using a Novel Nuclear Norm Regularization Method (I), pp. 165-170. |
Gebraad, Pieter Marinus Otto |
Delft Univ. of Tech. |
van Wingerden, Jan-Willem |
Delft Univ. of Tech. |
van der Veen, Gijs |
Delft Univ. of Tech. |
Verhaegen, Michel |
Delft Univ. of Tech. |
10:50-11:10 |
WeA05.5 |
Convex Relaxation Techniques for Set-Membership Identification of LPV Systems (I), pp. 171-176. |
Cerone, Vito |
Pol. di Torino |
Piga, Dario |
Pol. di Torino |
Regruto, Diego |
Pol. di Torino |
11:10-11:30 |
WeA05.6 |
Incremental Closed-Loop Identification of Linear Parameter Varying Systems, pp. 177-183. |
Bendtsen, Jan Dimon |
Aalborg Univ. |
Trangbaek, Klaus |
Aalborg Univ. |
Continental 2 |
Variable Structure I (Regular Session) |
Chair: Nonaka, Kenichiro |
Tokyo City Univ. |
Co-Chair: Edwards, Christopher |
Univ. of Leicester |
09:30-09:50 |
WeA06.1 |
Predictive and Sliding Mode Cascade Control for Unmanned Surface Vessels, pp. 184-189. |
McNinch, Lucas |
Villanova Univ. |
Ashrafiuon, Hashem |
Villanova Univ. |
09:50-10:10 |
WeA06.2 |
Fractional-Order Integral Sliding-Mode Flux Observer for Sensorless Vector-Controlled Induction Motors, pp. 190-195. |
Chang, Yeong-Hwa |
Chang Gung Univ. |
Wu, Chun-I |
Chang Gung Univ. |
Chen, Hung-Chih |
Chang Gung Univ. |
Chang, Chia-Wen |
Chang Gung Univ. |
Lin, Hung-Wei |
Lee-Ming Inst. of Tech. |
10:10-10:30 |
WeA06.3 |
An Observer Based Distributed Controller for Formation Flying of Satellites, pp. 196-201. |
Menon, Prathyush P |
Univ. of Exeter |
Edwards, Christopher |
Univ. of Leicester |
10:30-10:50 |
WeA06.4 |
Integral Sliding Mode Altitude Control for a Small Model Helicopter with Ground Effect Compensation, pp. 202-207. |
Nonaka, Kenichiro |
Tokyo City Univ. |
Sugizaki, Hirokazu |
Tokyo City Univ. |
10:50-11:10 |
WeA06.5 |
Dynamic Harmonic Balance and Its Application to Analysis of Convergence of Second-Order Sliding Mode Control Algorithms, pp. 208-213. |
Boiko, Igor |
Univ. of Calgary |
Continental 3 |
Fault Detection and Accommodation I (Regular Session) |
Chair: Seiler, Peter |
Univ. of Minnesota |
Co-Chair: Wu, Neng Eva |
Binghamton Univ. |
09:30-09:50 |
WeA07.1 |
Performance Analysis of Fault Detection Systems Based on Analytically Redundant Linear Time-Invariant Dynamics, pp. 214-219. |
Wheeler, Timothy J. |
Univ. of California, Berkeley |
Seiler, Peter |
Univ. of Minnesota |
Packard, Andrew K. |
Univ. of California at Berkeley |
Balas, Gary J. |
Univ. of Minnesota |
09:50-10:10 |
WeA07.2 |
Semantic Sensor Fusion for Fault Diagnosis in Aircraft Gas Turbine Engines, pp. 220-225. |
Sarkar, Soumik |
Pennsylvania State Univ. |
Singh, Dheeraj |
Pennsylvania State Univ. |
Srivastav, Abhishek |
United Tech. Res. Center |
Ray, Asok |
Pennsylvania State Univ. |
10:10-10:30 |
WeA07.3 |
Robust Model Matching for Geometric Fault Detection Filters, pp. 226-231. |
Seiler, Peter |
Univ. of Minnesota |
Bokor, Jozsef |
Hungarian Acad. of Sciences |
Vanek, Balint |
Univ. of Minnesota |
Balas, Gary J. |
Univ. of Minnesota |
10:30-10:50 |
WeA07.4 |
Pulse-Compression Probing for Nonlinear Systems with Additional Hard Nonlinearity at the Input, pp. 232-237. |
Ruschmann, Matthew |
Binghamton Univ. |
Wu, Neng Eva |
Binghamton Univ. |
10:50-11:10 |
WeA07.5 |
Process Fault Detection, Isolation, and Reconstruction by Principal Component Pursuit, pp. 238-243. |
Isom, Joshua D. |
United Tech. Res. Center |
LaBarre, Bob |
United Tech. Res. Center |
11:10-11:30 |
WeA07.6 |
Active Fault Diagnosis for Hybrid Systems Based on Sensitivity Analysis and EKF, pp. 244-249. |
Gholami, Mehdi |
Henrik, Schioler |
Aalborg Univ. |
Bak, Thomas |
Aalborg Univ. |
Continental 7 |
Nonlinear Systems I (Regular Session) |
Chair: Giri, Fouad |
Univ. de Caen |
Co-Chair: Kawanishi, Michihiro |
Toyota Tech. Inst. |
09:30-09:50 |
WeA08.1 |
Generalized Dynamic Inversion for Multiaxial Nonlinear Flight Control, pp. 250-255. |
Hameduddin, Ismail |
King Abdulaziz Univ. |
Bajodah, Abdulrahman H. |
King Abdulaziz Univ. |
09:50-10:10 |
WeA08.2 |
Persistent Excitation by Deterministic Signals in Subspace MISO Hammerstein System Identification, pp. 256-261. |
Naitali, Abdessamad |
Giri, Fouad |
Univ. de Caen |
10:10-10:30 |
WeA08.3 |
Swing-Up Control of the Acrobot: An Impulse-Momentum Approach, pp. 262-267. |
Jafari, Rouhollah |
Michigan State Univ. |
Mathis, Frank |
Michigan State Univ. |
Mukherjee, Ranjan |
Michigan State Univ. |
10:30-10:50 |
WeA08.4 |
Efficient Swing-Up of the Acrobot Using Continuous Torque and Impulsive Braking, pp. 268-273. |
Mathis, Frank |
Michigan State Univ. |
Jafari, Rouhollah |
Michigan State Univ. |
Mukherjee, Ranjan |
Michigan State Univ. |
10:50-11:10 |
WeA08.5 |
Multi-Rate Networked Control of Conic (Dissipative) Systems, pp. 274-280. |
Kottenstette, Nicholas |
Vanderbilt Univ. |
LeBlanc, Heath |
ISIS, Vanderbilt Univ. |
Eyisi, Emeka |
ISIS, Vanderbilt Univ. |
Koutsoukos, Xenofon |
Vanderbilt Univ. |
11:10-11:30 |
WeA08.6 |
Optimal Control of Polynomial Systems with Performance Bounds: A Convex Optimization Approach, pp. 281-286. |
Jennawasin, Tanagorn |
Toyota Tech. Inst. |
Kawanishi, Michihiro |
Toyota Tech. Inst. |
Narikiyo, Tatsuo |
Toyota Tech. Inst. |
Continental 8 |
Hybrid Systems I (Regular Session) |
Chair: Hayakawa, Tomohisa |
Tokyo Inst. of Tech. |
Co-Chair: Franze', Giuseppe |
Univ. Degli Studi della Calabria |
09:30-09:50 |
WeA09.1 |
Hybrid Control of Rigid-Body Attitude with Synergistic Potential Functions, pp. 287-292. |
Mayhew, Christopher G. |
Robert Bosch LLC |
Teel, Andrew R. |
Univ. of California at Santa Barbara |
09:50-10:10 |
WeA09.2 |
Forest Fire Modeling Using Cellular Automata and Percolation Threshold, pp. 293-298. |
Pak, Sangil |
Tokyo Inst. of Tech. |
Hayakawa, Tomohisa |
Tokyo Inst. of Tech. |
10:10-10:30 |
WeA09.3 |
On Quaternion-Based Attitude Control and the Unwinding Phenomenon, pp. 299-304. |
Mayhew, Christopher G. |
Robert Bosch LLC |
Sanfelice, Ricardo G. |
Univ. of Arizona |
Teel, Andrew R. |
Univ. of California at Santa Barbara |
10:30-10:50 |
WeA09.4 |
A Hybrid Real-Time Supervisory Scheme for Nonlinear Systems, pp. 305-310. |
Famularo, Domenico |
Univ. degli Studi della Calabria |
Franze', Giuseppe |
Univ. Degli Studi della Calabria |
Furfaro, Angelo |
Univ. degli Studi della Calabria |
Mattei, Massimiliano |
Seconda Univ. di Napoli |
10:50-11:10 |
WeA09.5 |
Control of Markov Decision Processes from PCTL Specifications, pp. 311-316. |
Lahijanian, Morteza |
Boston Univ. |
Andersson, Sean |
Boston Univ. |
Belta, Calin |
Boston Univ. |
Continental 9 |
Optimal Control I (Regular Session) |
Chair: Porumamilla, Hemanth |
California Pol. State Univ. |
Co-Chair: Dixon, Warren E. |
Univ. of Florida |
09:30-09:50 |
WeA10.1 |
Optimal Controller Synthesis for a Decentralized Two-Player System with Partial Output Feedback, pp. 317-323. |
Swigart, John |
Stanford Univ. |
Lall, Sanjay |
Stanford Univ. |
09:50-10:10 |
WeA10.2 |
LQG Based Robust Tracking Control of Blood Gases During Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation, pp. 324-329. |
Smith, David |
California Pol. State Univ. |
Porumamilla, Hemanth |
California Pol. State Univ. |
10:10-10:30 |
WeA10.3 |
Constrained Optimal Control for a Class of Nonlinear Systems with Uncertainties, pp. 330-335. |
Ding, Jie |
Missouri Univ. of Science and Tech. |
Balakrishnan, S.N. |
Missouri Univ. of Science and Tech. |
10:30-10:50 |
WeA10.4 |
Optimal Realizable Networked Controllers for Networked Systems, pp. 336-341. |
Andalam, Satya Mohan Vamsi |
Iowa State Univ. |
Elia, Nicola |
Iowa State Univ. |
10:50-11:10 |
WeA10.5 |
Optimal Controlled Variable Selection for Individual Process Units in Self Optimizing Control with Miqp Formulations, pp. 342-347. |
Yelchuru, Ramprasad |
Norwegian Univ. of Science and Tech. |
Skogestad, Sigurd |
Norwegian Univ. of Science & Tech. |
11:10-11:30 |
WeA10.6 |
Neuromuscular Stochastic Optimal Control of a Tendon Driven Index Finger Model, pp. 348-355. |
Theodorou, Evangelos |
Univ. of Southern California |
Todorov, Emanuel |
Univ. of Washington |
Valero-Cuevas, Francisco |
Univ. of Southern California |
Golden Gate 1 |
Modeling, Estimation, and Control of Batteries for HEV, PHEV, and EV Applications I (Invited Session) |
Chair: Chaturvedi, Nalin A. |
Robert Bosch LLC |
Co-Chair: Krstic, Miroslav |
Univ. of California, San Diego |
Organizer: Chaturvedi, Nalin A. |
Robert Bosch LLC |
Organizer: Krstic, Miroslav |
Univ. of California, San Diego |
09:30-09:50 |
WeA11.1 |
Discretization Methods for Battery Systems Modeling (I), pp. 356-361. |
Shi, Ying |
Pennsylvania State Univ. |
Prasad, Githin |
Pennsylvania State Univ. |
Shen, Zheng |
Pennsylvania State Univ. |
Rahn, Christopher D. |
Penn State Univ. |
09:50-10:10 |
WeA11.2 |
Genetic Parameter Identification of the Doyle-Fuller-Newman Model from Experimental Cycling of a LiFePO4 Battery (I), pp. 362-369. |
Forman, Joel |
Univ. of Michigan |
Moura, Scott |
Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor |
Stein, Jeffrey L. |
Univ. of Michigan |
Fathy, Hosam K. |
Penn State Univ. |
10:10-10:30 |
WeA11.3 |
A Nonlinear Adaptive Observer Approach for State of Charge Estimation of Lithium-Ion Batteries (I), pp. 370-375. |
Li, Yonghua |
Ford Motor Company |
Anderson, R. Dyche |
Ford Motor Company |
Song, Jing |
Ford Motor Company |
Phillips, Anthony M. |
Ford Motor Co. |
Wang, Xu |
Ford Motor Company |
10:30-10:50 |
WeA11.4 |
Neutron Imaging of Lithium Concentration in Battery Pouch Cells (I), pp. 376-381. |
Siegel, Jason B. |
Univ. of Michigan |
Stefanopoulou, Anna G. |
Univ. of Michigan |
Lin, Xinfan |
Univ. of Michigan |
Gorsich, David |
U.S. Army Tank Automotive \\Â Res. Dev \& Engr Center (TARDEC) |
10:50-11:10 |
WeA11.5 |
Optimal Charging Strategies in Lithium-Ion Battery (I), pp. 382-387. |
Klein, Reinhardt |
Robert Bosch LLC |
Chaturvedi, Nalin A. |
Robert Bosch LLC |
Christensen, Jake |
Robert Bosch LLC |
Ahmed, Jasim |
Program Manager |
Findeisen, Rolf |
OVG Univ. Magdeburg |
Kojic, Aleksandar |
Robert Bosch Res. and Tech. Center |
11:10-11:30 |
WeA11.6 |
Hybrid Electric Vehicle Supervisory Control Design Reflecting Estimated Lithium-Ion Battery Electrochemical Dynamics, pp. 388-395. |
Lee, Tae-Kyung |
The Univ. of Michigan |
Kim, Youngki |
Univ. of Michigan |
Stefanopoulou, Anna G. |
Univ. of Michigan |
Filipi, Zoran |
Univ. of Michigan |
Golden Gate 2 |
Engine Modeling and Control (Invited Session) |
Chair: Mohammadpour, Javad |
Univ. of Houston |
Co-Chair: Javaherian, Hossein |
GM R&D |
Organizer: Mohammadpour, Javad |
Univ. of Houston |
Organizer: Onori, Simona |
Ohio State Univ. |
Organizer: Karnik, Amey |
Ford Motor Company |
Organizer: Vermillion, Christopher |
Altaeros Energies |
Organizer: Shilpiekandula, Vijay |
Mitsubishi Electrical Res. Lab. |
09:30-09:50 |
WeA12.1 |
In-Cyliner Oxygen Concentration Estimation for Diesel Engines Via Transport Delay Modeling (I), pp. 396-401. |
Meyer, Jason |
Ohio State Univ. |
Midlam-Mohler, Shawn |
Ohio State Univ. |
Yurkovich, Stephen |
Univ. of Texas at Dallas |
09:50-10:10 |
WeA12.2 |
Dynamic Gain-Scheduling Controller Design for Port-Fuel-Injection Processes (I), pp. 402-407. |
White, Andrew |
Michigan State Univ. |
Choi, Jongeun |
Michigan State Univ. |
Zhu, Guoming |
Michigan State Univ. |
10:10-10:30 |
WeA12.3 |
Iterative Learning Control of a Camless Valve Actuation System with Internal Feedback (I), pp. 408-413. |
Heinzen, Adam |
Univ. of Minnesota Twin Cities |
Gillella, Pradeep Kumar |
Univ. of Minnesota, Twin Cities |
Sun, Zongxuan |
Univ. of Minnesota |
10:30-10:50 |
WeA12.4 |
Model Based Estimation of Ethanol Content in Flexible Fuel Vehicles (I), pp. 414-419. |
Zope, Rohit |
Univ. of Houston |
Franchek, Matthew A. |
Univ. of Houston |
Grigoriadis, Karolos M. |
Univ. of Houston |
Surnilla, Gopichandra |
Ford Motor Company |
Smith, Stephen |
Ford Motor Company |
10:50-11:10 |
WeA12.5 |
Control of Exhaust Recompression HCCI Using Hybrid Model Predictive Control, pp. 420-425. |
Widd, Anders |
Lund Univ. |
Liao, Hsien-Hsin |
Stanford |
Gerdes, J. Christian |
Stanford Univ. |
Tunestål, Per |
Lund Univ. Faculty of Engineering |
Johansson, Rolf |
Lund Univ. |
11:10-11:30 |
WeA12.6 |
Data Driven Inverse-Model Control of SI Engines, pp. 426-431. |
Gerasimov, Dmitry |
Saint-Petersburg State Univ. ofInformationTechnologies, Mec |
Javaherian, Hossein |
GM R&D |
Nikiforov, Vladimir O. |
St. State Univ. of Information Tech. Mechanicsand O |
Golden Gate 3 |
Aerospace I (Regular Session) |
Chair: Masoud, Ahamd A. |
Co-Chair: Louembet, Christophe |
09:30-09:50 |
WeA13.1 |
A Virtual Velocity Attractor, Harmonic Potential Approach for Joint Planning and Control of a UAV, pp. 432-437. |
Masoud, Ahamd A. |
09:50-10:10 |
WeA13.2 |
Large Aperture Segmented Space Telescope (LASST): Can We Control a 12000 Segment Mirror?, pp. 438-443. |
MacMynowski, Douglas G. |
California Inst. of Tech. |
Bjorklund, Mattias |
10:10-10:30 |
WeA13.3 |
A Control Allocation System for Automatic Detection and Compensation of Phase Shift Due to Actuator Rate Limiting, pp. 444-449. |
Yildiz, Yildiray |
UCSC, NASA Ames Res. Center |
Kolmanovsky, Ilya V. |
The Univ. of Michigan |
Acosta, Diana |
NASA Ames Res. Center |
10:30-10:50 |
WeA13.4 |
Spacecraft Reorientation in Presence of Attitude Constraints and Actuator Saturation Via Logarithmic Barrier Potentials, pp. 450-455. |
Lee, Unsik |
Univ. of Washington |
Mesbahi, Mehran |
Univ. of Washington |
10:50-11:10 |
WeA13.5 |
Collision Avoidance in Low Thrust Rendezvous Guidance Using Flatness and Positive B-Splines, pp. 456-461. |
Louembet, Christophe |
Deaconu, Georgia |
11:10-11:30 |
WeA13.6 |
UAV Perimeter Patrol Operations Optimization Using Efficient Dynamic Programming, pp. 462-467. |
Kalyanam, Krishnamoorthy |
Air Force Res. Lab. |
Pachter, Meir |
Chandler, Phillip R. |
Casbeer, David W. |
Air Force Res. Lab. |
Darbha, Swaroop |
Texas A & M Univ. |
Golden Gate 4 |
Cooperative Control I (Regular Session) |
Chair: Farrell, Jay |
Univ. of California Riverside |
Co-Chair: Hu, Guoqiang |
Kansas State Univ. |
09:30-09:50 |
WeA14.1 |
Adaptive-Based Control for Distributed Cooperative Multi-Robot Coverage, pp. 468-473. |
Renzaglia, Alessandro |
INRIA Rhone-Alpes |
Doitsidis, Lefteris |
Tech. Educational Inst. of Crete |
Martinelli, Agostino |
Kosmatopoulos, Elias |
Democritus Univ. Thrace & ITI/CERTH |
09:50-10:10 |
WeA14.2 |
Optimized Imaging and Target Tracking within a Distributed Camera Network, pp. 474-480. |
Morye, Akshay |
Univ. of California, Riverside |
Ding, Chong |
Univ. of California, Riverside |
Song, Bi |
Univ. of California, Riverside |
Roy-Chowdhury, Amit K. |
Univ. of California, Riverside |
Farrell, Jay |
Univ. of California Riverside |
10:10-10:30 |
WeA14.3 |
Density-Based Control of Multiple Robots, pp. 481-486. |
Zhao, Sheng |
Univ. of California, Riverside |
Ramakrishnan, Subramanian |
Univ. of Cincinnati |
Kumar, Manish |
Univ. of Cincinnati |
10:30-10:50 |
WeA14.4 |
Simultaneous Stabilization and Synchronization for Multiple Systems of Non-Identical Agents, pp. 487-492. |
Darabi Sahneh, Faryad |
Kansas State Univ. |
Hu, Guoqiang |
Kansas State Univ. |
10:50-11:10 |
WeA14.5 |
Visual Feedback Leader-Following Pose Synchronization: Convergence Analysis, pp. 493-498. |
Ibuki, Tatsuya |
Tokyo Inst. of Tech. |
Hatanaka, Takeshi |
Tokyo Inst. of Tech. |
Fujita, Masayuki |
Tokyo Inst. of Tech. |
Spong, Mark W. |
Univ. of Texas at Dallas |
11:10-11:30 |
WeA14.6 |
A Connectivity Preserving Containment Control Strategy for a Network of Single Integrator Agents, pp. 499-501. |
Ajorlou, Amir |
Concordia Univ. |
Momeni, Ahmadreza |
Concordia Univ. |
Aghdam, Amir G. |
Concordia Univ. |
Golden Gate 5 |
Networked Control Systems I (Regular Session) |
Chair: Seuret, Alexandre |
Co-Chair: Berg, Jordan M. |
Texas Tech. Univ. |
09:30-09:50 |
WeA15.1 |
Modeling and Control of Closed-Loop Networked PLC-Systems, pp. 502-508. |
Ghanaim, Abouelabbas |
Saarland Univ. |
Frey, Georg |
Saarland Univ. |
09:50-10:10 |
WeA15.2 |
Control of Synchronization for Multi-Agent Systems in Acceleration Motion with Additional Analysis of Formation Control, pp. 509-514. |
Zhang, Haopeng |
Texas Tech. Univ. |
Pothuwila, Kalana |
Texas Tech. Univ. |
Hui, Qing |
Texas Tech. Univ. |
Yang, Ran |
Sun Yat-Sen Univ. |
Berg, Jordan M. |
Texas Tech. Univ. |
10:10-10:30 |
WeA15.3 |
Stabilization of Distributed Networked Control Systems with Minimal Communications Network, pp. 515-520. |
Razeghi-Jahromi, Mohammad |
Univ. of Rochester |
Seyedi, Alireza |
Univ. of Rochester |
10:30-10:50 |
WeA15.4 |
Optimal Linear Control for Channels with Signal-To-Noise Ratio Constraints, pp. 521-526. |
Johannesson, Erik |
Lund Univ. |
Rantzer, Anders |
Lund Univ. |
Bernhardsson, Bo M. |
Lund Inst. of Tech. |
10:50-11:10 |
WeA15.5 |
Decentralized Robust Control Via Quadratically Invariant Model Projection, pp. 527-532. |
Kim, Jong-Han |
Stanford Univ. |
Lall, Sanjay |
Stanford Univ. |
Merrill, Walt |
Scientific Monitoring, Inc |
Behbahani, Alireza |
Air Force Res. Lab. |
11:10-11:30 |
WeA15.6 |
Stability Analysis of Networked Control Systems with Asynchronous Sampling and Input Delay, pp. 533-538. |
Seuret, Alexandre |
Golden Gate 6 |
Mechanical Systems/Robotics I (Regular Session) |
Chair: Nielsen, Christopher |
Univ. of Waterloo |
Co-Chair: Mukherjee, Ranjan |
Michigan State Univ. |
09:30-09:50 |
WeA16.1 |
Approximate Output Regulation for a Spherical Inverted Pendulum, pp. 539-544. |
Postelnik, Leron |
Univ. of Auckland |
Liu, Guangyu |
The Univ. of Auckland |
Stol, Karl |
Univ. of Auckland |
Swain, Akshya |
Univ. of Auckland |
09:50-10:10 |
WeA16.2 |
A Study of Crane Operator Performance Comparing PD-Control and Input Shaping, pp. 545-550. |
Vaughan, Joshua |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Karajgikar, Ajeya |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Singhose, William |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
10:10-10:30 |
WeA16.3 |
Path Following for Mechanical Systems: Experiments and Examples, pp. 551-556. |
Hladio, Andre |
Univ. of Waterloo |
Nielsen, Christopher |
Univ. of Waterloo |
Wang, David |
Univ. of Waterloo |
10:30-10:50 |
WeA16.4 |
Fuzzy Control of a Four-Rope-Driven Level-Adjustment Robot Considering All Constrained Situations, pp. 557-562. |
Zhang, Jianhong |
Inst. of Automation, Chinese Acad. of Sciences |
Yi, Jianqiang |
China Acad. of Sciences |
Tan, Xiangmin |
Key Lab. of Complex SystemsandIntelligentScience,Inst. |
Yu, Yi |
Inst. of Automation, Chinese Acad. of Sciences |
10:50-11:10 |
WeA16.5 |
Stable Grasping Control Method of Dual-Fingered Robot Hands for Force Angle Optimization and Position Regulation, pp. 563-569. |
Song, Seung Kwan |
Yonsei Univ. |
Park, Jin Bae |
Yonsei Univ. |
Choi, Yoon Ho |
Kyonggi Univ. |
11:10-11:30 |
WeA16.6 |
Balance Maintenance of the Synthetic-Wheel Biped in the Presence of Impulsive Disturbances, pp. 570-575. |
Jafari, Rouhollah |
Michigan State Univ. |
Mukherjee, Ranjan |
Michigan State Univ. |
Golden Gate 7 |
Smart Grid Challenges and Issues (Industrial Session) |
Chair: Khorrami, Farshad |
Pol. Inst. of NYU |
Co-Chair: Robinett, Rush |
Sandia National Lab. |
09:30-11:30 |
WeA17.1 |
Panel Discussion*. |
Piasecki, Ray |
General Electric |
Godbole, Dattaprabodh N. |
Honeywell Lab. |
Amberkar, Sanket |
Cisco Systems |
Robinett, Rush |
Sandia National Lab. |
Fardanesh, Bruce |
NY Power Authority |
Golden Gate 8 |
Control of Nanoscale Self-Assembly (Tutorial Session) |
Chair: Grover, Martha |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Co-Chair: Shapiro, Benjamin |
Univ. of Maryland |
Organizer: Grover, Martha |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Organizer: Shapiro, Benjamin |
Univ. of Maryland |
09:30-09:50 |
WeA18.1 |
Direct Measurements of Tunable Interactions, Dynamics, and Structure in Microscopic Systems (I)*. |
Bevan, Michael |
Johns Hopkins Univ. |
09:50-10:10 |
WeA18.2 |
Deterministic Nanoscale Control: Flow Control of Cells and Quantum Dots to Nanometer Precision (I)*. |
Shapiro, Benjamin |
Univ. of Maryland |
10:10-10:30 |
WeA18.3 |
Stochastic Modeling of Micro and Nano Scale Many-Body Systems (I)*. |
Ford, David |
Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst |
10:30-10:50 |
WeA18.4 |
Model Reduction and Stochastic Control of Many-Body Nanoscale Systems (I)*. |
Grover, Martha |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
10:50-11:30 |
WeA18.5 |
Panel Discussion (I)*. |
Bevan, Michael |
Johns Hopkins Univ. |
Shapiro, Benjamin |
Univ. of Maryland |
Grover, Martha |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Ford, David |
Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst |
Franciscan A |
Adaptive Control II (Regular Session) |
Chair: Hovakimyan, Naira |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Co-Chair: Liu, Yu |
Cummins, Inc |
13:10-13:30 |
WeB01.1 |
Neuroadaptive Fault-Tolerant Control of High Speed Trains with Input Nonlinearities and Actuator Failures (I), pp. 576-581. |
Song, Qi |
Beijing Jiaotong Univ. |
Song, Yong Duan |
Beijing Jitao Univ. |
13:30-13:50 |
WeB01.2 |
L1 Adaptive Controller for Quantized Systems, pp. 582-587. |
Sun, Hui |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Hovakimyan, Naira |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Basar, Tamer |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
13:50-14:10 |
WeB01.3 |
Adaptive Control for Focusing of Optical Drive Read/Write Heads, pp. 588-593. |
Tsao, Tsu-Chin |
Univ. of California, Los Angeles |
Gibson, James Steven |
Univ. of California, Los Angeles |
Chiu, Kuo-Chih |
National Cheng Kung Univ. Tainan, TAIWAN |
Chen, Shean-Jen |
National Cheng Kung Univ. |
14:10-14:30 |
WeB01.4 |
L1 Adaptive Controller for Nonlinear Reference Systems, pp. 594-599. |
Wang, Xiaofeng |
Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Hovakimyan, Naira |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
14:30-14:50 |
WeB01.5 |
A Multivariable MRAC Design for Aircraft Systems under Failure and Damage Conditions, pp. 600-605. |
Guo, Jiaxing |
Univ. of Virginia |
Liu, Yu |
Cummins, Inc |
Tao, Gang |
Univ. of Virginia |
14:50-15:10 |
WeB01.6 |
A Discrete-Time Multivariable State Feedback MRAC Design with Application to Linearized Aircraft Models with Damage, pp. 606-611. |
Maiti, Deepyaman |
Univ. of Virginia |
Guo, Jiaxing |
Univ. of Virginia |
Tao, Gang |
Univ. of Virginia |
Franciscan B |
Stochastic Systems II (Regular Session) |
Chair: Basin, Michael V. |
Autonomous Univ. of Nuevo Leon |
Co-Chair: Yuksel, Serdar |
Queen's Univ. |
13:10-13:30 |
WeB02.1 |
Mean-Square Filter Design for Nonlinear Polynomial Systems with Poisson Noise, pp. 612-617. |
Basin, Michael V. |
Autonomous Univ. of Nuevo Leon |
Maldonado, Juan Jose |
Autonomous Univ. of Nuevo León |
13:30-13:50 |
WeB02.2 |
Discrete-Time Local Dynamic Programming, pp. 618-625. |
Berniker, Max |
Northwestern Univ. |
Kording, Konrad |
Northwestern Univ. |
13:50-14:10 |
WeB02.3 |
Mean-Square Joint State and Parameter Estimation for Uncertain Nonlinear Polynomial Stochastic Systems, pp. 626-631. |
Basin, Michael V. |
Autonomous Univ. of Nuevo Leon |
Loukianov, Alexander G. |
Hernandez-Gonzalez, Miguel |
Centro de investigacion y estudios avanzados |
14:10-14:30 |
WeB02.4 |
Sliding Mode Mean-Module Filter Design for Polynomial Systems, pp. 632-636. |
Basin, Michael V. |
Autonomous Univ. of Nuevo Leon |
Rodriguez-Ramirez, Pablo Cesar |
Autonomous Univ. of Nuevo Leon |
14:30-14:50 |
WeB02.5 |
Optimization and Convergence of Observation Channels in Stochastic Control, pp. 637-642. |
Yuksel, Serdar |
Queen's Univ. |
Linder, Tamas |
Queen's Univ. |
14:50-15:10 |
WeB02.6 |
Risk-Sensitive Control under a Class of Denial-Of-Service Attack Models, pp. 643-648. |
Befekadu, Getachew |
Univ. of Notre Dame |
Gupta, Vijay |
Univ. of Notre Dame |
Antsaklis, Panos J. |
Univ. of Notre Dame |
Franciscan C |
Identification II (Regular Session) |
Chair: Novara, Carlo |
Pol. di Torino |
Co-Chair: Kahveci, Nazli E. |
- |
13:10-13:30 |
WeB03.1 |
Exact Topology Identification of Large-Scale Interconnected Dynamical Systems from Compressive Observations, pp. 649-656. |
Molazem Sanandaji, Borhan |
Colorado School of Mines |
Vincent, Tyrone L. |
Colorado School of Mines |
Wakin, Michael |
Colorado School of Mines |
13:30-13:50 |
WeB03.2 |
Frequency Identification of Nonparametric Hammerstein Systems with Backlash Nonlinearity, pp. 657-662. |
Brouri, Adil |
Giri, Fouad |
Univ. de Caen |
Rochdi, Youssef |
Univ. Cadi Ayyad/ FSTG /LSET |
Chaoui, F.Z. |
13:50-14:10 |
WeB03.3 |
Sparse Identification of Nonlinear Functions and Parametric Set Membership Optimality Analysis, pp. 663-668. |
Novara, Carlo |
Pol. di Torino |
14:10-14:30 |
WeB03.4 |
Iterative Solutions for General Coupled Matrix Equations with Real Coefficients, pp. 669-674. |
Xie, Li |
Jiangnan Univ. |
Yang, Huizhong |
Jiangnan Univ. |
Liu, Yanjun |
Jiangnan Univ. |
Ding, Feng |
Jiangnan Univ. |
14:30-14:50 |
WeB03.5 |
A Rank Minimization Approach to Trajectory (In)Validation, pp. 675-680. |
Sznaier, Mario |
Northeastern Univ. |
Camps, Octavia I. |
Northeastern Univ. |
Franciscan D |
Education (Regular Session) |
Chair: Messner, William |
Carnegie Mellon Univ. |
Co-Chair: Goldsmith, Peter |
Univ. of Calgary |
13:10-13:30 |
WeB04.1 |
A Small-Scale Cherrypicker for Experimental and Educational Use, pp. 681-686. |
Pridgen, Brice |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Maleki, Ehsan |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Singhose, William |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Seering, Warren |
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
Glauser, Urs |
Zurich Univ. of Applied Sciences |
Kaufmann, Lukas |
Zurich Univ. of Applied Sciences |
13:30-13:50 |
WeB04.2 |
A Feasibility Assessment of Using Ultrasonic Sensor Position Feedback for a Ball-And-Beam Apparatus, pp. 687-692. |
Wieneke, Jacob |
Kansas State Univ. |
White, Warren N. |
Kansas State Univ. |
13:50-14:10 |
WeB04.3 |
Root Locus Design with Complex Proportional-Integral-Lead Compensation, pp. 693-698. |
Messner, William |
Carnegie Mellon Univ. |
Zhang, Qi |
RWTH Aachen Univ. |
14:10-14:30 |
WeB04.4 |
Rational Relations for Modelling and Analyzing LTI Systems, pp. 699-704. |
Goldsmith, Peter |
Univ. of Calgary |
14:30-14:50 |
WeB04.5 |
"Night Comes to the Cretaceous" and Other Tales of the Decibel, pp. 705-709. |
Messner, William |
Carnegie Mellon Univ. |
14:50-15:10 |
WeB04.6 |
The Matching Coefficients PID Controller, pp. 710-715. |
Hauksdottir, Anna Soffia |
Univ. of Iceland |
Sigurdsson, Sven Th. |
Univ. of Iceland |
Continental 1 |
LPV Systems Control and Estimation (Invited Session) |
Chair: Mohammadpour, Javad |
Univ. of Houston |
Co-Chair: Tóth, Roland |
Univ. of California at Berkeley |
Organizer: Mohammadpour, Javad |
Univ. of Houston |
Organizer: Tóth, Roland |
Delft Univ. of Tech. |
Organizer: Farhood, Mazen |
Virginia Tech. |
13:10-13:30 |
WeB05.1 |
Robust Model Predictive Control for LPV Systems with Delayed State Using Relaxation Matrices (I), pp. 716-721. |
Jeong, Seong Cheol |
Pohang Univ. of Science And Tech. |
Ji, Dae Hyun |
Mobile communication Div. Digital Media and Communications, |
Lee, Sangmoon |
Daegu Univ. |
Won, Sangchul |
Pohang Univ. of Science & Tech. |
13:30-13:50 |
WeB05.2 |
Observer Synthesis for a Class of Descriptor LPV Systems (I), pp. 722-726. |
Astorga-Zaragoza, Carlos M. |
Theilliol, Didier |
Nancy Univ. |
Ponsart, Jean-Christophe |
Nancy Univ. - Univ. Henri Poincare |
Rodrigues, Mickael |
Univ. LYON 1 |
13:50-14:10 |
WeB05.3 |
Mixed Parametric/Unstructured LFT Modeling for Robust Controller Design (I), pp. 727-732. |
Pfifer, Harald |
German Aerospace Center - DLR |
Hecker, Simon |
German Aerospace Center - DLR |
14:10-14:30 |
WeB05.4 |
Freeway Ramp Metering: An LPV Set Theoretical Analysis (I), pp. 733-738. |
Luspay, Tamás |
Computer and Automation Res. Inst. Hungarian Acad. of |
Kulcsar, Balazs |
Chalmers Univ. of Tech. |
Peni, Tamas |
Hungarian Acad. of Sciences |
Varga, István |
Systems and Control Lab. |
14:30-14:50 |
WeB05.5 |
Structured Control of Affine Linear Parameter Varying Systems (I), pp. 739-744. |
Adegas, Fabiano Daher |
Aalborg Univ. |
Stoustrup, Jakob |
Aalborg Univ. |
14:50-15:10 |
WeB05.6 |
Flexible Aircraft Reduced-Order LPV Model Generation from a Set of Large-Scale LTI Models, pp. 745-750. |
Poussot-Vassal, Charles |
Roos, Clément |
Continental 2 |
Variable Structure II (Regular Session) |
Chair: Boiko, Igor |
Univ. of Calgary |
Co-Chair: Ashrafiuon, Hashem |
Villanova Univ. |
13:10-13:30 |
WeB06.1 |
Direct Control Based on Sliding Mode Techniques for Multicell Chopper, pp. 751-756. |
Amet, Leonardo |
ENSEA, Ec. |
Ghanes, Malek |
Barbot, Jean Pierre |
13:30-13:50 |
WeB06.2 |
Analysis of Chattering in Sliding Mode Control Systems with Continuous Boundary Layer Approximation of Discontinuous Control, pp. 757-762. |
Boiko, Igor |
Univ. of Calgary |
13:50-14:10 |
WeB06.3 |
Sliding Mode Observers for Sensorless Control of Current-Fed Induction Motors, pp. 763-768. |
Bullo, Daniele |
Univ. degli Studi di Pavia |
Ferrara, Antonella |
Univ. of Pavia |
Rubagotti, Matteo |
Univ. of Trento |
14:10-14:30 |
WeB06.4 |
Loop Gain Adjustment for Second Order Sliding Modes, pp. 769-774. |
Rosales MartÃnez, José Antonio |
Boiko, Igor |
Univ. of Calgary |
Fridman, Leonid M. |
National Autonomous Univ. of Mexico |
14:30-14:50 |
WeB06.5 |
Neuroadaptive Variable Structure Control of Mass Transit Trains, pp. 775-779. |
Gu, Qing |
National Key Lab. of rail traffic control and safety,Beijing Jiao |
Tang, Tao |
Beijing Jiaotong Univ. |
Song, Yong Duan |
Beijing Jitao Univ. |
Continental 3 |
Fault Detection and Accomodation II (Regular Session) |
Chair: Martinez-Guerra, Rafael |
Co-Chair: Savla, Ketan |
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
13:10-13:30 |
WeB07.1 |
A Case Study in Robust Quickest Detection for Hidden Markov Models, pp. 780-785. |
Atwi, Aliaa |
Savla, Ketan |
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
Dahleh, Munther A. |
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
13:30-13:50 |
WeB07.2 |
Computing Detection Delays in Industrial Alarm Systems, pp. 786-791. |
Adnan, Naseeb Ahmed |
Univ. of Alberta |
Izadi, Iman |
Matrikon Inc. |
Chen, Tongwen |
Univ. of Alberta |
13:50-14:10 |
WeB07.3 |
Model-Based Adaptive Frequency Estimator for Gear Crack Fault Detection, pp. 792-797. |
McDonald, Geoffrey Lyall |
Univ. of Alberta |
Zhao, Qing |
Univ. of Alberta |
14:10-14:30 |
WeB07.4 |
Optimal Partitioning of Ultrasonic Data for Fatigue Damage Detection, pp. 798-803. |
Singh, Dheeraj |
Pennsylvania State Univ. |
Sarkar, Soumik |
Pennsylvania State Univ. |
Gupta, Shalabh |
Pennsylvania State Univ. |
Ray, Asok |
Pennsylvania State Univ. |
14:30-14:50 |
WeB07.5 |
Integrated Fault Diagnosis and Robust Safe-Parking for Fault-Tolerant Control of Nonlinear Systems, pp. 804-809. |
Du, Miao |
McMaster Univ. |
Nease, Jake |
McMaster Univ. |
Mhaskar, Prashant |
McMaster Univ. |
14:50-15:10 |
WeB07.6 |
Mata, Juan Luis |
Martinez-Guerra, Rafael |
Rincon-Pasaye, Jose-Juan |
Continental 7 |
Nonlinear Systems II (Regular Session) |
Chair: Newman, Brett |
Old Dominion Univ. |
Co-Chair: Loria, Antonio |
13:10-13:30 |
WeB08.1 |
Multi-Variable Iterative Tuning of a Variable Gain Controller with Application to a Scanning Stage System, pp. 816-820. |
Heertjes, Marcel |
Eindhoven Univ. of Tech. |
Tepe, Tufan |
eindhoven Univ. of Tech. |
Nijmeijer, Hendrik |
Eindhoven Univ. of Tech. |
13:30-13:50 |
WeB08.2 |
Generalized Frequency Response of the Nonlinear Second Order System, pp. 821-826. |
Omran, Ashraf |
Old Dominion Univ. |
Newman, Brett |
Old Dominion Univ. |
13:50-14:10 |
WeB08.3 |
Rotational Motion Control Design for Cart-Pendulum System with Lebesgue Sampling, pp. 827-832. |
Ohsaki, Hiroshi |
Tokyo Denki Univ. |
Iwase, Masami |
Tokyo Denki Univ. |
Hatakeyama, Shoshiro |
