MATLAB Distillation column model ("Column A")

This documentation is written by Sigurd Skogestad

For general information on distillation: see here .

The model described below has been developed for a binary mixture. Corresponding files for the multicomponent case are found here



You can here find nonlinear and linear dynamic models of a continuous distillation column for use with MATLAB and/or SIMULINK. The models are for the 4x4 "open-loop" (uncontrolled) column, as well as for the LV, DV, and L/D-V/B-configurations.

The column is "column A" studied in several papers by Skogestad and Morari, e.g. see S. Skogestad and M. Morari, ``Understanding the Dynamic Behavior of Distillation Columns'', Ind. & Eng. Chem. Research, 27, 10, 1848-1862 (1988) and the book Multivariable feedback control (Wiley, 1996) by S. Skogestad and I. Postlethwaite. The model is the same as the one given in the book of Morari and Zafiriou (1989) - see their Appendix - except that we have here also included liquid flow dynamics, which is crucial if the model is used for feedback control studies. In addition, the model has recently been used in a tutorial paper: S. Skogestad, Dynamics and control of distillation columns - A tutorial introduction., Trans IChemE (UK), Vol. 75, Part A, Sept. 1997, 539-562 (Presented at Distillation and Absorbtion 97, Maastricht, Netherlands, 8-10 Sept. 1997).

The following assumptions are used: Binary mixture; constant pressure; constant relative volatility; equlibrium on all stages; total condenser; constant molar flows; no vapor holdup; linearized liquid dynamics, but effect of vapor flow ("K2"-effect) is included. These assumptions may seem restrictive, but they capture the main effects important for dynamics and control (except for the assumption about constant pressure).

The column has 40 theoretical stages and separates a binary mixture with relative volatility of 1.5 into products of 99% purity. It is relatively easy to change the model parameters and to simulate another column.

The MATLAB column model is given in the file colamod.m. Most of results given below can be generated from the file cola_test.m , and a collection of useful MATLAB-commands for linear analysis (poles, zeros, RGA, CLDG, singular values, etc.) are found in cola_commands.m . In addition, the file cola_paper.m (in the subdirectory paper) contains the files needed to generate the results in the tutorial paper (Skogestad, 1997).

This documentation was written by Sigurd Skogestad on 26 Nov 1996 and was last updated on 30 May 1997.

Thanks to Kjetil Havre, Magne Wiig Mathisen, Elisabeth Kjensjord and Atle Christiansen for their contributions.


The most important files for the 4x4 column model (no control) are In addition the following files for the LV-configuration are important It is recommended that you at least copy the above 6 files to your user area.

However, to get other configurations, to lead you the through the examples below, and to provide you with easily accessible linear models (*.mat) - the following MATLAB (cola_) and SIMULINK (colas_) files are available:

G4.mat                cola_init.m           cola_test.m
README.cola           cola_init.mat         colamod.m
cola.dat              cola_lb.m             colas.m
cola.html             cola_lb_F1.m          colas_PI.m
cola4.m               cola_linearize.m      colas_lin.m
cola4_F1.m            cola_lv.m             colas_lv_nonlin.m
cola4_lin.m           cola_lv_F1.m          colas_nonlin.m
cola_G4.m             cola_lv_lin.m         colas_test.m
cola_G4_lin.mat       cola_lv_lin.mat       matlab_cola.tar.gz
cola_G4u_lin.mat      cola_lvu_lin.mat
cola_commands.m       cola_rr.m             numjac.m
cola_db.m             cola_rr_F1.m          ode15s.m
cola_db_lin.mat       cola_rr_lin.m         odeget.m
cola_dv.m             cola_rr_lin.mat       odeset.m
cola_dv_lin.mat       cola_rru_lin.mat      paper/
cola_init.dat         cola_simulink_readme  vrga.m
In addition, subdirectory paper contains the files (see in particular cola_paper.m) needed to generate the results in the paper: S. Skogestad, Dynamics and control of distillation columns - A tutorial introduction. Presented at Distillation and Absorbtion 97, Maastricht, Netherlands, 8-10 Sept. 1997.

All the files can be transferred one by one using your browser (e.g netscape), or you can transfer all the files to your local machines by transferring the file matlab_cola.tar.gz (unix) or (PC). Afterwards you "unpack" the files by writing:

 gunzip -c matlab_cola.tar.gz | tar xvf - 

It is recommended that you run MATLAB in one window and have the m-file in another window, and transfer text using the mouse.

