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A robust passive power-based control strategy for three-phase voltage source rectifiers

Authors:Scherpen Jacquelien M.A., Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Jeltsema Dimitri, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Hageman Elodie, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France
Topic:6.3 Power Plants and Power Systems
Session:Control of Power Converters
Keywords: Passivity-based control, power converters, nonlinear control, Brayton-Moser equations


In this paper, robustness of the damping injection schemes for passivity-based control (PBC) of the three-phase AC/DC voltage-source (Boost type) rectifier is studied.The idea is to extend the recently proposed tuning strategy for PBC for DC/DC converters to AC/DC rectifiers. In the DC/DC converter case this tuning strategy leads to a PBC scheme with parallel damping injection that is robust against load perturbations. Straightforward application of this scheme to the AC/DC Boost rectifier, however, does not immediately lead to such robustclosed loop system. A closer analysis reveals that first a pre-compensation should bedone so that the AC input stage is converted into two DC input stages connected to the DC output stage. Then, the PBC parallel damping injection scheme can be applied resulting in a closed-loop system that is robust against load variations.