15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
  Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002 
Qing-Chang Zhong*, 1 Han-Xiong Li**
* Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Hunan Institute of Engineering
Xiangtan, Hunan, 411101
P.R. China
** Dept. of MEEM
City University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong

This paper presents a delay-type PID controller (shortened as dPID), or a PID controller implemented using two delay elements. The gains are analytically tuned; one of the delays is optimally tuned and the other is chosen to be equal to the sampling time. The poles of the discrete version of the dPID lies inside the unit circle and far away from the point (–1,0). Hence, it is stable and ripple-free. The controller is then applied to a first-order model plus dead-time (FOPDT), which can represent the majority of typical industrial processes; it achieves much better performances than the classical PID controller.
Keywords: Processes with dead-time, PID controller, dPID, moments of a process
Session slot T-Tu-M21: Posters of Control Design/Area code 2a : Control Design