Tokyo Denki Univ. |
14:10-14:30 |
WeB08.4 |
PD+ Based Output Feedback Attitude Control of Rigid Bodies with Improved Performance, pp. 833-838. |
Schlanbusch, Rune |
Narvik Univ. Coll. |
Loria, Antonio |
Kristiansen, Raymond |
Narvik Univ. Coll. |
Nicklasson, Per Johan |
Narvik Univ. Coll. |
14:30-14:50 |
WeB08.5 |
August, Elias |
Wang, Yongqiang |
Univ. of Califormia, Santa Barbara |
Doyle, Francis |
Univ. of California at Santa Barbara |
Lu, James |
Koeppl, Heinz |
ETH Zuerich |
14:50-15:10 |
WeB08.6 |
Can Thermodynamics Be Used to Design Control Systems?, pp. 845-850. |
Hui, Qing |
Texas Tech. Univ. |
Continental 8 |
Hybrid Systems II (Regular Session) |
Chair: Almer, Stefan |
ETH Zuerich |
Co-Chair: Sanfelice, Ricardo G. |
Univ. of Arizona |
13:10-13:30 |
WeB09.1 |
Almer, Stefan |
ETH Zuerich |
Mariethoz, Sebastien |
ETH Zurich |
Morari, Manfred |
ETH Zurich |
13:30-13:50 |
WeB09.2 |
Complexity Reduction of Robust Model Predictive Controller for Uncertain Piecewise Affine Systems, pp. 857-862. |
Thomas, Jean |
Beni-Suef Univ. |
13:50-14:10 |
WeB09.3 |
Hybrid Output Regulation for Minimum Phase Linear Systems, pp. 863-868. |
Cox, Nicholas |
Univ. of California, Santa Barbara |
Teel, Andrew R. |
Univ. of California at Santa Barbara |
Marconi, Lorenzo |
Univ. di Bologna |
14:10-14:30 |
WeB09.4 |
Tracking Control for Hybrid Systems Via Embedding of Known Reference Trajectories, pp. 869-874. |
Sanfelice, Ricardo G. |
Univ. of Arizona |
Biemond, J. J. Benjamin |
Eindhoven Univ. of Tech. |
Van De Wouw, Nathan |
Eindhoven Univ. of Tech. |
Heemels, Maurice |
Eindhoven Univ. of Tech. |
14:30-14:50 |
WeB09.5 |
Synergistic Potential Functions for Hybrid Control of Rigid-Body Attitude, pp. 875-880. |
Mayhew, Christopher G. |
Robert Bosch LLC |
Teel, Andrew R. |
Univ. of California at Santa Barbara |
14:50-15:10 |
WeB09.6 |
Optimization of Multiagent Systems with Increasing State Dimensions: Hybrid LQ Approach, pp. 881-887. |
Galván Guerra, Rosalba |
Azhmyakov, Vadim |
Egerstedt, Magnus |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Continental 9 |
Optimal Control II (Regular Session) |
Chair: Rodrigues, Luis |
Concordia Univ. |
Co-Chair: Chung, Hoam |
Monash Univ. |
13:10-13:30 |
WeB10.1 |
Optimal Periodic Patrolling Trajectories of UUVs Guarding a Channel, pp. 888-893. |
Chung, Hoam |
Monash Univ. |
Polak, Elijah |
Univ. of California |
Royset, Johannes |
Univ. of California |
Sastry, Shankar |
Univ. of California at Berkeley |
13:30-13:50 |
WeB10.2 |
Dynamic Disturbance Attenuation and Approximate Optimal Control for Fully Actuated Mechanical Systems, pp. 894-899. |
Sassano, Mario |
Imperial Coll. London |
Astolfi, Alessandro |
Imperial Coll. &Â Univ. of Rome |
13:50-14:10 |
WeB10.3 |
Optimal Control of a Third Order Nonlinear System Based on an Inverse Optimality Method, pp. 900-904. |
Abedinpour Fallah, Mehdi |
Concordia Univ. |
Rodrigues, Luis |
Concordia Univ. |
14:10-14:30 |
WeB10.4 |
Optimal Reachability Sets Using Generalized Independent Parameters, pp. 905-912. |
Holzinger, Marcus |
Univ. of Colorado at Boulder |
Scheeres, Daniel |
The Univ. of Colorado |
Hauser, John |
Univ. of Colorado at Boulder |
14:30-14:50 |
WeB10.5 |
LQR Performance Index Distribution with Uncertain Boundary Conditions, pp. 913-920. |
Holzinger, Marcus |
Univ. of Colorado at Boulder |
Scheeres, Daniel |
The Univ. of Colorado |
14:50-15:10 |
WeB10.6 |
Optimal Boundary Control & Estimation of Diffusion-Reaction PDEs, pp. 921-928. |
Moura, Scott |
Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor |
Fathy, Hosam K. |
Penn State Univ. |
Golden Gate 1 |
Modeling, Estimation, and Control of Batteries for HEV, PHEV, and EV Applications II (Invited Session) |
Chair: Chaturvedi, Nalin A. |
Robert Bosch LLC |
Co-Chair: Krstic, Miroslav |
Univ. of California, San Diego |
Organizer: Chaturvedi, Nalin A. |
Robert Bosch LLC |
Organizer: Krstic, Miroslav |
Univ. of California, San Diego |
13:10-13:30 |
WeB11.1 |
Robust Demand-Side Plug-In Electric Vehicle Load Control for Renewable Energy Management (I), pp. 929-934. |
Bashash, Saeid |
The Univ. of Michigan |
Fathy, Hosam K. |
Penn State Univ. |
13:30-13:50 |
WeB11.2 |
Online Estimation of an Electric Vehicle Lithium-Ion Battery Using Recursive Least Squares with Forgetting (I), pp. 935-940. |
Hu, Xiaosong |
Univ. of michigan |
Sun, Feng-chun |
Beijing Inst. of Tech. |
Zou, Yuan |
Beijing Inst. of Tech. |
Peng, Huei |
Univ. of Michigan |
13:50-14:10 |
WeB11.3 |
Li-Ion Battery Parameter Estimation for State of Charge (I), pp. 941-946. |
Tang, Xidong |
General Motors |
Mao, Xiaofeng |
General Motors |
Lin, Jian |
Chrysler Group, LLC |
Koch, Brian |
General Motors |
14:10-14:30 |
WeB11.4 |
Capacity Estimation for Li-Ion Batteries (I), pp. 947-952. |
Tang, Xidong |
General Motors |
Mao, Xiaofeng |
General Motors |
Lin, Jian |
Chrysler Group, LLC |
Koch, Brian |
General Motors |
14:30-14:50 |
WeB11.5 |
Battery Swapping Modularity Design for Plug-In HEVs Using the Augmented Lagrangian Decomposition Method, pp. 953-958. |
Li, Shifang |
Univ. of Michigan |
Kolmanovsky, Ilya V. |
The Univ. of Michigan |
Ulsoy, A. Galip |
Univ. of Michigan |
14:50-15:10 |
WeB11.6 |
PDE Model for Thermal Dynamics of a Large Li-Ion Battery Pack (I), pp. 959-964. |
Smyshlyaev, Andrey |
Univ. of California at San Diego |
Krstic, Miroslav |
Univ. of California, San Diego |
Chaturvedi, Nalin A. |
Robert Bosch LLC |
Ahmed, Jasim |
Program Manager |
Kojic, Aleksandar |
Robert Bosch Res. and Tech. Center |
Golden Gate 2 |
Powertrain Systems Modeling and Control (Invited Session) |
Chair: Mohammadpour, Javad |
Univ. of Houston |
Co-Chair: Di Cairano, Stefano |
Ford Motor Company |
Organizer: Mohammadpour, Javad |
Univ. of Houston |
Organizer: Onori, Simona |
Ohio State Univ. |
Organizer: Karnik, Amey |
Ford Motor Company |
Organizer: Vermillion, Christopher |
Altaeros Energies |
Organizer: Shilpiekandula, Vijay |
Mitsubishi Electrical Res. Lab. |
13:10-13:30 |
WeB12.1 |
Cycle-To-Cycle Estimation and Control of Multiple Pulse Profiles for a Piezoelectric Fuel Injector (I), pp. 965-972. |
Satkoski, Chris |
Purdue Univ. |
Biggs, Scott |
Purdue Univ. |
Shaver, Gregory M. |
Purdue Univ. |
Ruikar, Neha |
Purdue Univ. |
13:30-13:50 |
WeB12.2 |
A Two-Zone Control Oriented SI-HCCI Hybrid Combustion Model for the HIL Engine Simulation (I), pp. 973-978. |
Yang, Xiaojian |
Michigan State Univ. |
Zhu, Guoming |
Michigan State Univ. |
13:50-14:10 |
WeB12.3 |
Modeling and Control of an Electric Variable Valve Timing System for SI and HCCI Combustion Mode Transition (I), pp. 979-984. |
Ren, Zhen |
Michigan State Univ. |
Zhu, Guoming |
Michigan State Univ. |
14:10-14:30 |
WeB12.4 |
A Survey on Diagnostics Methods for Automotive Engines (I), pp. 985-990. |
Mohammadpour, Javad |
Univ. of Houston |
Franchek, Matthew A. |
Univ. of Houston |
Grigoriadis, Karolos M. |
Univ. of Houston |
14:30-14:50 |
WeB12.5 |
A Model-Based Methodology for Estimating Engine Cylinder Pressure Imbalance for Combustion Feedback Control Applications (I), pp. 991-996. |
Al-Durra, Ahmed |
The Ohio State Univ. |
Fiorentini, Lisa |
The Ohio State Univ. |
Canova, Marcello |
The Ohio State Univ. |
Yurkovich, Stephen |
Univ. of Texas at Dallas |
14:50-15:10 |
WeB12.6 |
Hybrid Powertrain Control with a Rapid Prototyping Research Platform (I), pp. 997-1002. |
Wang, Yu |
Univ. of Minnesota -twin cities |
Song, Xingyong |
Univ. of Minnesota, Twin Cities |
Sun, Zongxuan |
Univ. of Minnesota |
Golden Gate 3 |
Aerospace II (Regular Session) |
Chair: Sasiadek, Jurek Z |
Carleton Univ. |
Co-Chair: Kolmanovsky, Ilya V. |
The Univ. of Michigan |
13:10-13:30 |
WeB13.1 |
On the Non-Robustness of Inconsistent Quaternion-Based Attitude Control Systems Using Memoryless Path-Lifting Schemes, pp. 1003-1008. |
Mayhew, Christopher G. |
Robert Bosch LLC |
Sanfelice, Ricardo G. |
Univ. of Arizona |
Teel, Andrew R. |
Univ. of California at Santa Barbara |
13:30-13:50 |
WeB13.2 |
A Stochastic Drift Counteraction Optimal Control Approach to Glider Flight Management, pp. 1009-1014. |
Kolmanovsky, Ilya V. |
The Univ. of Michigan |
Menezes, Amor A. |
Univ. of Michigan |
13:50-14:10 |
WeB13.3 |
Adaptive Attitude Control for a Small Satellite with Integrated Singularity Avoidance and Momentum Management, pp. 1015-1020. |
Kim, Dohee |
Univ. of Florida |
Leve, Frederick |
Air Force Res. Lab. |
Fitz-Coy, Norman |
Univ. of Florida |
Dixon, Warren E. |
Univ. of Florida |
14:10-14:30 |
WeB13.4 |
Extended Kalman Filtering for Flexible Joint Space Robot Control, pp. 1021-1026. |
Ulrich, Steve |
Carleton Univ. |
Sasiadek, Jurek Z |
Carleton Univ. |
14:30-14:50 |
WeB13.5 |
Inertial Measurements Based Dynamic Attitude Estimation and Velocity-Free Attitude Stabilization, pp. 1027-1032. |
Tayebi, Abdelhamid |
Lakehead Univ. |
Roberts, Andrew |
Univ. of Western Ontario |
Benallegue, Abdelaziz |
Univ. of Versailles St Quentin |
14:50-15:10 |
WeB13.6 |
Vision Based Trajectory Tracking of Space Debris in Close Proximity Via Integrated Estimation and Control, pp. 1033-1038. |
Li, Ni |
Univ. of Central Florida |
Xu, Yunjun |
Univ. of Central Florida |
Basset, Gareth |
Univ. of Central Florida |
Fitz-Coy, Norman |
Univ. of Florida |
Golden Gate 4 |
Cooperative Control II (Regular Session) |
Chair: Hovareshti, Pedram |
Univ. of Maryland |
Co-Chair: Morbidi, Fabio |
Northwestern Univ. |
13:10-13:30 |
WeB14.1 |
Self-Triggered Coordination of Robotic Networks for Optimal Deployment, pp. 1039-1044. |
Nowzari, Cameron |
Univ. of California, San Diego |
Cortes, Jorge |
Univ. of California, San Diego |
13:30-13:50 |
WeB14.2 |
UAV Flocking with Wind Gusts: Adaptive Topology and Model Reduction, pp. 1045-1050. |
Chapman, Airlie |
Univ. of Washington |
Mesbahi, Mehran |
Univ. of Washington |
13:50-14:10 |
WeB14.3 |
Motif-Based Communication Network Formation for Task Specific Collaboration in Complex Environments, pp. 1051-1056. |
Baras, John S. |
Univ. of Maryland |
Hovareshti, Pedram |
Univ. of Maryland |
Chen, Hua |
Univ. of Maryland, Coll. Park |
14:10-14:30 |
WeB14.4 |
Adaptive Backstepping-Based Synchronization of Networked Uncertain Lagrangian Systems, pp. 1057-1062. |
Zhang, Wenlin |
Stevens Inst. of Tech. |
Wang, Zheng |
Stevens Inst. Tech. |
Guo, Yi |
Stevens Inst. of Tech. |
14:30-14:50 |
WeB14.5 |
A Distributed Control for Multiple Photovoltaic Generators in Distribution Networks, pp. 1063-1068. |
Xin, Huanhai |
Zhejiang Univ. |
Qu, Zhihua |
Univ. of Central Florida |
Chen, Lin |
Hangzhou Municipal beaurea of Electric Power |
Qi, Donglian |
Coll. of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang Univ. |
Gan, Deqiang |
Zhejiang Univ. |
Lu, Zehan |
Coll. of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang Univ. |
14:50-15:10 |
WeB14.6 |
Estimation and Control of UAV Swarms for Distributed Monitoring Tasks, pp. 1069-1075. |
Morbidi, Fabio |
Univ. of Texas at Arlington |
Freeman, Randy |
Northwestern Univ. |
Lynch, Kevin M. |
Northwestern Univ. |
Golden Gate 5 |
Networked Control Systems II (Regular Session) |
Chair: Egerstedt, Magnus |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Co-Chair: Olfati-Saber, Reza |
Dartmouth Coll. |
13:10-13:30 |
WeB15.1 |
Network Discovery: An Estimation Based Approach, pp. 1076-1081. |
Chowdhary, Girish |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Egerstedt, Magnus |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Johnson, Eric N. |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
13:30-13:50 |
WeB15.2 |
Hierarchical Assembly of Leader-Asymmetric, Single-Leader Networks, pp. 1082-1087. |
Abbas, Waseem |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Egerstedt, Magnus |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
13:50-14:10 |
WeB15.3 |
A Note to Robustness Analysis of the Hybrid Consensus Protocols, pp. 1088-1093. |
Zhang, Haopeng |
Texas Tech. Univ. |
Mullen, Sean |
Texas Tech. Univ. |
Hui, Qing |
Texas Tech. Univ. |
14:10-14:30 |
WeB15.4 |
Adaptive Stabilization of Model-Based Networked Control Systems, pp. 1094-1099. |
Garcia, Eloy |
Univ. of Notre Dame |
Antsaklis, Panos J. |
Univ. of Notre Dame |
14:30-14:50 |
WeB15.5 |
Collaborative Target Tracking Using Distributed Kalman Filtering on Mobile Sensor Networks, pp. 1100-1105. |
Olfati-Saber, Reza |
Dartmouth Coll. |
Jalalkamali, Parisa |
Dartmouth Coll. |
14:50-15:10 |
WeB15.6 |
An Innovative Packet-Splitting Approach for Kalman Filtering Over Lossy Networks, pp. 1106-1111. |
Wu, Junfeng |
Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Tech. |
Shi, Ling |
Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Tech. |
Xie, Lihua |
Nanyang Tech. Univ. |
Golden Gate 6 |
Mechanical Systems/Robotics II (Regular Session) |
Chair: Yu, Wen |
Co-Chair: Polat, Ilhan |
Delft Univ. of Tech. |
13:10-13:30 |
WeB16.1 |
Unified Approach to Trajectory Tracking and Set-Point Control for a Front-Axle Driven Car-Like Mobile Robot, pp. 1112-1117. |
Michalek, Maciej |
Poznan Univ. of Tech. |
Kozlowski, Krzysztof R. |
Poznan Univ. of Tech. |
13:30-13:50 |
WeB16.2 |
A Grasping Force Optimization Algorithm with Dynamic Torque Constraints for Multi-Fingered Robotic Hands, pp. 1118-1123. |
Lippiello, Vincenzo |
Univ. di Napoli Federico II |
Siciliano, Bruno |
Univ. degli Studi di Napoli Federico II |
Villani, Luigi |
Univ. di Napoli Federico II |
13:50-14:10 |
WeB16.3 |
PID Admittance Control for an Upper Limb Exoskeleton, pp. 1124-1129. |
Yu, Wen |
Rosen, Jacob |
Univ. of California Santa Cruz |
Li, Xiaoou |
14:10-14:30 |
WeB16.4 |
Experimental Evaluation of Model Predictive Control of Ball and Beam Systems, pp. 1130-1132. |
Hara, Naoyuki |
Osaka Prefecture Univ. |
Takahashi, Masaaki |
Osaka Prefecture Univ. |
Konishi, Keiji |
Osaka Prefecture Univ. |
14:30-14:50 |
WeB16.5 |
Bilateral Control of Master-Slave Manipulators with Constant Time Delay, pp. 1133-1138. |
Forouzantabar, Ahmad |
Science and Res. Branch, Islamic Azad Univ. |
Talebi, H.A. |
Amirkabir Univ. |
Khaki Sedigh, Ali |
K.N. Toosi Univ. of Tech. |
14:50-15:10 |
WeB16.6 |
Stability Analysis of Bilateral Teleoperation Systems with Time-Varying Environments, pp. 1139-1144. |
Polat, Ilhan |
Delft Univ. of Tech. |
Golden Gate 7 |
Smart Grid and Demonstration Projects (Industrial Session) |
Chair: Schoenwald, David A. |
Sandia National Lab. |
Co-Chair: Genc, Sahika |
General Electric Global Res. Center |
13:10-13:30 |
WeB17.1 |
Pacific Northwest Smart Grid Demonstration Project – Transactive Energy Control*. |
Melton, Ronald B. |
Battelle – Pacific Northwest Division |
13:30-13:50 |
WeB17.2 |
Smart Grid Demonstration Projects - a View from Boeing*. |
Overman, Thomas |
The Boeing Company |
Sackman, Ronald |
Boeing |
Henley, Mark |
Boeing |
13:50-14:10 |
WeB17.3 |
A Coordinated Optimization Approach to Volt/VAr Control for Large Power Distribution Networks, pp. 1145-1150. |
Krok, Michael J |
General Electric Global Res. |
Genc, Sahika |
General Electric Global Res. Center |
14:10-14:30 |
WeB17.4 |
Use of Commercial and Industrial Loads for Ancillary Services*. |
Koch, Edward |
Honeywell |
14:30-14:50 |
WeB17.5 |
The Use of Electric Circuit Simulation for Power Grid Dynamics, pp. 1151-1156. |
Schoenwald, David A. |
Sandia National Lab. |
Munoz-Ramos, Karina |
Sandia National Lab. |
McLendon, William |
Sandia National Lab. |
Russo, Thomas |
Sandia National Lab. |
14:50-15:10 |
WeB17.6 |
Dynamic Smart Energy and Power Systems Research and Development*. |
Brouwer, Jack |
National Fuel Cell Res. Center, Univ. of California at Irvine |
Mueller, Fabian |
Univ. of California, Irvine |
Golden Gate 8 |
In Situ Sensing, Metrology, and Control in Semiconductor Manufacturing (Tutorial Session) |
Chair: Grover, Martha |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Co-Chair: Edgar, Thomas F. |
Univ. of Texas at Austin |
Organizer: Grover, Martha |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Organizer: Edgar, Thomas F. |
Univ. of Texas at Austin |
13:10-13:50 |
WeB18.1 |
In Situ Sensing, Metrology, and Control in Semiconductor Manufacturing -- Overview (I)*. |
Edgar, Thomas F. |
Univ. of Texas at Austin |
13:50-14:10 |
WeB18.2 |
Virtual Metrology and Yield Prediction (I)*. |
Moyne, James |
Univ. of Michigan |
14:10-14:30 |
WeB18.3 |
Estimation Methods for in Situ Optical Sensing (I)*. |
Grover, Martha |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
14:30-14:50 |
WeB18.4 |
Estimation in High-Mix Production Environments (I)*. |
Vincent, Tyrone L. |
Colorado School of Mines |
Poolla, Kameshwar |
Univ. of California at Berkeley |
14:50-15:10 |
WeB18.5 |
Panel Discussion |
Franciscan A |
Adaptive Control III (Regular Session) |
Chair: Ariyur, Kartik B. |
Purdue Univ. |
Co-Chair: Tao, Gang |
Univ. of Virginia |
15:30-15:50 |
WeC01.1 |
Adaptive Control of Piecewise Linear Systems with Applications to NASA GTM, pp. 1157-1162. |
Sang, Qian |
Univ. of Virginia |
Tao, Gang |
Univ. of Virginia |
15:50-16:10 |
WeC01.2 |
Output Feedback Adaptive Stabilization and Command Following for Minimum Phase Dynamical Systems with Unmatched Uncertainties, pp. 1163-1168. |
Yucelen, Tansel |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Haddad, Wassim M. |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
16:10-16:30 |
WeC01.3 |
Self-Organizing Approximation Based Control with L1 Transient Performance Guarantees, pp. 1169-1175. |
Farrell, Jay |
Univ. of California Riverside |
Chen, Yiming |
Univ. of California, Riverside |
16:30-16:50 |
WeC01.4 |
On the Extremum Seeking of Model Reference Adaptive Control in Higher-Dimensional Systems, pp. 1176-1181. |
Haghi, Poorya |
Purdue Univ. |
Ariyur, Kartik B. |
Purdue Univ. |
16:50-17:10 |
WeC01.5 |
L1 Adaptive Output Feedback Controller for Minimum Phase Systems, pp. 1182-1187. |
Kharisov, Evgeny |
Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) |
Hovakimyan, Naira
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
17:10-17:30 |
WeC01.6 |
Retrospective Cost Adaptive Control for Nonminimum-Phase Systems with Uncertain Nonminimum-Phase Zeros Using Convex Optimization, pp. 1188-1193. |
Morozov, Alexey |
Univ. of Michigan |
D'Amato, Anthony |
Univ. of Michigan |
Hoagg, Jesse B. |
Univ. of Kentucky |
Bernstein, Dennis S. |
Univ. of Michigan |
Franciscan B |
Algebraic and Geometric Methods (Regular Session) |
Chair: Menini, Laura |
Univ. di Roma 'Tor Vergata' |
Co-Chair: Zattoni, Elena |
Univ. of Bologna |
15:30-15:50 |
WeC02.1 |
Symmetries and First Integrals for Nonlinear Discrete-Time Systems, pp. 1194-1199. |
Menini, Laura |
Univ. di Roma 'Tor Vergata' |
Tornambe, Antonio |
Univ. Di Roma Tor Vergata |
15:50-16:10 |
WeC02.2 |
Geometric Tracking Control of the Attitude Dynamics of a Rigid Body on SO(3), pp. 1200-1205. |
Lee, Taeyoung |
Florida Inst. of Tech. |
16:10-16:30 |
WeC02.3 |
On a Sufficient Condition for Observability of Nonlinear Switched Systems and Observer Design Strategy, pp. 1206-1211. |
Shim, Hyungbo |
Seoul National Univ. |
Tanwani, Aneel |
Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
16:30-16:50 |
WeC02.4 |
Geometric Methods for Invariant Zero Cancellation in Discrete-Time Non-Strictly-Proper Linear Multivariable Systems, pp. 1212-1217. |
Marro, Giovanni |
Univ. of Bologna |
Zattoni, Elena |
Univ. of Bologna |
16:50-17:10 |
WeC02.5 |
Polytopic Control Invariant Sets for Differential Inclusion Systems: A Viability Theory Approach, pp. 1218-1223. |
Fiacchini, Mirko |
LAAS-CNRS Toulouse |
Tarbouriech, Sophie |
Prieur, Christophe |
Gipsa-Lab. |
Franciscan C |
Identification III (Regular Session) |
Chair: Yamakita, Masaki |
Tokyo Inst. of Tech. |
Co-Chair: Lagoa, Constantino M. |
Pennsylvania State Univ. |
15:30-15:50 |
WeC03.1 |
A Robust-Control-Relevant Perspective on Model Order Selection, pp. 1224-1229. |
van Herpen, Robbert |
Eindhoven Univ. of Tech. |
Oomen, Tom |
Eindhoven Univ. of Tech. |
Bosgra, Okko H. |
Delft Univ. of Tech. |
15:50-16:10 |
WeC03.2 |
An Improved Algebraic Geometric Solution to the Identification of Switched ARX Models with Noise, pp. 1230-1235. |
Nazari, Sohail |
Univ. of Alberta |
Zhao, Qing |
Univ. of Alberta |
Huang, Biao |
Univ. of Alberta |
16:10-16:30 |
WeC03.3 |
Input Design for Hybrid System Identification for Accurate Estimation of Submodel Regions, pp. 1236-1241. |
Suzuki, Hiroshi |
Tokyo Inst. of Tech. |
Yamakita, Masaki |
Tokyo Inst. of Tech. |
16:30-16:50 |
WeC03.4 |
Consistent Identification of Hammerstein Systems Using an Ersatz Nonlinearity, pp. 1242-1246. |
Ali, Asad |
Univ. of Michigan |
D'Amato, Anthony |
Univ. of Michigan |
Holzel, Matthew |
Univ. of Michigan |
Kukreja, Sunil, L. |
NASA Dryden Flight Res. Center |
Bernstein, Dennis S. |
Univ. of Michigan |
16:50-17:10 |
WeC03.5 |
Hammerstein Systems Parameters Bounding through Sparse Polynomial Optimization, pp. 1247-1252. |
Cerone, Vito |
Pol. di Torino |
Piga, Dario |
Pol. di Torino |
Regruto, Diego |
Pol. di Torino |
17:10-17:30 |
WeC03.6 |
Identifying Stable Fixed Order Systems from Time and Frequency Response Data, pp. 1253-1259. |
Feng, Chao |
Pennsylvania State Univ. |
Lagoa, Constantino M. |
Pennsylvania State Univ. |
Sznaier, Mario |
Northeastern Univ. |
Franciscan D |
Sensor Fusion (Regular Session) |
Chair: Gans, Nicholas |
Univ. of Texas at Dallas |
Co-Chair: Hussein, Islam |
Worcester Pol. Inst. |
15:30-15:50 |
WeC04.1 |
Navigation System for Ground Vehicles Using Temporally Interconnected Observers, pp. 1260-1267. |
Bristeau, Pierre-Jean |
MINES ParisTech |
Petit, Nicolas |
MINES ParisTech |
15:50-16:10 |
WeC04.2 |
Categorical Soft Data Fusion Via Variational Bayesian Importance Sampling, with Applications to Cooperative Search, pp. 1268-1273. |
Ahmed, Nisar R. |
Cornell Univ. |
Sample, Eric |
Cornell Univ. |
Ho, Ken |
Univ. of Sydney |
Hoossainy, Tauhira |
Cornell Univ. |
Campbell, Mark E. |
Cornell Univ. |
16:10-16:30 |
WeC04.3 |
Information Fusion for Object & Situation Assessment in Sensor Networks, pp. 1274-1279. |
Srivastav, Abhishek |
United Tech. Res. Center |
Wen, Yicheng |
Penn State Univ. |
Hendrick, Evan |
Pennsylvania State Univ. |
Chattopadhyay, Ishanu |
Penn State |
Ray, Asok |
Pennsylvania State Univ. |
Phoha, Shashi |
Pennsylvania State Univ. |
16:30-16:50 |
WeC04.4 |
Multiple Vehicle Bayesian-Based Domain Search with Intermittent Information Sharing, pp. 1280-1285. |
Wang, Yue |
Worcester Pol. Inst. |
Hussein, Islam |
Worcester Pol. Inst. |
16:50-17:10 |
WeC04.5 |
On Sensor Fusion for Head Tracking in Augmented Reality Applications, pp. 1286-1291. |
Ercan, Ali |
Ozyegin Univ. |
Erdem, A. Tanju |
Ozyegin Univ. |
17:10-17:30 |
WeC04.6 |
Localization through Fusion of Discrete and Continuous Epipolar Geometry with Wheel and IMU Odometry, pp. 1292-1298. |
Shen, Jinglin |
Univ. of Texas at Dallas |
Tick, David |
Univ. of Texas at Dallas |
Gans, Nicholas |
Univ. of Texas at Dallas |
Continental 1 |
LMI and LPV Applications (Regular Session) |
Chair: Pagilla, Prabhakar R. |
Oklahoma State Univ. |
Co-Chair: Koroglu, Hakan |
King Fahd Univ. of Petroleum and Minerals |
15:30-15:50 |
WeC05.1 |
A Descriptor System Approach to Estimating Domain of Attraction for Non-Polynomial Systems Via LMI Optimizations, pp. 1299-1304. |
Ichihara, Hiroyuki |
Meiji Univ. |
15:50-16:10 |
WeC05.2 |
Improved Conditions for Reduced-Order H-Infinity Filter Design As a Static Output Feedback Problem, pp. 1305-1310. |
Borges, Renato A. |
Univ. of Campinas |
R. Calliero, TaÃs |
Univ. of Campinas |
Oliveira, Ricardo C. L. F. |
Univ. of Campinas - UNICAMP |
Peres, Pedro L. D. |
Univ. of Campinas |
16:10-16:30 |
WeC05.3 |
Robust Nonlinear Least Squares Via Consecutive LMI Optimizations, pp. 1311-1312. |
Koroglu, Hakan |
King Fahd Univ. of Petroleum and Minerals |
Weiland, Siep |
Eindhoven Univ. of Tech. |
16:30-16:50 |
WeC05.4 |
On Higher Order Derivatives of Lyapunov Functions, pp. 1313-1314. |
Ahmadi, Amir Ali |
Parrilo, Pablo A. |
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
16:50-17:10 |
WeC05.5 |
Linear Parameter Varying Controllers for the ADMIRE Aircraft Longitudinal Dynamics, pp. 1315-1320. |
Ameho, Yann |
Prempain, Emmanuel |
Univ. of Leicester |
17:10-17:30 |
WeC05.6 |
Input-State Model Matching for Multirate Systems, pp. 1321-1326. |
Cimino, Mauro |
Oklahoma State Univ. |
Pagilla, Prabhakar R. |
Oklahoma State Univ. |
Continental 2 |
Control Applications I (Regular Session) |
Chair: Johnson, Kathryn |
Colorado School of Mines |
Co-Chair: Bohn, Christian |
Tech. Univ. Clausthal |
15:30-15:50 |
WeC06.1 |
Global TCF Based Contouring Controller Design for an Industrial Biaxial Precision Gantry with Accurate Parameter Estimations, pp. 1327-1332. |
Hu, Chuxiong |
Zhejiang Univ. |
Yao, Bin |
Purdue Univ. |
Wang, Qingfeng |
Zhejiang Univ. |
15:50-16:10 |
WeC06.2 |
Combined State-Parameter Estimation for Shallow Water Equations, pp. 1333-1339. |
Rafiee, Mohammad |
Univ. of California, Berkeley |
Tinka, Andrew |
Univ. of California at Berkeley |
Thai, Jerome |
Columbia Univ. |
Bayen, Alexandre M. |
Univ. of California at Berkeley |
16:10-16:30 |
WeC06.3 |
A Frequency-Tunable LPV Controller for Narrowband Active Noise and Vibration Control, pp. 1340-1345. |
Ballesteros, Pablo |
Inst. of Electrical Information Tech. |
Bohn, Christian |
Tech. Univ. Clausthal |
16:30-16:50 |
WeC06.4 |
A Holistic and Optimal Approach for Data Center Cooling Management, pp. 1346-1351. |
Zhou, Rongliang |
Hewlett-Packard Company |
Wang, Zhikui |
Hewlett-Packard Company |
Bash, Cullen |
Hewlett-Packard Company |
McReynolds, Alan |
Hewlett-Packard Company |
Hoover, Christopher |
Shih, Rocky |
Hewlett-Packard Company |
Kumari, Niru |
Hewlett-Packard Company |
Sharma, Ratnesh |
NEC Lab. America, Inc. |
16:50-17:10 |
WeC06.5 |
Thermodynamics-Based Optimization and Control of Vapor-Compression Cycle Operation: Optimization Criteria, pp. 1352-1357. |
Jain, Neera |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Alleyne, Andrew G. |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
17:10-17:30 |
WeC06.6 |
Actuator Sizing of a Quadruple Pendulum for Advanced Gravitational Wave Detectors, pp. 1358-1363. |
Shapiro, Brett |
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
Mavalvala, Nergis |
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
Youcef-Toumi, Kamal |
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
Continental 3 |
Fault Detection and Accomodation III (Regular Session) |
Chair: Zak, Stanislaw H. |
Purdue Univ. |
Co-Chair: Edwards, Christopher |
Univ. of Leicester |
15:30-15:50 |
WeC07.1 |
Unknown Input and Sensor Fault Estimation Using Sliding-Mode Observers, pp. 1364-1369. |
Kalsi, Karanjit |
Pacific Northwest National Lab. |
Hui, Stefen |
San Diego State Univ. |
Zak, Stanislaw H. |
Purdue Univ. |
15:50-16:10 |
WeC07.2 |
Reconstruction of Actuator Fault for a Class of Nonlinear Systems Using Sliding Mode Observer, pp. 1370-1375. |
Zhang, Jian |
The Univ. of Auckland |
Swain, Akshya |
Univ. of Auckland |
Nguang, Sing Kiong |
The Univ. of Auckland |
16:10-16:30 |
WeC07.3 |
A Game Theoretic Multiple-Fault Detection Filter, pp. 1376-1383. |
Murray, Emmanuell |
Univ. of California - Los Angeles |
Speyer, Jason L. |
Univ. of California at Los Angeles |
16:30-16:50 |
WeC07.4 |
Oscillatory Failure Case Detection for Aircraft Using an Adaptive Sliding Mode Differentiator Scheme, pp. 1384-1389. |
Alwi, Halim |
Univ. of Leicester |
Edwards, Christopher |
Univ. of Leicester |
16:50-17:10 |
WeC07.5 |
Performance Metrics for Fault Detection and Isolation Filters, pp. 1390-1395. |
Pandita, Rohit |
Univ. of Minnesota |
Balas, Gary J. |
Univ. of Minnesota |
Bokor, Jozsef |
MTA SZTAKI Hungarian Acad. of Sciences |
17:10-17:30 |
WeC07.6 |
Fault Detection and Diagnosis of an Electrohydrostatic Actuator Using a Novel Interacting Multiple Model Approach, pp. 1396-1401. |
Gadsden, Stephen Andrew |
McMaster Univ. |
McCullough, Kevin |
McMaster Univ. |
Habibi, Saeid |
McMaster Univ. |
Continental 7 |
Nonlinear Systems III (Regular Session) |
Chair: Malisoff, Michael |
Louisiana State Univ. |
Co-Chair: Iwase, Masami |
Tokyo Denki Univ. |
15:30-15:50 |
WeC08.1 |
Computation of Limit Cycles in Lur'e System, pp. 1402-1407. |
Iannelli, Luigi |
Univ. of Sannio in Benevento |
Vasca, Francesco |
Univ. of Sannio |
Sessa, Valentina |
Univ. of Sannio |
15:50-16:10 |
WeC08.2 |
Improving Transient Stability of Multi–Machine Power Systems: Synchronization Via Immersion of a Pendular System, pp. 1408-1413. |
Dib, Wissam |
IFP New Energy |
Ortega, Romeo |
Astolfi, Alessandro |
Imperial Coll. &Â Univ. of Rome |
Hill, David J. |
The Australian National Univ. |
16:10-16:30 |
WeC08.3 |
Controller Design for Nonlinear Systems Using the Robust Controller Bode (RCBode) Plot, pp. 1414-1419. |
Taylor, Jd |
Carnegie Mellon Univ. |
Messner, William |
Carnegie Mellon Univ. |
16:30-16:50 |
WeC08.4 |
Invariance Kernels of Single-Input Planar Nonlinear Systems, pp. 1420-1425. |
Maggiore, Manfredi |
Univ. of Toronto |
Rawn, Barry |
Delft Univ. of Tech. |
Lehn, Peter |
Univ. of Toronto |
16:50-17:10 |
WeC08.5 |
Piecewise Smooth Approximate Solutions to the Nonlinear Output Regulation PDE, pp. 1426-1427. |
Aguilar, Cesar O |
Naval Postgraduate School |
Krener, Arthur J |
Naval Postgraduate School |
17:10-17:30 |
WeC08.6 |
On Tracking for the PVTOL Model with Bounded Feedbacks, pp. 1428-1433. |
Gruszka, Aleksandra |
Louisiana State Univ. |
Malisoff, Michael |
Louisiana State Univ. |
Mazenc, Frederic |
Continental 8 |
Stability of Hybrid Systems (Regular Session) |
Chair: Cai, Chaohong |
United Tech. Res. Center |
Co-Chair: Daafouz, Jamal |
CRAN, UMR CNRS - Nancy Univ. |
15:30-15:50 |
WeC09.1 |
Dwell-Time Approach to Input-Output Stability Properties for Discrete-Time Linear Hybrid Systems, pp. 1434-1439. |
Cai, Chaohong |
Pratt & Whitney |
15:50-16:10 |
WeC09.2 |
Stability of Switched Block Upper-Triangular Linear Systems with Bounded Switching Delay: Application to Large Distributed Systems, pp. 1440-1445. |
Matni, Nikolai |
Caltech |
Oishi, Meeko |
Univ. of British Columbia |
16:10-16:30 |
WeC09.3 |
Stability of a Class of Linear Switching Systems with Applications to Two Consensus Problems, pp. 1446-1451. |
Su, Youfeng |
The Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong |
Huang, Jie |
The Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong |
16:30-16:50 |
WeC09.4 |
Ellipsoidal Invariant Sets for Saturated Hybrid Systems, pp. 1452-1457. |
Fiacchini, Mirko |
LAAS-CNRS Toulouse |
Tarbouriech, Sophie |
Prieur, Christophe |
Gipsa-Lab. |
16:50-17:10 |
WeC09.5 |
Stability of Switched Stochastic Dynamical Systems Driven by Brownian Motion and Markov Modulated Compound Poisson Process, pp. 1458-1463. |
Cetinkaya, Ahmet |
Tokyo Inst. of Tech. |
Hayakawa, Tomohisa |
Tokyo Inst. of Tech. |
17:10-17:30 |
WeC09.6 |
Stability of Planar Singularly Perturbed Switched Systems, pp. 1464-1469. |
El Hachemi, Fouad |
CRAN CNRS Nancy Univ. |
Sigalotti, Mario |
INRIA Nancy - Grand Est |
Daafouz, Jamal |
CRAN, UMR CNRS - Nancy Univ. |
Continental 9 |
Optimal Control III (Regular Session) |
Chair: Sideris, Athanasios |
Univ. of California at Irvine |
Co-Chair: Diersing, Ronald |
Univ. of Southern Indiana |
15:30-15:50 |
WeC10.1 |
A Sequential Linear Quadratic Approach for Constrained Nonlinear Optimal Control, pp. 1470-1475. |
Rodriguez, Luis Alberto |
Univ. of California Irvine |
Sideris, Athanasios |
Univ. of California at Irvine |
15:50-16:10 |
WeC10.2 |
An Algorithm for State Constrained Stochastic Linear-Quadratic Control, pp. 1476-1481. |
Zhou, Zhou |
Univ. of Virginia |
Cogill, Randy |
Univ. of Virginia |
16:10-16:30 |
WeC10.3 |
Optimal "Aiming Off": Stochastic Path Planning with One-Dimensional Features, pp. 1482-1487. |
Temple, Tom |
Frazzoli, Emilio |
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
16:30-16:50 |
WeC10.4 |
Infinite-Horizon, Multiple-Cumulant Cost Density-Shaping for Stochastic Optimal Control, pp. 1488-1493. |
Zyskowski, Matthew |
Univ. of Notre Dame |
Diersing, Ronald |
