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Formation stabilization of nonlinear vehicles based on dynamic inversion and passivity

Authors:Peni Tamas, Computer and Automation Research Inst., HAS, Hungary
Bokor Jozsef, Computer and Automation Research Inst., HAS, Hungary
Topic:7.5 Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles
Session:Intelligent Vehicle Control
Keywords: formation control, dynamic inversion, passivity


This paper proposes a hierarchical formation stabilization methodfor vehicles having nonlinear dynamics. Supposing that theformation control problem is already solved for the case of linearvehicle dynamics, the method proposes a dynamic inversion basedlow-level control, which linearizes, at least approximately, theoriginal vehicle dynamics so that the formation control can beapplied. In this way a hierarchical control system is obtained,which is then completed with a passivity based stabilizationprocedure for the stability of the entire system can beguaranteed.