Ph.D. thesises (postscript)
The thesises listed below have been collected by S. Skogestad and are available in postscript format for downloading.
Ph.D. thesises (postscript or pdf)
Process controllability analysis using liner and nonlinear optimisation" (Ph.D. thesis)
Samara D. Chenery, Ph.D. thesis Jan. 1998 (submitted Oct. 1997), Imperial College, London, UK (Supervisor: S. Walsh)
Optimal operation of integrated processes. Studies on Heat recovery systems.
(DR.ING. THESIS) , Chapters:
Bjørn Glemmestad, Ph.D. Thesis, Telemark, Submitted Oct. 1997 (Supervisor: T. Gundersen, Co-supervisor: S. Skogestad)
Some other Ph.D. thesises supervised by S. Skogestad are found here.