Posters of Design Methods and Optimal Control
Session Slot: T-Th-M21
A. Code | Paper Title | Authors | | |
2b | Output Regulation of Linear Singular Systems | Caixia Zhang, Jiandong Zhu and Zhaolin Cheng |  |  |
2d | Polynomial Controllability in Linear Time-Invariant Systems: Some Further Results and Applications to Optimal Control | Amit Ailon |  |  |
2b | On Estimation for Unknown Inputs | Fuwen Yang and Y. S. Hung |  |  |
2b | Boundary Control of a Class of Unstable Parabolic Pdes via Backstepping | Dejan M. Bošković, Andras Balogh, and Miroslav Krstić |  |  |
2b | Asymptotic Properties and Stability of Zeros of Sampled Multivariable Systems | Mitsuaki Ishitobi and Shan Liang |  |  |
2b | H∞ Controller Design for Singularly Perturbed Systems by Delta Operator Approach | Kyu-Hong Shim, Chariya Loescharataramdee, M. Edwin Sawan |  |  |
2d | Computations for Time-Optimal BangBang Control Using a Lagrangian Formulation | Sergey T. Simakov C. Yalçin Kaya Stephen K. Lucas |  |  |
2d | Identification of a Class of Dynamics Under Perspective Observation | Xinkai Chen and Hiroyuki Kano |  |  |
2d | Sway Control Experiment of Rotary Crane Using Linear Transfer Transformation Model | Ying Shen, Kenji Eguchi, Kensuke Suzuki, Kenichi Yano and Kazuhiko Terashima |  |  |
2d | Performance Limitations in the Ripple-Free Robust Servomechanism Problem for Sampled LTI Systems | L. Ben Jemaa E. J. Davison |  |  |
2d | Traffic Control Problems for Networks via Incentive Model | Yuanwei Jing Georgi M. Dimirovski Khosrow Sohraby |  |  |
2b | Preservation of Stability and Spectrum for a Class of Infinite-Dimensional Systems | Yutaka Yamamoto |  |  |
2b | Fundamental Limitations On the Step Response of SISO Feedback Systems | Byung-Moon Kwon, Oh-Kyu Kwon |  |  |
2b | Some Lower Bounds On the Impulse Response of SISO Systems | Byung-Moon Kwon, Myung-Eui Lee, Oh-Kyu Kwon |  |  |
2b | A Dilation of Transfer Matrices with Infinite and Finite Imaginary Axis Zeros | Xin XIN |  |  |
2b | Convergence Analysis of an Iterative Correlation-Based Controller Tuning Method | A. Karimi, L. Mišković and D. Bonvin |  |  |
2b | Energy of Fractional Order Transfer Functions | Rachid MALTI, Olivier COIS, Mohammed AOUN, François LEVRON and Alain OUSTALOUP |  |  |
2b | Generalized S(C,A,B)-Pairs for Infinite-Dimensional Systems | Naohisa Otsuka |  |  |
2b | Block Design of the Tracking Problem with Respect to the Output | Victor A. Utkin |  |  |
2b | Input Tracking for Stable Linear Systems | Xiaoming Hu, Ulf T. Jönsson, and Clyde F. Martin |  |  |
2d | Improved Model Predictive Control and Its Application | Ognjen Marjanovic, Barry Lennox, Peter Goulding and David Sandoz |  |  |
2b | A Two-Step Maximum - Likelihood Identification of Non-Gaussian Systems | Gerencsér, László Michaletzky, György Reppa, Zoltán |  |  |
2d | Costate Elimination in Optimal Dynamic Control of Nonlinear Systems | M. Miranda and F. Szigeti |  |  |
2b | A Class of Rational Function Matrices with Some Properties and Structural Controllability | Kai-Sheng Lu |  |  |
2b | Recursive Identification of Linear Multivariable Systems with Bounded Disturbances | M. Boutayeb, Y. Becis and M. Darouach |  |  |
2d | A Direct Method for Solving Nonsmooth Optimal Control Problems | I. Michael Ross Fariba Fahroo |  |  |
2d | The RBF-ARX Model Based Modeling and Predictive Control for a Class of Nonlinear Processes | H. Peng, T. Ozaki, V. Haggan-Ozaki, Y. Toyoda |  |  |