Univ. of Southern Indiana |
16:50-17:10 |
WeC10.5 |
Multiplayer Nash Solution for Noncooperative Cost Density-Shaping Games, pp. 1494-1499. |
Zyskowski, Matthew |
Univ. of Notre Dame |
Diersing, Ronald |
Univ. of Southern Indiana |
17:10-17:30 |
WeC10.6 |
Distributed Kalman Filtering Using the Internal Model Average Consensus Estimator, pp. 1500-1505. |
Bai, He |
UtopiaCompression |
Freeman, Randy |
Northwestern Univ. |
Lynch, Kevin M. |
Northwestern Univ. |
Golden Gate 1 |
Modeling and Control of Power Generation and Storage Systems (Invited Session) |
Chair: Soroush, Masoud |
Drexel Univ. |
Co-Chair: Stefanopoulou, Anna G. |
Univ. of Michigan |
Organizer: Soroush, Masoud |
Drexel Univ. |
Organizer: Baldea, Michael |
Praxair, Inc. |
15:30-15:50 |
WeC11.1 |
Steady-State Multiplicity in a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (I), pp. 1506-1511. |
Bavarian, Mona |
Drexel Univ. |
Soroush, Masoud |
Drexel Univ. |
15:50-16:10 |
WeC11.2 |
Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulation of Surface Heterogeneity in Graphite Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries: Passive Layer Formation (I), pp. 1512-1517. |
Methekar, Ravi N. |
Washington Univ. in St. Louis |
Northrop, Paul W.C. |
Washington Univ. in St. Louis |
Chen, Kejia |
Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Braatz, Richard D. |
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
Subramanian, Venkat R. |
Washington Univ. in St. Louis |
16:10-16:30 |
WeC11.3 |
Control of an Energy Integrated Solid Oxide Fuel Cell System (I), pp. 1518-1523. |
Georgis, Dimitrios |
Univ. of Minnesota |
Jogwar, Sujit S. |
Univ. of Minnesota |
Almansoori, Ali S. |
The Petroleum Inst. |
Daoutidis, Prodromos |
Univ. of Minnesota |
16:30-16:50 |
WeC11.4 |
Nitrogen Blanketing Front Equilibria in Dead End Anode Fuel Cell Operation (I), pp. 1524-1529. |
Chen, Jixin |
Univ. of Michigan |
Siegel, Jason B. |
Univ. of Michigan |
Stefanopoulou, Anna G. |
Univ. of Michigan |
16:50-17:10 |
WeC11.5 |
Control of a Large Scale Solar Thermal Energy Storage System (I), pp. 1530-1535. |
Powell, Kody |
Univ. of Texas at Austin |
Edgar, Thomas F. |
Univ. of Texas at Austin |
17:10-17:30 |
WeC11.6 |
Optimal Power Flow with Distributed Energy Storage Dynamics, pp. 1536-1542. |
Gayme, Dennice |
California Inst. of Tech. |
Topcu, Ufuk |
California Inst. of Tech. |
Golden Gate 2 |
Diesel Engine Emissions and Control (Invited Session) |
Chair: Karnik, Amey |
Ford Motor Company |
Co-Chair: Wang, Junmin |
The Ohio State Univ. |
Organizer: Karnik, Amey |
Ford Motor Company |
Organizer: Onori, Simona |
Ohio State Univ. |
Organizer: Mohammadpour, Javad |
Univ. of Houston |
Organizer: Vermillion, Christopher |
Altaeros Energies |
Organizer: Shilpiekandula, Vijay |
Mitsubishi Electrical Res. Lab. |
15:30-15:50 |
WeC12.1 |
PCA-Based Linear Parameter Varying Control of SCR Aftertreatment Systems (I), pp. 1543-1548. |
Meisami-Azad, Mona |
Univ. of Houston |
Mohammadpour, Javad |
Univ. of Houston |
Grigoriadis, Karolos M. |
Univ. of Houston |
Harold, Michael |
Univ. of Houston |
Franchek, Matthew A. |
Univ. of Houston |
15:50-16:10 |
WeC12.2 |
An Exhaust Manifold Pressure Estimator for a Two-Stage Turbocharged Diesel Engine (I), pp. 1549-1554. |
Chiara, Fabio |
The Ohio State Univ. |
Canova, Marcello |
The Ohio State Univ. |
Wang, Yue-Yun |
General Motors Company |
16:10-16:30 |
WeC12.3 |
Control-Oriented Modeling of Diesel Engine Gas Exchange (I), pp. 1555-1560. |
Kocher, Lyle |
Purdue Univ. |
Koeberlein, Edward |
Purdue Univ. School of Mechanical Engineering |
Stricker, Karla |
Purdue Univ. |
Van Alstine, Dan |
Purdue Univ. School of Mechanical Engineering |
Biller, Brandon |
Purdue Univ. School of Mechanical Engineering |
Shaver, Gregory M. |
Purdue Univ. |
16:30-16:50 |
WeC12.4 |
Control of Dual Loop EGR Air-Path Systems for Advanced Combustion Diesel Engines by a Singular Perturbation Methodology (I), pp. 1561-1566. |
Yan, Fengjun |
The Ohio State Univ. |
Wang, Junmin |
The Ohio State Univ. |
16:50-17:10 |
WeC12.5 |
Model Based Failure Detection of Diesel Particulate Filter (I), pp. 1567-1572. |
Gupta, Aniket |
Univ. of Houston |
Franchek, Matthew A. |
Univ. of Houston |
Grigoriadis, Karolos M. |
Univ. of Houston |
Smith, Daniel |
Cummins |
17:10-17:30 |
WeC12.6 |
Fuel-Assisted In-Cylinder Oxygen Fraction Transient Trajectory Shaping Control for Diesel Engine Combustion Mode Switching, pp. 1573-1578. |
Yan, Fengjun |
The Ohio State Univ. |
Wang, Junmin |
The Ohio State Univ. |
Golden Gate 3 |
Flight Control (Regular Session) |
Chair: Zhu, J. Jim |
Ohio Univ. |
Co-Chair: Pei, Hai-Long |
South China Univ. of Tech. |
15:30-15:50 |
WeC13.1 |
Velocity and Heading Tracking Control for Small-Scale Unmanned Helicopters, pp. 1579-1586. |
Raptis, Ioannis |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Valavanis, Kimon |
Univ. of Denver |
15:50-16:10 |
WeC13.2 |
Following Straight Line and Orbital Paths with Input Constraints, pp. 1587-1592. |
Beard, Randy |
Brigham Young Univ. |
Humpherys, Jeffrey |
Brigham Young Univ. |
16:10-16:30 |
WeC13.3 |
Trajectory Tracking Control of a Small Unmanned Helicopter Using MPC and Backstepping, pp. 1593-1597. |
Zhou, Hongbo |
South China Univ. of Tech. |
Pei, Hai-Long |
South China Univ. of Tech. |
Zhao, Yunji |
School of Automation Science and Engineering, South China Univ. |
16:30-16:50 |
WeC13.4 |
Sliding Mode Based Integrated Guidance and Autopilot for Chasing UAV with the Concept of Time-Scaled Dynamic Inversion, pp. 1598-1603. |
Yamasaki, Takeshi |
National Defense Acad. |
Balakrishnan, S.N. |
Missouri Univ. of Science and Tech. |
Takano, Hiroyuki |
National Defense Acad. |
16:50-17:10 |
WeC13.5 |
Stability Derivatives for a Flapping Wing MAV in a Hover Condition Using Local Averaging, pp. 1604-1609. |
Orlowski, Christopher |
Univ. of Michigan |
Girard, Anouck |
Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor |
17:10-17:30 |
WeC13.6 |
6DOF Flight Control of Fixed-Wing Aircraft by Trajectory Linearization, pp. 1610-1617. |
Adami, Tony |
Ohio Univ. |
Zhu, J. Jim |
Ohio Univ. |
Golden Gate 4 |
Cooperative Control III (Regular Session) |
Chair: How, Jonathan P. |
Co-Chair: Ren, Wei |
Utah State Univ. |
15:30-15:50 |
WeC14.1 |
Distributed Multi-Agent Coordination: A Comparison Lemma Based Approach, pp. 1618-1623. |
Cao, Yongcan |
Utah State Univ. |
Ren, Wei |
Utah State Univ. |
15:50-16:10 |
WeC14.2 |
Distributed Discrete-Time Coordinated Tracking for Networked Single-Integrator Agents under a Markovian Switching Topology, pp. 1624-1629. |
Zhao, Huanyu |
Nanjing Univ. of Science and Tech. |
Ren, Wei |
Utah State Univ. |
Xu, Shengyuan |
The Univ. of Hong Kong |
Yuan, Deming |
Nanjing Univ. of Science & Tech. |
16:10-16:30 |
WeC14.3 |
3D Cooperative Localization and Mapping: Observability Analysis, pp. 1630-1635. |
Cristofaro, Andrea |
Univ. of Camerino |
Martinelli, Agostino |
16:30-16:50 |
WeC14.4 |
Fuzzy Sliding-Mode Consensus Control for Multi-Agent Systems, pp. 1636-1641. |
Chang, Yeong-Hwa |
Chang Gung Univ. |
Chang, Chia-Wen |
Chang Gung Univ. |
Chan, Wei-Shou |
Chang Gung Univ. |
16:50-17:10 |
WeC14.5 |
Decentralized Task Allocation with Coupled Constraints in Complex Missions, pp. 1642-1649. |
Whitten, Andrew K. |
Choi, Han-Lim |
Johnson, Luke |
MIT Aerospace Controls Lab. |
How, Jonathan P. |
17:10-17:30 |
WeC14.6 |
Distributed Computation of the Average of Multiple Time-Varying Reference Signals, pp. 1650-1655. |
Chen, Fei |
Utah State Univ. |
Cao, Yongcan |
Utah State Univ. |
Ren, Wei |
Utah State Univ. |
Golden Gate 5 |
Networked Control Systems III (Regular Session) |
Chair: Han, Qing-Long |
Central Queensland Univ. |
Co-Chair: Antunes, Duarte |
Inst. Superior Tecnico, Lisbon |
15:30-15:50 |
WeC15.1 |
Observer-Based Output Tracking Control for a Class of Linear Networked Control Systems, pp. 1656-1661. |
Zhang, Dawei |
Central Queensland Univ. |
Han, Qing-Long |
Central Queensland Univ. |
15:50-16:10 |
WeC15.2 |
Synthesis of Dynamic Quantizers for Quantized Feedback Systems within Invariant Set Analysis Framework, pp. 1662-1667. |
Sawada, Kenji |
Univ. of Electro-Communications |
Shin, Seiichi |
Univ. of Electro-Communciations |
16:10-16:30 |
WeC15.3 |
Accelerated Gradient Methods for Networked Optimization, pp. 1668-1673. |
Ghadimi, Euhanna |
Johansson, Mikael |
Royal Inst. of Tech. |
Shames, Iman |
The Royal Inst. of Tech. |
16:30-16:50 |
WeC15.4 |
Event-Triggered Real-Time Scheduling for Stabilization of Passive and Output Feedback Passive Systems, pp. 1674-1679. |
Yu, Han |
Univ. of Notre Dame |
Antsaklis, Panos J. |
Univ. of Notre Dame |
16:50-17:10 |
WeC15.5 |
Robust Partially Mode Delay-Dependent H-Infinity Output Feedback Control of Discrete-Time Networked Control Systems, pp. 1680-1685. |
Chae, Seunghwan |
Univ. of Auckland |
Huang, Dan |
Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ. |
Nguang, Sing Kiong |
The Univ. of Auckland |
17:10-17:30 |
WeC15.6 |
Stochastic Networked Control Systems with Dynamic Protocols, pp. 1686-1691. |
Antunes, Duarte |
Inst. Superior Tecnico, Lisbon |
Hespanha, Joao P. |
Univ. of California, Santa Barbara |
Silvestre, Carlos |
Inst. Superior Tecnico |
Golden Gate 6 |
Nonholonomic Systems (Regular Session) |
Chair: Jarzebowska, Elzbieta |
Warsaw Univ. of Tech. |
Co-Chair: Kozlowski, Krzysztof R. |
Poznan Univ. of Tech. |
15:30-15:50 |
WeC16.1 |
Collision-Free Trajectory Generation of Robotic Manipulators Using Receding Horizon Strategy, pp. 1692-1697. |
Chung, Hoam |
Monash Univ. |
Jeon, Soo |
Univ. of Waterloo |
15:50-16:10 |
WeC16.2 |
Path Planning of a Dubins Vehicle for Sequential Target Observation with Ranged Sensors, pp. 1698-1703. |
Hanson, Clarence |
Univ. of Michigan |
Richardson, Jeremy |
Univ. of Michigan |
Girard, Anouck |
Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor |
16:10-16:30 |
WeC16.3 |
Algorithms for the Traveling Salesman Problem with Neighborhoods Involving a Dubins Vehicle, pp. 1704-1709. |
Isaacs, Jason T. |
Univ. of California, Santa Barbara |
Klein, Daniel J. |
Univ. of California, Santa Barbara |
Hespanha, Joao P. |
Univ. of California, Santa Barbara |
16:30-16:50 |
WeC16.4 |
Tracking Control of a Nonholonomic Ground Vehicle, pp. 1710-1713. |
Medina-Garciadiego, Veronica |
Virginia Pol. Inst. and State Univ. |
Leonessa, Alexander |
Virginia Tech. |
16:50-17:10 |
WeC16.5 |
A Unified Control Architecture for Navigation of Nonholonomic Systems, pp. 1714-1719. |
Jarzebowska, Elzbieta |
Warsaw Univ. of Tech. |
17:10-17:30 |
WeC16.6 |
A Finite-Time Tracker for Nonholonomic Systems Using Recursive Singularity-Free FTSM, pp. 1720-1725. |
Mobayen, Saleh |
Tarbiat Modares Univ. |
Yazdanpanah, M. J. |
Tehran Univ. |
Majd, Vahid Johari |
Associate Professor, Tarbiat Modares Univ. |
Golden Gate 7 |
Unmanned Vehicle Technologies (Industrial Session) |
Chair: Krishnamurthy, Prashanth |
Pol. Inst. of NYU |
Co-Chair: Khorrami, Farshad |
Pol. Inst. of NYU |
15:30-16:10 |
WeC17.1 |
Autonomous Navigation and Obstacle Avoidance Systems for Unmanned Vehicles*. |
Krishnamurthy, Prashanth |
FarCo Tech. Inc. |
Khorrami, Farshad |
Pol. Inst. of NYU |
16:10-16:30 |
WeC17.2 |
Applying 3D Perception and Closed Loop Control Solutions to Large Unmanned Vehicle Applications*. |
Torrie, Mel |
Autonomous Solutions, Inc. |
16:30-16:50 |
WeC17.3 |
Development of a High-Integrity Optionally Piloted Black Hawk Helicopter*. |
Cherepinsky, Igor |
Sikorsky Aircraft |
16:50-17:10 |
WeC17.4 |
Feature-Based Navigation of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV)*. |
Tangirala, Sekhar |
Lockheed Martin |
Debrunner, Christian |
Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control |
Feldman, Walter |
17:10-17:30 |
WeC17.5 |
On-Board Vision Processing/Terminal Guidance for Small UAS*. |
Barber, Blake |
Procerus Tech. |
Andersen, Evan |
Procerus Tech. |
Johnson, Neil |
Procerus Tech. |
Griffiths, Stephen |
UAV Avionics and Vision Systems |
Golden Gate 8 |
An Introduction to Option Trading from a Control Perspective (Tutorial Session) |
Chair: Primbs, James A. |
Stanford Univ. |
Co-Chair: Barmish, B. Ross |
Univ. of Wisconsin |
Organizer: Primbs, James A. |
Stanford Univ. |
Organizer: Barmish, B. Ross |
Univ. of Wisconsin |
15:30-15:50 |
WeC18.1 |
Introduction and Stock Market Basics (I)*. |
Barmish, B. Ross |
Univ. of Wisconsin |
15:50-16:10 |
WeC18.2 |
Option Basics (I)*. |
Barmish, B. Ross |
Univ. of Wisconsin |
16:10-16:30 |
WeC18.3 |
ACC 2011 Tutorial Session: An Introduction to Option Trading from a Control Perspective (I), pp. 1726-1728. |
Primbs, James A. |
Stanford Univ. |
Barmish, B. Ross |
Univ. of Wisconsin |
16:30-16:50 |
WeC18.4 |
Options As Building Blocks (I)*. |
Barmish, B. Ross |
Univ. of Wisconsin |
16:50-17:10 |
WeC18.5 |
Case Study and Introduction to Hedging (I)*. |
Primbs, James A. |
Stanford Univ. |
Barmish, B. Ross |
Univ. of Wisconsin |
17:10-17:30 |
WeC18.6 |
Connections to Control (I)*. |
Primbs, James A. |
Stanford Univ. |
Technical Program for Thursday June 30, 2011
Continental 4-6 |
Feedback Control of the Artificial Pancreas (Plenary Session) |
Chair: Grover, Martha |
Georgia Tech |
08:00-09:00 |
ThP1.1 |
Feedback Control of the Artificial Pancreas*. |
Doyle III, Francis J. |
UC Santa Barbara |
Franciscan A |
Adaptive Control IV (Regular Session) |
Chair: Miyasato, Yoshihiko |
Inst. of Statistical Mathematics |
Co-Chair: Bloom, Marc |
New York Univ. |
09:30-09:50 |
ThA01.1 |
L1-Adaptive Methods for Control of Patient Response to Anesthesia, pp. 1729-1735. |
Ralph, Matthew |
Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Beck, Carolyn L. |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Bloom, Marc |
New York Univ. |
09:50-10:10 |
ThA01.2 |
Adaptive Control with Loop Transfer Recovery: A Kalman Filter Approach, pp. 1736-1741. |
Yucelen, Tansel |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Calise, Anthony J. |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
10:10-10:30 |
ThA01.3 |
Adaptive Operational Space Control of Redundant Robot Manipulators, pp. 1742-1747. |
Tee, Keng Peng |
Inst. for Infocomm Res. |
Yan, Rui |
Inst. forInfocommResearch,AgencyforScience,Tech. Res. |
10:30-10:50 |
ThA01.4 |
Adaptation Along Prescribed Directions, pp. 1748-1752. |
Lavretsky, Eugene |
The Boeing Co. |
10:50-11:10 |
ThA01.5 |
Adaptive H-Infinity Formation Control for Euler-Lagrange Systems by Utilizing Neural Network Approximators, pp. 1753-1758. |
Miyasato, Yoshihiko |
Inst. of Statistical Mathematics |
11:10-11:30 |
ThA01.6 |
Unfalsified Adaptive Control with Weak Cost-Detectability, pp. 1759-1764. |
Cheong, Seunggyun |
Franciscan B |
Estimation and Control of DPS I (Invited Session) |
Chair: Demetriou, Michael A. |
Worcester Pol. Inst. |
Co-Chair: Bentsman, Joseph |
Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Chyampaign |
Organizer: Demetriou, Michael A. |
Worcester Pol. Inst. |
09:30-09:50 |
ThA02.1 |
Nonlinear Model Reduction for Fluid Flows (I), pp. 1765-1769. |
Sahyoun, Samir |
Univ. of Tennessee |
Djouadi, Seddik, M. |
Univ. of Tennessee |
09:50-10:10 |
ThA02.2 |
State Estimation of Spatially Distributed Processes Using Mobile Sensing Agents (I), pp. 1770-1776. |
Demetriou, Michael A. |
Worcester Pol. Inst. |
Ucinski, Dariusz |
Univ. of Zielona Gora |
10:10-10:30 |
ThA02.3 |
Robust Periodic Reference Tracking by Stable Uncertain Infinite-Dimensional Linear Systems (I), pp. 1777-1782. |
Natarajan, Vivek |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Bentsman, Joseph |
Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Chyampaign |
10:30-10:50 |
ThA02.4 |
Target Tracking Strategies for a Nonlinear, Flexible Aircraft-Inspired Model (I), pp. 1783-1788. |
Chakravarthy, Animesh |
Univ. |
Evans, Katie |
Louisiana Tech. Univ. |
Evers, Johnny |
US Air Force |
Kuhn, Lisa |
Louisiana Tech. Univ. |
10:50-11:10 |
ThA02.5 |
Frechet Sensitivity Analysis for Partial Differential Equations with Distributed Parameters (I), pp. 1789-1794. |
Borggaard, Jeff |
Virginia Tech. |
Nunes, Vitor Leite |
Virginia Tech. |
11:10-11:30 |
ThA02.6 |
On the Strain Feedback Control of a Flexible Robot Arm (I), pp. 1795-1800. |
Morgul, Omer |
Bilkent Univ. |
Franciscan C |
Filtering (Regular Session) |
Chair: Cai, Yunze |
Shanghai Jiaotong Univ. |
Co-Chair: Ugrinovskii, Valery |
Univ. of New South Wales |
09:30-09:50 |
ThA03.1 |
Robust Hinfty Filter Design Using Frequency Gridding, pp. 1801-1806. |
Seiler, Peter |
Univ. of Minnesota |
Vanek, Balint |
Univ. of Minnesota |
Bokor, Jozsef |
MTA SZTAKI Hungarian Acad. of Sciences |
Balas, Gary J. |
Univ. of Minnesota |
09:50-10:10 |
ThA03.2 |
A General Perspective on Gaussian Filtering and Smoothing: Explaining Current and Deriving New Algorithms, pp. 1807-1812. |
Deisenroth, Marc Peter |
Univ. of Washington |
Ohlsson, Henrik |
Linköping Univ. |
10:10-10:30 |
ThA03.3 |
Robust Filtering for Networked Systems with Random Transmission Delays and Packet Dropouts, pp. 1813-1818. |
Cai, Yunze |
Shanghai Jiaotong Univ. |
Wang, Hua O. |
Boston Univ. |
Tanaka, Kazuo |
Univ. of Electro-Communications |
Xu, Xiaoming |
Shanghai Jiaotong Univ. |
10:30-10:50 |
ThA03.4 |
Saturated Particle Filter, pp. 1819-1824. |
Stano, Pawel Miroslaw |
Delft Univ. of Tech. |
Lendek, Zsofia |
Delft Univ. of Tech. |
Babuska, R. |
Delft Univ. of Tech. |
10:50-11:10 |
ThA03.5 |
Truncated Unscented Particle Filter, pp. 1825-1830. |
Straka, Ondrej |
Univ. of West Bohemia |
Dunik, Jindrich |
Univ. of West Bohemia |
Simandl, Miroslav |
Univ. of West Bohemia in Pilsen |
11:10-11:30 |
ThA03.6 |
Distributed $H_infty$ Filtering Over Randomly Switching Networks, pp. 1831-1836. |
Ugrinovskii, Valery |
Univ. of New South Wales |
Franciscan D |
Human-In-The-Loop Control (Regular Session) |
Chair: Frazzoli, Emilio |
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
Co-Chair: Davison, Daniel E. |
Univ. of Waterloo |
09:30-09:50 |
ThA04.1 |
On Multi-UAV Scheduling for Human Operator Target Identification, pp. 1837-1842. |
Ortiz, Andres |
Langbort, Cedric |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
09:50-10:10 |
ThA04.2 |
Adaptive Time Horizon Optimization in Model Predictive Control, pp. 1843-1848. |
Droge, Greg Nathanael |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Egerstedt, Magnus |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
10:10-10:30 |
ThA04.3 |
Dynamical Queue-Based Task Management Policies for Human Operators, pp. 1849-1854. |
Savla, Ketan |
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
Frazzoli, Emilio |
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
10:30-10:50 |
ThA04.4 |
Task Release Control for Decision Making Queues, pp. 1855-1860. |
Srivastava, Vaibhav |
Univ. of California Santa Barbara |
Carli, Ruggero |
Univ. of Padova |
Langbort, Cedric |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Bullo, Francesco |
Univ. California at Santa Barbara |
10:50-11:10 |
ThA04.5 |
Using Rewards to Change a Person's Behavior: A Double-Integrator Output-Feedback Dynamic Control Approach, pp. 1861-1866. |
Vanderwater, Ruth-Anne |
Univ. of Waterloo |
Davison, Daniel E. |
Univ. of Waterloo |
11:10-11:30 |
ThA04.6 |
Creation of a Driver Preference Objective Metric to Evaluate Ground Vehicle Steering Systems, pp. 1867-1872. |
Black, Jesse |
Clemson Univ. |
Iyasere, Erhun |
Clemson Univ. |
Wagner, John R. |
Clemson Univ. |
Continental 1 |
Computational Methods (Regular Session) |
Chair: Cogill, Randy |
Univ. of Virginia |
Co-Chair: Cogill, Randy |
Univ. of Virginia |
09:30-09:50 |
ThA05.1 |
Reconciliation-Based Dynamic Cost Analysis System for a Methanol Plant, pp. 1873-1876. |
Zhao, Xia |
Shanghai Jiaotong Univ. |
Wu Shengxi, Wushengxi |
East China Univ. of Science & Tenology |
Wang, Lin |
Shanghai Jiaotong Univ. |
Pan, Zhaohong |
Shanghai Huizhu Automation Engineering Res. Center |
09:50-10:10 |
ThA05.2 |
Computing Policies and Performance Bounds for Deterministic Dynamic Programs Using Mixed Integer Programming, pp. 1877-1884. |
Cogill, Randy |
Univ. of Virginia |
Hindi, Haitham |
Palo Alto Res. Center (PARC) |
10:10-10:30 |
ThA05.3 |
Geometric Numerical Integration for Complex Dynamics of Tethered Spacecraft, pp. 1885-1891. |
Lee, Taeyoung |
Florida Inst. of Tech. |
Leok, Melvin |
Univ. of California, San Diego |
McClamroch, N. Harris |
Univ. of Michigan |
10:30-10:50 |
ThA05.4 |
A Chernoff Bound Approximation for Risk-Averse Integer Programming, pp. 1892-1897. |
Cogill, Randy |
Univ. of Virginia |
Zhou, Zhou |
Univ. of Virginia |
10:50-11:10 |
ThA05.5 |
On the Hyperplanes Arragements in Mixed-Integer Techniques, pp. 1898-1903. |
Stoican, Florin |
Prodan, Ionela |
SUPELEC Systems Sciences (E3S) |
Olaru, Sorin |
Supelec |
11:10-11:30 |
ThA05.6 |
Computationally Efficient Trajectory Optimization for Linear Control Systems with Input and State Constraints, pp. 1904-1909. |
Stumper, Jean-François |
Tech. Univ. München |
Kennel, Ralph |
Tech. Univ. München |
Continental 2 |
Control Applications II (Regular Session) |
Chair: Cockburn, Juan C. |
Rochester Inst. of Tech. |
Co-Chair: Vincent, Tyrone L. |
Colorado School of Mines |
09:30-09:50 |
ThA06.1 |
LIDAR-Based FX-RLS Feedforward Control for Wind Turbine Load Mitigation, pp. 1910-1915. |
Wang, Na |
Colorado School of Mines |
Johnson, Kathryn |
Colorado School of Mines |
Wright, Alan |
National Renewable Energy Lab. |
09:50-10:10 |
ThA06.2 |
Advanced Traveler Information System with Communication Constraints, pp. 1916-1921. |
Kumar, Rohit |
Boston Univ. |
Castanon, David A. |
Boston Univ. |
10:10-10:30 |
ThA06.3 |
Model Predictive Control for Spacecraft Rendezvous and Docking with a Rotating/Tumbling Platform and for Debris Avoidance, pp. 1922-1927. |
Park, Hyeongjun |
Univ. of Michigan |
Di Cairano, Stefano |
Ford Motor Company |
Kolmanovsky, Ilya V. |
The Univ. of Michigan |
10:30-10:50 |
ThA06.4 |
Optimal Train Control: Analysis of a New Local Optimization Principle (I), pp. 1928-1933. |
Albrecht, Amie Renee |
Univ. of South Australia |
Howlett, Philip George |
Univ. of South Australia |
Pudney, Peter |
Univ. of South Australia |
Vu, Xuan |
TTG Transportation Tech. Pty Ltd |
10:50-11:10 |
ThA06.5 |
Robust Control of Predator-Prey-Hunter Systems, pp. 1934-1939. |
Cockburn, Juan C. |
Rochester Inst. of Tech. |
McLoud, Ken |
Rochester Inst. of Tech. |
Wagner, Jeffrey |
Rochester Inst. of Tech. |
Continental 3 |
Multivariate Methods for Process Data Analysis (Invited Session) |
Chair: Hoo, Karlene |
Texas Tech. Univ. |
Co-Chair: Rhinehart, R. Russell |
Oklahoma State Univ. |
Organizer: Hoo, Karlene |
Texas Tech. Univ. |
Organizer: Rhinehart, R. Russell |
Oklahoma State Univ. |
09:30-09:50 |
ThA07.1 |
Anomaly Detection in Power Generation Plants Using Similarity-Based Modeling and Multivariate Analysis (I), pp. 1940-1945. |
Tobar, Felipe Arturo |
Imperial Coll. London |
Yacher, Luis |
CONTAC Ingenieros Ltda. |
Paredes, Rodrigo |
Endesa Chile |
Orchard, Marcos E. |
Univ. of Chile |
09:50-10:10 |
ThA07.2 |
Model Predictive Multivariate Control (MPMC) (I)*. |
McCready, Christopher |
Umetrics |
10:10-10:30 |
ThA07.3 |
Application of Multivariate Batch Data Analysis for Troubleshooting of End-Point Product Quality (I), pp. 1946-1951. |
Stefanov, Zdravko |
The Dow Chemical Company |
Chiang, Leo |
The Dow Chemical Company |
10:30-10:50 |
ThA07.4 |
Multivariate Statistical Analysis to Detect Insulin Infusion Set Failure (I), pp. 1952-1957. |
Rojas, Ruben |
Univ. de Los Andes |
Garcia-Gabin, Winston |
KTH Royal Inst. of Tech. |
Bequette, B. Wayne |
Rensselaer Pol. Inst. |
10:50-11:10 |
ThA07.5 |
Application of Partial Least Square Regression in Uncertainty Analysis (I), pp. 1958-1962. |
Hoo, Karlene |
Texas Tech. Univ. |
Chen, Yingying(Sophia) |
Texas Tech. Univ. |
11:10-11:30 |
ThA07.6 |
Bayesian Fault Isolation in Multivariate Statistical Process Monitoring, pp. 1963-1968. |
Gorinevsky, Dimitry |
Stanford Univ. |
Continental 7 |
Stability of Nonlinear Systems (Regular Session) |
Chair: Grip, Håvard Fjær |
Washington State Univ. |
Co-Chair: Jiang, Zhong-Ping |
Pol. Inst. NYU |
09:30-09:50 |
ThA08.1 |
Remarks on the Relationship between $mathcal{L}_p$ Stability and Internal Stability of Nonlinear Systems, pp. 1969-1970. |
Wang, Xu |
Washington State Univ. |
Grip, Håvard Fjær |
Washington State Univ. |
Saberi, Ali |
Washington State Univ. |
Stoorvogel, Anton A. |
Univ. of Twente |
Saberi, Ingmar |
Princeton Univ. |
09:50-10:10 |
ThA08.2 |
A Small-Gain Theorem and Construction of Sum-Type Lyapunov Functions for Networks of Iiss Systems, pp. 1971-1977. |
Ito, Hiroshi |
Kyushu Inst. of Tech. |
Jiang, Zhong-Ping |
Pol. Inst. NYU |
Dashkovskiy, Sergey |
Univ. of Bremen |
Rüffer, Björn Sebastian |
Univ. of Paderborn |
10:10-10:30 |
ThA08.3 |
Calculation of Lyapunov Exponents Using Radial Basis Function Networks for Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Control Systems, pp. 1978-1983. |
Sun, Yuming |
Univ. of Manitoba |
Wang, Xiangpeng |
XTech Inc. |
Wu, Qiong |
Univ. of Manitoba |
Sepehri, Nariman |
Uinversity of Manitoba |
10:30-10:50 |
ThA08.4 |
Input-To-State Stability for Curve Tracking Control: A Constructive Approach, pp. 1984-1989. |
Malisoff, Michael |
Louisiana State Univ. |
Mazenc, Frederic |
Zhang, Fumin |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
10:50-11:10 |
ThA08.5 |
A Generalized Zames-Falb Multiplier, pp. 1990-1993. |
Materassi, Donatello |
Univ. of Minnesota |
Salapaka, Murti V. |
Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis |
11:10-11:30 |
ThA08.6 |
Enlarging Domain of Attraction of Switched Linear Systems in the Presence of Saturation Nonlinearity, pp. 1994-1999. |
Dehghan, Masood |
National Univ. of Singapore |
Ong, Chong-Jin |
National Univ. of Singapore |
Chen, Peter C. Y. |
National Univ. of Singapore |
Continental 8 |
Switched Systems I (Regular Session) |
Chair: Sznaier, Mario |
Northeastern Univ. |
Co-Chair: Canudas de Wit, Carlos |
09:30-09:50 |
ThA09.1 |
Adaptive Control of Piecewise Linear Systems: The Output Tracking Case, pp. 2000-2005. |
Sang, Qian |
Univ. of Virginia |
Tao, Gang |
Univ. of Virginia |
09:50-10:10 |
ThA09.2 |
Bounded Complexity L-Infinity Filters for Switched Systems, pp. 2006-2011. |
Sznaier, Mario |
Northeastern Univ. |
Yilmaz, Burak |
Northeastern Univ. |
Blanchini, Franco |
Univ. degli Studi di Udine |
10:10-10:30 |
ThA09.3 |
Highway Traffic Model-Based Density Estimation, pp. 2012-2017. |
Morarescu, Irinel Constantin |
Canudas de Wit, Carlos |
10:30-10:50 |
ThA09.4 |
A Split and Merge Algorithm for Identification of Piecewise Affine Systems, pp. 2018-2023. |
Baptista, Roberto S. |
Univ. de Brasilia |
Ishihara, João Yoshiyuki |
Univ. of BrasÃlia |
Borges, Geovany A. |
Univ. de Brasilia |
10:50-11:10 |
ThA09.5 |
Single Integration Optimization of Linear Time-Varying Switched Systems, pp. 2024-2030. |
Caldwell, Timothy |
Northwestern Univ. |
Murphey, Todd |
Northwestern Univ. |
11:10-11:30 |
ThA09.6 |
An Adaptive Predictor Corrector Strategy for Output Feedback Control of Nonlinear Hybrid Process Systems, pp. 2031-2036. |
Hu, Ye |
Univ. of California, Davis |
El-Farra, Nael H. |
Univ. of California, Davis |
Continental 9 |
Optimal Control IV (Regular Session) |
Chair: Jovanovic, Mihailo |
Univ. of Minnesota |
Co-Chair: Mukaidani, Hiroaki |
Hiroshima Univ. |
09:30-09:50 |
ThA10.1 |
A Mean-Field Control-Oriented Approach to Particle Filtering, pp. 2037-2043. |
Yang, Tao |
Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Mehta, Prashant G. |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Meyn, Sean |
Univ. of Illinois |
09:50-10:10 |
ThA10.2 |
Global Optimization of Three-Input Systems Using Multi-Unit Extremum Seeking Control, pp. 2044-2049. |
Esmaeilzadeh Azar, Farhad |
Ec. Pol. Montreal |
Perrier, Michel |
Ec. Pol. |
Srinivasan, B. |
Ec. Pol. Montreal |
10:10-10:30 |
ThA10.3 |
Sparsity-Promoting Optimal Control for a Class of Distributed Systems, pp. 2050-2055. |
Fardad, Makan |
Syracuse Univ. |
Lin, Fu |
Univ. of Minnesota |
Jovanovic, Mihailo |
Univ. of Minnesota |
10:30-10:50 |
ThA10.4 |
Hamiltonian Approach Using Partial Differential Equations for Open-Loop Stochastic Optimal Control, pp. 2056-2061. |
Palmer, Aaron |
UC Santa Cruz |
Milutinovic, Dejan |
Univ. of California at Santa Cruz |
10:50-11:10 |
ThA10.5 |
Nash Strategy for Stochastic Delay Systems, pp. 2062-2064. |
Mukaidani, Hiroaki |
Hiroshima Univ. |
Yamamoto, Toru |
Hiroshima Univ. |
Xu, Hua |
Univ. of Tsukuba |
Golden Gate 1 |
Building Energy Systems (Invited Session) |
Chair: Hencey, Brandon |
Cornell Univ. |
Co-Chair: Borrelli, Francesco |
Unversity of California at Berkeley |
Organizer: Hencey, Brandon |
Cornell Univ. |
Organizer: Borrelli, Francesco |
Unversity of California at Berkeley |
09:30-09:50 |
ThA11.1 |
Cascaded Superheat Control with a Multiple Evaporator Refrigeration System (I), pp. 2065-2070. |
Elliott, Matthew |
Texas A&M Univ. |
Estrada, Carolyn |
Texas A&M Univ. |
Rasmussen, Bryan |
Texas A&M Univ. |
09:50-10:10 |
ThA11.2 |
Optimal Control Architecture Selection for Thermal Control of Buildings (I), pp. 2071-2076. |
Chandan, Vikas |
Univ. of Illinois |
Alleyne, Andrew G. |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
10:10-10:30 |
ThA11.3 |
A Method for Model-Reduction of Nonlinear Building Thermal Dynamics (I), pp. 2077-2082. |
Goyal, Siddharth |
Univ. of Florida |
Barooah, Prabir |
Univ. of Florida |
10:30-10:50 |
ThA11.4 |
Reduced-Order Models for Control of Stratified Flows in Buildings (I), pp. 2083-2088. |
Ahuja, Sunil |
United Tech. Res. Center |
Surana, Amit |
United Tech. Res. Center |
Cliff, Eugene M. |
Virginia Tech. |
10:50-11:10 |
ThA11.5 |
A Distributed Predictive Control Approach to Building Temperature Regulation (I), pp. 2089-2094. |
Ma, Yudong |
UC berkeley CA USA |
Garrett, Andersen |
Univ. of California at Berkeley |
Borrelli, Francesco |
Unversity of California at Berkeley |
11:10-11:30 |
ThA11.6 |
A Novel Stochastic Agent-Based Model of Building Occupancy, pp. 2095-2100. |
Liao, Chenda |
Univ. of Florida |
Barooah, Prabir |
Univ. of Florida |
Golden Gate 2 |
Energy Management Strategies for Hybrid Electric Vehicles (Invited Session) |
Chair: Onori, Simona |
Ohio State Univ. |
Co-Chair: Phillips, Anthony M. |
Ford Motor Co. |
Organizer: Onori, Simona |
Ohio State Univ. |
Organizer: Karnik, Amey |
Ford Motor Company |
Organizer: Mohammadpour, Javad |
Univ. of Houston |
Organizer: Vermillion, Christopher |
Altaeros Energies |
Organizer: Shilpiekandula, Vijay |
Mitsubishi Electrical Res. Lab. |
09:30-09:50 |
ThA12.1 |
Engine Power Smoothing Energy Management Strategy for a Series Hybrid Electric Vehicle (I), pp. 2101-2106. |
Di Cairano, Stefano |
Ford Motor Company |
Liang, Wei |
Ford Motor Company |
Kolmanovsky, Ilya V. |
The Univ. of Michigan |
Kuang, Ming L. |
Ford Motor Co. |
Phillips, Anthony M. |
Ford Motor Co. |
09:50-10:10 |
ThA12.2 |
Strategy to Minimize Fuel Consumption of Passenger Cars During Car Following Scenarios (I), pp. 2107-2112. |
Li, Shengbo |
Univ. of Michigan |
Peng, Huei |
Univ. of Michigan |
10:10-10:30 |
ThA12.3 |
Real-Time Energy Management and Sensitivity Study for Hybrid Electric Vehicles (I), pp. 2113-2118. |
Fu, Lina |
Ohio State Univ. |
Ozguner, Umit |
Ohio State Univ. |
Tulpule, Pinak |
The Ohio State Univ. |
Marano, Vincenzo |
The Ohio State Univ. |
10:30-10:50 |
ThA12.4 |
The Role of ITS in PHEV Performance Improvement (I), pp. 2119-2124. |
Gong, Qiuming |
The Ohio State Univ. |
Tulpule, Pinak |
The Ohio State Univ. |
Marano, Vincenzo |
The Ohio State Univ. |
Midlam-Mohler, Shawn |
Ohio State Univ. |
Rizzoni, Giorgio |
Ohio State Univ. |
10:50-11:10 |
ThA12.5 |
Optimal Energy Management of Hybrid Electric Vehicles Including Battery Aging, pp. 2125-2130. |
Serrao, Lorenzo |
IFP Energies nouvelles |
Onori, Simona |
Ohio State Univ. |
Sciarretta, Antonio |
Swiss Federal Inst. of Tech. |
Guezennec, Yann |
Ohio State Univ. |
Rizzoni, Giorgio |
Ohio State Univ. |
