Pharmaceutical Process Control
Session Slot: T-Fr-A11
Area Code: 7a
Paper Title | Authors | | |
Identification of Pharmaceutical Crystallization Processes | Mitsuko Fujiwara David L. Ma Timokleia Togkalidou Danesh K. Tafti Richard D. Braatz |  |  |
On Line Monitoring of Batch Pharmaceutical Crystallization Using ATR FTIR Spectroscopy | G. Févotte |  |  |
Implementation Procedure of an Advanced Supervisory and Control Strategy in the Pharmaceutical Industry | K. Preuss, M.-V. Le Lann, M. Cabassud, G. Anne-Archard |  |  |
Monitoring of Batch Pharmaceutical Fermentations: Data Synchronization, Landmark Alignment, and Real-Time Monitoring | Cenk Ündey, Bruce A. Williams, and Ali Çinar |  |  |
Automation and Control Issues in the Design of a Pharmaceutical Pilot Plant | B. Wayne Bequette, Sean Holihan and Stu Bacher |  |  |
Experimental Application of the Iterative Learning Control to the Temperature Control of Batch Reactor | M. MEZGHANI, M. V. LE LANN, G. ROUX, M. CABASSUD, B. DAHHOU and G. CASAMATTA |  |  |