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Force control and exponential stability for one-link flexible arm

Authors:Endo Takahiro, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Matsuno Fumitoshi, The University of Electro-Communications, Japan
Topic:4.3 Robotics
Session:Flexible Robots
Keywords: Flexible arms, Force control, Exponentially stable, Distributed parameter systems, Partial differential equations


We discuss a force control problem for a constrained one-link flexible arm based on distributed parameter model.In order to solve the force control problem, we propose a simple feedback control law.This proposed control law consists of bending moment at the root of the flexible arm and its derivative,which regulates simultaneously the force and the rotational angle of the motor without the angle and the force information.Then it provides the exponential stability of the closed-loop system by using energy multiplier method.As the control law is derived based on the distributed parameter model, we can avoid the drawbacks resulting from finite dimensional approximation.