11:10-11:30 |
ThA12.6 |
Optimal Control of Hybrid Electric Vehicles with Power Split and Torque Split Strategies: A Comparative Case Study, pp. 2131-2136. |
Weng, Caihao |
Univ. of Michigan |
Wang, Yigang |
Eaton Corp. |
Tsourapas, Vasilios |
Eaton Corp. |
Patil, Chinmaya |
The Univ. of Texas at Austin |
Sun, Jing |
Univ. of Michigan |
Golden Gate 3 |
Air Traffic Control (Invited Session) |
Chair: Feron, Eric |
Georgia Tech. |
Co-Chair: Balakrishnan, Hamsa |
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
Organizer: Feron, Eric |
Georgia Tech. |
Organizer: Balakrishnan, Hamsa |
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
09:30-09:50 |
ThA13.1 |
Decentralized Flight Path Planning for Air Traffic Management (I), pp. 2137-2142. |
Zhang, Wei |
Univ. of California at Berkeley |
Kamgarpour, Maryam |
Univ. of California, Berkeley |
Sun, Dengfeng |
Purdue Univ. |
Tomlin, Claire J. |
UC Berkeley |
09:50-10:10 |
ThA13.2 |
Light Propagation Algorithm for Aircraft Trajectory Planning (I), pp. 2143-2147. |
Daniel, Delahaye |
Dougui, Nour Elhouda |
10:10-10:30 |
ThA13.3 |
BETA-MESH - a Dynamic 3D Mesh Modelization (I), pp. 2148-2153. |
Hadjaz, Areski |
Marceau Caron, Gaetan |
10:30-10:50 |
ThA13.4 |
Air Traffic Complexity and the Interacting Particle System Method: An Integrated Approach for Collision Risk Estimation (I), pp. 2154-2159. |
Prandini, Maria |
Pol. di Milano |
Blom, Henk A.P. |
National Aerospace Lab. NLR |
Bakker, Bert G.J. |
National Aerospace Lab. NLR |
10:50-11:10 |
ThA13.5 |
Estimation of Maximum-Likelihood Discrete-Choice Models of the Runway Configuration Selection Process (I), pp. 2160-2167. |
Ramanujam, Varun |
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
Balakrishnan, Hamsa |
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
11:10-11:30 |
ThA13.6 |
Stability of Spatially Distributed, Intersecting Aircraft Flows under Sequential Conflict Resolution Schemes (I), pp. 2168-2173. |
Hand, Troy |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Mao, Zhi-Hong |
Univ. of Pittsburgh |
Feron, Eric |
Georgia Tech. |
Golden Gate 4 |
Cooperative Control IV (Regular Session) |
Chair: Ren, Wei |
Utah State Univ. |
Co-Chair: Wang, Dan |
Dalian Maritime Univ. |
09:30-09:50 |
ThA14.1 |
Decentralized Cooperative Control of Autonomous Surface Vehicles  with Uncertain Dynamics: A Dynamic Surface  Approach, pp. 2174-2179. |
Peng, Zhouhua |
Dalian Maritime Univ. |
Wang, Dan |
Dalian Maritime Univ. |
Lan, Weiyao |
Xiamen Univ. |
Li, Xiaoqiang |
Dalian Maritime Univ. |
Sun, Gang |
Dalian Maritime Univ. |
09:50-10:10 |
ThA14.2 |
On Distributed Maximization of Algebraic Connectivity in Robotic Networks, pp. 2180-2185. |
Simonetto, Andrea |
Delft Univ. of Tech. |
Keviczky, Tamas |
Delft Univ. of Tech. |
Babuska, R. |
Delft Univ. of Tech. |
10:10-10:30 |
ThA14.3 |
Containment Control for Multiple Euler-Lagrange Systems with Parametric Uncertainties in Directed Networks, pp. 2186-2191. |
Mei, Jie |
Utah State Univ. |
Ren, Wei |
Utah State Univ. |
Ma, Guangfu |
Harbin Inst. of Tech. |
10:30-10:50 |
ThA14.4 |
Distributed Coordinated Tracking with Multiple Dynamic Leaders for Double-Integrator Agents Using Only Position Measurements, pp. 2192-2197. |
Li, Jianzhen |
Nanjing Univ. of Science and Tech. |
Ren, Wei |
Utah State Univ. |
Xu, Shengyuan |
The Univ. of Hong Kong |
10:50-11:10 |
ThA14.5 |
The Geometry of a Probabilistic Consensus of Opinion Algorithm, pp. 2198-2203. |
Matei, Ion |
Univ. of Maryland |
Baras, John S. |
Univ. of Maryland |
11:10-11:30 |
ThA14.6 |
Distributed Multi-Agent Tracking and Estimation with Uncertain Agent Dynamics, pp. 2204-2209. |
Li, Zhiyuan |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Hovakimyan, Naira |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Stipanovic, Dusan M. |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Golden Gate 5 |
Networked Control Systems IV (Regular Session) |
Chair: Sandberg, Henrik |
Royal Inst. of Tech. (KTH) |
Co-Chair: Fujioka, Hisaya |
Kyoto Univ. |
09:30-09:50 |
ThA15.1 |
Toward a Stability Monitoring System of an Asset-Communications Network Exposed to Malicious Attacks, pp. 2210-2215. |
Lechevin, Nicolas |
Defence R&D Canada |
Rabbath, Camille Alain |
Defence R&D Canada |
Maupin, Patrick |
Defence R&D Canada |
09:50-10:10 |
ThA15.2 |
On the Dual Effect in State-Based Scheduling of Networked Control Systems, pp. 2216-2221. |
Ramesh, Chithrupa |
Royal Inst. of Tech. |
Sandberg, Henrik |
KTH Royal Inst. of Tech. |
Bao, Lei |
Royal Inst. of Tech. (KTH) |
Johansson, Karl H. |
Royal Inst. of Tech. |
10:10-10:30 |
ThA15.3 |
Order Reduction in Optimal Event-Triggered Control Design for Linear Stochastic Systems, pp. 2222-2227. |
Molin, Adam |
Tech. Univ. München |
Tischer, Henning |
Tech. Univ. München |
Hirche, Sandra |
Tech. Univ. München |
10:30-10:50 |
ThA15.4 |
Constructing a Bimodal Switched Lyapunov Function for Non-Uniformly Sampled-Data Feedback Systems, pp. 2228-2233. |
Fujioka, Hisaya |
Kyoto Univ. |
Nakai, Toshiharu |
Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto Univ. |
10:50-11:10 |
ThA15.5 |
Key Establishment Via Common State Information in Networked Control Systems, pp. 2234-2239. |
Li, Husheng |
Univ. of Tennessee |
Lai, Lifeng |
Univ. of Arkansas, Little Rock |
Djouadi, Seddik, M. |
Univ. of Tennessee |
Ma, Xiao |
Univ. of Tennessee |
11:10-11:30 |
ThA15.6 |
Sufficient Conditions for Closed-Loop Control Over a Gaussian Relay Channel, pp. 2240-2245. |
Zaidi, Syed Ali Abbas |
Royal Inst. of Tech. (KTH), Sweden |
Oechtering, Tobias |
Royal Inst. of Tech. (KTH) |
Yuksel, Serdar |
Queen's Univ. |
Skoglund, Mikael |
Royal Inst. of Tech. |
Golden Gate 6 |
Control of Nanopositioning and Scanning Probe-Based Systems (Invited Session) |
Chair: Abramovitch, Daniel Y. |
Agilent Lab. |
Co-Chair: Andersson, Sean |
Boston Univ. |
Organizer: Abramovitch, Daniel Y. |
Agilent Lab. |
Organizer: Andersson, Sean |
Boston Univ. |
Organizer: Leang, Kam K. |
Univ. of Nevada, Reno |
Organizer: Fleming, Andrew J. |
Univ. of Newcastle |
Organizer: Clayton, Garrett |
Villanova Univ. |
Organizer: Pao, Lucy Y. |
Univ. of Colorado at Boulder |
Organizer: Zou, Qingze |
Rutgers, the State Univ. of New Jersey |
09:30-09:50 |
ThA16.1 |
Generating Images from Non-Raster Data in AFM (I), pp. 2246-2251. |
Huang, Peng |
Boston Univ. |
Andersson, Sean |
Boston Univ. |
09:50-10:10 |
ThA16.2 |
Low Latency Demodulation for Atomic Force Microscopes, Part I Efficient Real-Time Integration (I), pp. 2252-2257. |
Abramovitch, Daniel Y. |
Agilent Lab. |
10:10-10:30 |
ThA16.3 |
Robust H-Infinity Control in Fast Atomic Force Microscopy (I), pp. 2258-2265. |
Chuang, Ning |
Univ. of New South Wales atAustralianDefenceForceAcademy |
Petersen, Ian |
Univ. of New South Wales at the Australian Defence Force Ac |
Pota, Hemanshu R. |
The Univ. of New South Wales |
10:30-10:50 |
ThA16.4 |
A Comparison of ILC Architectures for Nanopositioners with Applications to AFM Raster Tracking (I), pp. 2266-2271. |
Butterworth, Jeffrey A. |
Univ. of Colorado at Boulder |
Pao, Lucy Y. |
Univ. of Colorado at Boulder |
Abramovitch, Daniel Y. |
Agilent Lab. |
10:50-11:10 |
ThA16.5 |
Optimal Input Design for Indentation-Based Rapid Broadband Nanomechanical Spectroscopy: Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Example (I), pp. 2272-2277. |
Xu, Zhonghua |
Iowa State Univ. |
Zou, Qingze |
Rutgers, the State Univ. of New Jersey |
11:10-11:30 |
ThA16.6 |
Design, Prototyping, Modeling and Control of a MEMS Nanopositioning Stage (I), pp. 2278-2283. |
Zhu, Yong |
Griffith Univ. Australia |
Bazaei, Ali |
Univ. of Newcastle, Australia |
Moheimani, S.O. Reza |
Univ. of Newcastle |
Yuce, M. R. |
The Univ. of Newcastle, Australia |
Golden Gate 7 |
Dynamics and Control of Cellular Systems (Invited Session) |
Chair: Asada, H. Harry |
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
Co-Chair: Del Vecchio, Domitilla |
Massachusetts Insitute of Tech. |
Organizer: Asada, H. Harry |
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
Organizer: Del Vecchio, Domitilla |
Massachusetts Insitute of Tech. |
09:30-09:50 |
ThA17.1 |
A Quenched Oscillator Network for Pattern Formation in Gene Expression (I), pp. 2284-2289. |
Hsia, Justin |
Univ. of California, Berkeley |
Holtz, William Joseph |
Univ. of California, Berkeley |
Huang, Daniel |
Univ. of California, Berkeley |
Arcak, Murat |
Univ. of California, Berkeley |
Maharbiz, Michel |
Univ. of California at Berkeley |
09:50-10:10 |
ThA17.2 |
On Exponential Synchronization of Kuramoto Oscillator Networks in the Presence of Combined Global and Local Cues (I), pp. 2290-2295. |
Wang, Yongqiang |
Univ. of Califormia, Santa Barbara |
Doyle, Francis |
Univ. of California at Santa Barbara |
10:10-10:30 |
ThA17.3 |
Stochastic Strategies for Survival: Bacterial Competence in Bacillus Subtilis (I), pp. 2296-2301. |
Dandach, Sandra Hala |
Univ. of California, Santa Barbara |
Khammash, Mustafa H. |
Univ. of California at Sta. Barbara |
10:30-10:50 |
ThA17.4 |
Generalised Absolute Stability and Sum of Squares (I), pp. 2302-2307. |
Hancock, Edward J. |
Oxford Univ. |
Papachristodoulou, Antonis |
Univ. of Oxford |
10:50-11:10 |
ThA17.5 |
Tuning an Activator-Repressor Clock Employing Retroactivity (I), pp. 2308-2313. |
Rosenberg, Alexander |
Univ. of Washington, Seattle, Electrical Engineering Depart |
Jayanthi, Shridhar |
Univ. of Michigan |
Del Vecchio, Domitilla |
Massachusetts Insitute of Tech. |
11:10-11:30 |
ThA17.6 |
Molecular Signaling Observer and Predictor: A Framework for Closed-Loop Control of Cell Behaviors Having Long Time Delay (I), pp. 2314-2319. |
Asada, H. Harry |
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
Wang, Yingxiao |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-champaign |
Mayalu, Michaelle |
Golden Gate 8 |
Workload, Power and Cooling Control Problems in Data Centers (Tutorial Session) |
Chair: Wang, Zhikui |
HP |
Co-Chair: Singhal, Sharad |
Hewlett Packard Company |
Organizer: Wang, Zhikui |
Hewlett-Packard Company |
Organizer: Singhal, Sharad |
Hewlett Packard Company |
09:30-09:50 |
ThA18.1 |
Control and Optimization Opportunities and Challenges in Data Centers (I)*. |
Singhal, Sharad |
Hewlett Packard Company |
09:50-10:10 |
ThA18.2 |
Application Performance Control and Resource Management in Data Centers (I)*. |
Zhu, Xiaoyun |
VMware |
10:10-10:30 |
ThA18.3 |
Server Power Control in Data Centers (I)*. |
Wang, Xiaorui |
Univ. of Tennessee |
10:30-10:50 |
ThA18.4 |
Dynamic Cooling Control in Data Centers (I)*. |
Wang, Zhikui |
Hewlett-Packard Company |
10:50-11:10 |
ThA18.5 |
Integrated Workload, Power and Cooling Management in Data Centers (I)*. |
Wang, Zhikui |
Hewlett-Packard Company |
11:10-11:30 |
ThA18.6 |
Panel Discussion (I)*. |
Singhal, Sharad |
Hewlett Packard Company |
Zhu, Xiaoyun |
VMware |
Wang, Xiaorui |
Univ. of Tennessee |
Wang, Zhikui |
Hewlett-Packard Company |
Franciscan A |
Adaptive Systems I (Regular Session) |
Chair: Balas, Mark |
Univ. of Wyoming |
Co-Chair: Lee, DongBin |
Villanova Univ. |
13:10-13:30 |
ThB01.1 |
Adaptive Failure Compensation of Hysteric Actuators in Controlling Uncertain Nonlinear Systems, pp. 2320-2325. |
Cai, Jianping |
State Key Lab. of Industrial ControlTechnology,Inst. o |
Wen, Changyun |
Nanyang Tech. Univ. |
Su, Hongye |
Zhejiang Univ. |
Li, Xiaodong |
Beijing Res. Inst. of AutomationForMachineryIndustry |
Liu, Zhitao |
Zhejiang Univ. |
13:30-13:50 |
ThB01.2 |
Adaptive Tracking Control of an Underactuated Aerial Vehicle, pp. 2326-2331. |
Lee, DongBin |
Villanova Univ. |
Nataraj, C. |
Villanova Univ. |
Burg, Timothy C. |
Clemson Univ. |
Dawson, Darren M. |
Clemson Univ. |
13:50-14:10 |
ThB01.3 |
Proactive Planning for Persistent Missions Using Composite Model-Reference Adaptive Control and Approximate Dynamic Programming, pp. 2332-2337. |
Redding, Joshua |
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
Dydek, Zachary |
How, Jonathan P. |
Vavrina, Matthew |
Boeing |
Vian, John L |
The Boeing Company |
14:10-14:30 |
ThB01.4 |
Adaptive Control of Linear Modal Systems Using Residual Mode Filters and a Simple Disturbance Estimator, pp. 2338-2343. |
Balas, Mark |
Univ. of Wyoming |
Frost, Susan |
NASA Ames Res. Center |
14:30-14:50 |
ThB01.5 |
Cumulative Retrospective Cost Adaptive Control of Systems with Amplitude and Rate Saturation, pp. 2344-2349. |
Coffer, Benjamin James |
Univ. of Michigan |
Hoagg, Jesse B. |
Univ. of Kentucky |
Bernstein, Dennis S. |
Univ. of Michigan |
14:50-15:10 |
ThB01.6 |
Second Level Adaptation Using Multiple Models, pp. 2350-2355. |
Han, Zhuo |
Yale Univ. |
Narendra, Kumpati S. |
Yale Univ. |
Franciscan B |
Estimation and Control of DPS II (Invited Session) |
Chair: Demetriou, Michael A. |
Worcester Pol. Inst. |
Co-Chair: Krstic, Miroslav |
Univ. of California, San Diego |
Organizer: Demetriou, Michael A. |
Worcester Pol. Inst. |
13:10-13:30 |
ThB02.1 |
On the Stability of an Interconnected System of Euler-Bernoulli Beam and Heat Equation with Boundary Coupling (I), pp. 2356-2361. |
Krstic, Miroslav |
Univ. of California, San Diego |
Wang, Jun-Min |
Beijing Inst. of Tech. |
13:30-13:50 |
ThB02.2 |
A Model Based Feedback Controller for Wing-Twist Via Piezoceramic Actuation (I), pp. 2362-2367. |
Ray, Cody W. |
Oregon State Univ. |
Batten, Belinda A. |
Oregon State Univ. |
Singler, John |
Missouri Univ. of Science and Tech. |
13:50-14:10 |
ThB02.3 |
Bochner Integrable Solutions to Riccati Partial Differential Equations and Optimal Sensor Placement (I), pp. 2368-2373. |
Burns, John A |
Virginia Tech. |
Rautenberg, Carlos Nicolas |
Virginia Tech. |
14:10-14:30 |
ThB02.4 |
Model-Based Detection of a Moving Gaseous Source in a 2D Spatial Domain Using a Sensor-Based Grid Adaptation Approach (I), pp. 2374-2380. |
Demetriou, Michael A. |
Worcester Pol. Inst. |
Gatsonis, Nikolaos |
Worcester Pol. Inst. |
Court, Jeffrey |
Worcester Pol. Inst. |
14:30-14:50 |
ThB02.5 |
On Using LQG Performance Metrics for Sensor Placement (I), pp. 2381-2386. |
Borggaard, Jeff |
Virginia Tech. |
Burns, John A |
Virginia Tech. |
Zietsman, Lizette |
Virginia Tech. |
Franciscan C |
Estimation I (Regular Session) |
Chair: Roy, Sandip |
Washington State Univ. |
Co-Chair: Poulsen, Niels Kjølstad |
Tech. Univ. of Denmark |
13:10-13:30 |
ThB03.1 |
Correlation of Multiple Singular Observations and Initial State Estimation by Means of Probability Distributions of High Codimension, pp. 2387-2392. |
Fujimoto, Kohei |
The Univ. of Colorado at Boulder |
Scheeres, Daniel |
The Univ. of Colorado |
13:30-13:50 |
ThB03.2 |
Necessary Condition for a Petri Net Model That Incorporates Resources to Produce an Event Stream from an Unknown Initial State, pp. 2393-2398. |
Allen, Lindsay V. |
Creare Inc. |
Tilbury, Dawn M. |
Univ. of Michigan |
13:50-14:10 |
ThB03.3 |
Spectral and Graph-Theoretic Bounds on Steady-State-Probability Estimation Performance for an Ergodic Markov Chain, pp. 2399-2404. |
Xue, Mengran |
Washington State Univ. |
Roy, Sandip |
Washington State Univ. |
14:10-14:30 |
ThB03.4 |
Pitch Based Vehicle Localization Using Time Series Subsequence Matching with Multi-Scale Extrema Features, pp. 2405-2410. |
Vemulapalli, Pramod |
The Pennsylvania State Univ. |
Dean, Adam |
Brigham Young Univ. Idaho |
Brennan, Sean |
Penn State Univ. |
14:30-14:50 |
ThB03.5 |
Real-Time Estimation of a Ship's Attitude, pp. 2411-2416. |
Kuechler, Sebastian |
Univ. of Stuttgart |
Pregizer, Christoph |
Inst. for System Dynamics, Univ. of Stuttgart |
Eberharter, Johannes Karl |
Liebherr-Werk Nenzing GmbH |
Schneider, Klaus |
Liebherr Werk Nenzing GmbH |
Sawodny, Oliver |
Univ. of Stuttgart |
14:50-15:10 |
ThB03.6 |
Adaptive Disturbance Estimation for Offset-Free SISO Model Predictive Control, pp. 2417-2422. |
Huusom, Jakob Kjøbsted |
Tech. Univ. of Denmark |
Poulsen, Niels Kjølstad |
Tech. Univ. of Denmark |
Jorgensen, Sten Bay |
Tech. Univ. of Denmark |
Jørgensen, John Bagterp |
Tech. Univ. of Denmark |
Franciscan D |
Learning I (Regular Session) |
Chair: Tembine, Hamidou |
Co-Chair: Savla, Ketan |
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
13:10-13:30 |
ThB04.1 |
Mean Field Stochastic Games: Convergence, Q/H-Learning and Optimality, pp. 2423-2428. |
Tembine, Hamidou |
13:30-13:50 |
ThB04.2 |
Quasi-Stochastic Approximation, pp. 2429-2435. |
Shirodkar, Darshan |
Univ. of Illinois at Urbana Champaign |
Meyn, Sean |
Univ. of Illinois |
13:50-14:10 |
ThB04.3 |
Stability Analysis of Transportation Networks with Multiscale Driver Decisions, pp. 2436-2441. |
Como, Giacomo |
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
Savla, Ketan |
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
Acemoglu, Daron |
Dahleh, Munther A. |
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
Frazzoli, Emilio |
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
14:10-14:30 |
ThB04.4 |
A Reference Free Iterative Learning Strategy for Wet Clutch Control, pp. 2442-2447. |
Depraetere, Bruno |
Katholieke Univ. Leuven |
Pinte, Gregory |
Flanders' Mechatronics Tech. Centre |
Swevers, Jan |
K. U. Leuven |
14:30-14:50 |
ThB04.5 |
Multi-Step-Ahead Optimal Learning Strategy for Local Model Networks with Higher Degree Polynomials, pp. 2448-2449. |
Baenfer, Oliver |
Univ. of Siegen |
Kampmann, Geritt |
Univ. of Siegen |
Nelles, Oliver |
Univ. of Siegen |
14:50-15:10 |
ThB04.6 |
Incorporating Prior Knowledge into Nonparametric Conditional Density Estimation, pp. 2450-2455. |
Krauthausen, Peter |
Karlsruhe Inst. of Tech. |
Roschani, Masoud |
Karlsruhe Inst. of Tech. |
Hanebeck, Uwe D. |
Karlsruhe Inst. of Tech. (KIT) |
Continental 1 |
Modeling and Simulation I (Regular Session) |
Chair: Li, Yonghua |
Ford Motor Company |
Co-Chair: Liu, Xiangjie |
North China Electric Power Univ. |
13:10-13:30 |
ThB05.1 |
A Sudden-Release Bristle Model That Exhibits Hysteresis and Stick-Slip Friction, pp. 2456-2461. |
Drincic, Bojana |
Univ. of Michigan |
Bernstein, Dennis S. |
Univ. of Michigan |
13:30-13:50 |
ThB05.2 |
Model-In-The-Loop Development for a Fuel Cell Vehicle, pp. 2462-2467. |
Cakmakci, Melih |
Bilkent Univ. |
Li, Yonghua |
Ford Motor Company |
Liu, Shuzhen |
Ford Motor Company |
13:50-14:10 |
ThB05.3 |
Soft Sensing of Sodium Aluminate Solution Component Concentrations Via On-Line Clustering and Fuzzy Modeling, pp. 2468-2473. |
Wang, Wei |
Northeastern Univ. |
Chai, Tianyou |
Northeastern Univ. |
Zhao, Lijie |
north eastern Univ. |
Qin, S. Joe |
Univ. of Southern California |
14:10-14:30 |
ThB05.4 |
The Dynamic Neural Network Model of a Ultra Super-Critical Steam Boiler Unit, pp. 2474-2479. |
Liu, Xiangjie |
North China Electric Power Univ. |
Tu, Xuewei |
The Electrical and I&C Department,StateNuclearElectric Po |
Hou, Guolian |
North China Electric Power Univ. |
Wang, Jihong |
Univ. of Birmingham |
14:30-14:50 |
ThB05.5 |
Modeling and PI-Fuzzy Logic Controller of the Pierburg Mechatronic Actuator, pp. 2480-2485. |
Kebairi, Athmane |
The Univ. of Tech. of Belfort Montbéliard (UTBM) |
Becherif, Mohamed |
Lab. Système et Transport SeT-UTBM |
El Bagdouri, Mohammed |
Univ. de Tech. de Belfort Montbéliard |
14:50-15:10 |
ThB05.6 |
State Estimation for a Class of Nonlinear Differential Games Using Differential Neural Networks, pp. 2486-2491. |
GarcÃa Morán, Emmanuel |
Murano Labastida, Daishi Alfredo |
Continental 2 |
Nonlinear Control Design for Semi-Active Civil Systems - Part I (Invited Session) |
Chair: Scruggs, Jeff |
Duke Univ. |
Co-Chair: Wang, Yang |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Organizer: Scruggs, Jeff |
Duke Univ. |
Organizer: Wang, Yang |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
13:10-13:30 |
ThB06.1 |
Parameter Varying Control of an MR Damper for Smart Base Isolation (I), pp. 2492-2497. |
Shirazi, Farzad |
Univ. of Houston |
Grigoriadis, Karolos M. |
Univ. of Houston |
Song, Gangbing |
Univ. of Houston |
13:30-13:50 |
ThB06.2 |
Market-Based Control of Shear Structures Utilizing Magnetorheological Dampers (I), pp. 2498-2503. |
Kane, Michael |
Univ. of Michigan |
Lynch, Jerome |
Univ. of Michigan |
Law, Kincho H. |
Stanford Univ. |
13:50-14:10 |
ThB06.3 |
Application of Pseudospectral Method in Stochastic Optimal Control of Nonlinear Structural Systems (I), pp. 2504-2509. |
Song, Wei |
Purdue Univ. |
Dyke, Shirley J. |
Purdue Univ. |
14:10-14:30 |
ThB06.4 |
Control of Base-Isolated Systems Using Force Feedback (I), pp. 2510-2515. |
Pozo, Francesc |
Univ. Pol. de Catalunya |
RodrÃguez Tsouroukdissian, Arturo |
Alstom-Power Wind |
Acho, Leonardo |
EUETIB-Univ. Pol. of Catalunya |
Vidal, Yolanda |
Univ. Pol. de Catalunya |
Rodellar, Jose |
Tech. Univ. of Catalonia |
14:30-14:50 |
ThB06.5 |
Reduced-Order Modal-Domain Structural Control for Seismic Vibration Control Over Wireless Sensor Networks (I), pp. 2516-2521. |
Swartz, Raymond |
Michigan Tech. |
14:50-15:10 |
ThB06.6 |
Peak-Gain-Bounded Design of Constrained Controllable Damping in Vibrating Structures (I), pp. 2522-2527. |
Scruggs, Jeff |
Duke Univ. |
Continental 3 |
Modeling, Control and Monitoring of Batch Process Systems (Invited Session) |
Chair: Mhaskar, Prashant |
McMaster Univ. |
Co-Chair: Dubljevic, Stevan |
Univ. of Alberta |
Organizer: Mhaskar, Prashant |
McMaster Univ. |
Organizer: Dubljevic, Stevan |
Univ. of Alberta |
13:10-13:30 |
ThB07.1 |
Application of Optimal Boundary Control to Reaction-Diffusion System with Time-Varying Spatial Domain (I), pp. 2528-2533. |
Ng, James |
Univ. of Alberta |
Dubljevic, Stevan |
Univ. of Alberta |
Aksikas, Ilyasse |
Univ. of Alberta |
13:30-13:50 |
ThB07.2 |
Integrating Data-Based Modeling and Nonlinear Control Tools for Batch Process Control (I), pp. 2534-2539. |
Aumi, Siam |
McMaster Univ. |
Mhaskar, Prashant |
McMaster Univ. |
13:50-14:10 |
ThB07.3 |
Data-Based Modeling and Control of Nylon-6, 6 Batch Polymerization (I), pp. 2540-2545. |
Aumi, Siam |
McMaster Univ. |
Corbett, Brandon |
McMaster Univ. |
Mhaskar, Prashant |
McMaster Univ. |
14:10-14:30 |
ThB07.4 |
Multivariable Model Predictive Control of Thin Film Surface Roughness and Slope: Application to a 2D Kinetic Monte-Carlo Model (I), pp. 2546-2551. |
Zhang, Xinyu |
Univ. of California, Los Angeles |
Orkoulas, Gerassimos |
Christofides, Panagiotis D. |
Univ. of California at Los Angeles |
14:30-14:50 |
ThB07.5 |
Discriminatory Learning Based Performance Monitoring of Batch Processes (I), pp. 2552-2557. |
Patel, Shailesh |
Honeywell Tech. Solutions |
Yelchuru, Ramprasad |
Norwegian Univ. of Science and Tech. |
Ryali, Srikanth |
Honeywell Tech. Solutions, Bangalore |
Gudi, Ravindra |
IIT Bombay |
14:50-15:10 |
ThB07.6 |
Optimal Control for Batch Crystallization with Size-Dependent Growth Kinetics, pp. 2558-2565. |
Bajcinca, Naim |
Max-Planck Inst. for Dynamics of Complex Tech. Systems |
Hofmann, Steffen |
TU Berlin |
Continental 7 |
Observers for Nonlinear Systems (Regular Session) |
Chair: Qian, Chunjiang |
Univ. of Texas at San Antonio |
Co-Chair: Ball, Alexis A. |
Michigan State Univ. |
13:10-13:30 |
ThB08.1 |
Observer-Based Output Feedback Control of Discrete-Time Lur'e Systems with Sector-Bounded Slope-Restricted Nonlinearities, pp. 2566-2571. |
Kim, Kwang-Ki |
Univ. of Illinois |
Braatz, Richard D. |
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
13:30-13:50 |
ThB08.2 |
Finite Time Convergent Observer Using Homogeneous Method, pp. 2572-2577. |
Tian, Weisong |
Univ. of Texas at San Antonio |
Qian, Chunjiang |
Univ. of Texas at San Antonio |
Frye, Michael |
Univ. of the Incarnate Word |
13:50-14:10 |
ThB08.3 |
Nonlinear Observer Design for Lipschitz Nonlinear Systems, pp. 2578-2583. |
Song, Bongsob |
Ajou Univ. |
Hedrick, Karl |
Univ. of California at Berkeley |
14:10-14:30 |
ThB08.4 |
Analysis of a Nonlinear High-Gain Observer in the Presence of Measurement Noise, pp. 2584-2589. |
Ball, Alexis A. |
Michigan State Univ. |
Khalil, Hassan K. |
Michigan State Univ. |
14:30-14:50 |
ThB08.5 |
Computationally Efficient GES Cascade Observer for Attitude Estimation, pp. 2590-2595. |
Batista, Pedro |
Inst. Superior Técnico |
Silvestre, Carlos |
Inst. Superior Tecnico |
Oliveira, Paulo Jorge |
Inst. Superior Técnico |
14:50-15:10 |
ThB08.6 |
Deadbeat Observer: Construction Via Sets, pp. 2596-2601. |
Tuna, S. Emre |
Middle East Tech. Univ. |
Continental 8 |
Switched Systems II (Regular Session) |
Chair: Hui, Qing |
Texas Tech. Univ. |
Co-Chair: Najson, Federico |
Univ. de la República |
13:10-13:30 |
ThB09.1 |
Lyapunov-Based Semistability Analysis for Discrete-Time Switched Network Systems, pp. 2602-2606. |
Hui, Qing |
Texas Tech. Univ. |
13:30-13:50 |
ThB09.2 |
Functional Series Expansions for Continuous-Time Switched Systems, pp. 2607-2612. |
Duffaut Espinosa, Luis Augusto |
The Johns Hopkins Univ. |
Gray, W. Steven |
Old Dominion Univ. |
13:50-14:10 |
ThB09.3 |
Stability of Switched Linear Discrete-Time Descriptor Systems: A Commutation Condition, pp. 2613-2618. |
Zhai, Guisheng |
Shibaura Inst. of Tech. |
Xu, Xuping |
School of Engineering, California Baptist Univ. |
Ho, Daniel W. C. |
City Univ. of Hong Kong |
14:10-14:30 |
ThB09.4 |
Stability and Stabilizability of Special Classes of Discrete-Time Positive Switched Systems, pp. 2619-2624. |
Fornasini, Ettore |
Univ. di Padova |
Valcher, Maria Elena |
Univ. di Padova |
14:30-14:50 |
ThB09.5 |
State-Feedback Stabilizability, Optimality, and Convexity in Switched Positive Linear Systems, pp. 2625-2632. |
Najson, Federico |
Univ. de la República |
14:50-15:10 |
ThB09.6 |
Reach Control on Simplices by Piecewise Affine Feedback, pp. 2633-2638. |
Broucke, Mireille E. |
Univ. of Toronto |
Ganness, Marcus |
Univ. of Toronto |
Continental 9 |
Optimization and Optimization Algorithms I (Regular Session) |
Chair: Notarstefano, Giuseppe |
Univ. of Lecce |
Co-Chair: Cao, Xumeng |
Johns Hopkins Univ. |
13:10-13:30 |
ThB10.1 |
A Distributed Simplex Algorithm and the Multi-Agent Assignment Problem, pp. 2639-2644. |
Bürger, Mathias |
Univ. of Stuttgart |
Notarstefano, Giuseppe |
Univ. of Lecce |
Allgower, Frank |
Univ. of Stuttgart |
Bullo, Francesco |
Univ. California at Santa Barbara |
13:30-13:50 |
ThB10.2 |
A New Approach for Signal Loss Compensation in a Vibrometer, pp. 2645-2650. |
Mayer, Sascha |
Univ. of Wuppertal |
Tibken, Bernd |
Univ. of Wuppertal |
Rembe, Christian |
Pol. GmbH |
13:50-14:10 |
ThB10.3 |
Lossless Convexification of Powered-Descent Guidance with Non-Convex Thrust Bound and Pointing Constraints, pp. 2651-2656. |
Carson, John M. |
NASA Jet Propulsion Lab. |
Acikmese, Behcet |
Jet Propulsion Lab. |
Blackmore, Lars |
California Inst. of Tech. Jet Propulsion Lab. |
14:10-14:30 |
ThB10.4 |
Improvement in Control System for the Medium Frequency Direct Current Resistance Spot Welding System, pp. 2657-2662. |
Zhou, Kang |
Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Tech. |
Cai, Lilong |
Hong Kong Univ. of Science & Tech. |
14:30-14:50 |
ThB10.5 |
Accelerated Dual Descent for Network Optimization, pp. 2663-2668. |
Zargham, Michael |
Univ. of Pennsylvania |
Ribeiro, Alejandro |
Univ. of Pennsylvania |
Ozdaglar, Asuman |
Jadbabaie, Ali |
Univ. of Pennsylvania |
14:50-15:10 |
ThB10.6 |
Preliminary Results on Non-Bernoulli Distribution of Perturbation for Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation, pp. 2669-2670. |
Cao, Xumeng |
Johns Hopkins Univ. |
Golden Gate 1 |
Control and Optimization of Energy Systems (Invited Session) |
Chair: Baldea, Michael |
Praxair, Inc. |
Co-Chair: El-Farra, Nael H. |
Univ. of California, Davis |
Organizer: Baldea, Michael |
Praxair, Inc. |
Organizer: El-Farra, Nael H. |
Univ. of California, Davis |
13:10-13:30 |
ThB11.1 |
Robust Fault Detection and Reconfigurable Control of Distributed Energy Generation Systems (I), pp. 2671-2676. |
Sun, Yulei |
Univ. of California, Davis |
El-Farra, Nael H. |
Univ. of California, Davis |
13:30-13:50 |
ThB11.2 |
A Two-Time-Scale Framework to Supervisory Predictive Control of an Integrated Wind/Solar Energy Generation and Water Desalination System (I), pp. 2677-2682. |
Qi, Wei |
Univ. of California, Los Angeles |
Liu, Jinfeng |
Univ. of California, Los Angeles |
Christofides, Panagiotis D. |
Univ. of California at Los Angeles |
13:50-14:10 |
ThB11.3 |
Design for Dynamic Performance: Application to an Air Separation Unit (I), pp. 2683-2688. |
Cao, Yanan |
McMaster Univ. |
Swartz, Christopher L.E. |
McMaster Univ. |
Baldea, Michael |
Praxair, Inc. |
14:10-14:30 |
ThB11.4 |
Calibrating Energy Conversion Networks for Utility Optimization and Risk Management (I), pp. 2689-2694. |
Mousaw, Patrick |
Univ. of Notre Dame |
Kantor, Jeffrey C. |
Univ. of Notre Dame |
14:30-14:50 |
ThB11.5 |
Region II Wind Power Capture Maximization Using Robust Control and Estimation with Alternating Gradient Search, pp. 2695-2700. |
Hawkins, Tony |
Kansas State Univ. |
White, Warren N. |
Kansas State Univ. |
Hu, Guoqiang |
Kansas State Univ. |
Darabi Sahneh, Faryad |
Kansas State Univ. |
14:50-15:10 |
ThB11.6 |
Optimal Energy Management of Hybrid Power System with Two-Scale Dynamic Programming, pp. 2701-2706. |
Zhang, Lei |
Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee |
Li, Yaoyu |
Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee |
Golden Gate 2 |
Hybrid Electric Vehicles (Invited Session) |
Chair: Onori, Simona |
Ohio State Univ. |
Co-Chair: Vahidi, Ardalan |
Clemson Univ. |
Organizer: Onori, Simona |
Ohio State Univ. |
Organizer: Karnik, Amey |
Ford Motor Company |
Organizer: Mohammadpour, Javad |
Univ. of Houston |
Organizer: Vermillion, Christopher |
Altaeros Energies |
Organizer: Shilpiekandula, Vijay |
Mitsubishi Electrical Res. Lab. |
13:10-13:30 |
ThB12.1 |
Heavy Vehicle Fuel Economy Improvement Using Ultracapacitor Power Assist and Preview-Based MPC Energy Management (I), pp. 2707-2712. |
Schepmann, Seneca |
Clemson Univ. |
Vahidi, Ardalan |
Clemson Univ. |
13:30-13:50 |
ThB12.2 |
A Model Predictive Control Approach for a Parallel Hydraulic Hybrid Powertrain (I), pp. 2713-2718. |
Deppen, Tim |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Alleyne, Andrew G. |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Stelson, Kim A. |
Univ. of Minnesota |
Meyer, Jonathan |
Univ. of Minnesota |
13:50-14:10 |
ThB12.3 |
Energy-Efficient Control Allocation with Applications on Planar Motion Control of Electric Ground Vehicles (I), pp. 2719-2724. |
Chen, Yan |
Ohio State Univ. |
Wang, Junmin |
The Ohio State Univ. |
14:10-14:30 |
ThB12.4 |
Hybrid Model Predictive Power Flow Control of a Fuel Cell-Battery Vehicle (I), pp. 2725-2731. |
Meyer, Richard |
Purdue Univ. |
DeCarlo, Raymond A. |
Purdue Univ. |
Meckl, Peter H. |
Purdue Univ. |
Doktorcik, Christopher |
Purdue Univ. |
Pekarek, Steven |
Univ. of Missouri- Rolla |
14:30-14:50 |
ThB12.5 |
Optimal Catalyst Temperature Management of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles (I), pp. 2732-2738. |
Kum, Dongsuk |
Univ. of Michigan |
Peng, Huei |
Univ. of Michigan |
Bucknor, Norman |
General Motors |
14:50-15:10 |
ThB12.6 |
Distance Until Charge Prediction and Fuel Economy Impact for Plug-In Hybrid Vehicles, pp. 2739-2744. |
Naghshtabrizi, Payam |
Ford Motor Company |
Kristinsson, Johannes |
Ford Motor Company |
Yu, Hai |
Res. and Advanced Engineering, Ford Motor Company |
McGee, Ryan |
Ford Motor Company |
Golden Gate 3 |
Air Traffic Management (Regular Session) |
Chair: Devasia, Santosh |
Univ. of Washington |
Co-Chair: Neogi, Natasha A. |
Univ. of Illinois |
13:10-13:30 |
ThB13.1 |
Bounds on Controller Taskload Rates at an Intersection for Dense Traffic, pp. 2745-2751. |
Vela, Adan |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Salaün, Erwan |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Feron, Eric |
Georgia Tech. |
Singhose, William |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Clarke, John-Paul |
Georgia Tech. |
13:30-13:50 |
ThB13.2 |
Multi-Runway Aircraft Sequencing at Congested Airports, pp. 2752-2758. |
Neogi, Natasha A. |
