International conferences

[1996] [1997] [1998]

See also: PROST seminars.

International Conferences


15 - 16 Jan 1999 Workshop: CAPE-Forum in Liege
31 May - 02 June 1999 ESCAPE'9 and PRES'99, Budapest
02 - 04 June 1999 American Control Conference (ACC'99), San Diego
07 - 09 June 1999 Third Int. Conf. on Industrial Automation , Montreal, Canada
05-09 July 1999 IFAC World Congress, [old] Beijing, China (Draft paper: 15 June 1998) Special session on industrial applications of process control.
31 Aug - 03 Sep 1999 ECC'99, Karlsruhe (01 Oct 1998: Deadline draft papers)
05 - 07 Oct. 1999 ECCE2, 2nd European Congress on Chemical Engineering, Montpellier, France (15 Nov. 1998: Deadline two-page abstract; email:
01 - 05 Nov. 1999 AIChE Annual meeting, Dallas, Texas Abstracts: 01 May 1999


13-15 Jan 2000 Nordic Process Control Workshop (NPC 9), Lyngby, Denmark. Abstracts: 15 nov. 99)
07-10 May 2000 ESCAPE'10 , Florence, Italy (Abstracts: 15 July 1999; send to
06-07 June 2000 Chemical Engineering 50 years in Norway , Trondheim
14-16 June 2000 IFAC symposium ADCHEM 2000 , Pisa, Italy (Draft paper: 30 Sep 1999)
14-16 June 2000 IFAC symposium SAFEPROCESS 2000 , Budapest (Draft paper: 15 Oct 1999)
21-23 June 2000 IFAC symposium SYSID 2000 , Santa Barbara, USA (Draft paper: 01 Sep 1999)
28-30 June 2000 ACC'2000 , Chicago, USA (Abstract: 09 Aug 99)
16-21 July 2000 PSE'2000, Colorado, USA (Abstracts: 15 Oct. 1999)
26-28 July 2000 PCI'2000 (PROCESS CONTROL AND INSTRUMENTATION 2000), Glasgow, UK (Controllability session : Title by 30 Jun and extended abstract by 15 Sep 99)
27-31 August 2000 CHISA 2000 , Praha, Csech Republic (Abstract: 30 Nov. 99)
04-07 September 2000 UK Control'2000 , Cambridge, England (Paper: 30 nov 99)
09-12 October 2000 South African Chemical Engineering Symposium, Johannesburg
12-17 November 2000 AIChE Annual Meeting, Los Angeles


07-12 Jan 2001 Chemical Process Control 6 (CPC 6), Tucson, Arizona USA
27-30 May 2001 ESCAPE'11, Kolding, Denmark
03-06 June 2001 DYCOPS'6 (IFAC Symp. on dynamics and control of chemical processes), Cheju Island, Korea
08-06 June 2001 4th IFAC Workshop on On-line fault detection and supervision in the chemical process industries, Seoul, Korea
23-24 August 2001 10th Nordic Process Control Workshop, Åbo Finland
23-27 September 2001 6th World Congress on Chemical Engineering, Melbourne, Australia


May/June (?) 2002 ESCAPE'12, The Netherlands
21-26 July 2002 IFAC World Congress, Barcelona, Spain,

Brosjyrer for de fleste av disse finnes på utsiden av Sigurd Skogestad's kontor, kjemiblokk 4, NTNU.

Other meeting calendars

From CAST email list (Includes job opportunities)

List updated by S. Skogestad