15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002

Vehicle Control

Session Slot: T-Fr-A12
Area Code: 8b

Paper TitleAuthors  
Feedforward Compensation for Lateral Control of Heavy Vehicles for Automated Highway System (AHS)Meihua Tai Masayoshi Tomizuka
Controller Design for Off-Tracking Elimination in Multi-Articulated VehiclesS. A. Manesis, G. N. Davrazos, N.T. Koussoulas
Lane-Tracking Control Performance of Four-Wheel-Steering AutomobilePongsathorn Raksincharoensak, Hiroshi Mouri, and Masao Nagai
Adaptive Sliding Mode Control of Vehicle TractionA. El Hadri, J.C. Cadiou and N.K. M’sirdi
Data Fusion for Precise Dead-Reckoning of Passenger CarsM. Kochem N. Wagner C.-D. Hamann R. Isermann
An Intelligent Centralised Control System for Automotive ApplicationsGareth Thomas and Christopher P. Jobling