15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002

Ship Control I

Session Slot: T-Mo-M12
Area Code: 8c

Paper TitleAuthors  
Multiobjective Control of Flaps and T-foil in High-Speed ShipsS. Esteban, B. Andrés-Toro, E. Besada-Portas, JM. Girón-Sierra, JM. de la Cruz
Neuro-Fuzzy System to Control the Fast Ferry Vertical AccelerationR. López and M. Santos
Neuro-Fuzzy Modelling of a Fast Ferry Vertical MotionR. López, M. Santos, J. Aranda, S. Esteban
QFT VErsus Classical Gain Scheduling: Study for a Fast FerryJ. Aranda, J. M. de la Cruz, J.M. Díaz, S. Dormido Canto
State Feedback Robust Controller for Ship Track-KeepingAdam Lozowicki, Robert Sutton, Antonio Tiano
Inertia Shaping Techniques for Marine Vessels Using Acceleration FeedbackThor I. Fossen, Karl-Petter Lindegaard and Roger Skjetne