Escape-12 Supplementary Proceedings |
Contents<-- BACKKeynote Papers
K1 Doherty, M.F.
New opportunities for conceptual design of process systemsK2 Wesdorp, L.H.
Good Food requires Process Engineering?! Simultaneous product and process development.
Contributed Papers
Integrated Product and Process Design
C1 Balasubramanian, N., Chang, C.T.
Biochemical Reaction Pathway Analysis Using Petri net
Process Synthesis/Plant Design
C2 Bagajewicz, M.J.
An unconstrained approach for instrumentation network design and upgradeC3 Bagajewicz, M.J., Barbaro,
A. Financial Planning with Risk Control of Energy Recovery in the Total SiteC4 El-Farra, N.H., Christofides, P.D.
Coordinated Feedback and Switching for Robust Control of Hybrid Nonlinear ProcessesC5 Hu, F.Z., Wasylkiewicz, S.K., Shethna, H.K.
Designing Multicomponent Distillation Columns Based On Geometric Pinch AnalysisC6 Koolen, J.L.A.
Process simplification asks for a yardstick, quantification of plant complexityC7 Nummedal, L., Røsjorde, A., Johannessen, E., Kjelstrup, S.
Minimization of the Entropy Production in the Primary Steam Reformer
Process Dynamics and Control
C8 Liu, Y., Jacobsen, E.W.
On the use of Reduced Order Models in Bifurcation Analysis of Distributed Parameter
SystemsC9 Sobocan, G. Glavic, P., Govatsmark, M., Skogestad, S.
Control and Dynamics of a Distillation Column with Heat PumpC10 Thery, R., Gerbaud, V., Meyer, X.M., Joulia, X.
Dynamic Simulation of a V, L,VL, LL or VLL stage using a single formulation: the positive
flash modelC11 Wolfswinkel, O. van, Smeulers, J.P.M.
Evaluation of Anti-Surge Control Concepts during ESD Simulation of dynamic process
behaviour with PULSIM
Manufacturing and Process Operations
C12 Hirata, K., Sakamoto, H., O’Young, L., Cheung, K.Y., Hui, C.W.
Multi-Site Utility Integration – An Industrial Case StudyC13 Huang, Y. Reklaitis, G.V.,Venkatasubramanian, V.
A General Model Based Framework for Fault AccommodationC14 Ram Maurya, M., Rengaswamy, R., Venkatasubramanian, V.
Incipient Fault Diagnosis of Tennessee Eastman Flowsheet using Signed Directed Graph
and Trends AnalysisC15 Ronholm, L.L., Marlin, T.E.
Move Moderation in Real-Time Optimization SystemsC16 Schiffelers, R.R.H., Beek, D.A. van, Meuldijk, J., Rooda, J.E.
Hybrid modelling and simulation of pipeless batch plantsC17 Y.M. Sebzali, X.Z.
Wang Modelling the Safety Envelopes of Joint Operator-Process SystemsC18 Yip, W.S., Marlin, T.E.
The Effect of Model Fidelity on Real-Time Optimization PerformanceComputational Technologies
C19 Armaou, A., Christofides, P.D.
Dynamic Optimization of Dissipative PDE Systems Using Approximate Inertial ManifoldsC20 Batres, R., Aoyama, A., Naka, Y.
Representing recipes and procedures with PSLC21 Brauner, N., Shacham, M.
A software toolbox for data analysis and regression, considering data precision and
numerical error propagationC22 Burdorf, A., Kampczyk, B., Lederhose, M., Schmidt-Traub, H.
CAPD – Computer-Aided Plant DesignC23 Goethem, M. W.M. van, Kleinendorst, F.I., Velzen, N. van, Dente, M., Ranzi, E.
Equation Based SPYRO® Model and Optimiser for the Modelling of the Steam Cracking
ProcessSustainable Cape Education and Careers for Chemical Engineers
C24 Marlin, T.E., Woods, D.
Trouble Shooting in Undergraduate CAPE Education