Getting started

To test that things are working you may enter the following commands

cola_init   % Generates initial steady-state profile
cola_simf   % Simulates an increase in feed rate of 1% (using Matlab)

If this works then you are in business. But: These two files are the only ready-made scipt files, so from now on you mustgo into the files and modify by yourself (as descibed in more detail below).

The model and assumptions

Assumptions: Binary mixture, constant pressure, constant relative volatility, constant molar flows, no vapor holdup, linear liquid dynamics, equlibrium on all stages, total condenser.

Note that we do not assume constant holdup on the stages, that is, we include liquid flow dynamics. This means that it takes some time (about (NT-2)*taul) from we change the liquid in the top of the column until the liquid flow into the reboiler changes. This is good for control as it means that the initial ("high-frequency") reponse is decoupled (if we have sufficiently fast control then we can avoid some of the strong interactions that exist at steady-state between the compositions at the top and bottom of the column).

L_i and V_i - liquid and vapor flow from stage i [kmol/min],
x_i and y_i - liquid and vapor composition of light component on stage i [mole fraction],
M_i - liquid holdup on stage i [kmol],
D and B - distillate (top) and bottoms product flowrate [kmol/min],
L=LT and V=VB - reflux flow and boilup flow [kmol/min],
F, z_F - Feed rate [kmol/min] and feed composition [mole fraction],
q_F - fraction of liquid in feed
i - stage no. (1=bottom. NF=feed stage, NT=total condenser)
alpha - relative volatility between light and heavy component
taul - time constant [min] for liquid flow dynamics on each stage
lambda - constant for effect of vapor flow on liquid flow ("K2-effect")

We will write the model such that the states are x_i (i=1,NT) and M_i (i=1,NT) - a total of 2*NT states.

Model equations. The basic equations are (for more details see colamod.m):

1. Total material balance om stage i:

dM_i/dt = L_{i+1} - L_i + V_{i-1} - V_i
2. Material balance for light component on each stage i:
d(M_i x_i)/dt = L_{i+1} x_{i+1} + V_{i-1} y_{i-1} - L_i x_i - V_i y_i
which gives the following expression for the derivative of the liquid mole fraction:
dx_i/dt = ( d(M_i x_i)/dt - x_i dM_i/dt ) / Mi

3. Algebraic equations. The vapor composition y_i is related to the liquid composition x_i on the same stage through the algebraic vapor-liquid equlibrium:

y_i = alpha x_i / (1 + (alpha - 1)x_i)
where alpha is the relative volatility. From the assumption of constant molar flows and no vapor dynamics we have the following expression for the vapor flows (except at the feed stage if the feed is partly vaporized, where V_NF = V_{NF-1} + (1-q_F) F):
The liquid flows depend on the liquid holdup on the stage above and the vapor flow as follows (this is a linearized relationship; we may alternatively use Francis' Weir formula etc.):
L_i = L0_i + (M_i - M0_i)/taul + (V-V0)_{i-1} * lambda;
where L0_i [kmol/min] and M0_i [kmol] are the nominal values for the liquid flow and holdup on stage i. The vapor flow into the stage may also effect the holdup; lambda may be positive because more vapor may give more bubbles and thus may push liquid off the stage. If lambda is large (larger than 0.5) then the reboiler holdup "flattens out" for some time in response to an increase in boilup, and if lambda > 1 we get an inverse response; see also Skogestad and Morari (1988). lambda may also be negative if the increased pressure drop caused by larger V results in a larger holdup in the downcomers - in general it is difficult to estimate lambda for tray columns. For packed columns lambda is usually close to zero.

The above equations apply at all stages except in the top (condenser), feed stage and bottom (reboiler).

Feed stage, i=NF (we assume the feed is mixed directly into the liquid at the feed stage):

dM_i/dt = L_{i+1} - L_i + V_{i-1} - V_i + F

d(M_i x_i)/dt = L_{i+1} x_{i+1} + V_{i-1} y_{i-1} - L_i x_i - V_i y_i + F z_F

Total condenser, i=NT (M_NT = M_D, L_NT=L_T)

dM_i/dt = V_{i-1} - L_i - D

d(M_i x_i)/dt = V_{i-1} y_{i-1} - L_i x_i - D x_i

Reboiler, i=1 (M_i = M_B, V_i = V_B = V)

dM_i/dt = L_{i+1} - V_i - B

d(M_i x_i)/dt = L_{i+1} x_{i+1} - V_i y_i - B x_i

Column data ("column A")