Univ. of Illinois |
Harikiopoulo, Dimitri |
Thales ATM |
13:50-14:10 |
ThB13.3 |
Flow-Capacity-Maintaining, Decentralized, Conflict Resolution with Aircraft Turn Dynamics, pp. 2759-2764. |
Yoo, Jeff |
Univ. of Washington, Mechanical Engineering |
Devasia, Santosh |
Univ. of Washington |
14:10-14:30 |
ThB13.4 |
Collision Avoidance System Optimization with Probabilistic Pilot Response Models, pp. 2765-2770. |
Chryssanthacopoulos, James |
Lincoln Lab. Massachusett Inst. of Tech. |
Kochenderfer, Mykel |
Lincoln Lab. Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
14:30-14:50 |
ThB13.5 |
A Parallel Computing Framework for Air Traffic Flow Management, pp. 2771-2776. |
Cao, Yi |
Purdue Univ. |
Sun, Dengfeng |
Purdue Univ. |
14:50-15:10 |
ThB13.6 |
Linear Programming Based Routing Design for a Class of Positive Systems with Piecewise Constant Capacity Constraints, pp. 2777-2782. |
Arneson, Heather |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Langbort, Cedric |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Golden Gate 4 |
Cooperative Control V (Regular Session) |
Chair: Aghdam, Amir G. |
Concordia Univ. |
Co-Chair: Xin, Ming |
Mississippi State Univ. |
13:10-13:30 |
ThB14.1 |
Multi-Agent Consensus Algorithm with Obstacle Avoidance Via Optimal Control Approach, pp. 2783-2788. |
Wang, Jianan |
Mississippi State Univ. |
Xin, Ming |
Mississippi State Univ. |
13:30-13:50 |
ThB14.2 |
Approximation Algorithms for Variants of a Heterogenous Multiple Depot Hamiltonian Path Problem, pp. 2789-2794. |
Yadlapalli, Sai Krishna |
Texas A&M Univ. |
Bae, Jung Yun |
Texas A & M Univ. |
Rathinam, Sivakumar |
Texas A & M Univ. |
Darbha, Swaroop |
Texas A & M Univ. |
13:50-14:10 |
ThB14.3 |
Relaxed Convergence Conditions for Multi-Agent Systems under a Class of Consensus Algorithms, pp. 2795-2800. |
Ajorlou, Amir |
Concordia Univ. |
Momeni, Ahmadreza |
Concordia Univ. |
Aghdam, Amir G. |
Concordia Univ. |
14:10-14:30 |
ThB14.4 |
Cooperative Collision-Free Control of Lagrangian Multi-Agent Formations, pp. 2801-2806. |
Atinc, Gokhan M. |
Univ. of Illinois at Urbana Champaign |
Stipanovic, Dusan M. |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
14:30-14:50 |
ThB14.5 |
On Opinion Dynamics in Heterogeneous Networks, pp. 2807-2812. |
Mirtabatabaei, Anahita |
Univ. of California, Santa Barbara |
Bullo, Francesco |
Univ. California at Santa Barbara |
14:50-15:10 |
ThB14.6 |
Coordinated Decentralized Estimation Over Random Networks, pp. 2813-2818. |
Nabi Abdolyousefi, Marzieh |
Univ. of Washington - DSSL |
Mesbahi, Mehran |
Univ. of Washington |
Golden Gate 5 |
Networked Control Systems V (Regular Session) |
Chair: Jagannathan, Sarangapani |
Missouri Univ. of Science & Tech. |
Co-Chair: Han, Qing-Long |
Central Queensland Univ. |
13:10-13:30 |
ThB15.1 |
Stochastic Optimal Control of Unknown Linear Networked Control System Using Q-Learning Methodology, pp. 2819-2824. |
Xu, Hao |
Missouri Univ. of Science and Tech. |
Jagannathan, Sarangapani |
Missouri Univ. of Science & Tech. |
13:30-13:50 |
ThB15.2 |
Stabilization and Stability Connection of Networked Control Systems with Two Quantizers, pp. 2825-2830. |
Liu, Jun |
School of Communication and Control Engineering,Univ. Jia |
Linbo, Xie |
School of Communication and Control Engineering, Univ. of J |
Zhang, Min |
Jiangsu Province Pharmaceutical Industry Design Inst. |
Wu, Zhihai |
Jiangnan Univ. |
13:50-14:10 |
ThB15.3 |
Self-Triggered Output Feedback Control of Linear Plants, pp. 2831-2836. |
Almeida, João |
Inst. Superior Técnico |
Silvestre, Carlos |
Inst. Superior Tecnico |
Pascoal, Antonio Manuel |
Inst. Superior Tecnico |
14:10-14:30 |
ThB15.4 |
A New Bilaterally Teleoperated Robotic Vehicle Platform with Passivity Control, pp. 2837-2842. |
Ware, Julian |
Dalhousie Univ. |
Pan, Ya-Jun |
Dalhousie Univ. |
Hilliard, Trent |
Dalhousie Univ. |
14:30-14:50 |
ThB15.5 |
 Bode-Like Integral for Stochastic Switched Systems in the Presence of Limited Information, pp. 2843-2848. |
Li, Dapeng |
Unniversity of Illinois |
Hovakimyan, Naira |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
14:50-15:10 |
ThB15.6 |
One Step Prediction-Based Packet Dropouts Compensation for Networked Control Systems, pp. 2849-2854. |
Wang, Yu-Long |
Central Queensland Univ. |
Han, Qing-Long |
Central Queensland Univ. |
Yu, Xinghuo |
RMIT Univ. |
Golden Gate 6 |
Nano Systems (Regular Session) |
Chair: Jalili, Nader |
Northeastern Univ. |
Co-Chair: Fleming, Andrew J. |
Univ. of Newcastle |
13:10-13:30 |
ThB16.1 |
Modeling and Feedforward Control of a Large-Range, Piezo Nano Stepper, pp. 2855-2860. |
Wilcox, Scott |
Univ. of Washington |
Devasia, Santosh |
Univ. of Washington |
13:30-13:50 |
ThB16.2 |
A Method for Reducing Piezoelectric Non-Linearity in Scanning Probe Microscope Images (I), pp. 2861-2866. |
Fleming, Andrew J. |
Univ. of Newcastle |
13:50-14:10 |
ThB16.3 |
Tip-Sample Interaction Force Modeling for AFM Simulation, Control Design, and Material Property Measurement (I), pp. 2867-2872. |
Belikov, Sergey |
NT-MDT Development |
Magonov, Sergei |
NT-MDT Development |
14:10-14:30 |
ThB16.4 |
Parameter Identifiability in Parallel Reaction Networks with Application to Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes, pp. 2873-2878. |
Chen, Kejia |
Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Kishida, Masako |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Strano, Michael S. |
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
Braatz, Richard D. |
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
14:30-14:50 |
ThB16.5 |
Rapid Online Quantification of Tip-Sample Interaction for High-Speed Dynamic-Mode Atomic Force Microscope Imaging, pp. 2879-2884. |
Busch, David |
Iowa State Univ. |
Ren, Juan |
Rutgers Univ. |
Zou, Qingze |
Rutgers, the State Univ. of New Jersey |
Ganapathysubramanian, Baskar |
Iowa State Univ. |
14:50-15:10 |
ThB16.6 |
Adaptive Trajectory Tracking Control of Microcantilever's Tip Used in AFM with a General Nonlinear Tip-Sample Interaction Force, pp. 2885-2890. |
Jalili, Nader |
Northeastern Univ. |
Eslami, Sohrab |
Northeastern Univ. |
Dawson, Darren M. |
Clemson Univ. |
Golden Gate 7 |
System Biology (Regular Session) |
Chair: Franco, Elisa |
California Inst. of Tech. |
Co-Chair: Zavlanos, Michael M. |
Stevens Inst. of Tech. |
13:10-13:30 |
ThB17.1 |
Time Delay Effects on Oscillation Profiles in Cyclic Gene Regulatory Networks: Harmonic Balance Approach, pp. 2891-2896. |
Hori, Yutaka |
The Univ. of Tokyo |
Hara, Shinji |
The Univ. of Tokyo |
13:30-13:50 |
ThB17.2 |
Optimal Adaptation of Metabolic Networks in Dynamic Equilibrium, pp. 2897-2902. |
Oyarzun, Diego A. |
Imperial Coll. London |
Middleton, Richard H. |
National Univ. of Ireland Maynooth |
13:50-14:10 |
ThB17.3 |
Structurally Robust Biological Networks*. |
Blanchini, Franco |
Univ. degli Studi di Udine |
Franco, Elisa |
California Inst. of Tech. |
14:10-14:30 |
ThB17.4 |
Dynamic Modeling of Viral Infections in Spherical Organs, pp. 2903-2908. |
Dunia, Ricardo |
The Univ. of Texas at Austin |
Bonnecaze, Roger |
Univ. of Texas at Austin |
14:30-14:50 |
ThB17.5 |
Feasible Parameter Space Characterization with Adaptive Sparse Grids for Nonlinear Systems Biology Models, pp. 2909-2914. |
Noble, Sarah L. |
Purdue Univ. |
Buzzard, Gregery |
Purdue Univ. |
Rundell, Ann E. |
Purdue Univ. |
14:50-15:10 |
ThB17.6 |
Robust Flux Balance Analysis of Metabolic Networks, pp. 2915-2920. |
Zavlanos, Michael M. |
Stevens Inst. of Tech. |
Julius, Agung |
Rensselaer Pol. Inst. |
Golden Gate 8 |
Controls for Societal Challenges: Energy (Tutorial Session) |
Chair: Topcu, Ufuk |
California Inst. of Tech. |
Co-Chair: Gayme, Dennice |
California Inst. of Tech. |
Organizer: Topcu, Ufuk |
California Inst. of Tech. |
Organizer: Gayme, Dennice |
California Inst. of Tech. |
13:10-15:10 |
ThB18.1 |
Panel Discussion (I)*. |
Amin, Massoud |
Univ. of Minnesota |
Gayme, Dennice |
California Inst. of Tech. |
Hardy, Ajilli J. |
GE Global Res. |
Topcu, Ufuk |
California Inst. of Tech. |
Franciscan A |
Adaptive Systems II (Regular Session) |
Chair: Tao, Gang |
Univ. of Virginia |
Co-Chair: Agrawal, Brij |
Naval Postgraduate School |
15:30-15:50 |
ThC01.1 |
Discrete-Time Adaptive Control Using Multiple Models, pp. 2921-2926. |
Narendra, Kumpati S. |
Yale Univ. |
Han, Zhuo |
Yale Univ. |
15:50-16:10 |
ThC01.2 |
Retrospective Cost Model Reference Adaptive Control for Nonminimum-Phase Discrete-Time Systems, Part 2: Stability Analysis, pp. 2927-2932. |
Hoagg, Jesse B. |
Univ. of Kentucky |
Bernstein, Dennis S. |
Univ. of Michigan |
16:10-16:30 |
ThC01.3 |
Retrospective Cost Model Reference Adaptive Control for Nonminimum-Phase Discrete-Time Systems, Part 1: The Adaptive Controller, pp. 2933-2938. |
Hoagg, Jesse B. |
Univ. of Kentucky |
Bernstein, Dennis S. |
Univ. of Michigan |
16:30-16:50 |
ThC01.4 |
Application of Complex-Valued FXLMS Adaptive Filter to Fourier Basis Control of Adaptive Optics, pp. 2939-2944. |
Nagashima, Masaki |
Naval Postgraduate School |
Agrawal, Brij |
Naval Postgraduate School |
16:50-17:10 |
ThC01.5 |
Passivity-Based Adaptive Sliding-Mode Speed Control for IPMSM Drive Systems, pp. 2945-2950. |
Yu, Jen-te |
National Taiwan Univ. |
Lin, Cheng-Kai |
National Taiwan Univ. |
Fu, Li-Chen |
National Taiwan Univ. |
Liu, Tian-Hua |
National Taiwan Univ. of Science and Tech. |
17:10-17:30 |
ThC01.6 |
Adaptive Actuator Nonlinearity Compensation and Disturbance Rejection with an Aircraft Application, pp. 2951-2956. |
Mondschein, Stephen |
Univ. of Virginia |
Tao, Gang |
Univ. of Virginia |
Burkholder, Jason |
Barron Associates, Inc. |
Franciscan B |
Modeling, Estimation and Control of Distributed Parameter Systems (Invited Session) |
Chair: Demetriou, Michael A. |
Worcester Pol. Inst. |
Co-Chair: Armaou, Antonios |
The Pennsylvania State Univ. |
Organizer: Demetriou, Michael A. |
Worcester Pol. Inst. |
Organizer: Armaou, Antonios |
The Pennsylvania State Univ. |
15:30-15:50 |
ThC02.1 |
Dependence of Film Surface Roughness on Surface Migration and Lattice Size in Thin Film Deposition (I), pp. 2957-2962. |
Huang, Jianqiao |
Hu, Gangshi |
Praxair, Inc. |
Orkoulas, Gerassimos |
Christofides, Panagiotis D. |
Univ. of California at Los Angeles |
15:50-16:10 |
ThC02.2 |
Model Predictive Control Formulation for a Class of Time-Varying Linear Parabolic PDEs (I), pp. 2963-2968. |
Ng, James |
Univ. of Alberta |
Dubljevic, Stevan |
Univ. of Alberta |
Aksikas, Ilyasse |
Univ. of Alberta |
16:10-16:30 |
ThC02.3 |
Modeling the Effect of Temozolomide Treatment on Orthotopic Models of Glioma (I), pp. 2969-2974. |
Vital-Lopez, Francisco Gamaliel |
Pennsylvania State Univ. |
Maranas, Costas |
The Pennsylvania State Univ. |
Armaou, Antonios |
The Pennsylvania State Univ. |
16:30-16:50 |
ThC02.4 |
Rank-1 Incremental Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Based Model Order Reduction for High Dimensional Linear Systems (I), pp. 2975-2981. |
Xu, Chao |
Zhejiang Univ. |
Schuster, Eugenio |
Lehigh Univ. |
16:50-17:10 |
ThC02.5 |
Robust Stabilization of Sampled-Data Distributed Processes Using a Dynamic Sensor-Controller Communication Logic (I), pp. 2982-2987. |
Yao, Zhiyuan |
Univ. of California, Davis |
El-Farra, Nael H. |
Univ. of California, Davis |
17:10-17:30 |
ThC02.6 |
Modeling and Control of an Euler-Bernoulli Beam under Unknown Spatiotemporally Varying Disturbance, pp. 2988-2993. |
Ge, Shuzhi Sam |
National Univ. of Singapore |
Zhang, Shuang |
National Univ. of Singapore |
He, Wei |
National Univ. of Singapore |
Franciscan C |
Estimation II (Regular Session) |
Chair: Jia, Yingmin |
Beihang Univ. |
Co-Chair: Xin, Ming |
Mississippi State Univ. |
15:30-15:50 |
ThC03.1 |
A Direct Adaptive Method for Discriminating Sinusoidal Components with Nearby Frequencies, pp. 2994-2999. |
Pin, Gilberto |
Danieli Automation S.p.A. (Italy) |
Parisini, Thomas |
Imperial Coll. London & Univ. of Trieste |
15:50-16:10 |
ThC03.2 |
Salient Point Quadrature Nonlinear Filtering, pp. 3000-3005. |
Jia, Bin |
Mississippi State Univ. |
Xin, Ming |
Mississippi State Univ. |
Cheng, Yang |
Mississippi State Univ. |
16:10-16:30 |
ThC03.3 |
Semi-Analytic Gaussian Assumed Density Filter, pp. 3006-3011. |
Huber, Marco F. |
Fraunhofer Inst. of Optronics, System Tech. and Image |
Beutler, Frederik |
Karlsruhe Inst. of Tech. |
Hanebeck, Uwe D. |
Karlsruhe Inst. of Tech. (KIT) |
16:30-16:50 |
ThC03.4 |
Optimal Sensor Scheduling for Hybrid Estimation, pp. 3012-3017. |
Liu, Weiyi |
Purdue Univ. |
Hwang, Inseok |
Purdue Univ. |
16:50-17:10 |
ThC03.5 |
A New Algorithm for Frequency Estimation and Disturbance Cancellation Inspired from Induction Machine Theory, pp. 3018-3023. |
Pigg, Scott |
Univ. of Utah |
Bodson, Marc |
Univ. of Utah |
17:10-17:30 |
ThC03.6 |
Gaussian Mixture PHD Smoother for Jump Markov Models in Multiple Maneuvering Targets Tracking, pp. 3024-3029. |
Li, Wenling |
Beihang Univ. |
Jia, Yingmin |
Beihang Univ. |
Du, Junping |
Beijing Univ. of Posts and Telecommunications |
Yu, Fashan |
Henan Pol. Univ. |
Franciscan D |
Learning II (Regular Session) |
Chair: M'Closkey, Robert |
Univ. of California, Los Angeles |
Co-Chair: Swevers, Jan |
K. U. Leuven |
15:30-15:50 |
ThC04.1 |
Adaptive Iterative Learning Control for Uncertain Delay Systems Based on Model Matching Technique, pp. 3030-3034. |
Su, Haixia |
Beihang Univ. |
Jia, Yingmin |
Beihang Univ. |
Du, Junping |
Beijing Univ. of Posts and Telecommunications |
Yu, Fashan |
Henan Pol. Univ. |
15:50-16:10 |
ThC04.2 |
Iterative Learning Control for Nonlinear Systems with Input Constraints and Discontinuously Changing Dynamics, pp. 3035-3040. |
Volckaert, Marnix |
K.U.Leuven |
Diehl, Moritz |
Katholieke Univ. Leuve |
Swevers, Jan |
K. U. Leuven |
16:10-16:30 |
ThC04.3 |
Reliable Nearest Neighbors for Lazy Learning, pp. 3041-3046. |
Ebert, Tobias |
Univ. of Siegen |
Kampmann, Geritt |
Univ. of Siegen |
Nelles, Oliver |
Univ. of Siegen |
16:30-16:50 |
ThC04.4 |
Finite-Horizon Input-Constrained Nonlinear Optimal Control Using Single Network Adaptive Critics, pp. 3047-3052. |
Heydari, Ali |
Missouri Univ. of Science and Tech. |
Balakrishnan, S.N. |
Missouri Univ. of Science and Tech. |
16:50-17:10 |
ThC04.5 |
Dynamic Phase Compensation in Modulated-Demodulated Control for Pulsed Jet Injection, pp. 3053-3058. |
Hendrickson, Cory |
Univ. of California, Los Angeles |
M'Closkey, Robert |
Univ. of California, Los Angeles |
17:10-17:30 |
ThC04.6 |
Nash Equilibrium Seeking with Infinitely-Many Players, pp. 3059-3064. |
Frihauf, Paul |
Univ. of California, San Diego |
Krstic, Miroslav |
Univ. of California, San Diego |
Basar, Tamer |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Continental 1 |
Modeling and Simulation II (Regular Session) |
Chair: Hu, Tingshu |
Univ. of Massachusetts, Lowell |
Co-Chair: Ersal, Tulga |
Univ. of Michigan |
15:30-15:50 |
ThC05.1 |
A Comprehensive Speed Control Model for Human Drivers with Application to Intersection Left Turns, pp. 3065-3070. |
Nobukawa, Kazutoshi |
Univ. of Michigan |
Gordon, Tim |
Univ. of Michigan |
Barnes, Michelle |
Univ. of Michigan |
Goodsell, Robert |
Univ. of Michigan |
15:50-16:10 |
ThC05.2 |
Macroscopic Mechanistic Modeling and Optimization of a Self-Initiated High-Temperature Polymerization Reactor, pp. 3071-3076. |
Rier, Thomas |
Drexel Univ. |
Srinivasan, Sriraj |
Drexel Univ. |
Soroush, Masoud |
Drexel Univ. |
Kalfas, George |
DuPont |
Grady, Michael |
DuPont |
Rappe, Andrew |
Univ. of Pennsylvania |
16:10-16:30 |
ThC05.3 |
Nanofluid Augmented Coolant Rail Thermoelectric Cooling of Electronic Systems — Modeling and Analysis, pp. 3077-3083. |
Finn, Joshua |
Clemson Univ. |
Ewing, David |
Clemson Univ. |
Ma, Lin |
Clemson Univ. |
Wagner, John R. |
Clemson Univ. |
16:30-16:50 |
ThC05.4 |
A Multiscale Stochastic Approach for Phase Screens Synthesis, pp. 3084-3089. |
Beghi, Alessandro |
Univ. di Padova |
Cenedese, Angelo |
Univ. of Padova |
Masiero, Andrea |
Univ. di Padova |
16:50-17:10 |
ThC05.5 |
Determining Battery Parameters by Simple Algebraic Method, pp. 3090-3095. |
Hu, Tingshu |
Univ. of Massachusetts, Lowell |
Zanchi, Brian |
Univ. of Massachusetts, Lowell |
Zhao, Jianping |
Univ. of Massachusetts, Lowell |
17:10-17:30 |
ThC05.6 |
Effect of Coupling Point Selection on Distortion in Internet-Distributed Hardware-In-The-Loop Simulation, pp. 3096-3103. |
Ersal, Tulga |
Univ. of Michigan |
Gillespie, Brent |
Univ. of Michigan |
Brudnak, Mark |
Stein, Jeffrey L. |
Univ. of Michigan |
Fathy, Hosam K. |
Penn State Univ. |
Continental 2 |
Nonlinear Control Design for Semi-Active Civil Systems - Part II (Invited Session) |
Chair: Scruggs, Jeff |
Duke Univ. |
Co-Chair: Wang, Yang |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Organizer: Scruggs, Jeff |
Duke Univ. |
Organizer: Wang, Yang |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
15:30-15:50 |
ThC06.1 |
Multi-Subnet Wireless Sensing Feedback for Decentralized H2 Control with Information Overlapping (I), pp. 3104-3109. |
Wang, Yang |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Law, Kincho H. |
Stanford Univ. |
Loh, Chin-Hsiung |
National Taiwan Univ. |
Huang, Shieh-Kung |
National Center for Res. on Earthquake Engineering |
Lu, Kung-Chun |
National Taiwan Univ. |
Lin, Pei-Yang |
Natinal Center for Res. on Earthquake Engineering |
15:50-16:10 |
ThC06.2 |
Active-Passive Control Strategy for Adjacent Buildings (I), pp. 3110-3115. |
Palacios-Quiñonero, Francisco |
Univ. Pol. de Catalunya (UPC) |
Rossell, Josep M. |
Univ. Pol. de Catalunya (UPC) |
Rodellar, Jose |
Tech. Univ. of Catalonia |
Karimi, Hamid Reza |
Univ. of Agder |
16:10-16:30 |
ThC06.3 |
Optimal Sensor Placement for Health Monitoring of Civil Structures (I), pp. 3116-3121. |
van der Linden, Gwendolyn W |
SC Solutions, Inc. |
Emami-Naeini, Abbas |
SC Solutions, Inc. |
Kosut, Robert L. |
SC Solutions, Inc. |
Sedarat, Hassan |
SC Solutions, Inc. |
Lynch, Jerome |
Univ. of Michigan |
16:30-16:50 |
ThC06.4 |
Approximate Solutions to Nonlinearly-Constrained Optimal Control Problems (I), pp. 3122-3128. |
Harvey, Philip Scott |
Duke Univ. |
Gavin, Henri P. |
Duke Univ. |
16:50-17:10 |
ThC06.5 |
Direct Adaptive Neural-Control System for Seismically Excited Non-Linear Base-Isolated Buildings (I), pp. 3129-3133. |
Sundaram, Suresh |
Assistant Professor |
Narasimhan, Sriram |
Univ. of Waterloo |
17:10-17:30 |
ThC06.6 |
Simulation and Experiment Validation of Simultaneous Vibration Control and Energy Harvesting from Buildings Using Tuned Mass Dampers (I), pp. 3134-3139. |
Zuo, Lei |
State Univ. of New York at Stony Brook |
Continental 3 |
Control of Networked and Distributed Process Systems (Invited Session) |
Chair: El-Farra, Nael H. |
Univ. of California, Davis |
Co-Chair: Mhaskar, Prashant |
McMaster Univ. |
Organizer: El-Farra, Nael H. |
Univ. of California, Davis |
Organizer: Mhaskar, Prashant |
McMaster Univ. |
15:30-15:50 |
ThC07.1 |
Simplified Controller Design for Distributed Parameter Systems Using Mobile Actuator with Augmented Vehicle Dynamics (I), pp. 3140-3145. |
Demetriou, Michael A. |
Worcester Pol. Inst. |
15:50-16:10 |
ThC07.2 |
Fault Detection and Isolation and Safe-Parking of Networked Systems (I), pp. 3146-3151. |
Du, Miao |
McMaster Univ. |
Gandhi, Rahul |
McMaster Univ. |
Mhaskar, Prashant |
McMaster Univ. |
16:10-16:30 |
ThC07.3 |
Dynamic Quasi-Decentralized Control of Networked Process Systems with Limited Measurements (I), pp. 3152-3157. |
Sun, Yulei |
Univ. of California, Davis |
El-Farra, Nael H. |
Univ. of California, Davis |
16:30-16:50 |
ThC07.4 |
Data-Based Monitoring and Reconfiguration of a Distributed Model Predictive Control System (I), pp. 3158-3165. |
Chilin, David |
Univ. of California, Los Angeles |
Liu, Jinfeng |
Univ. of California, Los Angeles |
Davis, James F. |
Christofides, Panagiotis D. |
Univ. of California at Los Angeles |
16:50-17:10 |
ThC07.5 |
Event-Based NMPC for Networked Control Systems Over UDP-Like Communication Channels, pp. 3166-3171. |
Varutti, Paolo |
Otto-von-Guericke Univ. of Magdeburg |
Findeisen, Rolf |
OVG Univ. Magdeburg |
17:10-17:30 |
ThC07.6 |
Hierarchical Distributed Model Predictive Control for Risk Mitigation: An Irrigation Canal Case Study, pp. 3172-3177. |
Zafra-Cabeza, Ascension |
Univ. of Seville |
Maestre, J.M. |
Univ. of Seville |
Ridao, Miguel A. |
Univ. de Sevilla |
Camacho, Eduardo F. |
Univ. of Sevilla |
Sanchez, Laura |
INOCSA IngenierÃa |
Continental 7 |
Feedback Linearization (Regular Session) |
Chair: Beard, Randy |
Brigham Young Univ. |
Co-Chair: Fierro, Rafael |
Univ. of New Mexico |
15:30-15:50 |
ThC08.1 |
On the Linear Control of the Quad-Rotor System, pp. 3178-3183. |
Sira-Ramirez, Hebertt |
15:50-16:10 |
ThC08.2 |
Stability of Feedback Linearization under Intermittent Information: A Target-Pursuit Case, pp. 3184-3190. |
Tolic, Domagoj |
Univ. of New Mexico |
Fierro, Rafael |
Univ. of New Mexico |
16:10-16:30 |
ThC08.3 |
Nonlinear Aircraft Modeling and Controller Design for Target Tracking, pp. 3191-3196. |
Rizwan, Yassir |
Univ. of Waterloo |
Waslander, Steven L. |
Univ. of Waterloo |
Nielsen, Christopher |
Univ. of Waterloo |
16:30-16:50 |
ThC08.4 |
Combining a Backstepping Controller with a Local Stabilizer, pp. 3197-3202. |
Stein Shiromoto, Humberto |
Escola Pol. da Univ. de Sao Paulo |
Andrieu, Vincent |
Univ. de Lyon |
Prieur, Christophe |
Gipsa-Lab. |
16:50-17:10 |
ThC08.5 |
Synergistic Lyapunov Functions and Backstepping Hybrid Feedbacks, pp. 3203-3208. |
Mayhew, Christopher G. |
Robert Bosch LLC |
Sanfelice, Ricardo G. |
Univ. of Arizona |
Teel, Andrew R. |
Univ. of California at Santa Barbara |
17:10-17:30 |
ThC08.6 |
Towed-Body Trajectory Tracking in Aerial Recovery of Micro Air Vehicle in the Presence of Wind, pp. 3209-3214. |
Sun, Liang |
Brigham Young Univ. |
Beard, Randy |
Brigham Young Univ. |
Continental 8 |
Control of Networks (Regular Session) |
Chair: Moezzi, Kaveh |
Concordia Univ. |
Co-Chair: Zavlanos, Michael M. |
Stevens Inst. of Tech. |
15:30-15:50 |
ThC09.1 |
GODDeS: Globally Epsilon-Optimal Routing Via Distributed Decision-Theoretic Self-Organization, pp. 3215-3220. |
Chattopadhyay, Ishanu |
Penn State |
Ray, Asok |
Pennsylvania State Univ. |
15:50-16:10 |
ThC09.2 |
Analysis of Neural Networks with Time-Delays Using the Lambert W Function, pp. 3221-3226. |
Yi, Sun |
North Carolina A&T State Univ. |
Yu, Sangseok |
Chung Nam National Univ. |
Kim, Jung Hyoun |
North Carolina A&T State Univ. |
16:10-16:30 |
ThC09.3 |
Self-Deployment Algorithms for Field Coverage in a Network of Nonidentical Mobile Sensors: Vertex-Based Approach, pp. 3227-3232. |
Mahboubi, Hamid |
Concordia Univ. |
Moezzi, Kaveh |
Concordia Univ. |
Aghdam, Amir G. |
Concordia Univ. |
Sayrafian-Pour, Kamran |
National Inst. of Standard & Tech. |
16:30-16:50 |
ThC09.4 |
Duty Cycle Scheduling in Dynamic Sensor Networks for Controlling Event Detection Probabilities, pp. 3233-3238. |
Jaleel, Hassan |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Rahmani, Amir |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Egerstedt, Magnus |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
16:50-17:10 |
ThC09.5 |
On the Critical Coupling Strength for Kuramoto Oscillators, pp. 3239-3244. |
Dörfler, Florian |
Univ. of California at Santa Barbara |
Bullo, Francesco |
Univ. California at Santa Barbara |
17:10-17:30 |
ThC09.6 |
Spectral Control of Mobile Robot Networks, pp. 3245-3250. |
Zavlanos, Michael M. |
Stevens Inst. of Tech. |
Preciado, Victor M. |
Univ. of Pennsylvania |
Jadbabaie, Ali |
Univ. of Pennsylvania |
Continental 9 |
Optimization and Optimization Algorithms II (Regular Session) |
Chair: Grover, Martha |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Co-Chair: Mossberg, Magnus |
Karlstad Univ. |
15:30-15:50 |
ThC10.1 |
Market Based Allocation of Power in Smart Grid, pp. 3251-3256. |
HomChaudhuri, Baisravan |
Univ. of Cincinnati |
Kumar, Manish |
Univ. of Cincinnati |
15:50-16:10 |
ThC10.2 |
Ant Colony Optimization Technique to Solve the Min-Max Single Depot Vehicle Routing Problem, pp. 3257-3262. |
Venkata Narasimha, Koushik S |
Univ. of Cincinnati |
Kumar, Manish |
Univ. of Cincinnati |
16:10-16:30 |
ThC10.3 |
An Adaptive Chaotic PSO for Parameter Optimization and Feature Extraction of LS-SVM Based Modelling, pp. 3263-3268. |
Cheng, Weijian |
Northestern Univ. |
Ding, Jinliang |
The Univ. of Manchester |
Kong, Weijian |
Northeastern Univ. |
Chai, Tianyou |
Northeastern Univ. |
Qin, S. Joe |
Univ. of Southern California |
16:30-16:50 |
ThC10.4 |
Optimal Design for Active Self-Assembly System, pp. 3269-3274. |
Xue, Yuzhen |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Grover, Martha |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
16:50-17:10 |
ThC10.5 |
Sliding Window Recursive Quadratic Optimization with Variable Regularization, pp. 3275-3280. |
Hoagg, Jesse B. |
Univ. of Kentucky |
Ali, Asad |
Univ. of Michigan |
Mossberg, Magnus |
Karlstad Univ. |
Bernstein, Dennis S. |
Univ. of Michigan |
17:10-17:30 |
ThC10.6 |
Optimal Input Design for Flat Systems Using B-Splines, pp. 3281-3282. |
Van Loock, Wannes |
Katholieke Univ. Leuven |
Pipeleers, Goele |
Katholieke Univ. Leuven |
Swevers, Jan |
K. U. Leuven |
Golden Gate 1 |
Structural and Fluid Power Applications (Regular Session) |
Chair: Bentsman, Joseph |
Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Chyampaign |
Co-Chair: Djordjevic, Snezana |
Eindhoven Univ. of Tech. |
15:30-15:50 |
ThC11.1 |
Boundary Control of Two-Phase Fluid Flow Using the Laplace-Space Domain, pp. 3283-3288. |
Djordjevic, Snezana |
Eindhoven Univ. of Tech. |
Bosgra, Okko H. |
Delft Univ. of Tech. |
Van den Hof, Paul M.J. |
Delft Univ. of Tech. |
15:50-16:10 |
ThC11.2 |
Robust Rejection of Sinusoids in Stable Nonlinearly Perturbed Unmodelled Linear Systems: Theory and Application to Servo, pp. 3289-3294. |
Natarajan, Vivek |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Bentsman, Joseph |
Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Chyampaign |
16:10-16:30 |
ThC11.3 |
Optimal Design of Power-Split Transmissions for Hydraulic Hybrid Passenger Vehicles, pp. 3295-3300. |
Cheong, Kai Loon |
Univ. of Minnesota |
Li, Perry Y. |
Univ. of Minnesota |
Chase, Thomas R. |
Univ. of Minnesota |
16:30-16:50 |
ThC11.4 |
Experimental Validation of a Scaled Instrument for Real-Time Hybrid Testing (I), pp. 3301-3306. |
Gao, Xiuyu |
Purdue Univ. |
Castaneda, Nestor |
Washington Univ. in St. Louis |
Dyke, Shirley J. |
Purdue Univ. |
Xi, Sisu |
Washington Univ. in St. Louis |
Gill, Christopher |
Washington Univ. in St. Louis |
Lu, Chenyang |
Washington Univ. in St. Louis |
Ohtori, Yasuki |
Central Res. Inst. of Electric Power Industry, JAPAN |
16:50-17:10 |
ThC11.5 |
Effective Strategies for Real Time Hybrid Simulation of Near Seismic Collapse Response of Moment Resisting Frames (I), pp. 3307-3314. |
Leclerc, Martin |
Ec. Pol. de Montreal |
Molinari, Marco |
Univ. of Trento |
Bouaanani, Najib |
Ec. Pol. de Montreal |
Tremblay, Robert |
Ec. Pol. de Montreal |
Leger, Pierre |
Ec. Pol. de Montreal |
Bursi, Oreste |
Univ. of Trento |
17:10-17:30 |
ThC11.6 |
Multi-Mode Adaptive Positive Position Feedback: An Experimental Study, pp. 3315-3319. |
Orszulik, Ryan |
York Univ. |
Shan, Jinjun |
York Univ. |
Golden Gate 2 |
Advanced Automotive Control Techniques (Invited Session) |
Chair: Shilpiekandula, Vijay |
Mitsubishi Electrical Res. Lab. |
Co-Chair: Onori, Simona |
Ohio State Univ. |
Organizer: Shilpiekandula, Vijay |
Mitsubishi Electrical Res. Lab. |
Organizer: Onori, Simona |
Ohio State Univ. |
Organizer: Karnik, Amey |
Ford Motor Company |
Organizer: Mohammadpour, Javad |
Univ. of Houston |
Organizer: Vermillion, Christopher |
Altaeros Energies |
15:30-15:50 |
ThC12.1 |
Data Driven Engine Model Identification and Real-Time Adaptation (I), pp. 3320-3325. |
Grimble, Michael John |
Univ. of Strathclyde |
Javaherian, Hossein |
GM R&D |
Dutka, Arkadiusz S. |
Univ. of Strathclyde |
15:50-16:10 |
ThC12.2 |
Disturbance Attenuation in Time-Delay Systems a Case Study on Engine Air-Fuel Ratio Control (I), pp. 3326-3331. |
Jankovic, Mrdjan |
Ford Res. & Advanced Engineering |
Magner, Stephen W. |
Ford Motor Company |
16:10-16:30 |
ThC12.3 |
Simulation Study of a Novel Self-Powered Active Suspension System for Automobiles (I), pp. 3332-3337. |
Singal, Kalpesh |
Univ. of Minnesota - Twin Cities |
Rajamani, Rajesh |
Univ. of Minnesota |
16:30-16:50 |
ThC12.4 |
Gear Shifting of Dual Clutch Transmissions with a Torque Rate Limitation Trajectory (I), pp. 3338-3343. |
Kim, Jinsung |
Cho, Kwanghyun |
Korea Advanced Inst. of Science and Tech. |
Choi, Seibum Ben |
16:50-17:10 |
ThC12.5 |
Design of Switching Strategy for Adaptive Cruise Control under String Stability Constraints (I), pp. 3344-3349. |
Zhai, Yao |
Purdue Univ. |
Li, Lingxi |
Indiana Univ. Univ. Indianapolis |
Widmann, Glann |
Delphi |
Chen, Yaobin |
Purdue School of Engr and Tech. IUPUI |
Golden Gate 3 |
Multivehicle Systems (Regular Session) |
Chair: Olgac, Nejat |
Univ. of Connecticut |
Co-Chair: Humpherys, Jeffrey |
Brigham Young Univ. |
15:30-15:50 |
ThC13.1 |
Convergence Analysis and Controller Design for a Team of Mobile Robots Subject to Measurement Error, pp. 3350-3356. |
Golkar, Mahsa |
Unviersity of Concordia |
Momeni, Ahmadreza |
Concordia Univ. |
Moezzi, Kaveh |
Concordia Univ. |
Aghdam, Amir G. |
Concordia Univ. |
Mantegh, Iraj |
National Res. Council Canada |
15:50-16:10 |
ThC13.2 |
Dynamic Input Consensus Using Integrators, pp. 3357-3362. |
Taylor, Clark N. |
Air Force Res. Lab. |
Beard, Randy |
Brigham Young Univ. |
Humpherys, Jeffrey |
Brigham Young Univ. |
16:10-16:30 |
ThC13.3 |
Collision Avoidance Control with Sensing Uncertainties, pp. 3363-3368. |
RodrÃguez-Seda, Erick J. |
Univ. of Texas at Dallas |
Stipanovic, Dusan M. |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Spong, Mark W. |
Univ. of Texas at Dallas |
16:30-16:50 |
ThC13.4 |
Exhaustive Stability Analysis in a Consensus System with Time Delay and Irregular Topologies, pp. 3369-3374. |
Cepeda-Gomez, Rudy |
The Univ. of Connecticut |
Olgac, Nejat |
Univ. of Connecticut |
16:50-17:10 |
ThC13.5 |
Game-Theoretic Routing of GPS-Assisted Vehicles for Energy Efficiency, pp. 3375-3380. |
Aswani, Anil |
Univ. of California at Berkeley |
Tomlin, Claire J. |
UC Berkeley |
17:10-17:30 |
ThC13.6 |
Obstacle Avoidance in Multi-Vehicle Coordinated Motion Via Stabilization of Time-Varying Sets, pp. 3381-3386. |
Ghorbanian, Parham |
Villanova Univ. |
Nersesov, Sergey G. |
Villanova Univ. |
Ashrafiuon, Hashem |
Villanova Univ. |
Golden Gate 4 |
Cooperative Control VI (Regular Session) |
Chair: Fujita, Masayuki |
Tokyo Inst. of Tech. |
Co-Chair: Wang, Zheng |
Stevens Inst. Tech. |
15:30-15:50 |
ThC14.1 |
Adaptive Output Consensus Tracking of Uncertain Multi-Agent Systems, pp. 3387-3392. |
Wang, Zheng |
Stevens Inst. Tech. |
Zhang, Wenlin |
Stevens Inst. of Tech. |
Guo, Yi |
Stevens Inst. of Tech. |
15:50-16:10 |
ThC14.2 |
UAV Cooperative Control with Stochastic Risk Models, pp. 3393-3398. |
Geramifard, Alborz |
Redding, Joshua |
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
Roy, Nicholas |
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
How, Jonathan P. |
16:10-16:30 |
ThC14.3 |
Passivity-Based Cooperative Estimation of 3D Target Motion for Visual Sensor Networks: Analysis on Averaging Performance, pp. 3399-3404. |
Hatanaka, Takeshi |
Tokyo Inst. of Tech. |
Fujita, Masayuki |
Tokyo Inst. of Tech. |
16:30-16:50 |
ThC14.4 |
On the Stability and Optimality of Distributed Kalman Filters with Finite-Time Data Fusion, pp. 3405-3410. |
Khan, Usman |
Tufts Univ. |
Jadbabaie, Ali |
Univ. of Pennsylvania |
16:50-17:10 |
ThC14.5 |
Decentralized Swarming Beliefs of Distributed Autonomous Heterogeneous System, pp. 3411-3416. |
Overstreet, Jamahl |
Pol. Inst. of NYU |
Khorrami, Farshad |
Pol. Inst. of NYU |
Krishnamurthy, Prashanth |
FarCo Tech. Inc. |
