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Physical Switching Systems: Hybrid Incidence Matrices for Structured Modelling and Analysis

Authors:Valentin Claire, UCB Lyon, France
Magos Miguel, UCB Lyon, France
Maschke Bernhard, UCB Lyon, France
Topic:1.3 Discrete Event and Hybrid Systems
Session:Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems III
Keywords: hybrid dynamic systems, modelling, analysis, dynamic network graph, hybrid parameterized incidence matrix, admissible configurations, constrained configurations


This paper extends a systematic method to analyse the set of admissible configurations for a wide class of physical switching systems (PSS). This method is based on a mathematical representation of their dynamic network graph and of its dual graph, using the hybrid incidence matrix. The descriptor system associated with the set of PSS’ configurations, parameterized by the discrete state of the switches, is deduced. By analysing also sets of constrained configurations, a further step to a generic control synthesis for physical switching systems is achieved.