15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002

Posters of Control Design

Session Slot: T-Tu-M21

A. CodePaper TitleAuthors  
2aPiecewise Linear Constrained Control for Continuous-Time Systems: The Maximal Admissible DomainA. Benzaouia, A. Baddou and S. El Faiz
2aA Delay-Type PID ControllerQing-Chang Zhong and Han-Xiong Li
2aA Synthesis of Model-Following-Typed Output Regulation Controllers via LMI OptimizationTakahiko Ono, Tadashi Ishihara, Hikaru Inooka
2aDesign of Robust Controllers for Uncertain Transfer Functions in Factored FormDerek P. Atherton and Nusret Tan
2aGeneralized Receding Horizon Control Scheme for Constrained Linear Discrete-Time SystemsKi Baek Kim
2aFeedforward Control for Descriptor System with Unmeasurable DisturbanceTae Kyeong YEU and Shigeyasu KAWAJI
2aMaximizing Performance and Robustness of PI and PID Controllers by Global OptimizationL. Carotenuto, P. Pugliese and Ya. D. Sergeyev
2aA Description of all Stabilizing Controllers and its ApplicationsWataru Kase, Yosuke Azuma, Yasuhiko Mutoh
2aPredictive Functional Control: More Than One Way to PrestabiliseJ.A. Rossiter
2aImproving the Load Disturbance Rejection Performances of IMC-Tuned PID ControllersAntonio Visioli
2aImproved PI Control via Dynamic InversionAurelio Piazzi, Antonio Visioli
2aA Global Optimization Approach for the Problem of Controller Order ReductionEdvaldo Assunção and Pedro L. D. Peres
2aFeedforward and Feedback Robust Control of the Buck ConverterD. Cortés, Jq. Alvarez, Ja. Alvarez-Gallegos
2aOn Hidden Coupling in Multiple Model Based PID Controller NetworksQinghao Rong, Seán F. McLoone, George W. Irwin
2aMimo Predictive PID ControlsM.H. Moradi, M.R. Katebi, M.A. Johnson
2aA New Bilinear Generalized Predictive Control Approach: Algorithm and ResultsAdhemar de Barros Fontes, André Laurindo Maitelli and Andrés Ortiz Salazar
2aA New Approach to Mixed H2/H Optimal PI PID Controller DesignChyi Hwang and Chun-Yen Hsiao
2aGeneralization of Linear Control Tools for Complex VectorsFernando Briz, Michael W. Degner, Alberto Diez, Robert D. Lorenz
2aAdvanced Digital Motion Control Based on Multirate Sampling ControlHiroshi Fujimoto and Yoichi Hori
2aStability Analysis of a Multirate Model Predictive Control AlgorithmWen-Hua Chen
2aRobust Control of Hamilton System and Application to Power SystemShengwei MEI, Tielong SHEN, Wei HU, Qiang LU
2aDiscrete-Time Robust Pole-Placement Design through Global OptimizationMiguel Ayala Botto, Robert Babuška, José Sá da Costa
2aTuning Decentralized PID Controllers for Mimo Systems with DecouplersFrancisco Vazquez Serrano Fernando Morilla Garcia
2aDesign of Digital Mimo Control Systems with Two-Time-Scale MotionsValery D. Yurkevich
2aDigital PID Design for Maximally Deadbeat and Time-Delay ToleranceL.H. Keel, J.I. Rego, and S.P. Bhattacharyya
2aGuaranteed Cost Output-Feedback Controller Design for Discrete-Time LPV SystemsDoo Jin Choi and PooGyeon Park
2aRobustness Analysis of DMC for First Order Plus Dead-Time ProcessesC.B. Scheffer-Dutra, J.E. Normey-Rico, E.B. Castelan
2aDesign Methods and Tuning of Bilinear Proportional-Integral-Plus ControllersSlawomir Ziemian and Keith J. Burnham
2aConvenient Almost Optimal and Robust Tuning of PI and PID ControllersB. Kristiansson and B. Lennartson
2aDesign of Low-Complexity Periodic Controllers for Simultaneous StabilizationDaniel E. Viassolo