15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002

Higher-Order Iterative Learning Control

Session Slot: T-Th-A16
Area Code: 2a

Paper TitleAuthors  
On the Robust Optimal Design and Convergence Speed Analysis of Iterative Learning Control ApproachesJian-xin Xu and Ying Tan
Prediction in Iterative Learning Control Schemes Versus Learning Along the TrialsM. Rzewuski E. Rogers D. H. Owens
Disturbance Aspects of High Order Iterative Learning ControlM. Norrlöf and S. Gunnarsson
On the Monotonic Convergence of High Order Iterative Learning Update LawsKevin L. Moore and YangQuan Chen
Higher-Order Iterative Learning Control by Pole Placement and Noise FilteringMinh Q. Phan Richard W. Longman
Higher Order ILC Versus Alternatives Applied to Chain Conveyor SystemsT. Al-Towaim P. Lewin E. Rogers