15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002

Approximations, Abstractions and Control Synthesis for Hybrid Systems

Session Slot: T-Th-M06
Area Code: 5c

Paper TitleAuthors  
An Object-Oriented Approach for Hybrid System ModellingE. Villani, P. E. Miyagis, R. Valette
Structured Hybrid Abstractions of Continuous SystemsMarie-Anne Lefebvre — Hervé Guéguen — Jean Buisson
Realistic Simulations of Embedded Control SystemsJie Liu, Johan Eker, Jörn W. Janneck, Edward A. Lee
Embedded Code Generation for Efficient ReinitializationPieter J. Mosterman and John E. Ciolfi
Modelling and Control of Process Industry Batch Production SystemsD.A. van Beek, A. van den Ham, J.E. Rooda
Discrete Approximation and Control of High-Order Nonlinear Continuous SystemsThomas Moor Jörg Raisch Alexander Itigin