17:10-17:30 |
ThC14.6 |
Accelerated Corrective Consensus: Converge to the Exact Average at a Faster Rate, pp. 3417-3422. |
Chen, Yin |
Johns Hopkins Univ. |
Tron, Roberto |
Johns Hopkins Univ. |
Terzis, Andreas |
Johns Hopkins Univ. |
Vidal, Rene |
Johns Hopkins Univ. |
Golden Gate 5 |
Networks and Communication (Regular Session) |
Chair: Djouadi, Seddik, M. |
Univ. of Tennessee |
Co-Chair: Gupta, Vijay |
Univ. of Notre Dame |
15:30-15:50 |
ThC15.1 |
Cooperative Rate Control in ATM Networks, pp. 3423-3428. |
Manfredi, Sabato |
Univ. of Naples Federico II |
15:50-16:10 |
ThC15.2 |
On a Rate Control Protocol for Networked Estimation, pp. 3429-3434. |
Katewa, Vaibhav |
Univ. of Notre Dame |
Gupta, Vijay |
Univ. of Notre Dame |
16:10-16:30 |
ThC15.3 |
Distributed Resource Management Using Iterative Gradient Update Synthesis, pp. 3435-3440. |
Martensson, Karl |
Lund Univ. |
Vladimerou, Vladimeros |
Lund Univ. |
16:30-16:50 |
ThC15.4 |
Cooperative Control Based on Distributed Estimation of Network Connectivity, pp. 3441-3446. |
Qu, Zhihua |
Univ. of Central Florida |
Li, Chaoyong |
Univ. of Central Florida |
Lewis, Frank L. |
Univ. of Texas at Arlington |
16:50-17:10 |
ThC15.5 |
Stability Conditions for Optimal Filtering Over Cognitive Radio System, pp. 3447-3452. |
Ma, Xiao |
Univ. of Tennessee |
Djouadi, Seddik, M. |
Univ. of Tennessee |
Li, Husheng |
Univ. of Tennessee |
17:10-17:30 |
ThC15.6 |
Novel Multiplexing Technique in Anti-Jamming GNSS Receivers, pp. 3453-3458. |
Chang, Chung-Liang |
National Pingtung Univ. of Science and Tech. R |
Golden Gate 6 |
Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems (Regular Session) |
Chair: Rajamani, Rajesh |
Univ. of Minnesota |
Co-Chair: Saif, Mehrdad |
Simon Fraser Univ. |
15:30-15:50 |
ThC16.1 |
Capacitance Ratio Estimation on a Novel MEMS Tactile Sensor for Elasticity Measurement, pp. 3459-3464. |
Peng, Peng |
Univ. of Minnesota |
Rajamani, Rajesh |
Univ. of Minnesota |
15:50-16:10 |
ThC16.2 |
Optimal On-Off Controller with Charge Recovery for Thin-Film Piezoelectric Actuators for an Autonomous Mobile Micro-Robot, pp. 3465-3470. |
Edamana, Biju |
Univ. of Michigan |
Oldham, Kenn |
Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor |
16:10-16:30 |
ThC16.3 |
Robust Finite-Duration Transient Response of Micro-Electromechanical System, pp. 3471-3476. |
Rhee, Choong-Ho |
Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor |
Oldham, Kenn |
Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor |
16:30-16:50 |
ThC16.4 |
PID-Structured Controller Design for Interval Systems: Application to Piezoelectric Microactuators, pp. 3477-3482. |
Khadraoui, Sofiane |
Femto-st |
Rakotondrabe, Micky |
FEMTO-ST Inst. |
Lutz, Philippe |
Femto-st |
16:50-17:10 |
ThC16.5 |
Terminal Sliding Mode Control of Z-Axis MEMS Gyroscope with Observer Based Rotation Rate Estimation, pp. 3483-3489. |
Saif, Mehrdad |
Simon Fraser Univ. |
Ebrahimi, Behrouz |
Amirkabir Univ. of Tech. (Tehran Pol. |
Vali, M. |
Univ. of Kashan |
17:10-17:30 |
ThC16.6 |
Multiple Model Adaptive Estimation of Satellite Attitude Using MEMS Gyros, pp. 3490-3495. |
Stearns, Hoday |
Univ. of California, Berkeley |
Tomizuka, Masayoshi |
Univ. of California, Berkeley |
Golden Gate 7 |
Biological Systems (Regular Session) |
Chair: Wen, John T. |
Rensselaer Pol. Inst. |
Co-Chair: Nounou, Hazem |
Texas A&M Univ. at Qatar |
15:30-15:50 |
ThC17.1 |
Modeling of Drosophila Circadian System Based on the Locomotor Activity, pp. 3496-3501. |
Zhang, Jiaxiang |
Rensselaer Pol. Inst. |
Wen, John T. |
Rensselaer Pol. Inst. |
Julius, Agung |
Rensselaer Pol. Inst. |
15:50-16:10 |
ThC17.2 |
Bacterial Persistence: Mathematical Modeling and Optimal Treatment Strategy, pp. 3502-3507. |
Cooper, Nicholas |
Rensselaer Pol. Inst. |
Julius, Agung |
Rensselaer Pol. Inst. |
16:10-16:30 |
ThC17.3 |
Modeling Sporulation Decisions in Bacillus Subtilis As Optimal Evolutionary Decision-Making, pp. 3508-3513. |
Morimoto, Michael |
Univ. of California- Berkeley |
Arkin, Adam |
N/A |
Poolla, Kameshwar |
Univ. of California at Berkeley |
16:30-16:50 |
ThC17.4 |
Nonlinear Dynamics in the Trapping Movement of the Venus Flytrap, pp. 3514-3518. |
Li, Yongfeng |
Univ. Space Res. Association |
Zhang, Mingjun |
The Univ. of Tennessee |
16:50-17:10 |
ThC17.5 |
Intervention in Biological Phenomena Modeled by S-Systems: A Model Predictive Control Approach, pp. 3519-3523. |
Meskin, Nader |
Qatar Univ. |
Nounou, Hazem |
Texas A&M Univ. at Qatar |
Nounou, Mohamed |
Texas A&M Univ. at Qatar |
Datta, Aniruddha |
Texas A&M Univ. |
Dougherty, Edward |
Texas A&M Univ. |
17:10-17:30 |
ThC17.6 |
Optimal Determination of Respiratory Airflow Patterns Using a Nonlinear Multi-Compartment Model for a Lung-Rib-Cage System, pp. 3524-3529. |
Li, Hancao |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Haddad, Wassim M. |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Golden Gate 8 |
Controls for Societal Challenges: Sustainable Growth (Tutorial Session) |
Chair: Topcu, Ufuk |
California Inst. of Tech. |
Co-Chair: Gayme, Dennice |
California Inst. of Tech. |
Organizer: Topcu, Ufuk |
California Inst. of Tech. |
Organizer: Gayme, Dennice |
California Inst. of Tech. |
15:30-17:30 |
ThC18.1 |
Panel Discussion (I)*. |
Gayme, Dennice |
California Inst. of Tech. |
Khargonekar, Pramod P. |
Univ. of Florida |
Topcu, Ufuk |
California Inst. of Tech. |
Technical Program for Friday July 1, 2011
Continental 4 |
A Control Theory Approach to Engineering Bio-Molecular Circuits (Semiplenary Session) |
Chair: Jabbari, Faryar |
Univ. of California at Irvine |
08:00-09:00 |
FrSP1.1 |
A Control Theory Approach to Engineering Bio-Molecular Circuits*. |
Del Vecchio, Domitilla |
Massachusetts Insitute of Tech. |
Continental 6 |
Energy Smart Grid, an Enterprise View of Systems Control (Semiplenary Session) |
Chair: Shoureshi, Rahmat |
Univ. of Denver |
08:00-09:00 |
FrSP2.1 |
Energy Smart Grid, an Enterprise View of Systems Control*. |
Piasecki, Ray |
General Electric |
Franciscan A |
Adaptive Systems III (Regular Session) |
Chair: Sadegh, Nader |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Co-Chair: Chowdhary, Girish |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
09:30-09:50 |
FrA01.1 |
Forward/Backward Adaptation Law for Nonlinearly Parameterized Systems, pp. 3530-3535. |
Chen, Zhiyong |
The Univ. of Newcastle |
09:50-10:10 |
FrA01.2 |
Adaptive Controller Design for Uncertain Nonlinear Systems with Input Magnitude and Rate Limitations, pp. 3536-3541. |
Yuan, Ruyi |
Inst. of Automation, Chinese Acad. of Sciences |
Yi, Jianqiang |
China Acad. of Sciences |
Yu, Wensheng |
Shanghai Key Lab. of Trustworthy Computing, East China Nor |
Fan, Guoliang |
Inst. of Automation, Chinese Acad. of Sciences |
10:10-10:30 |
FrA01.3 |
Setting the Hysteresis Constant to Zero in Adaptive Switching Control, pp. 3542-3546. |
Alhajri, Mubarak |
Univ. of Southern California |
Safonov, Michael G. |
Univ. of Southern California |
10:30-10:50 |
FrA01.4 |
A Singular Value Maximizing Data Recording Algorithm for Concurrent Learning, pp. 3547-3552. |
Chowdhary, Girish |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Johnson, Eric N. |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
10:50-11:10 |
FrA01.5 |
Model-Free Learning Control of Nonlinear Discrete-Time Systems, pp. 3553-3558. |
Sadegh, Nader |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
11:10-11:30 |
FrA01.6 |
Regulation under Disturbances with Multiple Harmonics of Unknown Frequency, pp. 3559-3564. |
Esbrook, Alex |
Michigan State Univ. |
Tan, Xiaobo |
Michigan State Univ. |
Khalil, Hassan K. |
Michigan State Univ. |
Franciscan B |
Distributed Parameter Systems (Regular Session) |
Chair: Iftime, Orest V. |
Univ. of Groningen |
Co-Chair: Sawodny, Oliver |
Univ. of Stuttgart |
09:30-09:50 |
FrA02.1 |
Thermo-Inspired Modeling and Analysis of Network Information Flows, pp. 3565-3570. |
Hui, Qing |
Texas Tech. Univ. |
09:50-10:10 |
FrA02.2 |
Interconnection of Dirac Structures Via Kernel/image Representation, pp. 3571-3576. |
Iftime, Orest V. |
Univ. of Groningen |
Sandovici, Adrian |
Univ. of Iasi |
10:10-10:30 |
FrA02.3 |
Spatially-Localized Optimal Control of Transition to Turbulence, pp. 3577-3582. |
Moarref, Rashad |
Univ. of Minnesota |
Lieu, Binh K. |
Univ. of Minnesota |
Jovanovic, Mihailo |
Univ. of Minnesota |
10:30-10:50 |
FrA02.4 |
Consistent Identification of Spatially Interconnected Systems, pp. 3583-3588. |
Ali, Mukhtar |
Tech. Univ. Hamburg Harburg (TUHH) |
Ali, Ahsan |
Inst. of Control Systems, Hamburg Univ. of Tech. |
Chughtai, Saulat Shuja |
Hamburg Univ. of Tech. |
Werner, Herbert |
Hamburg Univ. of Tech. |
10:50-11:10 |
FrA02.5 |
Slugging in Multiphase Flow As a Mixed Initial-Boundary Value Problem for a Quasilinear Hyperbolic System, pp. 3589-3596. |
Di Meglio, Florent |
MINES ParisTech |
Kaasa, Glenn-Ole |
Statoil ASA |
Petit, Nicolas |
MINES ParisTech |
Alstad, VIdar |
Yara International ASA |
11:10-11:30 |
FrA02.6 |
Feedforward Control of Inhomogeneous Linear First Order Distributed Parameter Systems, pp. 3597-3602. |
Malchow, Florian |
Univ. of Stuttgart |
Sawodny, Oliver |
Univ. of Stuttgart |
Franciscan C |
Estimation III (Regular Session) |
Chair: Jadbabaie, Ali |
Univ. of Pennsylvania |
Co-Chair: Rubinovich, Evgeny |
Inst. of Control Sciences |
09:30-09:50 |
FrA03.1 |
A Sub-Optimal Sensor Scheduling Strategy Using Convex Optimization, pp. 3603-3608. |
Li, Chong |
Iowa State Univ. |
Elia, Nicola |
Iowa State Univ. |
09:50-10:10 |
FrA03.2 |
Cubature Information Filter and Its Applications, pp. 3609-3614. |
Bharani Chandra, Kumar Pakki |
Univ. of Leicester |
Gu, Dawei |
Univ. of Leicester |
Postlethwaite, Ian |
Northumbria Univ. |
10:10-10:30 |
FrA03.3 |
A Topological View of Estimation from Noisy Relative Measurements, pp. 3615-3620. |
Molavi, Pooya |
Univ. of Pennsylvania |
Jadbabaie, Ali |
Univ. of Pennsylvania |
10:30-10:50 |
FrA03.4 |
Strobing Optimization in a Mobile Sensor System Associated with the Pursuit Problem, pp. 3621-3626. |
Bentsman, Joseph |
Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Chyampaign |
Rubinovich, Evgeny |
Inst. of Control Sciences |
10:50-11:10 |
FrA03.5 |
A Study on the Relation between Alarm Deadbands and Optimal Alarm Limits, pp. 3627-3632. |
Naghoosi, Elham |
Univ. |
Izadi, Iman |
Matrikon Inc. |
Chen, Tongwen |
Univ. of Alberta |
11:10-11:30 |
FrA03.6 |
Risk-Based Sensor Management for Integrated Detection and Estimation, pp. 3633-3638. |
Wang, Yue |
Worcester Pol. Inst. |
Hussein, Islam |
Worcester Pol. Inst. |
Erwin, Richard Scott |
Air Force Res. Lab. |
Franciscan D |
Iterative Learning Control Design Paradigms (Invited Session) |
Chair: Barton, Kira |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Co-Chair: Bristow, Douglas A. |
Missouri Univ. of Science & Tech. |
Organizer: Barton, Kira |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Organizer: Bristow, Douglas A. |
Missouri Univ. of Science & Tech. |
Organizer: Mishra, Sandipan |
Rensselaer Pol. Inst. |
09:30-09:50 |
FrA04.1 |
Reduced-Order ILC: The Internal Model Principle Reconsidered (I), pp. 3639-3644. |
Pipeleers, Goele |
Katholieke Univ. Leuven |
Moore, Kevin L. |
Colorado School of Mines |
09:50-10:10 |
FrA04.2 |
Semi-Active Iterative Learning Control (I), pp. 3645-3650. |
Mishra, Sandipan |
Rensselaer Pol. Inst. |
Alleyne, Andrew G. |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
10:10-10:30 |
FrA04.3 |
Terminal Iterative Learning Control with Multiple Pass Points (I), pp. 3651-3656. |
Son, Tong Duy |
Ahn, Hyo-Sung |
Gwangju Inst. of Science and Tech. (GIST) |
10:30-10:50 |
FrA04.4 |
Point-To-Point Iterative Learning Control with Mixed Constraints (I), pp. 3657-3662. |
Freeman, Christopher T. |
Univ. of Southampton |
Tan, Ying |
The Univ. of Melbourne |
10:50-11:10 |
FrA04.5 |
Robust Iterative Learning Control: L1 Adaptive Feedback Control in an ILC Framework (I), pp. 3663-3668. |
Barton, Kira |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Mishra, Sandipan |
Rensselaer Pol. Inst. |
Xargay, Enric |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
11:10-11:30 |
FrA04.6 |
Robustness Analysis of Slow Learning in Iterative Learning Control Systems (I), pp. 3669-3673. |
Bristow, Douglas A. |
Missouri Univ. of Science & Tech. |
Singler, John |
Missouri Univ. of Science and Tech. |
Continental 1 |
Linear Systems I (Regular Session) |
Chair: Guay, Martin |
Queen's Univ. |
Co-Chair: Swevers, Jan |
K. U. Leuven |
09:30-09:50 |
FrA05.1 |
On Positive Invariance for Delay Difference Equations, pp. 3674-3679. |
Lombardi, Warody |
Supélec |
Olaru, Sorin |
Supelec |
Lazar, Mircea |
Eindhoven Univ. of Tech. |
Niculescu, Silviu-Iulian |
CNRS-Supelec |
09:50-10:10 |
FrA05.2 |
Design of Low-Order Dynamic Pre-Compensators Using Convex Methods, pp. 3680-3685. |
Shamgah, Laya |
Sharif Univ. |
Nejati Aghdam, Afsoon |
Sharif Univ. of Tech. |
Nobakhti, Amin |
Sharif Univ. of Tech. |
Karimi, Houshang |
Sharif Univ. of Tech. |
10:10-10:30 |
FrA05.3 |
Decomposition of Linear Port-Hamiltonian Systems, pp. 3686-3691. |
Hoeffner, Kai |
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
Guay, Martin |
Queen's Univ. |
10:30-10:50 |
FrA05.4 |
Intermittent Kalman Filtering: Eigenvalue Cycles and Nonuniform Sampling, pp. 3692-3697. |
Park, Se Yong |
Univ. of California at Berkeley |
Sahai, Anant |
UC Berkeley |
10:50-11:10 |
FrA05.5 |
Fixed-Order Robust Controller Design with Time-Domain Constraints, pp. 3698-3703. |
Zavari, Keivan |
Katholieke Univ. Leuven |
Khatibi, Hamid |
Majd, Vahid Johari |
Associate Professor, Tarbiat Modares Univ. |
Pipeleers, Goele |
Katholieke Univ. Leuven |
Swevers, Jan |
K. U. Leuven |
11:10-11:30 |
FrA05.6 |
Sparsity Based Feedback Design: A New Paradigm in Opportunistic Sensing, pp. 3704-3709. |
Bhattacharya, Sourabh |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Basar, Tamer |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Continental 2 |
Robust Control (Regular Session) |
Chair: Talebi, H.A. |
Amirkabir Univ. |
Co-Chair: Sira-Ramirez, Hebertt |
09:30-09:50 |
FrA06.1 |
An Adaptive Observer-Based Controller Design for Time-Delay Teleoperation with Uncertainty in Environment and Parameters, pp. 3710-3715. |
Motaharifar, Mohammad |
Amirkabir Univ. of Tech. |
Sharifi, Iman |
Amirkabir Univ. of Tech. |
Talebi, H.A. |
Amirkabir Univ. |
09:50-10:10 |
FrA06.2 |
Synthesis of Fixed-Structure Robust Controllers Using the Distributed Particle Swarm Optimizer with Cyclic-Network Topology, pp. 3716-3721. |
Maruta, Ichiro |
Kyoto Univ. |
Sugie, Toshiharu |
Kyoto Univ. |
Kim, Tae-Hyoung |
Chung-Ang Univ. |
10:10-10:30 |
FrA06.3 |
The (J, J')–Spectral Factorization of a General Discrete–Time System, pp. 3722-3727. |
Oara, Cristian |
Univ. Pol. Bucharest |
Andrei, Raluca |
Univ. Pol. Bucharest |
10:30-10:50 |
FrA06.4 |
Robust Linear Output Feedback Control of a Synchronous Generator, pp. 3728-3733. |
Sira-Ramirez, Hebertt |
10:50-11:10 |
FrA06.5 |
Robust Stability Analysis for Feedback Interconnections of Unstable Time-Varying Systems, pp. 3734-3741. |
Jonsson, Ulf T. |
Royal Inst. of Tech. (KTH) |
Cantoni, Michael |
Univ. of Melbourne |
11:10-11:30 |
FrA06.6 |
Robust SDC Parameterization for a Class of Extended Linearization Systems, pp. 3742-3747. |
Nazari, Sam |
Northeastern Univ. |
Shafai, Bahram |
Northeastern Univ. |
Continental 3 |
Fault-Tolerant Systems (Regular Session) |
Chair: Zhao, Qing |
Univ. of Alberta |
Co-Chair: Edwards, Christopher |
Univ. of Leicester |
09:30-09:50 |
FrA07.1 |
Adaptive Control Schemes for Discrete-Time T-S Fuzzy Systems with Unknown Parameters and Actuator Failures, pp. 3748-3753. |
Qi, Ruiyun |
Nanjing Univ. of Aeronautics and Astronautics |
Tao, Gang |
Univ. of Virginia |
Jiang, Bin |
Nanjing Univ. of Aeronautics & Astronautics |
Tan, Chang |
Nanjing Univ. of Aeronautics and Astronautics |
09:50-10:10 |
FrA07.2 |
A Discrete-Time Parameter Estimation Based Adaptive Actuator Failure Compensation Control Scheme, pp. 3754-3759. |
Tan, Chang |
Nanjing Univ. of Aeronautics and Astronautics |
Qi, Ruiyun |
Nanjing Univ. of Aeronautics and Astronautics |
Tao, Gang |
Univ. of Virginia |
10:10-10:30 |
FrA07.3 |
Optimizing the Location of Sensors Subject to Health Degradation, pp. 3760-3765. |
Marier, Jean-Samuel |
Numerica Tech. Inc. |
Rabbath, Camille Alain |
Defence R&D Canada |
Lechevin, Nicolas |
Defence R&D Canada |
10:30-10:50 |
FrA07.4 |
Adaptive Robust Actuator Fault-Tolerant Control in Presence of Input Saturation, pp. 3766-3771. |
Gayaka, Shreekant |
Western Digital |
Yao, Bin |
Purdue Univ. |
10:50-11:10 |
FrA07.5 |
An Integral Sliding Mode Augmentation Scheme for Fault Tolerant Control, pp. 3772-3777. |
Hamayun, Mirza Tariq |
Univ. of Leicester |
Edwards, Christopher |
Univ. of Leicester |
Alwi, Halim |
Univ. of Leicester |
11:10-11:30 |
FrA07.6 |
Statistical Characterization of the GLR Based Fault Detection, pp. 3778-3783. |
Yang, Shuonan |
Univ. of Alberta |
Zhao, Qing |
Univ. of Alberta |
Continental 7 |
Constrained Systems I (Regular Session) |
Chair: Yao, Bin |
Purdue Univ. |
Co-Chair: Fang, Haijun |
MKS Inst. |
09:30-09:50 |
FrA08.1 |
Global Stabilization of a Chain of Integrators with Input Saturation and Disturbances, pp. 3784-3789. |
Gayaka, Shreekant |
Western Digital |
Yao, Bin |
Purdue Univ. |
09:50-10:10 |
FrA08.2 |
A Tracking Controller for Linear Systems Subject to Input Amplitude and Rate Constraints, pp. 3790-3795. |
Kefferpütz, Klaus |
Tech. Univ. Darmstadt |
Adamy, Jürgen |
Tech. Univ. Darmstadt |
10:10-10:30 |
FrA08.3 |
A New Design Method for Mismatch-Based Anti-Windup Compensators: Achieving Local Performance and Global Stability in the SISO Case, pp. 3796-3801. |
Ortseifen, Andreas |
Tech. Univ. Darmstadt |
Adamy, Jürgen |
Tech. Univ. Darmstadt |
10:30-10:50 |
FrA08.4 |
Global Practical Stabilization for Integrator Chain with Actuator Saturation and Input Additive Disturbances, pp. 3802-3807. |
Fang, Haijun |
MKS Inst. |
10:50-11:10 |
FrA08.5 |
Simultaneous Global External and Internal Stabilization of Linear Time-Invariant Discrete-Time Systems Subject to Actuator Saturation, pp. 3808-3812. |
Wang, Xu |
Washington State Univ. |
Saberi, Ali |
Washington State Univ. |
Stoorvogel, Anton A. |
Univ. of Twente |
Sannuti, Peddapullaiah |
Rutgers Univ. |
11:10-11:30 |
FrA08.6 |
Coprime Factor Anti-Windup for Systems with Sensor Saturation, pp. 3813-3818. |
Sofrony, Jorge Ivan |
Univ. Nacional de Colombia |
Turner, Matthew C. |
Univ. of Leicester |
Continental 8 |
Controls and Art (Invited Session) |
Chair: LaViers, Amy |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Co-Chair: Egerstedt, Magnus |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Organizer: LaViers, Amy |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Organizer: Egerstedt, Magnus |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
09:30-09:50 |
FrA09.1 |
Motion Preference Learning (I), pp. 3819-3824. |
Kingston, Peter |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Egerstedt, Magnus |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
09:50-10:10 |
FrA09.2 |
Control Aesthetics in Software Architecture for Robotic Marionettes (I), pp. 3825-3830. |
Murphey, Todd |
Northwestern Univ. |
Johnson, Elliot |
Northwestern Univ. |
10:10-10:30 |
FrA09.3 |
Optimization and Pose Selection for a Lindy Hop Partnered Spin (I), pp. 3831-3836. |
Selbach-Allen, Megan E. |
Univ. of Liverpool |
McIlhany, Kevin L. |
United States Naval Acad. |
Gentry, Sommer |
U.S. Naval Acad. |
10:30-10:50 |
FrA09.4 |
The Ballet Automaton: A Formal Model for Human Motion (I), pp. 3837-3842. |
LaViers, Amy |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Egerstedt, Magnus |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
10:50-11:10 |
FrA09.5 |
Feasiblity of Motion Primitives for Choreographed Quadrocopter Flight (I), pp. 3843-3849. |
Schoellig, Angela |
ETH Zurich |
Hehn, Markus Florian |
ETH Zurich |
Lupashin, Sergei |
ETH Zurich |
D'Andrea, Raffaello |
11:10-11:30 |
FrA09.6 |
Extended Multi-Agent Consensus Protocols for the Generation of Geometric Patterns in the Plane (I), pp. 3850-3855. |
Tsiotras, Panagiotis |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Reyes Castro, Luis Ignacio |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Continental 9 |
Control Techniques in Finance and Resource Allocation (Invited Session) |
Chair: Primbs, James A. |
Stanford Univ. |
Co-Chair: Castanon, David A. |
Boston Univ. |
Organizer: Primbs, James A. |
Stanford Univ. |
Organizer: Humpherys, Jeffrey |
Brigham Young Univ. |
09:30-09:50 |
FrA10.1 |
Optimal Hedging for Multivariate Derivatives Based on Additive Models (I), pp. 3856-3861. |
Yamada, Yuji |
Univ. of Tsukuba |
09:50-10:10 |
FrA10.2 |
A Stochastic Model Predictive Control Approach to Dynamic Option Hedging with Transaction Costs (I), pp. 3862-3867. |
Bemporad, Alberto |
Univ. of Trento |
Puglia, Laura |
Univ. degli Studi di Trento |
Gabbriellini, Tommaso |
MPS Capital Services |
10:10-10:30 |
FrA10.3 |
A Numerical Method for Consumption-Portfolio Problems (I), pp. 3868-3873. |
Ye, Jinchun |
CTC Holdings |
10:30-10:50 |
FrA10.4 |
On Performance Limits of Feedback Control-Based Stock Trading Strategies (I), pp. 3874-3879. |
Barmish, B. Ross |
Univ. of Wisconsin |
10:50-11:10 |
FrA10.5 |
Pseudo-Polynomial Auction Algorithm for Nonlinear Resource Allocation, pp. 3880-3885. |
Bangla, Ajay Kumar |
Boston Univ. |
Castanon, David A. |
Boston Univ. |
11:10-11:30 |
FrA10.6 |
The Role of Co-Located Storage for Wind Power Producers in Conventional Electricity Markets, pp. 3886-3891. |
Bitar, Eilyan |
Univ. of California, Berkeley |
Rajagopal, Ram |
Univ. of California, Berkeley |
Khargonekar, Pramod P. |
Univ. of Florida |
Poolla, Kameshwar |
Univ. of California at Berkeley |
Golden Gate 1 |
Power Systems I (Regular Session) |
Chair: Das, Tuhin |
Rochester Inst. of Tech. |
Co-Chair: Roozbehani, Mardavij |
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
09:30-09:50 |
FrA11.1 |
Adaptive Control of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Ultra-Capacitor Hybrid System, pp. 3892-3898. |
Das, Tuhin |
Rochester Inst. of Tech. |
Snyder, Steven |
Rochester Inst. of Tech. |
09:50-10:10 |
FrA11.2 |
Hybrid Large Scale System Model for a DC Microgrid, pp. 3899-3904. |
Tulpule, Pinak |
The Ohio State Univ. |
Yurkovich, Stephen |
Univ. of Texas at Dallas |
Wang, Jin |
The Ohio State Univ. |
Rizzoni, Giorgio |
Ohio State Univ. |
10:10-10:30 |
FrA11.3 |
Adaptive Control of Interleaved Boost Converter for Fuel Cell Energy, pp. 3905-3910. |
El Fadil, Hassan |
ENSA, Ibn Tofail Univ. Kénitra. |
Giri, Fouad |
Univ. de Caen |
Guerrero, J.M. |
Univ. Pol. de Catalunya |
Salhi, Boualem |
Univ. of Tizi-Ouzzou |
10:30-10:50 |
FrA11.4 |
H2 Performance Bounds for Voltage Regulation on a Spatially-Invariant DC Power Grid, pp. 3911-3917. |
Rinehart, Michael |
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
Roozbehani, Mardavij |
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
Dahleh, Munther A. |
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
10:50-11:10 |
FrA11.5 |
A Graph Theoretic Characterization of Power Network Vulnerabilities, pp. 3918-3923. |
Pasqualetti, Fabio |
Univ. of California, Santa Barbara |
Bicchi, Antonio |
Univ. di Pisa |
Bullo, Francesco |
Univ. California at Santa Barbara |
11:10-11:30 |
FrA11.6 |
Decentralized Charging Algorithm for Electric Vehicles Connected to Smart Grid, pp. 3924-3929. |
Ahn, Changsun |
Univ. of Michigan |
Li, Chiao-Ting |
Univ. of Michigan |
Peng, Huei |
Univ. of Michigan |
Golden Gate 2 |
Vehicle Dynamics and Control (Invited Session) |
Chair: Vermillion, Christopher |
Toyota Tech. Center |
Co-Chair: Ferrara, Antonella |
Univ. of Pavia |
Organizer: Vermillion, Christopher |
Altaeros Energies |
Organizer: Onori, Simona |
Ohio State Univ. |
Organizer: Karnik, Amey |
Ford Motor Company |
Organizer: Mohammadpour, Javad |
Univ. of Houston |
Organizer: Shilpiekandula, Vijay |
Mitsubishi Electrical Res. Lab. |
09:30-09:50 |
FrA12.1 |
Active Braking Control for Two-Wheeled Vehicles Via Switched Second Order Sliding Modes (I), pp. 3930-3935. |
Tanelli, Mara |
Pol. di Milano |
Ferrara, Antonella |
Univ. of Pavia |
09:50-10:10 |
FrA12.2 |
The Development of AMR Sensors for Vehicle Position Estimation (I), pp. 3936-3941. |
Taghvaeeyan, Saber |
Univ. of Minnesota |
Rajamani, Rajesh |
Univ. of Minnesota |
10:10-10:30 |
FrA12.3 |
Real-Time Automotive Slip Angle Estimation with Nonlinear Observer (I), pp. 3942-3947. |
Phanomchoeng, Gridsada |
Univ. of Minnesota |
Rajamani, Rajesh |
Univ. of Minnesota |
Piyabongkarn, Damrongrit |
Eaton Corp. |
10:30-10:50 |
FrA12.4 |
Robust Estimation of Road Friction Coefficient (I), pp. 3948-3953. |
Ahn, Changsun |
Univ. of Michigan |
Peng, Huei |
Univ. of Michigan |
Tseng, Eric |
Ford Motor Company |
10:50-11:10 |
FrA12.5 |
Fault-Tolerant Control with Active Fault Diagnosis for Four-Wheel Independently-Driven Electric Ground Vehicles (I), pp. 3954-3959. |
Wang, Rongrong |
Ohio State Univ. |
Wang, Junmin |
The Ohio State Univ. |
11:10-11:30 |
FrA12.6 |
Managing Axle Saturation for Vehicle Stability Control with Independent Wheel Drives, pp. 3960-3965. |
Sill, Justin |
Clemson Univ. - International Center for Automotive Res. |
Ayalew, Beshah |
Clemson Univ. |
Golden Gate 3 |
Underwater Vehicles (Regular Session) |
Chair: Silvestre, Carlos |
Inst. Superior Tecnico |
Co-Chair: Morgansen, Kristi A. |
Univ. of Washington |
09:30-09:50 |
FrA13.1 |
Linear Motion Observers for ASC/AUV Tandems Based on Single Range Readings, pp. 3966-3971. |
Viegas, Daniel |
Inst. for Systems and Robotics / Inst. Superior Técnico |
Batista, Pedro |
Inst. Superior Técnico |
Oliveira, Paulo Jorge |
Inst. Superior Técnico |
Silvestre, Carlos |
Inst. Superior Tecnico |
09:50-10:10 |
FrA13.2 |
Nonlinear Control of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle: A RISE-Based Approach, pp. 3972-3977. |
Fischer, Nicholas |
Univ. of Florida |
Bhasin, Shubhendu |
Univ. of Florida |
Dixon, Warren E. |
Univ. of Florida |
10:10-10:30 |
FrA13.3 |
Design of a Robust Vision-Based Sensor of Position and Rate for the Guidance of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, pp. 3978-3983. |
Jordan, Mario A. |
Argentinean Inst. of Oceanography (IADO-CONICET) |
Berger, Carlos |
Argentinean Inst. of Oceanography (IADO-CONICET) |
Bustamante, Jorge Luis |
Argentinean Inst. of Oceanography |
10:30-10:50 |
FrA13.4 |
Elastic Formation Control Based on Affine Transformations, pp. 3984-3989. |
Briñon Arranz, Lara |
INRIA Rhône-Alpes |
Seuret, Alexandre |
Canudas de Wit, Carlos |
10:50-11:10 |
FrA13.5 |
Long-Baseline Acoustic Localization of the Seaglider Underwater Glider, pp. 3990-3995. |
Techy, Laszlo |
Univ. of Washington |
Morgansen, Kristi A. |
Univ. of Washington |
Woolsey, Craig |
Virginia Tech. |
11:10-11:30 |
FrA13.6 |
Observer-Based Feedback Control for Stabilization of Collective Motion, pp. 3996-4001. |
Napora, Seth |
Univ. of Maryland, |
Paley, Derek A. |
Univ. of Maryland |
Golden Gate 4 |
Cooperative Control VII (Regular Session) |
Chair: Cenedese, Angelo |
Univ. of Padova |
Co-Chair: Ahn, Hyo-Sung |
Gwangju Inst. of Science and Tech. (GIST) |
09:30-09:50 |
FrA14.1 |
Multiple Manipulator Cooperative Control Using Disturbance Estimator and Consensus Algorithm, pp. 4002-4007. |
Lee, Sang-Chul |
Ahn, Hyo-Sung |
Gwangju Inst. of Science and Tech. (GIST) |
09:50-10:10 |
FrA14.2 |
Globally Asymptotically Stable Formation Control of Three Agents, pp. 4008-4013. |
Wang, Qin |
Southeast Univ. |
Tian, Yu-Ping |
Southeast Univ. |
Xu, Yaojin |
Southeast Univ. |
10:10-10:30 |
FrA14.3 |
Synchronization on the N-Torus with Noisy Measurements, pp. 4014-4019. |
Mahmoudian, Nina |
Michigan Tech. Univ. |
Paley, Derek A. |
Univ. of Maryland |
10:30-10:50 |
FrA14.4 |
Finite-Time Consensus of Multi-Agent Networks with Inherent Nonlinear Dynamics under an Undirected Interaction Graph, pp. 4020-4025. |
Cao, Yongcan |
Utah State Univ. |
Ren, Wei |
Utah State Univ. |
Chen, Fei |
Utah State Univ. |
Zong, Guangdeng |
Qufu Normal Univ. |
10:50-11:10 |
FrA14.5 |
Distributed Partitioning Strategies for Perimeter Patrolling, pp. 4026-4031. |
Carli, Ruggero |
Univ. of Padova |
Cenedese, Angelo |
Univ. of Padova |
Schenato, Luca |
Univ. of Padova |
11:10-11:30 |
FrA14.6 |
Communication-Aware Surveillance in Mobile Sensor Networks, pp. 4032-4038. |
Ghaffarkhah, Alireza |
Univ. of New Mexico |
Mostofi, Yasamin |
Univ. of New Mexico |
Golden Gate 5 |
Network Security and Adversarial Learning (Invited Session) |
Chair: Zhu, Minghui |
Univ. of California, San Diego |
Co-Chair: Martinez, Sonia |
Univ. of California at San Diego |
Organizer: Zhu, Minghui |
Univ. of California, San Diego |
Organizer: Martinez, Sonia |
Univ. of California at San Diego |
09:30-09:50 |
FrA15.1 |
Randomized Solutions to Partial Information Dynamic Zero-Sum Games (I), pp. 4039-4044. |
Bopardikar, Shaunak D. |
Univ. of California, Santa Barbara |
Hespanha, Joao P. |
Univ. of California, Santa Barbara |
09:50-10:10 |
FrA15.2 |
Learning of Equilibria and Misperceptions in Hypergames with Perfect Observations (I), pp. 4045-4050. |
Gharesifard, Bahman |
Univ. of California San Diego |
Cortes, Jorge |
Univ. of California, San Diego |
10:10-10:30 |
FrA15.3 |
Idempotent Method for Deception Games (I), pp. 4051-4056. |
McEneaney, William |
Univ. of California, San Diego |
10:30-10:50 |
FrA15.4 |
Distributed Strategic Learning with Application to Network Security (I), pp. 4057-4062. |
Zhu, Quanyan |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Tembine, Hamidou |
Basar, Tamer |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
10:50-11:10 |
FrA15.5 |
Stackelberg-Game Analysis of Correlated Attacks in Cyber-Physical Systems (I), pp. 4063-4068. |
Zhu, Minghui |
Univ. of California, San Diego |
Martinez, Sonia |
Univ. of California at San Diego |
11:10-11:30 |
FrA15.6 |
Selfish Response to Epidemic Propagation (I), pp. 4069-4074. |
Theodorakopoulos, George |
LeBoudec, Jean-Yves |
École Pol. Fédérale de Lausanne |
Baras, John S. |
Univ. of Maryland |
Golden Gate 6 |
Mechatronics I (Regular Session) |
Chair: Nuij, Pieter Waltherus Jozef Maria |
Eindhoven Univ. of Tech. |
Co-Chair: Fu, Li-Chen |
National Taiwan Univ. |
09:30-09:50 |
FrA16.1 |
Adaptive Backstepping PI Sliding-Mode Control for Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive Systems, pp. 4075-4080. |
Lin, Cheng-Kai |
National Taiwan Univ. |
Liu, Tian-Hua |
National Taiwan Univ. of Science and Tech. |
Fu, Li-Chen |
National Taiwan Univ. |
09:50-10:10 |
FrA16.2 |
Active Disturbance Rejection Control for Human Postural Sway, pp. 4081-4086. |
Kotina, Radhika |
Cleveland State Univ. |
Zheng, Qing |
Gannon Univ. |
van den Bogert, Antonie |
Orchard Kinetics LLC |
Gao, Zhiqiang |
Cleveland State Univ. |
10:10-10:30 |
FrA16.3 |
Inverse-Based Feedforward Control for an Inkjet Printhead, pp. 4087-4092. |
Ezzeldin Mahdy, Mohamed |
Eindhoven Univ. of Tech. |
van den Bosch, P. P. J. |
Eindhoven Univ. of Tech. |
Weiland, Siep |
Eindhoven Univ. of Tech. |
10:30-10:50 |
FrA16.4 |
Frequency Domain Based Friction Compensation, Industrial Application to Transmission Electron Microscopes, pp. 4093-4098. |
Rijlaarsdam, David Jan |
Eindhoven Univ. of Tech. |
Nuij, Pieter Waltherus Jozef Maria |
Eindhoven Univ. of Tech. |
Schoukens, Johan |
Vrije Univ. Brussels |
Steinbuch, Maarten |
Eindhoven Univ. of Tech. |
10:50-11:10 |
FrA16.5 |
Development of Simplified Statics of Robot Manipulator and Optimized Muscle Torque Distribution Based on the Statics, pp. 4099-4104. |
Oh, Sehoon |
the Univ. of Tokyo |
Salvucci, Valerio |
The Univ. of Tokyo |
Hori, Yoichi |
Univ. of Tokyo |
11:10-11:30 |
FrA16.6 |
Experimental Verification of Infinity Norm Approach for Force Maximization of Manipulators Driven by Bi-Articular Actuators, pp. 4105-4110. |
