- Linear and Non-linear Control System Design
- Modelling, Simulation, and Identification of Processes
- Process Optimisation
- Robust and Adaptive Control
- Control Education
- Industrial Automation
- Applications and Case Studies
- Model Predictive Control
- Tutorials, Benchmarks, and Surveys in Control (Invited Session)
- Invited Industrial Lectures
1. Linear and Non-linear Control System Design
Digital Control of Ball & Plate Model Using LQ Controller
Spaček, Ľ.; Bobál, V.; Vojtěšek, J.
A Robustness Study of Process Control Loops Designed Using Exact Linearization
Wang, N.; Kiss, B.
Input Shaping Soutions for Drones with Suspended Load: First Results
Homolka, P.; Hromčík, M.; Vyhlídal, T.
Stability Analysis of Wave Based Control: Practical Aspects
Langmajer, M.; Schlegel, M.; Šetka, V.
Generalized Output Synchronization of Heterogeneous Linear Multi-agent Systems
Hengster Movric, K.; Šebek, M.
On Anisotropy-Based Control Problem with Regional Pole Assignment for Descriptor Systems
Belov, A.; Andrianova, O.
IAE Based Tuning of Anti-windup Controller Schemes for First Order plus Dead-time System
Bušek, J.; Vyhlídal, T.; Zítek, P.
Control of a Two-Thermoelectric-Cooler System for Ice-Clamping Application Using Lyapunov Based Approach
Mironova, A.; Mercorelli, P.; Zedler, A.
2. Modelling, Simulation, and Identification of Processes
3. Process Optimisation
Power Optimizing Control of Grinding Process in Electromagnetic Mill
Ogonowski, S.; Ogonowski, Z.; Swierzy, M.
An Efficient RTO Scheme for the Optimal Operation of Chemical Processes Under Uncertainty
Hernandez, R.; Bučková, M.; Engell, S.
Closed-loop Dynamic Optimization of a Polymer Grafting Batch Reactor
Bousbia-Salah, R.; Lesage, F.; Fikar, M.; Latifi, M.A.
Constrained Multi-rate State Estimator Incorporating Delayed Measurements
Chandrakesa Shenoi, S.; Srinivasan, S.; Amrhein, M.; Bonvin, D.; Narasimhan, S.
Distributed Optimization and Control with ALADIN
Houska, B.
4. Robust and Adaptive Control
Robust Point-to-Point Control with Velocity Limitation
Kardoš, J.
Robust Controller Design for Nonlinear Lipschitz Systems: Gain Scheduling Approach
Veselý, V.; Körösi, L.
Robust Discrete-Time Gain-Scheduled Guaranteed Cost PSD Controller Design
Ilka, A.; Mckelvey, T.
Robust Pitch Attitude Hold with MRAC for a Nonlinear Light Combat Aircraft Model
Wagner, D.; Hromčík, M.
Robust Control for a Discrete-Time Uncertain System - Novel LMI Based Approach
Rosinová, D.; Balko, P.
Robust LPV-based Infinite Horizon LQR Design
Ilka, A.; Veselý, V.
Robust Nonlinear Model Predictive Control with Reduction of Uncertainty via Dual Control
Thangavel, S.; Lucia, S.; Paulen, R.; Engell, S.
Gaussian Trajectories in Motion Control for Camless Engines
Haus, B.; Mercorelli, P.; Werner, N.
5. Control Education
Design and Development of a Low-cost Inverted Pendulum for Control Education
Bakaráč, P.; Kalúz, M.; Čirka, Ľ.
Real-Time Simulator of Component Models Based on Functional Mock-up Interface 2.0
Balda, P.
Steam Turbine Hardware in the Loop Simulation
Reitinger, J.; Balda, P.; Schlegel, M.
Virtual Laboratory based on Node.js Technology
Stark, E.; Bisták, P.; Kozák, Š.; Kucera, E.
6. Industrial Automation
Extremal Problems for Time Lag Parabolic Systems
Kowalewski, A.; Miśkowicz, M.
Proposal of System for Automatic Weld Evaluation
Haffner, O.; Kucera, E.; Kozák, Š.; Stark, E.
Legal Aspects of Autonomous Vehicles – an Overview
Ilková, V.; Ilka, A.
Adaptive Control of Distillation Column Using Adaptive Critic Design
Koprinkova-Hristova, P.; Paraschiv, N.; Olteanu, M.; Todorov, Y.; Terziyska, M.
7. Applications and Case Studies
Design of Robust MPC with Integral Action for a Laboratory Continuous Stirred-Tank Reactor
Oravec, J.; Bakošová, M.; Hanulová, L.; Horváthová, M.
Viability Assessment of a Rigid Wing Airborne Wind Energy Pumping System
Licitra, G.; Koenemann, J.; Horn, G.; Williams, P.; Ruiterkamp, R.; Diehl, M.
Dynamic Compensator for Reference Tracking Realized on FPGA
Kozáková, A.; Kocúr, M.
Identification of n-link Inverted Pendulum on a Cart
Königsmarková, J.; Schlegel, M.
8. Model Predictive Control
Trajectory Planning and Following for UAVs with Nonlinear Dynamics
Janeček, F.; Klaučo, M.; Kvasnica, M.
Offset-Free Hybrid Model Predictive Control of Bispectral Index in Anesthesia
Ingole, D.; Drgoňa, J.; Kvasnica, M.
Predictive Control of 5 DOF Robot Arm of Autonomous Mobile Robotic System
Belda, K.; Rovný, O.
Predictive Control of the Magnetic Levitation Model
Rušar, L.; Krhovjak, A.; Bobál, V.
Economic NMPC for Heat-Integrated Chemical Reactors
Straus, J.; Skogestad, S.
Combined Flow and Pressure Control for Industrial Pumps with Simple Adaptive MPC
Leonow, S.; Wollenhaupt, F.; Mönnigmann, M.
C Code Generation Applied to Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for an Artificial Pancreas
Boiroux, D.; Jørgensen, J.B.
Temperature Control of Multidimensional System Using Decoupled MPC Controllers
Kurilla, J.
Nonlinear Hierarchical Building Zone and Microgrid Control based on Sensitivity Analysis
Lesic, V.; Vašak, M.; Martinčević, A.; Novak, H.
9. Tutorials, Benchmarks, and Surveys in Control (Invited Session)
Inverse Feedback Signal Shapers: State-of-the-art, Applications, Perspectives
Hromčík, M.; Vyhlídal, T.
Ball in Hoop Revisited as Laboratory Benchmark for Advanced Control
Gurtner, M.; Zemánek, J.; Hurák, Z.
Overview of Research in Non-contact Manipulation Using Dielectrophoresis at CTU in Prague
Michálek, T.; Gurtner, M.; Zemánek, J.; Hurák, Z.
Slotcars for Vehicular Platooning
Hurák, Z.
Traveling Wave and Scattering Approaches to Control of Chains
Hurák, Z.
Experimental Modular Platform for Distributed Planar Manipulation by Magnetic Field
Zemánek, J.; Hurák, Z.
10. Invited Industrial Lectures
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