15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
  Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002 
Albert Figueras* Joan Colomer* J. Lliís de la Rosa*
* Institute of Informatic and Applications, University of Girona, E-17071, SPAIN.

Operating in dynamic environments requires the use of multi-objective (optimization) controllers. This work presents a methodology for supervising a set of controllers designed according to a set of different specifications, in a hierarchical control structure. In this paper, unlike the theory of switching control, a similar structure which focus on choosing the best controller at a given moment is proposed. This methodology is applied to an autonomous mobile robot that follows constrained trajectories. Due to the complex non-linear behavior of the robot, all possible controllers had to be modeled off-line. Then, the on-line supervisor selects an optimal controller to perform the requested task. This method is demonstrated on the soccer robots of RoGiTeam in RoboCup annual competition.
Keywords: Supervisory control, Multi-objective optimizations, Mobile robots, Non-linear controllers, Hierarchical structures, Agents
Session slot T-Tu-A20: Industrial Robotics/Area code 1d : Robotics