15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002

Process Quality, Monitoring & Control

Session Slot: T-Tu-E19
Area Code: 1c

Paper TitleAuthors  
Vibration Control of an Axially Moving Strip by a Nonlinear Boundary ControlJi-Yun Choi, Keum-Shik Hong and Chang-Do Huh
Robust Boundary Control of an Axially Moving Steel StripKyung-Jinn Yang, Keum-Shik Hong
Modeling and Tension Control of Filament Winding ProcessTakashi IMAMURA, Kouhei AKAMINE, Shu HONDA, Kazuhiko TERASHIMA, Hidehiro TAKEMOTO
The Process Control Using SPC and Fuzzy Modelling TechniquesMr. Tervaskanto, M. Mr. Hietanen, T. Prof. Kortela, U.
Sensor Fusion for an Integrated Process and Machine Condition Monitoring SystemA. Al-Habaibeh, G.P. Liu and N. Gindy
Optimality Conditions for Job Splitting on Parallel MachinesAngela Di Febbraro, Riccardo Minciardi, Simona Sacone