15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
Barcelona, 2126 July 2002
Industrial Robotics
Session Slot:
Area Code:
Paper Title
Graphical Task-Level Robot Programming for Polishing and Grinding
Jan Rosell, Luis Basañez, Ivan Díaz
Virtual Decomposition Based Motion-Force Control of A KUKA361 Industrial Manipulator
Wen-Hong Zhu Joris De Schutter
Grasping of Unknown Object Imitating Human Grasping Reflex
Haruhisa Kawasaki, Tetsuya Mouri, Jun Takai and Satoshi Ito
Modeling and Identification of a Mechanical Industrial Manipulator
M. Norrlöf, F. Tjärnström, M. Östring, M. Aberger
Supervision of Heterogeneous Controllers for a Mobile Robot
Albert Figueras Joan Colomer J. Lliís de la Rosa
Control of an Underactuated Planar 2R Manipulator: Experimental Results
J. Alfredo Rosas-Flores Jaime Alvarez-Gallegos Rafael Castro-Linares