Salvucci, Valerio |
The Univ. of Tokyo |
Kimura, Yasuto |
The Univ. of Tokyo |
Oh, Sehoon |
the Univ. of Tokyo |
Hori, Yoichi |
Univ. of Tokyo |
Golden Gate 7 |
Biologically-Inspired Methods and Applications (Regular Session) |
Chair: Lavaei, Javad |
California Inst. of Tech. |
Co-Chair: Menezes, Amor A. |
Univ. of Michigan |
09:30-09:50 |
FrA17.1 |
The Application of Domain of Danger in Autonomous Agent Team and Its Effect on Exploration Efficiency, pp. 4111-4116. |
Liu, Shih-Yuan |
Univ. of California, Berkeley |
Hedrick, Karl |
Univ. of California at Berkeley |
09:50-10:10 |
FrA17.2 |
Selective Evolutionary Generation: A Model for Optimally Efficient Search in Biology, pp. 4117-4122. |
Menezes, Amor A. |
Univ. of Michigan |
Kabamba, Pierre T. |
Univ. of Michigan |
10:10-10:30 |
FrA17.3 |
Biologically-Inspired Coordination of Multiple UAVs Using Sliding Mode Control, pp. 4123-4128. |
Chang, Young Hwan |
Univ. of California, Berkeley |
Tomlin, Claire J. |
UC Berkeley |
Hedrick, Karl |
Univ. of California at Berkeley |
10:30-10:50 |
FrA17.4 |
Optimization-Based Inference for Temporally Evolving Boolean Networks with Applications in Biology, pp. 4129-4134. |
Chang, Young Hwan |
Univ. of California, Berkeley |
Gray, Joe |
Lawrence Berkeley Lab. |
Tomlin, Claire J. |
UC Berkeley |
10:50-11:10 |
FrA17.5 |
Fault-Tolerant Controller Design with Applications in Power Systems and Synthetic Biology, pp. 4135-4142. |
Sojoudi, Somayeh |
California Inst. of Tech. |
Lavaei, Javad |
California Inst. of Tech. |
Murray, Richard M. |
California Inst. of Tech. |
11:10-11:30 |
FrA17.6 |
Biologically Motivated Shape Optimization of Foraging Fronts, pp. 4143-4148. |
Haque, Musad |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Rahmani, Amir |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Egerstedt, Magnus |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Yezzi, Anthony |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Golden Gate 8 |
Control and Optimization Theory for Electric Smart Grids (Tutorial Session) |
Chair: Chakrabortty, Aranya |
North Carolina State Univ. |
Co-Chair: Amin, Massoud |
Univ. of Minnesota |
Organizer: Chakrabortty, Aranya |
North Carolina State Univ. |
Organizer: Amin, Massoud |
Univ. of Minnesota |
09:30-09:50 |
FrA18.1 |
Passivity-Based Robust Control for Power Systems Subject to Wind Power Variability (I), pp. 4149-4154. |
Liu, Juhua |
ABB Inc. |
Krogh, Bruce H. |
Carnegie Mellon Univ. |
Ydstie, B. Erik |
Carnegie Mellon |
09:50-10:10 |
FrA18.2 |
Time-Scale Features and Their Applications in Electric Power System Dynamic Modeling and Analysis (I), pp. 4155-4159. |
Sauer, Peter |
Univ. of Illinois |
10:10-10:30 |
FrA18.3 |
Reconfigurable Interdependent Infrastructure Systems: Advances in Distributed Sensing, Modeling, and Control (I), pp. 4160-4165. |
Giacomoni, Anthony |
Univ. of Minnesota |
Amin, Massoud |
Univ. of Minnesota |
Wollenberg, Bruce |
Univ. of Minnesota |
10:30-10:50 |
FrA18.4 |
Impact Analysis of Wind Generation on Voltage Stability and System Load Margin (I), pp. 4166-4171. |
Ma, Rui |
Changsha Univ. of Science and Tech. |
Huang, Garng M. |
Texas A & M Univ. |
10:50-11:10 |
FrA18.5 |
Overview of Wide-Area Real-Time Stability Monitoring Algorithms in Power Systems Using Synchrophasors (I), pp. 4172-4176. |
Venkatasubramanian, Vaithiananthan |
Washington State Univ. |
Liu, Xing |
Washington State Univ. |
Liu, Guoping |
PJM Interconnection |
Zhang, Qiang |
Washington State Univ. |
Sherwood, Michael |
Pacific Gas and Electric |
11:10-11:30 |
FrA18.6 |
Techniques for Voltage Stability Monitoring and Control (I)*. |
Ajjarapu, Venkataramana |
Iowa State Univ. |
Franciscan A |
Adaptive Systems IV (Regular Session) |
Chair: Annaswamy, Anuradha |
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
Co-Chair: Joshi, Suresh M. |
NASA Langley Res. Ctr. |
13:10-13:30 |
FrB01.1 |
Inferential Adaptive Control for Non-Uniformly Sampled-Data Systems, pp. 4177-4182. |
Xie, Li |
Jiangnan Univ. |
Yang, Huizhong |
Jiangnan Univ. |
Ding, Feng |
Jiangnan Univ. |
13:30-13:50 |
FrB01.2 |
A Derivative-Free Output Feedback Adaptive Control Architecture for Minimum Phase Dynamical Systems with Unmatched Uncertainties, pp. 4183-4188. |
Yucelen, Tansel |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Haddad, Wassim M. |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
13:50-14:10 |
FrB01.3 |
Adaptive Control of a Networked Control System with Hierarchical Scheduling, pp. 4189-4194. |
Voit, Harald |
Tech. Univ. München |
Annaswamy, Anuradha |
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
14:10-14:30 |
FrB01.4 |
Bayesian Prediction and Adaptive Sampling Algorithms for Mobile Sensor Networks, pp. 4195-4200. |
Xu, Yunfei |
Michigan State Univ. |
Choi, Jongeun |
Michigan State Univ. |
Dass, Sarat |
Michigan State Univ. |
Maiti, Taps |
Michigan State Univ. |
14:30-14:50 |
FrB01.5 |
Decentralized Adaptive Control of Systems with Uncertain Interconnections, Plant-Model Mismatch and Actuator Failures, pp. 4201-4206. |
Patre, Parag |
NASA Langley Res. Center |
Joshi, Suresh M. |
NASA Langley Res. Ctr. |
14:50-15:10 |
FrB01.6 |
Robust Adaptive Optimal Control for Unknown Dynamical Systems, pp. 4207-4212. |
Sadamoto, Tomonori |
Tokyo Inst. of Tech. |
Yamakita, Masaki |
Tokyo Inst. of Tech. |
Franciscan B |
Delay Systems I (Regular Session) |
Chair: Sipahi, Rifat |
Northeastern Univ. |
Co-Chair: Hui, Qing |
Texas Tech. Univ. |
13:10-13:30 |
FrB02.1 |
PI Control of First Order Time-Delay Systems Via Eigenvalue Assignment, pp. 4213-4218. |
Yi, Sun |
North Carolina A&T State Univ. |
Nelson, Patrick |
Univ. of Michigan |
Ulsoy, A. Galip |
Univ. of Michigan |
13:30-13:50 |
FrB02.2 |
Adaptive NN Control of Uncertain Nonaffine Pure-Feedback Systems with Unknown Time-Delay, pp. 4219-4224. |
Li, Xiaoqiang |
Dalian Maritime Univ. |
Wang, Dan |
Dalian Maritime Univ. |
Li, Tieshan |
Dalian Maritime Univ. |
Peng, Zhouhua |
Dalian Maritime Univ. |
Sun, Gang |
Dalian Maritime Univ. |
Wang, Ning |
Dalian Maritime Univ. |
13:50-14:10 |
FrB02.3 |
On Feedback Stabilization of a Class of Stochastic Nonlinear Systems with Delays, pp. 4225-4230. |
Aggoune, Woihida |
Busawon, Krishna K. |
Northumbria Univ. |
14:10-14:30 |
FrB02.4 |
An Algebraic Approach to Design Observers for Delay-Independent Stability of Systems with Single Output Delay, pp. 4231-4236. |
Nia, Payam Mahmoodi |
Graduate Student Northeastern Univ. |
Sipahi, Rifat |
Northeastern Univ. |
14:30-14:50 |
FrB02.5 |
Evaluating the Delay Robustness of Interconnected Passive Systems with a Frequency-Dependent Integral Quadratic Constraint, pp. 4237-4242. |
Summers, Erin |
UC Berkeley |
Arcak, Murat |
Univ. of California, Berkeley |
Packard, Andrew K. |
Univ. of California at Berkeley |
14:50-15:10 |
FrB02.6 |
Semistability of Retarded Functional Differential Equations, pp. 4243-4248. |
Hui, Qing |
Texas Tech. Univ. |
Franciscan C |
Estimation IV (Regular Session) |
Chair: Colburn, Christopher |
UC San Diego |
Co-Chair: Dorveaux, Eric |
MINES ParisTech |
13:10-13:30 |
FrB03.1 |
Combining Inertial Measurements and Distributed Magnetometry for Motion Estimation, pp. 4249-4256. |
Dorveaux, Eric |
MINES ParisTech |
Boudot, Thomas |
Ec. Pol. |
Hillion, Mathieu |
Ec. des Mines de Paris |
Petit, Nicolas |
MINES ParisTech |
13:30-13:50 |
FrB03.2 |
Optimal Estimation of Multidimensional Data with Limited Measurements, pp. 4257-4262. |
MacKunis, William |
Univ. of Florida |
Curtis, Jess |
Air Force Res. Lab. |
Berg-Yuen, Pia Eeva Kaarina |
Air Force Res. Lab. |
13:50-14:10 |
FrB03.3 |
Structure Exploiting Derivative Computation for Moving Horizon Estimation, pp. 4263-4268. |
Philipp, Peter |
Tech. Univ. München |
14:10-14:30 |
FrB03.4 |
Gradient-Based Iterative Parameter Identification for Multi-Input Multi-Output OEMA-Like Models, pp. 4269-4274. |
Zhang, Zhening |
Jiangnan Univ. |
Ding, Feng |
Jiangnan Univ. |
Wang, Dongqing |
Qingdao Univ. |
14:30-14:50 |
FrB03.5 |
Real-Time Frequency Estimation of Sinusoidal Signals with Low-Frequency Disturbances, pp. 4275-4280. |
Yang, Shuonan |
Univ. of Alberta |
Zhao, Qing |
Univ. of Alberta |
14:50-15:10 |
FrB03.6 |
Estimation and Adaptive Observation of Environmental Plumes, pp. 4281-4286. |
Zhang, David |
Univ. of California, San Diego |
Colburn, Christopher |
UC San Diego |
Bewley, Thomas R. |
UC San Diego |
Franciscan D |
Emerging Applications of Iterative Learning Control (Invited Session) |
Chair: Barton, Kira |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Co-Chair: Mishra, Sandipan |
Rensselaer Pol. Inst. |
Organizer: Barton, Kira |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Organizer: Mishra, Sandipan |
Rensselaer Pol. Inst. |
Organizer: Bristow, Douglas A. |
Missouri Univ. of Science & Tech. |
13:10-13:30 |
FrB04.1 |
Model-Free Iterative Learning Control for LTI Systems and Experimental Validation on a Linear Motor Test Setup (I), pp. 4287-4292. |
Janssens, Pieter |
Katholieke Univ. Leuven |
Pipeleers, Goele |
Katholieke Univ. Leuven |
Swevers, Jan |
K. U. Leuven |
13:30-13:50 |
FrB04.2 |
Vision Based Iterative Learning Control of a MEMS Micropositioning Stage with Intersample Estimation and Adaptive Model Correction (I), pp. 4293-4298. |
White, Patrick Jesse |
Missouri S&T |
Bristow, Douglas A. |
Missouri Univ. of Science & Tech. |
13:50-14:10 |
FrB04.3 |
Iterative Learning Identification for an Automated Off-Highway Vehicle (I), pp. 4299-4304. |
Liu, Nanjun |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Alleyne, Andrew G. |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
14:10-14:30 |
FrB04.4 |
Bumpless Transfer for a Flexible Adaptation of Iterative Learning Control (I), pp. 4305-4311. |
Hoelzle, David |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Alleyne, Andrew G. |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Wagoner Johnson, Amy |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
14:30-14:50 |
FrB04.5 |
Comparison of Wind Turbine Operating Transitions through the Use of Iterative Learning Control (I), pp. 4312-4319. |
Laks, Jason |
Univ. of Colorado at Boulder |
Pao, Lucy Y. |
Univ. of Colorado at Boulder |
Alleyne, Andrew G. |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
14:50-15:10 |
FrB04.6 |
On the PD^alpha -Type Iterative Learning Control for the Fractional-Order Nonlinear Systems, pp. 4320-4325. |
Li, Yan |
Shandong Univ. |
Chen, YangQuan |
Utah State Univ. |
Ahn, Hyo-Sung |
Gwangju Inst. of Science and Tech. (GIST) |
Continental 1 |
Linear Systems II (Regular Session) |
Chair: Lawrence, Douglas A. |
Ohio Univ. |
Co-Chair: Maalouf, Aline I. |
Univ. of New South Wales at ADFA |
13:10-13:30 |
FrB05.1 |
On the Left Eigenstructure Assignment and State Feedback Design, pp. 4326-4327. |
Bajcinca, Naim |
Max-Planck Inst. for Dynamics of Complex Tech. Systems |
Kouhi Anbaran, Yashar |
Max Planck Inst. for Dynamics of Complex Tech. Systems |
13:30-13:50 |
FrB05.2 |
Stabilizability of Linear Impulsive Systems, pp. 4328-4333. |
Lawrence, Douglas A. |
Ohio Univ. |
13:50-14:10 |
FrB05.3 |
Back and Forth Nudging for Quantum State Estimation by Continuous Weak Measurement, pp. 4334-4339. |
Leghtas, Zaki |
INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt |
Mirrahimi, Mazyar |
INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt |
Rouchon, Pierre |
Mines ParisTech |
14:10-14:30 |
FrB05.4 |
Finite Horizon H-Infinity Control for a Class of Linear Quantum Measurement Delayed Systems: A Dynamic Game Approach, pp. 4340-4347. |
Maalouf, Aline I. |
Univ. of New South Wales at ADFA |
Petersen, Ian |
Univ. of New South Wales at the Australian Defence Force Ac |
14:30-14:50 |
FrB05.5 |
Mathematical Relationships between Representations of Structure in Linear Interconnected Dynamical Systems, pp. 4348-4353. |
Yeung, Enoch |
California Inst. of Tech. |
Goncalves, Jorge M. |
Univ. of Cambridge |
Sandberg, Henrik |
KTH Royal Inst. of Tech. |
Warnick, Sean |
Brigham Young Univ. |
14:50-15:10 |
FrB05.6 |
Primal and Dual Stability Criteria for Systems with Time-Varying Gains, pp. 4354-4360. |
Jonsson, Ulf T. |
Royal Inst. of Tech. (KTH) |
Continental 2 |
Uncertain Systems (Regular Session) |
Chair: Krishnamurthy, Prashanth |
Pol. Inst. of NYU |
Co-Chair: Gutman, Per-Olof |
Tech. |
13:10-13:30 |
FrB06.1 |
A Generalized Scaling Based Control Design for Nonlinear Nontriangular Systems with Input and State Time Delays, pp. 4361-4366. |
Krishnamurthy, Prashanth |
FarCo Tech. Inc. |
Khorrami, Farshad |
Pol. Inst. of NYU |
13:30-13:50 |
FrB06.2 |
Performances Inclusion for Stable Interval Systems, pp. 4367-4372. |
Rakotondrabe, Micky |
FEMTO-ST Inst. |
13:50-14:10 |
FrB06.3 |
Comparison of the DOB Based Control, a Special Kind of PID Control and ADRC, pp. 4373-4379. |
Xue, Wenchao |
Acad. of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Acad. of S |
Huang, Yi |
Inst. of Systems Science, Acad. of Mathematics and Systems |
14:10-14:30 |
FrB06.4 |
Control of Linear Systems with Input Saturation and Matched Uncertainty and Disturbance, pp. 4380-4385. |
Stoorvogel, Anton A. |
Univ. of Twente |
Wang, Xu |
Washington State Univ. |
Saberi, Ali |
Washington State Univ. |
Sannuti, Peddapullaiah |
Rutgers Univ. |
14:30-14:50 |
FrB06.5 |
Improved Vertex Control for Time-Varying and Uncertain Linear Discrete-Time Systems with Control and State Constraints, pp. 4386-4391. |
Nguyen, Hoai Nam |
SUPELEC Systems Sciences (E3S) - Automatic Control Department, G |
Gutman, Per-Olof |
Tech. |
Olaru, Sorin |
Supelec |
Hovd, Morten |
Norwegian Univ. of Sci & Tech. |
Frederic, Colledani |
CEA, LIST, Interactive Robotics Lab. BP 6, 18 route du Pan |
14:50-15:10 |
FrB06.6 |
Positive Realness of a Set of Matrix-Valued Time-Varying Uncertainties, pp. 4392-4397. |
Kao, Chung-Yao |
National Sun Yat-Sen Univ. |
Fujioka, Hisaya |
Kyoto Univ. |
Continental 3 |
Predictive Control Applications (Regular Session) |
Chair: Poulsen, Niels Kjølstad |
Tech. Univ. of Denmark |
Co-Chair: Qin, S. Joe |
Univ. of Southern California |
13:10-13:30 |
FrB07.1 |
Model Predictive Control of Trailing Edge Flaps on a Wind Turbine Blade, pp. 4398-4403. |
Castaignet, Damien |
Vestas Wind Systems A/S, Global Res. |
Poulsen, Niels Kjølstad |
Tech. Univ. of Denmark |
Buhl, Thomas |
Risø DTU, National Lab. for Sustainable Energy |
Wedel-Heinen, Jens Jakob |
Vestas Wind Systems A/S |
13:30-13:50 |
FrB07.2 |
Tuning MPC for Desired Closed-Loop Performance for MIMO Systems, pp. 4404-4409. |
Shah, Gaurang |
Tech. Univ. Dortmund |
Engell, Sebastian |
Tech. Univ. Dortmund |
13:50-14:10 |
FrB07.3 |
A Model Predictive Controller of Plastic Sheet Temperature for a Thermoforming Process, pp. 4410-4415. |
Chy, Md Muminul Islam |
McGill Univ. |
Boulet, Benoit |
McGill Univ. |
Haidar, Ahmad |
Ec. Pol. de Montreal |
14:10-14:30 |
FrB07.4 |
Receding-Horizon Supervisory Control of Green Buildings, pp. 4416-4421. |
Nghiem, Truong |
Univ. of Pennsylvania |
Pappas, George J. |
Univ. of Pennsylvania |
14:30-14:50 |
FrB07.5 |
Control Performance Monitoring of LP-MPC Cascade Systems, pp. 4422-4427. |
Sun, Zhijie |
Univ. of Southern California |
Qin, S. Joe |
Univ. of Southern California |
Singhal, Ashish |
Praxair, Inc. |
Megan, Lawrence |
Praxair |
14:50-15:10 |
FrB07.6 |
Parameterized MPC to Reduce Dispersion of Road Traffic Emissions, pp. 4428-4433. |
Zegeye, Solomon Kidane |
Delft Univ. of Tech. |
De Schutter, Bart |
Delft Univ. of Tech. |
Hellendoorn, Hans |
Delft Univ. of Tech. |
Breunesse, Ewald |
Shell Nederland B. V. |
Continental 7 |
Constrained Systems II (Regular Session) |
Chair: Lin, Zongli |
Univ. of Virginia |
Co-Chair: Stoorvogel, Anton A. |
Univ. of Twente |
13:10-13:30 |
FrB08.1 |
Globally Stable Fast Tracking Control of a Integrator Chain with Input Saturation and Disturbances: A Holistic Approach, pp. 4434-4439. |
Lu, Lu |
Purdue Univ. West Lafayette |
Yao, Bin |
Purdue Univ. |
13:30-13:50 |
FrB08.2 |
Global Stabilization of the Discrete-Time Double Integrator Using a Saturated Linear State Feedback Controller, pp. 4440-4445. |
Yang, Tao |
Washington State Univ. |
Stoorvogel, Anton A. |
Univ. of Twente |
Saberi, Ali |
Washington State Univ. |
13:50-14:10 |
FrB08.3 |
Dynamic Anti-Windup Design in Anticipation of Actuator Saturation, pp. 4446-4451. |
Wu, Xiongjun |
Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ. |
Lin, Zongli |
Univ. of Virginia |
14:10-14:30 |
FrB08.4 |
A Comparison of Multi-Switch Bang-Bang and Time-Optimal Zero Vibration Commands for Rest-To-Rest Moves of a Floating Oscillator, pp. 4452-4456. |
Robertson, Michael |
United States Naval Acad. |
O'Brien, Richard |
United States Naval Acad. |
14:30-14:50 |
FrB08.5 |
Anti-Windup Design Via Nonsmooth Multi-Objective H∞ Optimization, pp. 4457-4462. |
Biannic, Jean-Marc |
Apkarian, Pierre |
ONERA French Aerospace Lab. & Univ. Paul Sabatier, Maths. |
14:50-15:10 |
FrB08.6 |
H<sub>2</sub> and H<sub>oo</sub> Low-Gain Theory, pp. 4463-4469. |
Wang, Xu |
Washington State Univ. |
Stoorvogel, Anton A. |
Univ. of Twente |
Saberi, Ali |
Washington State Univ. |
Sannuti, Peddapullaiah |
Rutgers Univ. |
Continental 8 |
Discrete Event Systems (Regular Session) |
Chair: Garcia, Humberto E. |
Idaho National Lab. |
Co-Chair: Ru, Yu |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
13:10-13:30 |
FrB09.1 |
Selecting Observation Platforms for Optimized Anomaly Detectability under Unreliable Partial Observations, pp. 4470-4477. |
Lin, Wen-Chiao |
Idaho National Lab. |
Garcia, Humberto E. |
Idaho National Lab. |
Yoo, Tae-sic |
Idaho National Lab. |
13:30-13:50 |
FrB09.2 |
Dynamic Discrete-Event Systems with Instances for the Modelling of Emergency Response Protocols, pp. 4478-4483. |
Grigorov, Lenko |
Queen's Univ. |
Rudie, Karen |
Queen's Univ. |
13:50-14:10 |
FrB09.3 |
Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Resultant Siphons to Be Controlled, pp. 4484-4489. |
Wang, Shouguang |
Zhejiang Gongshang Univ. |
Wang, Chengying |
Zhejiang Gongshang Univ. |
Zhou, Meng Chu |
New Jersey Inst. of Tech. |
14:10-14:30 |
FrB09.4 |
Hierarchical Supervisory Control of Fuzzy Discrete Event Systems, pp. 4490-4495. |
Jayasiri, Awantha |
Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland |
Mann, George K. I. |
Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland |
Gosine, Raymond G. |
Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland |
14:30-14:50 |
FrB09.5 |
A Process-Theoretic Approach to Supervisory Control Theory, pp. 4496-4501. |
Baeten, J.C.M. |
Eindhoven Univ. of Tech. |
Van Beek, D.A. (Bert) |
Eindhoven Univ. of Tech. |
Luttik, S.P. |
Eindhoven Univ. of Tech. |
Markovski, Jasen |
Eindhoven Univ. of Tech. |
Rooda, J.E. |
Eindhoven Univ. of Tech. |
14:50-15:10 |
FrB09.6 |
Constrained Sensor Selection for Discrete Event Systems Modeled by Petri Nets, pp. 4502-4507. |
Ru, Yu |
Univ. of California, San Diego |
Hadjicostis, Christoforos |
Univ. of Cyprus |
Continental 9 |
Optimization (Regular Session) |
Chair: Hirche, Sandra |
Tech. Univ. München |
Co-Chair: Spall, James C. |
Johns Hopkins Univ. |
13:10-13:30 |
FrB10.1 |
Communication Topology Design for Large-Scale Interconnected Systems with Time Delay, pp. 4508-4513. |
Gusrialdi, Azwirman |
Tech. Univ. of Munich |
Hirche, Sandra |
Tech. Univ. München |
13:30-13:50 |
FrB10.2 |
Trajectory Optimization Estimator for Impulsive Data Association, pp. 4514-4519. |
Travers, Matthew |
Northwestern Univ. |
Murphey, Todd |
Northwestern Univ. |
Pao, Lucy Y. |
Univ. of Colorado at Boulder |
13:50-14:10 |
FrB10.3 |
Discrete Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation on Loss Function with Noisy Measurements, pp. 4520-4525. |
Wang, Qi |
The Johns Hopkins Univ. |
Spall, James C. |
Johns Hopkins Univ. |
14:10-14:30 |
FrB10.4 |
Optimal Power System Unit Commitment with Guaranteed Local Stability, pp. 4526-4531. |
Grote, Wolfgang |
Univ. of Bochum |
Kastsian, Darya |
Ruhr-Univ. Bochum |
Monnigmann, Martin |
Ruhr-Univ. Bochum |
14:30-14:50 |
FrB10.5 |
Games, Deception, and Jones' Lemma, pp. 4532-4537. |
Fuchs, Zachariah |
Univ. of Florida |
Khargonekar, Pramod P. |
Univ. of Florida |
14:50-15:10 |
FrB10.6 |
A Simple Tunable Method for Profile Control - Least-Squares Configuration, pp. 4538-4539. |
Tao, K. Mike |
SRI International |
Golden Gate 1 |
Power Systems II (Regular Session) |
Chair: Chakrabortty, Aranya |
North Carolina State Univ. |
Co-Chair: Lavaei, Javad |
California Inst. of Tech. |
13:10-13:30 |
FrB11.1 |
Optimal Sensor Placement for Parametric Identification of Electrical Networks Using Mixed Phasor Measurements, pp. 4540-4545. |
Chakrabortty, Aranya |
North Carolina State Univ. |
13:30-13:50 |
FrB11.2 |
Modeling and Control Insights into Demand-Side Energy Management through Set-Point Control of Thermostatic Loads, pp. 4546-4553. |
Bashash, Saeid |
The Univ. of Michigan |
Fathy, Hosam K. |
Penn State Univ. |
13:50-14:10 |
FrB11.3 |
Stability and Robust Regulation of Battery Driven Boost Converter with Simple Feedback, pp. 4554-4559. |
Yao, Yao |
Univ. of Massachusetts, Lowell |
Fassinou, Fidegnon |
Univ. of Massachusetts, Lowell |
Hu, Tingshu |
Univ. of Massachusetts, Lowell |
14:10-14:30 |
FrB11.4 |
Global Robust Output Regulation for a Class of Multivariable Systems and Its Application to a Motor Drive System, pp. 4560-4565. |
Ping, Zhaowu |
The Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong |
Huang, Jie |
The Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong |
14:30-14:50 |
FrB11.5 |
Zero Duality Gap for Classical OPF Problem Convexifies Fundamental Nonlinear Power Problems, pp. 4566-4573. |
Lavaei, Javad |
California Inst. of Tech. |
14:50-15:10 |
FrB11.6 |
Nonlinear Dynamic Model and Stability Analysis of Self-Excited Induction Generators, pp. 4574-4579. |
Bodson, Marc |
Univ. of Utah |
Kiselychnyk, Oleh |
National Tech. Univ. of Ukraine "Kiev Pol. Inst. |
Golden Gate 2 |
Automotive I (Regular Session) |
Chair: Koch, Guido |
Tech. Univ. München |
Co-Chair: Steinbuch, Maarten |
Eindhoven Univ. of Tech. |
13:10-13:30 |
FrB12.1 |
Experimental Validation of a New Adaptive Control Approach for a Hybrid Suspension System, pp. 4580-4585. |
Koch, Guido |
Tech. Univ. München |
Spirk, Sebastian |
Tech. Univ. |
Pellegrini, Enrico |
Tech. Univ. München |
Pletschen, Nils |
Tech. Univ. München |
Lohmann, Boris |
Tech. Univ. München |
13:30-13:50 |
FrB12.2 |
Model-Based Threat Assessment for Lane Guidance Systems, pp. 4586-4591. |
Ali, Mohammad |
Volvo Car Corp. |
Falcone, Paolo |
Chalmers Univ. of Tech. |
Sjöberg, Jonas |
Chalmers Univ. |
13:50-14:10 |
FrB12.3 |
Analyzing the Performance Index for a Hybrid Electric Vehicle, pp. 4592-4597. |
Ngo, Dac Viet |
Eindhoven Univ. of Tech. |
Hofman, Theo |
Tech. Univ. Eindhoven |
Steinbuch, Maarten |
Eindhoven Univ. of Tech. |
Serrarens, Alexander Franciscus Anita |
Drivetrain Innovations BV |
14:10-14:30 |
FrB12.4 |
Inverse Torque Control of Hydrodynamic Dynamometers for Combustion Engine Test Benches, pp. 4598-4603. |
Passenbrunner, Thomas Ernst |
Johannes Kepler Univ. |
Sassano, Mario |
Imperial Coll. London |
Trogmann, Hannes |
Johannes Kepler Univ. Linz |
Del Re, Luigi |
Johannes Kepler Univ. Linz |
Paulweber, Michael |
Schmidt, Martin |
Kokal, Helmut |
14:30-14:50 |
FrB12.5 |
Hybrid Automata of an Integrated Motor-Transmission Powertrain for Automatic Gear Shift, pp. 4604-4609. |
Fu, Hong |
Tsinghua Univ. |
Tian, Guangyu |
Tsinghua Univ. |
Chen, Quanshi |
Tsinghua Univ. |
Jin, Yiding |
Tsinghua Univ. |
14:50-15:10 |
FrB12.6 |
Driver Steering Model Based on a Target & Control Scheme, pp. 4610-4615. |
Tan, Han-Shue |
Univ. of California at Berkeley |
Huang, Jihua |
UC Berkeley |
Bu, Fanping |
Univ. of California at Berkeley |
Litkouhi, Bakhtiar |
General Motors Company |
Golden Gate 3 |
Vision-Based Control (Regular Session) |
Chair: Hovakimyan, Naira |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Co-Chair: Liu, Hugh Hong-Tao |
Univ. of Toronto |
13:10-13:30 |
FrB13.1 |
Vision-Based Cyclic Pursuit for Cooperative Target Tracking, pp. 4616-4621. |
Ma, Lili |
Wentworth Inst. of Tech. |
Hovakimyan, Naira |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
13:30-13:50 |
FrB13.2 |
Vision-Based Relative Altitude Estimation of Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Target Localization, pp. 4622-4627. |
Zhang, Rick |
Univ. of Toronto |
Liu, Hugh Hong-Tao |
Univ. of Toronto |
13:50-14:10 |
FrB13.3 |
Robot Crowd Navigation Using Predictive Position Fields in the Potential Function Framework, pp. 4628-4633. |
Pradhan, Ninad |
Clemson Univ. |
Burg, Timothy C. |
Clemson Univ. |
Birchfield, Stan |
Clemson Univ. |
14:10-14:30 |
FrB13.4 |
A Robust Aim Point Tracking Algorithm for 3-D Laser Radar Imagery, pp. 4634-4641. |
Sandhu, Romeil |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Lankton, Shawn |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Dambreville, Samuel |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Shaw, Scot |
MIT Lincoln Lab. |
Murphy, Dan |
MIT Lincoln Lab. |
Tannenbaum, Allen |
Georgia Tech. |
14:30-14:50 |
FrB13.5 |
Collision-Free Visual Servoing of an Eye-In-Hand Manipulator Via Constraint-Aware Planning and Control, pp. 4642-4648. |
Chan, Ambrose |
Univ. of British Columbia |
Leonard, Simon |
The Johns Hopkins Univ. |
Croft, Elizabeth |
Little, James Joseph |
Univ. of British Columbia |
14:50-15:10 |
FrB13.6 |
Observability-Based Local Path Planning and Collision Avoidance for Micro Air Vehicles Using Bearing-Only Measurements, pp. 4649-4654. |
Yu, Huili |
Brigham Young Univ. |
Sharma, Rajnikant |
Brigham Young Univ. |
Beard, Randy |
Brigham Young Univ. |
Taylor, Clark N. |
Air Force Res. Lab. |
Golden Gate 4 |
Autonomous Systems I (Regular Session) |
Chair: Nair, Sujit |
United Tech. Res. Center |
Co-Chair: Fierro, Rafael |
Univ. of New Mexico |
13:10-13:30 |
FrB14.1 |
Trajectory Determination for Energy Efficient Autonomous Soaring, pp. 4655-4660. |
Kagabo, Wilson B. |
Kigali Inst. of Science and Tech. |
Kolodziej, Jason R. |
Rochester Inst. of Tech. |
13:30-13:50 |
FrB14.2 |
Symmetric Coverage of Dynamic Mapping Error for Mobile Sensor Networks, pp. 4661-4666. |
Caicedo, Carlos |
Princeton Univ. |
Leonard, Naomi Ehrich |
Princeton Univ. |
13:50-14:10 |
FrB14.3 |
Collision Avoidance Norms in Trajectory Planning, pp. 4667-4672. |
Nair, Sujit |
United Tech. Res. Center |
Kobilarov, Marin |
Caltech |
14:10-14:30 |
FrB14.4 |
Probabilistic Path Planning for Cooperative Target Tracking Using Aerial and Ground Vehicles, pp. 4673-4678. |
Yu, Huili |
Brigham Young Univ. |
Beard, Randy |
Brigham Young Univ. |
Argyle, Matthew |
Brigham Young Univ. |
Chamberlain, Caleb |
Brigham Young Univ. |
14:30-14:50 |
FrB14.5 |
Orchard Navigation Using Derivative Free Kalman Filtering, pp. 4679-4684. |
Hansen, Søren |
DTU electircal engineering |
Bayramoglu, Enis |
Tech. Univ. of Denmark |
Andersen, Jens Christian |
Tech. Univ. of Denmark |
Andersen, Nils A. |
Tech. Univ. of Denmark |
Ravn, Ole |
Tech. Univ. of Denmark |
Poulsen, Niels Kjølstad |
Tech. Univ. of Denmark |
14:50-15:10 |
FrB14.6 |
Swarming of Mobile Router Networks, pp. 4685-4690. |
Bezzo, Nicola |
Univ. of New Mexico |
Fierro, Rafael |
Univ. of New Mexico |
Golden Gate 5 |
Decentralized Control I (Regular Session) |
Chair: Langbort, Cedric |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Co-Chair: Acikmese, Behcet |
Jet Propulsion Lab. |
13:10-13:30 |
FrB15.1 |
Control Law Synthesis for Distributed Multi-Agent Systems: Application to Active Clock Distribution Networks, pp. 4691-4696. |
Korniienko, Anton |
Scorletti, Gerard |
Ec. Centrale de Lyon |
Colinet, Eric |
Blanco, Eric |
Ec. Centrale de Lyon |
Juillard, Jerome |
Galayko, Dimitri |
UPMC Sorbonne Univ. |
13:30-13:50 |
FrB15.2 |
Control Design with Limited Model Information, pp. 4697-4704. |
Farokhi, Farhad |
KTH - Royal Inst. of Tech. |
Langbort, Cedric |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Johansson, Karl H. |
Royal Inst. of Tech. |
13:50-14:10 |
FrB15.3 |
Decentralized PI Observer-Based Control of Nonlinear Interconnected Systems with Disturbance Attenuation, pp. 4705-4710. |
Ghadami, Rasoul |
Northeastern Univ. |
Shafai, Bahram |
Northeastern Univ. |
14:10-14:30 |
FrB15.4 |
Consensus-Based Robust Decentralized Task Assignment for Heterogeneous Robot Networks, pp. 4711-4716. |
Di Paola, Donato |
National Res. Council (CNR) |
Naso, David |
Pol. di Bari |
Turchiano, Biagio |
Pol. di bari |
14:30-14:50 |
FrB15.5 |
An Explicit Solution for Optimal Two-Player Decentralized Control Over TCP Erasure Channels with State Feedback, pp. 4717-4722. |
Chang, Chung-Ching |
Stanford Univ. |
Lall, Sanjay |
Stanford Univ. |
14:50-15:10 |
FrB15.6 |
Decentralized Observer with a Consensus Filter for Distributed Discrete-Time Linear Systems, pp. 4723-4730. |
Acikmese, Behcet |
Jet Propulsion Lab. |
Mandic, Milan |
Golden Gate 6 |
Mechatronics II (Regular Session) |
Chair: Yu, Xun |
Univ. of Minnesota |
Co-Chair: Perez Arancibia, Nestor Osvaldo |
Harvard Univ. |
13:10-13:30 |
FrB16.1 |
An Enhanced Greitzer Compressor Model with Pipeline Dynamics Included, pp. 4731-4736. |
Yoon, Se Young (Pablo) |
Univ. of Virginia |
Lin, Zongli |
Univ. of Virginia |
Goyne, Chris |
Univ. of Virginia |
Allaire, Paul |
Univ. of Virginia |
13:30-13:50 |
FrB16.2 |
Active Noise Control Systems for Selective Cancellation of External Disturbances, pp. 4737-4742. |
Hu, Shan |
Univ. of Minnesota |
Rajamani, Rajesh |
Univ. of Minnesota |
Yu, Xun |
Univ. of Minnesota Duluth |
13:50-14:10 |
FrB16.3 |
An Energy Efficient Pneumatic-Electrical System and Control Strategy Development, pp. 4743-4748. |
Luo, Xing |
Univ. of Birmingham |
Sun, Hao |
versity of Birmingham |
Wang, Jihong |
Univ. of Birmingham |
14:10-14:30 |
FrB16.4 |
Experimental Validation of Time Optimal MPC on a Flexible Motion System, pp. 4749-4754. |
Van den Broeck, Lieboud |
K. U. Leuven |
Diehl, Moritz |
Katholieke Univ. Leuve |
Swevers, Jan |
K. U. Leuven |
14:30-14:50 |
FrB16.5 |
Robust Vibration Isolation of a 6-DOF System Using Modal Decomposition and Sliding Surface Optimization, pp. 4755-4760. |
Ding, Chenyang |
Eindhoven Univ. of Tech. |
Damen, Ad A. H. |
Eindhoven Univ. of Tech. |
van den Bosch, P. P. J. |
Eindhoven Univ. of Tech. |
14:50-15:10 |
FrB16.6 |
Lift Force Control of a Flapping-Wing Microrobot, pp. 4761-4768. |
Perez Arancibia, Nestor Osvaldo |
Harvard Univ. |
Whitney, John P. |
Harvard Univ. |
Wood, Robert |
Harvard Univ. |
Golden Gate 7 |
Biomedical Systems I (Regular Session) |
Chair: Gopaluni, Ratna Bhushan |
Univ. of British Columbia |
Co-Chair: Barbieri, Enrique |
Univ. of Houston |
13:10-13:30 |
FrB17.1 |
Detection of Organ Dysfunction in Type II Diabetic Patients, pp. 4769-4774. |
Vahidi, Omid |
Univ. of british columbia |
Gopaluni, Bhushan |
Univ. of British Columbia |
Kwok, K. Ezra |
Univ. of British Columbia |
13:30-13:50 |
FrB17.2 |
A New Current-Based Control Model of the Combined Cardiovascular and Rotary Left Ventricular Assist Device, pp. 4775-4780. |
Faragallah, George |
Univ. of Central Florida |
Wang, Yu |
Univ. of Central Florida |
Divo, Eduardo |
Daytona State Coll. |
Simaan, Marwan A. |
Univ. of Central Florida |
13:50-14:10 |
FrB17.3 |
On Optimal Defibrillating Pulse Synthesis, pp. 4781-4786. |
Barbieri, Enrique |
Univ. of Houston |
Eberth, John |
Univ. of Houston |
Attarzadeh, Farrokh |
Univ. of Houston |
14:10-14:30 |
FrB17.4 |
Adaptive Control and System Identification for Direct Brain Control of Artificial Limbs, pp. 4787-4792. |
Aasted, Christopher |
Univ. of Denver |
Shoureshi, Rahmat |
Univ. of Denver |
Sarusi, Benjamin |
Nuclear Res. Center Negev |
14:30-14:50 |
FrB17.5 |
An Identification Algorithm for Hammerstein Systems Using Subspace Method, pp. 4793-4797. |
Jalaleddini, Kian |
McGill Univ. |
Kearney, Robert |
Mcgill Univ. |
14:50-15:10 |
FrB17.6 |
A Control Engineering Approach for Designing an Optimized Treatment Plan for Fibromyalgia, pp. 4798-4803. |
Deshpande, Sunil |
