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Module TKP10 Process Control, Advanced Course. Master specialization module (3.75 EDU; must be taken together with another 3.75 EDU module to get full course)
Note: For some students this module constitutes 50% of the PhD-course KP8115.
Course material: Copies from scientific papers and books including
* New paper (2023) on "Advanced control using decomposition and simple elements"
* Chapter 10 in Skogestad and Postlethwaite, "Multivariable Feedback Control, Wiley, 2010
Module overview: TKP10 Advanced process control (better name: PLANTWIDE PROCESS CONTROL)
This is a module (half a normal course) offered to the 5th year students at NTNU.
It is taught every autumn, starting in late August.
Learning outcome : The student should be able to design plantwide control system
Teaching activities: Lectures, computer simulation. exercises.
1. Formulating the problem of optimal operation as a steady-state optimization problem
2. Choice of economic controlled variables (CVs): Identifying active constraints, and unconstrained degrees of freedom (including self-optimising variables)
3. Choice of control structure for inventory control, including location of throughput manipulator
4. Design of base layer control (regulatory control, stabilizing control)
5. Simple PID tuning rules
6. How to set up "advanced" (multivariabnle) control structures using simple controller blocks.
Examples of such control elements are cascade control, selectors (override), split range control, input or valve position control (VPC), multiple controllers (and MVs) for the same CV, and nonlinear calculation blocks (including nonlinear feedforward and decoupling and linearizing adaptive gain elements).
In principle, the grade is based on an oral examination, but in practise it will be based on this:
1. Short written exam (3 hours) 80%
2. Exercises 20%
3. In some cases there could be an oral discussion to clarify the final grade
Note that the grade wil be given in % as it counts only 50% for the overall grade
See also here:
2023: Module taught by Sigurd Skogestad
2021,2022: Module taught by Lucas Bernadino Ferreira
2020: Module taught by Dinesh Krishnamoorthy
2019: Module taught by Dinesh Krishnamoorthy (and Sigurd Skogestad)
2017, 2018: Module taught by Johannes Jäschke
2016 and earlier: Sigurd Skogestad
This was the Plan in 2016:
Lecturer: Sigurd Skogestad (
Exercises: Julian Straus (julian.straus@ntnuno)
Note, that the days of the lecture may change.
Week/Date Lecture Exercise
Week 34 / 22.08. 0. Introduction 1. Plant-wide control procedure Exercise 1 out (2 weeks)
Week 35 / 29.08. 2. Self-optimizing control
Week 36 / 05.09. 3. Self-optimizing control Exercise 1 deadline Exercise 2 out (1 week)
Week 37 / 12.09. 4. Self-optimizing control Exercise 2 deadline Exercise 3 out (1 week)
Week 38 / 19.09. 5. Regulatory layer, TPM Selection Exercise 3 deadline Exercise 4 out (2 weeks)
Week 39 / 26.10. 6. Controller Tuning
Week 40 / 03.10. 7. Advanced control structures Exercise 4 deadline Exercise 5 out (2 weeks)
Week 41 / 10.10.
Week 42 / 17.10. Exercise 5 deadline Exercise 6 out (2 weeks)
Week 43 / 24.10.
Week 44 / 31.10. Exercise 6 deadline
There will be two guest lectures given by
• Stig Strand: MPC application in Statoil
• Krister Forsman: Advanced process control in Perstorp
The dates of both guest lectures have to be defined
See here for papers by S. Skogestad on plantwide control: