15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
Barcelona, 2126 July 2002
Issues in Digital Control
Session Slot:
Area Code:
Paper Title
Quadratic Stabilization of Sampled-Data Systems with Quantization
Hideaki Ishii Bruce A. Francis
Exponential Stabilisability of Multidimensional Linear Systems with Finite Data Rates
Girish N. Nair Robin J. Evans
Stabilization by Quantized State or Output Feedback: A Hybrid Control Approach
Daniel Liberzon
Algebraic Design of Multirate Controllers
J. Salt, A. Cuenca, P. Albertos
Design of Multirate Output Controllers with an Engineering Application
Daniel E. Viassolo Mario A. Rotea
On the choice of Sampling Period and Robust Pole Placement
Xiao-long Peng, Bengt Lennartsonand Carl-Magnus Fransson