Arizona State Univ. |
Nandola, Nareshkumar |
Arizona State Univ. |
Rivera, Daniel E. |
Arizona State Univ. |
Younger, Jarred |
Stanford Univ. School of Medicine |
Golden Gate 8 |
Agents-Based Systems I (Regular Session) |
Chair: Kurdila, Andrew J. |
Virginia Tech. |
Co-Chair: Ahn, Hyo-Sung |
Gwangju Inst. of Science and Tech. (GIST) |
13:10-13:30 |
FrB18.1 |
A Graph Theoretical Approach Toward a Switched Feedback Controller for Pursuit-Evasion Scenarios, pp. 4804-4809. |
Goode, Brian |
Virginia Tech. |
Kurdila, Andrew J. |
Virginia Tech. |
Roan, Michael |
Virginia Tech. |
13:30-13:50 |
FrB18.2 |
Distance-Based Formation Control Using Euclidean Distance Dynamics Matrix: Three-Agent Cases, pp. 4810-4815. |
Oh, Kwang-Kyo |
Gwangju Inst. of Science and Tech. (GIST) |
Ahn, Hyo-Sung |
Gwangju Inst. of Science and Tech. (GIST) |
13:50-14:10 |
FrB18.3 |
Distance-Based Formation Control Using Euclidean Distance Dynamics Matrix: General Cases, pp. 4816-4821. |
Oh, Kwang-Kyo |
Gwangju Inst. of Science and Tech. (GIST) |
Ahn, Hyo-Sung |
Gwangju Inst. of Science and Tech. (GIST) |
14:10-14:30 |
FrB18.4 |
Distributed Positioning of Autonomous Mobile Sensors with Application to the Coverage Problem, pp. 4822-4827. |
Dürr, Hans-Bernd |
Univ. of Stuttgart |
Stankovic, Milos S. |
Royal Inst. of Tech. |
Johansson, Karl H. |
Royal Inst. of Tech. |
14:30-14:50 |
FrB18.5 |
Control of Triangular Formations with a Time-Varying Scale Function, pp. 4828-4833. |
Huang, Huang |
Beijing Inst. of Tech. |
Yu, CHANGBIN (Brad) |
The Australian National Univ. |
Wang, Xiangke |
The Australian National Univ. |
14:50-15:10 |
FrB18.6 |
Distributed Averaging with Flow Constraints, pp. 4834-4839. |
Baric, Miroslav |
United Tech. Res. Center |
Borrelli, Francesco |
Unversity of California at Berkeley |
Franciscan A |
Kalman Filtering (Regular Session) |
Chair: Lazar, Mircea |
Eindhoven Univ. of Tech. |
Co-Chair: Shi, Ling |
Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Tech. |
15:30-15:50 |
FrC01.1 |
A Distributed Kalman Filter with Global Covariance, pp. 4840-4845. |
Sijs, Joris |
Lazar, Mircea |
Eindhoven Univ. of Tech. |
15:50-16:10 |
FrC01.2 |
Nonlinear Information Filtering for Distributed Multisensor Data Fusion, pp. 4846-4852. |
Noack, Benjamin |
Karlsruhe Inst. of Tech. |
Lyons, Daniel |
Karlsruhe Inst. of Tech. |
Nagel, Matthias |
Karlsruhe Inst. of Tech. (KIT) |
Hanebeck, Uwe D. |
Karlsruhe Inst. of Tech. (KIT) |
16:10-16:30 |
FrC01.3 |
Vehicle State Estimation for Advanced Vehicle Motion Control Using Novel Lateral Tire Force Sensors, pp. 4853-4858. |
Nam, Kanghyun |
The Univ. of Tokyo |
Oh, Sehoon |
the Univ. of Tokyo |
Fujimoto, Hiroshi |
Yokohama National Univ. |
Hori, Yoichi |
Univ. of Tokyo |
16:30-16:50 |
FrC01.4 |
Unbiased Minimum-Variance Filtering for Delayed Input Reconstruction, pp. 4859-4860. |
Fitch, Katherine E. |
Syracuse Univ. |
Palanthandalam-Madapusi, Harish |
Syracuse Univ. |
16:50-17:10 |
FrC01.5 |
On Optimal Partial Broadcasting of Wireless Sensor Networks for Kalman Filtering, pp. 4861-4866. |
Jia, Qing-Shan |
Tsinghua Univ. |
Shi, Ling |
Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Tech. |
17:10-17:30 |
FrC01.6 |
Optimal Filtering for It$hat{o}$-Stochastic Continuous-Time Systems with Multiple Delayed Measurements, pp. 4867-4871. |
Kong, Shulan |
Simon Fraser Univ. BC V5A 1S6, Canada |
Saif, Mehrdad |
Simon Fraser Univ. |
Zhang, Huanshui |
Shandong Univ. |
Franciscan B |
Delay Systems II (Regular Session) |
Chair: Ito, Hiroshi |
Kyushu Inst. of Tech. |
Co-Chair: Arioui, Hichem |
Evry Val d'Essonne Univ. |
15:30-15:50 |
FrC02.1 |
An Asymmetric Small-Gain Technique to Construct Lyapunov-Krasovskii Functionals for Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems with Static Components, pp. 4872-4877. |
Ito, Hiroshi |
Kyushu Inst. of Tech. |
15:50-16:10 |
FrC02.2 |
New Stabilization Method for Linear Systems with Time-Varying Input Delay, pp. 4878-4883. |
Liu, Yun |
Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ. |
Hu, Li-sheng |
Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ. |
16:10-16:30 |
FrC02.3 |
Robust Stability Criteria for Uncertain Systems with Delay and Its Derivative Varying within Intervals, pp. 4884-4889. |
Figueredo, Luis Felipe da Cruz |
Univ. of BrasÃlia |
Ishihara, João Yoshiyuki |
Univ. of BrasÃlia |
Borges, Geovany A. |
Univ. de Brasilia |
Bauchspiess, Adolfo |
Univ. of BrasÃlia |
16:30-16:50 |
FrC02.4 |
Adaptive Backstepping for Uncertain Systems with Time-Delay On-Line Update Laws, pp. 4890-4897. |
Bresch-Pietri, Delphine |
MINES ParisTech |
Chauvin, Jonathan |
Petit, Nicolas |
MINES ParisTech |
16:50-17:10 |
FrC02.5 |
Force Feedback Stabilization for Remote Control of an Assistive Mobile Robot, pp. 4898-4903. |
Arioui, Hichem |
Evry Val d'Essonne Univ. |
Lounis, Temzi |
Evry Val d'Essonne Univ. |
Hoppenot, Philippe |
Evry Val d'Essonne Univ. |
17:10-17:30 |
FrC02.6 |
Observer Scheme for Linear Recycling Systems with Time Delays, pp. 4904-4909. |
Marquez-Rubio, Juan Francisco |
IPN ESIME Culhuacan |
del Muro Cuéllar, Basilio |
Inst. Plitecnico Nacional |
Velasco-Villa, Martin |
Cortés, Domingo |
Franciscan C |
Estimation V (Regular Session) |
Chair: Salapaka, Murti V. |
Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis |
Co-Chair: Kingston, Derek B. |
Air Force Res. Lab. |
15:30-15:50 |
FrC03.1 |
Vehicle State Estimation within a Road Network Using a Bayesian Filter, pp. 4910-4915. |
Niedfeldt, Peter C. |
Brigham Young Univ. |
Kingston, Derek B. |
Air Force Res. Lab. |
Beard, Randy |
Brigham Young Univ. |
15:50-16:10 |
FrC03.2 |
Adaptive Interconnected Observer for Induction Machine in Presence of Nonlinear Magnetic Characteristic, pp. 4916-4921. |
Elfadili, Abderrahim |
mohamed V |
Giri, Fouad |
Univ. de Caen |
El Magri, Abdelmounime |
Dugard, Luc |
CNRS-Grenoble INP |
Haloua, Mohamed |
16:10-16:30 |
FrC03.3 |
Derivation of an Optimal Boundary Layer Width for the Smooth Variable Structure Filter, pp. 4922-4927. |
Gadsden, Stephen Andrew |
McMaster Univ. |
El Sayed, Mohammed |
McMaster Univ. |
Habibi, Saeid |
McMaster Univ. |
16:30-16:50 |
FrC03.4 |
Causal and Non-Causal Filtering for Network Reconstruction, pp. 4928-4933. |
Materassi, Donatello |
Univ. of Minnesota |
Salapaka, Murti V. |
Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis |
16:50-17:10 |
FrC03.5 |
Information-Based Adaptive Sensor Management for Sensor Networks, pp. 4934-4940. |
Castanon, David A. |
Boston Univ. |
Jenkins, Karen Louise |
Boston Univ. |
17:10-17:30 |
FrC03.6 |
Real-Time Identification of the Best Performances of a Sailboat, pp. 4941-4946. |
Corbetta, Stefano |
Pol. di Milano |
Boniolo, Ivo |
Pol. di Milano |
Savaresi, Sergio M. |
Pol. Di Milano |
Vischi, Stefano |
Strassera, Andrea |
Malgarise, Dario |
Franciscan D |
Fuzzy Systems (Regular Session) |
Chair: Tanaka, Kazuo |
Univ. of Electro-Communications |
Co-Chair: Fadali, Mohammed Sami |
Univ. of Nevada |
15:30-15:50 |
FrC04.1 |
Robust Composite Adaptive Fuzzy Identification and Control for a Class of MIMO Nonlinear Systems, pp. 4947-4952. |
Kim, Dohee |
Univ. of Florida |
Chung, Hee Tae |
Pusan Univ. of Foreign Studies |
Bhasin, Shubhendu |
Univ. of Florida |
Dixon, Warren E. |
Univ. of Florida |
15:50-16:10 |
FrC04.2 |
An SOS-Based Observer Design for Polynomial Fuzzy Systems, pp. 4953-4958. |
Tanaka, Kazuo |
Univ. of Electro-Communications |
Ohtake, Hiroshi |
Univ. of Electro-communications |
Seo, Toshiaki |
The Univ. of Electro-Communications |
Wang, Hua O. |
Boston Univ. |
16:10-16:30 |
FrC04.3 |
An Improved Approach to Fuzzy Model Construction and Servo Control with Constraints Based on Error Dynamics, pp. 4959-4963. |
Ohtake, Hiroshi |
Kyushu Inst. of Tech. |
Tanaka, Kazuo |
Univ. of Electro-Communications |
Wang, Hua O. |
Boston Univ. |
16:30-16:50 |
FrC04.4 |
Fuzzy TSK Positive Systems: Stability and Control, pp. 4964-4969. |
Fadali, Mohammed Sami |
Univ. of Nevada |
Jafarzadeh, Saeed |
Univ. of Nevada Reno |
16:50-17:10 |
FrC04.5 |
Improved Stabilization Conditions for Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems Via Fuzzy Integral Lyapunov Functions, pp. 4970-4975. |
Tognetti, Eduardo Stockler |
Univ. of Campinas |
Oliveira, Ricardo C. L. F. |
Univ. of Campinas - UNICAMP |
Peres, Pedro L. D. |
Univ. of Campinas |
17:10-17:30 |
FrC04.6 |
A Nonlinear Predictive Control of Processes with Multiscale Objectives Using a Fuzzy-System Identification Approach, pp. 4976-4981. |
Rahnamoun, Ali |
Penn State Univ. |
Armaou, Antonios |
The Pennsylvania State Univ. |
Continental 1 |
PID Control (Regular Session) |
Chair: Loria, Antonio |
Co-Chair: Watkins, John |
Wichita State Univ. |
15:30-15:50 |
FrC05.1 |
A Simple PI$^2$D Output Feedback Controller for the Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor, pp. 4982-4987. |
Loria, Antonio |
Espinosa-Perez, Gerardo |
Univ. Nacional Autonoma de Mexico |
Avila-Becerril, Sofia |
Univ. Nacional Autonoma de Mexico |
15:50-16:10 |
FrC05.2 |
Stability Crossing Boundaries and Fragility Characterization of PID Controllers for SISO Systems with I/O Delays, pp. 4988-4993. |
Morarescu, Irinel Constantin |
Méndez-Barrios, César Fernando |
Lab. des signaux et systèmes (L2S) |
Niculescu, Silviu-Iulian |
CNRS-Supelec |
Gu, Keqin |
Southern Illinois Univ. Edwardsville |
16:10-16:30 |
FrC05.3 |
Control Signal Constraints and Filter Order Selection for PI and PID Controllers, pp. 4994-4999. |
Larsson, Per-Ola |
Lund Univ. |
Hagglund, Tore |
Lund Univ. |
16:30-16:50 |
FrC05.4 |
Robust Performance Design of PID Controllers with Inverse Multiplicative Uncertainty, pp. 5000-5006. |
Emami, Tooran |
Wichita State Univ. |
Watkins, John |
Wichita State Univ. |
16:50-17:10 |
FrC05.5 |
Determination of All Stabilizing Fractional-Order PID Controllers, pp. 5007-5012. |
Lee, Yung K |
Wichita State Univ. |
Watkins, John |
Wichita State Univ. |
17:10-17:30 |
FrC05.6 |
Synthesis of Robust PID Controllers Design with Complete Information on Pre-Specifications for the FOPTD Systems, pp. 5013-5018. |
Luo, Ying |
Utah State Univ. |
Chen, YangQuan |
Utah State Univ. |
Continental 2 |
Reduced Order Modeling (Regular Session) |
Chair: Kashima, Kenji |
Tokyo Inst. of Tech. |
Co-Chair: Oshman, Yaakov |
Tech. - Israel Inst. of Tech. |
15:30-15:50 |
FrC06.1 |
Model Order Reduction for MIMO Linear Dynamical Networks Via Reaction-Diffusion Transformation, pp. 5019-5024. |
Ishizaki, Takayuki |
Tokyo Inst. of Tech. |
Kashima, Kenji |
Tokyo Inst. of Tech. |
Imura, Jun-ichi |
Tokyo Inst. of Tech. |
Aihara, Kazuyuki |
Univ. of Tokyo |
15:50-16:10 |
FrC06.2 |
Nu-Gap Model Reduction in the Frequency Domain, pp. 5025-5030. |
Sootla, Aivar |
Lund Univ. |
16:10-16:30 |
FrC06.3 |
Dynamic Coarse Graining in Complex System Simulation, pp. 5031-5036. |
Xue, Yuzhen |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Ludovice, Pete |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Grover, Martha |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
16:30-16:50 |
FrC06.4 |
An Improved Algorithm for Partial Fraction Expansion Based Frequency Weighted Balanced Truncation, pp. 5037-5042. |
Wan Muda, Wan Mariam |
Univ. of Western Australia |
Sreeram, Victor |
Univ. of Western Australia |
Iu, Herbert Ho-Ching |
The Univ. of Western Australia |
16:50-17:10 |
FrC06.5 |
Traveling Waves in One-Dimensional Networks of Dynamical Systems, pp. 5043-5048. |
Paoletti, Paolo |
Harvard Univ. |
Innocenti, Giacomo |
Univ. di Siena |
17:10-17:30 |
FrC06.6 |
Optimal Covariance Selection for Estimation Using Graphical Models, pp. 5049-5054. |
Vichik, Sergey |
Tech. - Israel Inst. of Tech. |
Oshman, Yaakov |
Tech. - Israel Inst. of Tech. |
Continental 3 |
Process Control (Regular Session) |
Chair: Fu, Jun |
Co-Chair: Simaan, Marwan A. |
Univ. of Central Florida |
15:30-15:50 |
FrC07.1 |
Controller for Reducing Excursions in Tensions, Thicknesses and Looper Positions During Threading of a Hot Metal Strip Rolling Process, pp. 5055-5060. |
Pittner, John |
Univ. of Pittsburgh |
Simaan, Marwan A. |
Univ. of Central Florida |
15:50-16:10 |
FrC07.2 |
Adaptive Decoupling Control of the Forced-Circulation Evaporation System Using Neural Networks and Multiple Models, pp. 5061-5066. |
Yonggang, Wang |
Northeastern Univ. |
Chai, Tianyou |
Northeastern Univ. |
Fu, Jun |
Sun, Jing |
Univ. of Michigan |
16:10-16:30 |
FrC07.3 |
Plantwide Control of CO2 Capture by Absorption and Stripping Using Monoethanolamine Solution, pp. 5067-5072. |
Lin, Yu-Jeng |
National Tsing Hua Univ. |
Pan, Tian-Hong |
Jiangsu Univ. |
Wong, Shun-Hill |
National Tsing Hua Univ. |
Jang, Shi-Shang |
National Tsing Hua Univ. |
16:30-16:50 |
FrC07.4 |
Design of Reduced Order Sliding Mode Governor for Hydro-Turbines, pp. 5073-5078. |
Qian, Dianwei |
North China Electric Power Univ. |
Yi, Jianqiang |
China Acad. of Sciences |
Liu, Xiangjie |
North China Electric Power Univ. |
16:50-17:10 |
FrC07.5 |
Estimation of Benchmark Performance for Nonlinear Control Systems, pp. 5079-5084. |
Zhang, Zhi |
Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ. |
Hu, Li-sheng |
Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ. |
Shi, Wenjun |
Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ. |
17:10-17:30 |
FrC07.6 |
Data-Driven LQG Benchmaking for Economic Performance Assessment of Advanced Process Control Systems, pp. 5085-5090. |
Xu, Qiaoling |
FuZhou Univ. |
Zhao, Chao |
FuZhou Univ. |
Zhang, Dengfeng |
Nanjing Univ. of Science and Tech. |
An, Aimin |
Lanzhou Univ. of Tech. |
Zhang, Chi |
School of Ec. , Zhejiang Univ. |
Continental 7 |
Chaotic Systems (Regular Session) |
Chair: Tembine, Hamidou |
Co-Chair: Zhu, Guchuan |
Ec. Pol. de Montreal |
15:30-15:50 |
FrC08.1 |
Investigating the Anticipating Synchronization of RCL-Shunted Josephson Junctions, pp. 5091-5096. |
Xu, Shiyun |
China Electric Power Res. Inst. |
Tang, Yong |
China Electric Power Res. Inst. |
Sun, Huadong |
China Electric Power Res. Inst. |
Zhou, Ziguan |
China Electric Res. Inst. |
Yang, Ying |
Peking Univ. |
15:50-16:10 |
FrC08.2 |
Guaranteed Cost LPV Controller Design for a Class of Chaos Synchronization, pp. 5097-5102. |
Koo, Jahoo |
Lee, Sangmoon |
Daegu Univ. |
Ji, Dae Hyun |
Mobile communication Div. Digital Media and Communications, |
Park, Ju H. |
Yeungnam Univ. |
Won, Sangchul |
Pohang Univ. of Science & Tech. |
16:10-16:30 |
FrC08.3 |
Controlling a Class of Hyperbolic Distributed Parameter Systems Producing Ideal Turbulence, pp. 5103-5108. |
Suzuki, Masayasu |
Japan Sience and Tech. Agency |
Imura, Jun-ichi |
Tokyo Inst. of Tech. |
Aihara, Kazuyuki |
Univ. of Tokyo |
16:30-16:50 |
FrC08.4 |
Hybrid Mean Field Game Dynamics in Large Population, pp. 5109-5114. |
Tembine, Hamidou |
16:50-17:10 |
FrC08.5 |
Chaos Synchronization of an Electrostatic MEMS Resonator in the Presence of Parametric Uncertainties, pp. 5115-5120. |
Jimenez-Triana, Alexander |
Univ. Distrital Francisco José de Caldas |
Zhu, Guchuan |
Ec. Pol. de Montreal |
Saydy, Lahcen |
Ec. Pol. of Montreal |
17:10-17:30 |
FrC08.6 |
Bounding Self-Induced Oscillations Via Invariant Level Sets of Piecewise Quadratic Lyapunov Functions, pp. 5121-5126. |
Jung, Hoeguk |
Univ. of Massachusetts, Lowell |
Hu, Tingshu |
Univ. of Massachusetts, Lowell |
Continental 8 |
Automata (Regular Session) |
Chair: Kumar, Ratnesh |
Iowa State Univ. |
Co-Chair: Yasar, Murat |
Tech. Inc. |
15:30-15:50 |
FrC09.1 |
Analysis of Runtime Data-Log for Software Fault Localization, pp. 5127-5132. |
Zhou, Changyan |
Magnatech LLC |
Kumar, Ratnesh |
Iowa State Univ. |
Jiang, Shengbing |
General Motors Corp. |
15:50-16:10 |
FrC09.2 |
Vector Space Formulation of Probabilistic Finite State Automata, pp. 5133-5138. |
Wen, Yicheng |
Penn State Univ. |
Ray, Asok |
Pennsylvania State Univ. |
Chattopadhyay, Ishanu |
Penn State |
Phoha, Shashi |
Pennsylvania State Univ. |
16:10-16:30 |
FrC09.3 |
Modeling of Symbolic Systems: Part II - Hilbert Space Construction for Model Identification and Order Reduction, pp. 5139-5144. |
Wen, Yicheng |
Penn State Univ. |
Ray, Asok |
Pennsylvania State Univ. |
Chattopadhyay, Ishanu |
Penn State |
Phoha, Shashi |
Pennsylvania State Univ. |
16:30-16:50 |
FrC09.4 |
State Splitting and State Merging in Probabilistic Finite State Automata, pp. 5145-5150. |
Adenis, Patrick |
Penn State Univ. |
Mukherjee, Kushal |
Pennsylvania State Univ. |
Ray, Asok |
Pennsylvania State Univ. |
16:50-17:10 |
FrC09.5 |
Symbolic Dynamic Filtering of Seismic Sensors for Target Detection and Classification, pp. 5151-5156. |
Jin, Xin |
The Pennsylvania State Univ. |
Gupta, Shalabh |
Pennsylvania State Univ. |
Ray, Asok |
Pennsylvania State Univ. |
Damarla, Thyagaraju |
Army Res. Lab. |
17:10-17:30 |
FrC09.6 |
Symbolic Encoding of Analytic Signals for Structural Monitoring of Power Systems, pp. 5157-5162. |
Yasar, Murat |
Tech. Inc. |
Chakraborty, Subhadeep |
Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville |
Keller, Eric |
Penn State |
Bajpai, Gaurav |
Tech. Inc. |
Ray, Asok |
Pennsylvania State Univ. |
Continental 9 |
Model Predictive Control (Regular Session) |
Chair: Allgower, Frank |
Univ. of Stuttgart |
Co-Chair: Christofides, Panagiotis D. |
Univ. of California at Los Angeles |
15:30-15:50 |
FrC10.1 |
Offline NMPC for Continuous-Time Systems Using Sum of Squares, pp. 5163-5168. |
Deroo, Frederik |
Univ. of Stuttgart |
Maier, Christoph |
Univ. of Stuttgart |
Bohm, Christoph |
Univ. of Stuttgart |
Allgower, Frank |
Univ. of Stuttgart |
15:50-16:10 |
FrC10.2 |
Model Predictive Control of Switched Nonlinear Systems under Average Dwell-Time, pp. 5169-5174. |
Muller, Matthias Albrecht |
Univ. of Stuttgart |
Allgower, Frank |
Univ. of Stuttgart |
16:10-16:30 |
FrC10.3 |
Alternative Parameterisations for Predictive Control: How and Why?, pp. 5175-5180. |
Valencia-Palomo, Guillermo |
Inst. Tecnológico de Hermosillo |
Rossiter, J. Anthony |
Univ. of Sheffield |
Jones, Colin Neil |
ETH Zurich |
Gondhalekar, Ravi |
Osaka Univ. |
Khan, Bilal |
Univ. of Sheffield UK |
16:30-16:50 |
FrC10.4 |
Multirate Distributed Model Predictive Control of Nonlinear Systems, pp. 5181-5188. |
Heidarinejad, Mohsen |
Liu, Jinfeng |
Univ. of California, Los Angeles |
Muñoz de la Peña, David |
Univ. de Sevilla |
Davis, James F. |
Christofides, Panagiotis D. |
Univ. of California at Los Angeles |
16:50-17:10 |
FrC10.5 |
Triple Mode MPC or Laguerre MPC : A Comparison, pp. 5189-5194. |
Khan, Bilal |
Univ. of Sheffield UK |
Rossiter, J. Anthony |
Univ. of Sheffield |
17:10-17:30 |
FrC10.6 |
Lyapunov-Based Economic Model Predictive Control of Nonlinear Systems, pp. 5195-5200. |
Heidarinejad, Mohsen |
Liu, Jinfeng |
Univ. of California, Los Angeles |
Christofides, Panagiotis D. |
Univ. of California at Los Angeles |
Golden Gate 1 |
Power Systems III (Regular Session) |
Chair: Sun, Jing |
Univ. of Michigan |
Co-Chair: Li, Yaoyu |
Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee |
15:30-15:50 |
FrC11.1 |
Sliding Mode/Hinfinity Control of a Hydro-Power Plant, pp. 5201-5206. |
Ding, Xibei |
Penn State Univ. |
Sinha, Alok |
Pennsylvania State Univ. |
15:50-16:10 |
FrC11.2 |
Individual Pitch Control for Wind Turbine Load Reduction Including Wake Modeling, pp. 5207-5212. |
Yang, Zhongzhou |
Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee |
Li, Yaoyu |
Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee |
Seem, John E. |
Johnson Controls Inc. |
16:10-16:30 |
FrC11.3 |
Mode Changing Stability of Wind Turbine in an Integrated Wind Turbine and Rechargeable Battery System, pp. 5213-5218. |
Mecklenborg, Christine |
The Univ. of Texas at Austin |
Palejiya, Dushyant |
Univ. of Texas at Austin |
Hall, John |
Univ. of Texas - Austin, Department of Mechanical Engineeri |
Chen, Dongmei |
the Univ. of Texas at Austin |
16:30-16:50 |
FrC11.4 |
A Distributed Power Coordination Scheme for Fatigue Load Reduction in Wind Farms, pp. 5219-5224. |
Madjidian, Daria |
Lund Univ. |
Martensson, Karl |
Lund Univ. |
Rantzer, Anders |
Lund Univ. |
16:50-17:10 |
FrC11.5 |
Distributed Predictive Control of the 7-Machine CIGRE Power System, pp. 5225-5230. |
Hermans, R.M. |
Eindhoven Univ. of Tech. |
Lazar, Mircea |
Eindhoven Univ. of Tech. |
Jokic, Andrej |
Eindhoven Univ. of Tech. |
17:10-17:30 |
FrC11.6 |
Comparative Performance Assessment of 5kW-Class Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Engines Integrated with Single/Dual-Spool Turbochargers, pp. 5231-5236. |
Oh, So-ryeok |
Univ. of Michigan |
Sun, Jing |
Univ. of Michigan |
Dobbs, Herb |
King, Joel |
Golden Gate 2 |
Automotive II (Regular Session) |
Chair: Berkel, van, Koos |
Eindhoven Univ. of Tech. |
Co-Chair: Tamaddoni, Seyed Hossein |
Virginia Pol. Inst. and State Univ. |
15:30-15:50 |
FrC12.1 |
Estimation of Road Profile for Vehicle Dynamics Motion: Experimental Validation, pp. 5237-5242. |
Doumiati, Moustapha |
Univ. INP-Grenoble |
Victorino, Alessandro |
Univ. Univ. de Tech. de Compiègne |
Charara, Ali |
UMR CNRS 6599 |
Lechner, Daniel |
15:50-16:10 |
FrC12.2 |
Preliminary Steps in Understanding a Target & Control Based Driver Steering Model, pp. 5243-5248. |
Huang, Jihua |
UC Berkeley |
Tan, Han-Shue |
Univ. of California at Berkeley |
Bu, Fanping |
Univ. of California at Berkeley |
16:10-16:30 |
FrC12.3 |
Optimal Vehicle Stability Control Design Based on Preview Game Theory Concept, pp. 5249-5254. |
Tamaddoni, Seyed Hossein |
Virginia Pol. Inst. and State Univ. |
Ahmadian, Mehdi |
Virginia Pol. Inst. and State Univ. |
Taheri, Saied |
Virginia Tech. |
16:30-16:50 |
FrC12.4 |
Optimal Energy Management for a Flywheel-Based Hybrid Vehicle, pp. 5255-5260. |
van Berkel, Koos |
Eindhoven Univ. of Tech. |
Hofman, Theo |
Tech. Univ. Eindhoven |
Vroemen, Bas |
Drivetrain Innovations, Croy 46, 5653 LD Eindhoven, The Netherla |
Steinbuch, Maarten |
Eindhoven Univ. of Tech. |
16:50-17:10 |
FrC12.5 |
Robust Estimation of the Friction Forces Generated by Each Tire of a Vehicle, pp. 5261-5266. |
Hsiao, Tesheng |
National Chiao Tung Univ. |
Liu, Nien-Chi |
National Chiao Tung Univ. Taiwan |
Chen, Syuan-Yi |
Industrial Tech. Res. Inst. |
17:10-17:30 |
FrC12.6 |
Efficient Minimum Manoeuvre Time Optimisation of an Oversteering Vehicle at Constant Forward Speed, pp. 5267-5272. |
Timings, Julian Peter |
Univ. of Cambridge |
Cole, David J |
Univ. of Cambridge |
Golden Gate 3 |
Transportation Systems (Regular Session) |
Chair: Chen, Anning |
Zhejiang Univ. China |
Co-Chair: Fiengo, Giovanni |
Univ. degli Studi del Sannio |
15:30-15:50 |
FrC13.1 |
Design and Experimental Validation of a Model-Based Injection Pressure Controller in a Common Rail System for GDI Engine, pp. 5273-5278. |
di Gaeta, Alessandro |
Istituto Motori - National Res. Council |
Fiengo, Giovanni |
Univ. degli Studi del Sannio |
Palladino, Angelo |
Univ. del Sannio |
Giglio, Veniero |
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche |
15:50-16:10 |
FrC13.2 |
Fundamental Limits in Combine Harvester Header Height Control, pp. 5279-5285. |
Xie, Yangmin |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Alleyne, Andrew G. |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Greer, Ashley |
John Deere |
Deneault, Dustin |
John Deere |
16:10-16:30 |
FrC13.3 |
An Experimental Comparative Study of Different Second Order Sliding Mode Algorithms on a Mechatronic Actuator, pp. 5286-5291. |
Ahmed, Fayez Shakil |
Laghrouche, Salah |
El Bagdouri, Mohammed |
Univ. de Tech. de Belfort Montbéliard |
16:30-16:50 |
FrC13.4 |
Observability Analysis of an Inertial Navigation System with Stationary Updates, pp. 5292-5299. |
Ramanandan, Arvind |
Univ. of California, Riverside |
Chen, Anning |
Univ. of California, Riverside |
Farrell, Jay |
Univ. of California Riverside |
16:50-17:10 |
FrC13.5 |
A Global Optimization Algorithm for Energy-Efficient Control Allocation of Over-Actuated Systems, pp. 5300-5305. |
Chen, Yan |
Ohio State Univ. |
Wang, Junmin |
The Ohio State Univ. |
17:10-17:30 |
FrC13.6 |
Model-Based Design of Experiments Based on Local Model Networks for Nonlinear Processes with Low Noise Levels, pp. 5306-5311. |
Hartmann, Benjamin |
Univ. of Siegen |
Ebert, Tobias |
Univ. of Siegen |
Nelles, Oliver |
Univ. of Siegen |
Golden Gate 4 |
Autonomous Systems II (Regular Session) |
Chair: Menon, Prathyush P |
Univ. of Exeter |
Co-Chair: Saberi, Ali |
Washington State Univ. |
15:30-15:50 |
FrC14.1 |
Consensus for Multi-Agent Systems Synchronization and Regulation for Complex Networks, pp. 5312-5317. |
Yang, Tao |
Washington State Univ. |
Stoorvogel, Anton A. |
Univ. of Twente |
Saberi, Ali |
Washington State Univ. |
15:50-16:10 |
FrC14.2 |
First-Order Short-Range Mover Prediction Model (SRMPM), pp. 5318-5323. |
Overstreet, Jamahl |
Pol. Inst. of NYU |
Khorrami, Farshad |
Pol. Inst. of NYU |
16:10-16:30 |
FrC14.3 |
A Quadratic Programming Approach to Path Smoothing, pp. 5324-5329. |
Zhao, Yiming |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Tsiotras, Panagiotis |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
16:30-16:50 |
FrC14.4 |
Leader Selection in Multi-Agent Systems Subject to Partial Failure, pp. 5330-5335. |
Jafari, Saeid |
Univ. of Southern California |
Ajorlou, Amir |
Concordia Univ. |
Aghdam, Amir G. |
Concordia Univ. |
16:50-17:10 |
FrC14.5 |
Consensus Acceleration of Multi-Agent Systems Via Model Prediction, pp. 5336-5341. |
Chen, Zhiyong |
The Univ. of Newcastle |
Zhang, Haitao |
Huazhong (Central China) Univ. of ScienceandTechnology |
17:10-17:30 |
FrC14.6 |
A Distributed Control Law with Guaranteed LQR Cost for Identical Dynamically Coupled Linear Systems, pp. 5342-5347. |
Deshpande, Paresh Ravindra |
Univ. of Leicester |
Menon, Prathyush P |
Univ. of Exeter |
Edwards, Christopher |
Univ. of Leicester |
Postlethwaite, Ian |
Northumbria Univ. |
Golden Gate 5 |
Decentralized Control II (Regular Session) |
Chair: Gattami, Ather |
Co-Chair: Mehta, Prashant G. |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
15:30-15:50 |
FrC15.1 |
Iterative Source-Channel Coding Approach to Witsenhausen's Counterexample, pp. 5348-5353. |
Karlsson, Johannes |
Royal Inst. of Tech. (KTH) |
Gattami, Ather |
Oechtering, Tobias |
Royal Inst. of Tech. (KTH) |
Skoglund, Mikael |
Royal Inst. of Tech. |
15:50-16:10 |
FrC15.2 |
On the Efficiency of Equilibria in Mean-Field Oscillator Games, pp. 5354-5359. |
Yin, Huibing |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Mehta, Prashant G. |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Meyn, Sean |
Univ. of Illinois |
Shanbhag, Uday V. |
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
16:10-16:30 |
FrC15.3 |
Quadratic Invariance Is Necessary and Sufficient for Convexity, pp. 5360-5362. |
Lessard, Laurent |
Stanford Univ. |
Lall, Sanjay |
Stanford Univ. |
16:30-16:50 |
FrC15.4 |
Decentralized Online Convex Programming with Local Information, pp. 5363-5369. |
Raginsky, Maxim |
Duke Univ. |
Kiarashi, Nooshin |
Duke Univ. |
Willett, Rebecca |
Duke Univ. |
16:50-17:10 |
FrC15.5 |
Parametrization of Stabilizing Controllers Subject to Subspace Constraints, pp. 5370-5375. |
Rotkowitz, Michael C. |
The Univ. of Melbourne |
17:10-17:30 |
FrC15.6 |
A Multi-Team Extension of the Consensus-Based Bundle Algorithm, pp. 5376-5381. |
Argyle, Matthew |
Brigham Young Univ. |
Casbeer, David W. |
Air Force Res. Lab. |
Beard, Randy |
Brigham Young Univ. |
Golden Gate 6 |
Mechatronics III (Regular Session) |
Chair: Tsao, Tsu-Chin |
Univ. of California, Los Angeles |
Co-Chair: Naso, David |
Pol. di Bari |
15:30-15:50 |
FrC16.1 |
H_infinity Control for Hard Disk Drives with an Irregular Sampling Rate, pp. 5382-5387. |
Nie, Jianbin |
Univ. of California, Berkeley |
Sheh, Edgar |
Western Digital Tech. Inc. |
Horowitz, Roberto |
Univ. of California at Berkeley |
15:50-16:10 |
FrC16.2 |
Enhancing Transient Response of Asymptotic Regulation with Disturbance Onset, pp. 5388-5393. |
Chu, Kevin |
Tsao, Tsu-Chin |
Univ. of California, Los Angeles |
16:10-16:30 |
FrC16.3 |
Constrained Stabilization of a Two-Input Buck-Boost DC/DC Converter Using a Set-Theoretic Method, pp. 5394-5399. |
Spinu, Veaceslav |
Eindhoven Univ. of Tech. |
Lazar, Mircea |
Eindhoven Univ. of Tech. |
Bitsoris, Georges |
Univ. of Patras |
16:30-16:50 |
FrC16.4 |
Robust Adaptive Control of a Magnetic Shape Memory Actuator for Precise Positioning, pp. 5400-5405. |
Riccardi, Leonardo |
Pol. di Bari - Bari, Italy |
Naso, David |
Pol. di Bari |
Turchiano, Biagio |
Pol. di bari |
Janocha, Hartmut |
Saarland Univ. |
16:50-17:10 |
FrC16.5 |
Induction Motor Control in Presence of Magnetic Saturation: Speed Regulation and Power Factor Correction, pp. 5406-5411. |
Elfadili, Abderrahim |
mohamed V |
Giri, Fouad |
Univ. de Caen |
El Magri, Abdelmounime |
Dugard, Luc |
CNRS-Grenoble INP |
Ouadii, Hamid |
Ismra |
Golden Gate 7 |
Biomedical Systems II (Regular Session) |
Chair: Ionescu, Clara |
Ghent Univ. |
Co-Chair: Li, Yao |
Univ. of Southern California |
15:30-15:50 |
FrC17.1 |
Detecting and Analyzing Non-Linear Effects in Respiratory Impedance Measurements, pp. 5412-5417. |
Ionescu, Clara |
Ghent Univ. |
Schoukens, Johan |
Vrije Univ. Brussels |
De Keyser, Robin M.C. |
Univ. of Gent |
15:50-16:10 |
FrC17.2 |
Approximate-Model Closed-Loop Minimal Sampling Method for HIV Viral-Load Minima Detection, pp. 5418-5419. |
Zurakowski, Ryan |
Univ. of Delaware |
Churgin, Matthew |
Univ. of Pennsylvania |
Perez, Camilo |
Univ. of Washington |
Rodriguez, Matthew |
Univ. of Michigan |
16:10-16:30 |
FrC17.3 |
A Nonlinear Optimal Human Postural Regulator, pp. 5420-5425. |
Li, Yao |
Univ. of Southern California |
Levine, William S. |
Univ. of Maryland |
Yang, Yonghong |
Sichuan Univ. |
He, Chengqi |
Sichuan Univ. |
16:30-16:50 |
FrC17.4 |
Tumor Irrigation Model for Virotherapy Cancer Treatment, pp. 5426-5431. |
Dunia, Ricardo |
The Univ. of Texas at Austin |
Edgar, Thomas F. |
Univ. of Texas at Austin |
16:50-17:10 |
FrC17.5 |
Visual Stabilization of Beating Heart Motion by Model-Based Transformation of Image Sequences, pp. 5432-5437. |
Bogatyrenko, Evgeniya |
Karlsruhe Inst. of Tech. |
Hanebeck, Uwe D. |
Karlsruhe Inst. of Tech. (KIT) |
17:10-17:30 |
FrC17.6 |
Constrained Dynamic Control of Focal Trajectory and Intensity of Phased Array Ultrasound Thermal Therapies, pp. 5438-5443. |
Niu, Ran |
GE Global Res. Shanghai |
Skliar, Mikhail |
Univ. of Utah |
Golden Gate 8 |
Agents-Based Systems II (Regular Session) |
Chair: Johansson, Karl H. |
Royal Inst. of Tech. |
Co-Chair: Tang, Choon Yik |
Univ. of Oklahoma |
15:30-15:50 |
FrC18.1 |
Optimal Pursuer and Moving Target Assignment Using Dynamic Voronoi Diagrams, pp. 5444-5449. |
Bakolas, Efstathios |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
Tsiotras, Panagiotis |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
15:50-16:10 |
FrC18.2 |
Fast Distributed Consensus with Chebyshev Polynomials, pp. 5450-5455. |
Montijano, Eduardo |
Univ. of Zaragoza |
Montijano, Juan Ignacio |
Univ. of Zaragoza |
Sagues, Carlos |
Univ. de Zaragoza |
16:10-16:30 |
FrC18.3 |
Multi-Agent Systems Reaching Optimal Consensus with Directed Communication Graphs, pp. 5456-5461. |
Shi, Guodong |
Royal Inst. of Tech. |
Johansson, Karl H. |
Royal Inst. of Tech. |
Hong, Yiguang |
Chinese Acad. of Sciences |
16:30-16:50 |
FrC18.4 |
On the Nash Equilibria of a Timed Asymmetric Skirmish, pp. 5462-5467. |
Treleaven, Kyle |
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
Spieser, Kevin |
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
Frazzoli, Emilio |
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. |
16:50-17:10 |
FrC18.5 |
Gossip Algorithms for Distributed Ranking, pp. 5468-5473. |
Chiuso, Alessandro |
Univ. di Padova |
Fagnani, Fabio |
Pol. Di Torino |
Schenato, Luca |
Univ. of Padova |
Zampieri, Sandro |
Univ. di Padova |
17:10-17:30 |
FrC18.6 |
Zero-Gradient-Sum Algorithms for Distributed Convex Optimization: The Continuous-Time Case, pp. 5474-5479. |
Lu, Jie |
Univ. of Oklahoma |
Tang, Choon Yik |
Univ. of Oklahoma |