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Efficient Computation of supervisors for loosely synchronous Discrete Event Systems: A State-Based Approach

Authors:Gaudin Benoit, Vertecs Team, IRISA, France
Marchand Herve, Vertecs Team, IRISA, France
Topic:1.3 Discrete Event and Hybrid Systems
Session:Supervisory Control of Discrete Event Systems
Keywords: Discrete Event Systems, Finite State Machines, Supervision and control, Concurrent Systems, State Avoidance Control Problem


In this paper, we are interested in the control of a particular class of Concurrent Discrete Event Systems defined by a collection of components that interact with each other. We here consider the state avoidance control problem. We provide algorithms that, based on a particular decomposition of the set of forbidden states, locally solve the control problem (i.e. on each component without computing the whole system) and produce a global supervisor, that can be efficiently evaluated on the fly.