15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002

Observer Based Control

Session Slot: T-We-A16
Area Code: 2a

Paper TitleAuthors  
Reduced Order Adaptive Observer BacksteppingRay Eaton
Observer-Based Stability Controller Design for Linear Systems with Delayed StateFeng Jun’e Cheng Zhaolin
Direct Versus Indirect Observer-Based H Control DesignMohamed YAGOUBI and Philippe CHEVREL
Gain Scheduling Techniques for the Design of Observer State Feedback ControllersG. Iulia Bara Jamal Daafouz José Ragot
Disturbance Attenuation for a Class of Nonlinear Systems via Disturbance-Observer-Based ApproachLei Guo and Wen-Hua Chen
Estimation and Control of Some Unmeasured Variable in the Presence of BacklashAlexandru Ioan Ticlea, Gildas Besançon, Dumitru Popescu