Posters of Industrial Applications
Session Slot: T-Mo-M21
A. Code | Paper Title | Authors | | |
9a | Rate-Based Congestion Controllers for High-Speed Computer Networks | Liansheng Tan, S. H. Yang |  |  |
9c | Multi-Agent Control of Queuing Processes | Rainer Palm and Thomas A. Runkler |  |  |
9d | An Extended Linearized Neural State Space Based Modeling and Control | Qing WU, Yongji WANG, and Hong WANG |  |  |
7a | H_Infinity Loopshaping Using Graphical Loopshaping Ideas | Fernando Tadeo, Francisco del Valle, Omar Pérez, William Colmenares |  |  |
7a | Optimal Fuzzy Control to Optimise Energy Consumption in Distillation Columns | A. Khelassi, C. Bouyahiaoui, A. Maidi, A. Benhalla, M. Djellal |  |  |
9a | Traffic Analysis of a Network-Based Control System Using the Can | Duck-Jin Pae, Hong-Ryul Kim, Dae-Won Kim, Hong-Seok Kim and Ho Gil Lee |  |  |
9a | Using UML for Modeling Remote Access to Manufacturing Systems | Isidro Calvo, Marga Marcos, Isabel Sarachaga, Darío Orive |  |  |
7a | Neural Network Based On-Line Re-Optimisation Control of Fed-Batch Processes Using Iterative Dynamic Programming for Discrete-Time Systems | Zhihua Xiong and Jie Zhang |  |  |
9d | Analysis and Heuristic Scheduling for Periodic Messages in FF System | Yue Zhou Haibin Yu Tianran Wang Baolin Zhu |  |  |
7a | A GLC Controller for the Control of the Methyl Methacrylate Polymerization | Mehdi Rafizadeh Ahmad Afshar Hassan Gharghi |  |  |
7a | Model Predictive Control of a Chemical Process Based on an Adaptive Neural Network | D.L.Yu, D.W.Yu, J.B.Gomm, D.Williams |  |  |
7a | Closed Loop Identification Based on Quantization | M. Wang, N.F. Thornhill and B. Huang |  |  |
7a | Smith Predictor Based Neural Controller with Time-Delay Estimation | Yonghong Tan, and M. Nazmul Karim |  |  |
9b | Towards an Open Distributed System that Encompasses Acquisition, Control and Safety (ACS) | Professor George Turnbull |  |  |
9d | AN ARCHITECTURE FOR A MULTI-AGENT SYSTEM TEST-BED | L. Motus, M. Meriste, T. Kelder, J. Helekivi |  |  |
7a | Monitoring of an Industrial Dearomatisation Process | S. Bergman, M. Sourander, S-L. Jämsä-Jounela |  |  |
7a | Detection and Diagnosis of System Nonlinearities Using Higher Order Statistics | M. A. A. S. Choudhury S. L. Shah N. F. Thornhill |  |  |
9d | A Novel Technique for Classification of Myoelectric Signals for Prosthesis | Karlik, B., Tokhi, M. O. and Alci, M. |  |  |
7a | PDF-Shaping Control Design | Michael G. Forbes Martin Guay J. Fraser Forbes |  |  |
9a | Real-Time Control and Monitoring in a Container Terminal | J.L. Poza, R. Simarro, M.A. de la Fuente, J. Simó, A. Crespo |  |  |
9a | A Functional Framework for the Web-Based Distributed Control Systems | Changho Lee, Yoo-Sung Kim, Jaehyun Park |  |  |
7a | Estimation of Process Variables in a Glass Melting Furnace | Leo Huisman |  |  |
7a | Hybrid Sliding Mode Controller with Fuzzy Compensation in the Sliding Surface | E. Iglesias, M. Sanjuan, Y. Garcia, O. Camacho, C. Smith, A. Kandel |  |  |
9b | Satisfying Complex Timing Constraints with Pre-Run-Time Scheduling | Jia Xu |  |  |
7a | Thermodynamic Predictive Functional Control Applied to CSTR with Jacket System | Mauricio Primucci and Marta Basualdo |  |  |