15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
  Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002 
A. Bobtsov*, A. Lyamin**, D. Romasheva***
* Department of Automatic and Remote Control
St.-Petersburg State Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics (Technical University)
Sablinskaya 14, St. Petersburg, 197101 RUSSIA, E-mail: bobtsov@cde.ifmo.ru
** Center of Distant Education
St.-Petersburg State Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics (Technical University)
Sablinskaya 14, St. Petersburg, 197101 RUSSIA, E-mail: lyamin@cde.ifmo.ru
*** Department of Control in Social and Economic Systems
St.-Petersburg State Technical University
Polytechnicheskaia 29, St. Petersburg, 197251 RUSSIA, E-mail: darisharom@yandex.ru

The problem of on-line continuous-time estimation of parameters of a polyharmonic function is considered. The analytical conditions of existence of the solution are presented and the design procedure of the estimation algorithm is proposed. The pre-sented results were obtained on the basis of the theory of adaptive systems and identifi-cation theory, mathematical theory of stability as well as approaches of the linear optimal control.
Keywords: Adaptative algorithms, Estimation parameters, Identification algorithms, Robust control
Session slot T-Fr-A21: Posters of Learning, Stochastic, Fuzzy and Nerural Systems/Area code 3b : Adaptive Control and Tuning