Posters of Learning, Stochastic, Fuzzy and Neural Systems
Session Slot: T-Fr-A21
A. Code | Paper Title | Authors | | |
3e | Absolute Exponential Stability of a Class of Neural Networks | Changyin Sun, Shumin Fei, Kanjian Zhang, Jinde Cao and Chun-Bo Feng |  |  |
3b | Polynomial Design of Controllers for Two - Variable Systems - Practical Implementation | Marek Kubalcik, Vladimir Bobal, Miroslav Maca |  |  |
3e | Hybrid Neural Models for Time-Series Forecasting | Sinha, M., Gupta, M.M. and Nikiforuk, P.N. |  |  |
3b | Autotuning PID Control for Long Time-Delay Processes | Tang Wei; Shi Songjiao; Wang Mengxiao |  |  |
3d | Control of Separatrix-Crossing Motion in Near-Hamiltonian Systems Perturbed by Weak Noise | Agnessa Kovaleva |  |  |
3e | Robust Adaptive NN Control of a Class of Semi-Strict Feedback Nonlinear Systems | S. S. Ge, J. Wang and T. H. Lee |  |  |
3b | On Fricion Compensation Without Friction Model | Mazen ALAMIR |  |  |
3b | General Adaptive Controls for Nonlinearly Parameterized Systems Under Generalized Matching Condition | N.V.Q. Hung, H.D. Tuan, P. Apkarian, T. Narikiyo |  |  |
3e | Intelligent Control Method and Application for Bof Steelmaking Process | Tao Jun Wang Xin Chai Tianyou Xie Shuming |  |  |
3b | Model Reference Parametric Adaptive Iterative Learning Control | H. Yu, M. Deng, T.C. Yang and D.H. Owens |  |  |
3e | Dynamical Adaptive Fuzzy Systems:An Application on System Identification | M. Cerrada, J. Aguilar, E. Colina, A. Titli |  |  |
3b | Singularity-Free Stable Adaptive Control of a Class of Nonlinear Discrete-Time Systems | Leonid S. Zhiteckij |  |  |
3b | Algorithm of Parameters' Identification of Polyharmonic Function | A. Bobtsov, A. Lyamin, D. Romasheva |  |  |
3e | Feedback Linearization Using a Minimized Structure Neural Network | Saman Orafa and M.J.Yazdanpanah |  |  |
3e | Pid Autotuning Using Neural Networks and Model Reference Adaptive Control | K. Pirabakaran and V.M. Becerra |  |  |
3b | Robust Ilc Design is Straightforward for Uncertain LTI Systems Satisfying the Robust Performance Condition | A. Tayebi and M.B. Zaremba |  |  |
3b | Smoothing Stability Roughness of Fractal Boundaries Using Reinforcement Learning | Burak H. Kaygisiz, Aydan M. Erkmen, Ismet Erkmen |  |  |
3b | Adaptive Stabilization for Non-Controllable Time-Varying Plants by Using Multiestimation | Santiago Alonso Quesada and Manuel De La Sen |  |  |
3d | Regulator of Jump Linear System with Time-Multiplied Performance Index: an LMI Approach | E.K.Boukas, and Z.K.Liu |  |  |
3b | Adaptive Vector Quantization for Reinforcement Learning | Lau, H. Y. K, Mak, K. L and Lee I. S. K. |  |  |
3b | Nonlinear Adaptive H∞ Control for Robotic Manipulators | Yoshihiko Miyasato |  |  |
3b | A Nonlinear Transformation Approach to Global Adaptive Output Feedback Control of 3Rd-Order Uncertain Nonlinear Systems | Choon-Ki Ahn, Beom-Soo Kim and Myo-Taeg Lim |  |  |
3e | A Statistical Approximation Learning Method for Simultaneous Recurrent Networks | Masao Sakai, Noriyasu Homma and Kenichi Abe |  |  |
3e | Qualitative Analysis of Competitive-Cooperative Cellular Neural Networks with Delay | Tianguang Chu, Cishen Zhang, Zhaolin Wang |  |  |
3e | Input Variable Selection for Forecasting Models | Manuel R. Arahal, Alfonso Cepeda, Eduardo F. Camacho |  |  |
3b | Adaptive Inverse-Lattice Learning Control | George Nikolakopoulos, Anthony Tzes |  |  |
3d | Linearized Controller Design for the Output Pdfs Using Square Root Based B-Spline Models | P Kabore, H Baki and H. Wang |  |  |
3e | Training Neural Networks and Neuro-Fuzzy Systems: A Unified View | Antonio E. Ruano, Pedro M. Ferreira, C. Cabrita, S. Matos |  |  |
3d | Stability of Fault Tolerant Control Systems Driven by Actuators with Saturation | Mufeed Mahmoud, Jin Jiang, Youmin Zhang |  |  |