Sigurd Skogestad Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), N7491 Trondheim, Norway

[A picture of Sigurd Skogestad feb. 2022]

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About me - CV - Powerpoint presentations - How to reach me - Email:
Teaching: Courses - Master students - Project students - New Master projects
Research: Publications - My Group - Research - Ph.D. students - Academic tree
"The overall goal of my research is to develop simple yet rigorous methods to solve problems of engineering significance"
"We want to find a self-optimizing control structure where close-to-optimalo operation under varying conditions is achieved with constant (or slowly varying) setpoints for the controlled variables (CVs). The aim is to move more of the burden of economic optimization from the slower time scale of the real-time optimization (RTO) layer to the faster setpoint control layer. More generally, the idea is to use the model (or sometimes data) off-line to find properties of the optimal solution suited for (simple) on-line feedback implementation"

[A picture of Sigurd Skogestad]


14 July 2024 Workshop on advanced regulatory (PID) control (S. Skogestad and K. Forsman) Adchem conference, Toronto
13 June 2024: "PID is the future of advanced control". Plenary lecture IFAC PID-2024 conference, Almeria, Spain [Slides]
03 May 2024: "Putting optimization into process control". Invited lecture at STU, Bratislava, Slovakia. [Youtube video] [Slides]
Oct. 2023: Workshop on dividing-wall distillation (with presentations), Trondheim
Aug. 2023: Tutorial review paper on "Advanced control using decomposition and simple elements". Published in Annual reviews in Control (2023). [paper] [tutorial workshop] [slides from Advanced process control course at NTNU]
05 Jan. 2023: Tutorial paper on "Transformed inputs for linearization, decoupling and feedforward control" published in JPC. [paper]
08 Dec. 2021: Plenary talk on "Nonlinear input transformations for disturbance rejection, decoupling and linearization" at Control Conference of Africa (CCA 2021), Magaliesburg, South Africa (virtual) [video and slides]
Nov. 2019: Sigurd receives the "Computing in chemical engineering award from the American Institute of Chemical Engineering (Orlando, 12 Nov. 2019)
June 2019: Best paper award at ESCAPE 2019 conference in Eindhoven, The Netherlands
July 2018: PID-paper in JPC that verifies SIMC PI-rules and gives "Improved" SIMC PID-rules for processes with time delay (taud=theta/3)
Feb. 2017: Youtube vidoes of Sigurd giving lectures on PID control and Plantwide control (at University of Salamanca, Spain)
06-08 June 2016: IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, including Biosystems (DYCOPS-2016), Trondheim, Norway.
  • Videos and proceedings from DYCOPS-2016 [A picture of Sigurd Skogestad]
    Aug 2014: Sigurd recieves IFAC Fellow Award in Cape Town
    2014: Overview papers on "control structure design and "economic plantwide control"


    Book: S. Skogestad and I. Postlethwaite: MULTIVARIABLE FEEDBACK CONTROL-Analysis and design. Wiley (1996; 2005)
    Book: S. Skogestad: CHEMICAL AND ENERGY PROCESS ENGINEERING CRC Press (Taylor&Francis Group) (Aug. 2008)
    Bok: S. Skogestad: PROSESSTEKNIKK- Masse- og energibalanser Tapir (2000; 2003; 2009).

    More information ...

    [A picture of Sigurd Skogestad]

    Publications from my Google scholar site
    Download publications from my official publication list ....... or look HERE if you want to download our most recent and upublished work
    Important publications from other authors
    Proceedings from conferences - some of these may be difficult to obtain elsewhere
    Process control library - We have an group extensive library
    Photographs that I have collected from various events (maybe you are included...)
    International conferences - updated with irregular intervals
    SUBPRO (NTNU center on subsea production and processing) [ Annual reports ] [ Internal ]
    Nordic Process Control working group - in which we participate
    5-year Master program in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering at NTNU (MTKJ) - Sigurd Skogestad is Program Leader 2019-2025.
    Debattinnlegg - Things I have written that are unrelated to chemical engineering
    PROST - Our activity is part of PROST - Center for Process Systems Engineering at NTNU and SINTEF (this is a bit outdated...)

    Some software we have written ...

    Dynamic MATLAB distillation models (+ general stuff on distillation)
    Dynamic MATLAB and Fortran model of industrial ammonia reactor
    Other own Matlab software
    Software from other sources
    Some old deleted stuff

    Created: 04 Nov 1995.