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Flow Control for Continuous Petri Net Models of HDS : Stability Issues

Authors:Lefebvre Dimitri, University le Havre, France
Thomas Philippe, UTBM, France
Leclercq Edouard, University le Havre, France
Druaux Fabrice, University le Havre, France
Topic:1.3 Discrete Event and Hybrid Systems
Session:Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems III
Keywords: Control, stability criteria, Lyapunov functions, Petri nets, gradient methods


This paper is about the flow control design of hybrid dynamical systems modelled with continuous Petri nets and described as a set of bilinear state space representations. The marking vector stands for the state space vector, where some places are observable and other are not. The transitions are divided into controllable ones and uncontrollable ones. Gradient-based controllers are investigated in order to adapt the firing speeds of the controllable transitions according to a desired trajectory of the marking. The equilibriums and stability of the controlled system are discussed according to the controller time parameter.