NT=41 stages including reboiler and total condenser,
Feed at stage NF=21 counted from the bottom,
Nominal conditions:
Feed rate F = 1 [kmol/min],
Feed composition z_F = 0.5 [mole fraction units]
Feed liquid fraction q_F=1 (i.e., saturated liquid)
Reflux flow L_T = 2.706 [kmol/min]
Boilup V = 3.206 [kmol/min].
The nominal liquid holdup on all 41 stages is M0_i=0.5 [kmol] (including the reboiler and condenser; for more realistic studies you may use M0_1=10 [kmol] (reboiler) and M0_NT=32.1 [kmol] (condenser)).
The time constant for the liquid flow dynamics on each stage (except the reboiler and condenser) is taul = 0.063 min.
We assume that the vapor flow does not effect the liquid holdup, i.e. lambda=0.

This results in a distillate product with D=0.5 [kmol/min] and composition y_D = x_NT = 0.99 [mole fraction units], and a bottoms product with B = 0.5 [kmol/min] and composition x_B=x_1 = 0.01 [mole fraction units].

For more complete steady-state data see the file cola.dat.

Remark. It is easy to change the column data (no. of stages, feed composition, flows, relative volatility, holdups) in the files colamod.m and cola_lv.m so that other columns can be simulated.

MATLAB model

The model of the column is given in the file colamod.m. This model may be used in a number of different ways. The file contains a nonlinear model with four manipulated inputs (LT, VB, D and B), three disturbances (F, zF and qF) and 82 states (state1: liquid composition in reboiler x_1=x_B, then follow the stage compositions x_i up the column, state 41: composition stage 41 (condenser) x_41 = y_D, state 42: holdup reboiler M_1, then follow the stage holdups up the column M_i, state 82: condenser holdup M_D).

We may use the file cola4.m. to run this file using a MATLAB integration routine (we found ode15s to be efficient). It can also be run using SIMULINK; see below.

Steady-state operating point (see cola_init.m)

We would like to compute the steady-state operating point around which to base our analysis and controller design. However, the model contains two integrators because the condenser and reboiler levels are not controlled. One particular way of stabilizing the column is the LV-configuration where we use D to control M_D, and B to control M_B; such a model is given in cola_lv.m where we have used two P-controllers with gains equal to 10.

To find the steady-state we simulate the column for 20000 minutes starting from an inital state where all 41 liquid compositions are 0.5, and the 41 tray holdups also are 0.5 [kmol]:

[t,x]=ode15s('cola_lv',[0 20000],0.5*ones(1,82)'); 
lengthx=size(x); Xinit = x(lengthx(1),:)'; 
The resulting steady-state values of the states (Xinit) are given in cola_init.dat and are saved on MATLAB format in cola_init.mat. As expected, the composition on the top stage is yD=x_41=0.9900 and at the bottom stage is xB=x_1=0.0100. The steady-state holdups are all 0.5 [kmol].

Example: Dynamic response to increase in feed-rate (see cola_simf.m)

We now have an initial steady-state from which to do nonlinear simulations. Normally, it is simplest to use SIMULINK (see below) for simulations, since it is then much easier to change data and controllers. Within a pure MATLAB environment we need to go into the m-file and make the changes, for example, to change the feed rate from 1 to 1.01 we make the following change in the file cola4.m (the change has been made in the file cola4_F1.m) :

F=1.0+0.01; % Feedrate increase from 1 to 1.01

After saving the file we simulate using the command

[t,x]=ode15s('cola4_F1',[0 500],Xinit); 
t0 = t; M1=x(:,42); xB = x(:,1); yD = x(:,41); % Save the data for plotting 
We can plot the reboiler level using


and we see that (use the command: axis([0 5, 0.45 0.55]) ) after an initial ``delay'' of about 20*0.063 = 1.26 min (the time the liquid takes to go through 20 ``lags'' (stages) each with time constant 0.063 min), the reboiler level increases in a ramplike fashion. The liquid composition in the reboiler, xB, increases in a similar fashion for the first 100 minutes or so, but then settles at a new steady-state value of about 0.017 (with a first-order time constant of about 200 minutes). The top composition, yD, has more of a second-order response, but otherwise the dynamics are similar.

The above simulation was with the "open-loop" model with no control loops closed. Simulations with various configurations (LV, LB, DV, L/D-V/B) where two level loops have been closed are given next.

Simulations with various configurations

As given above, the response to a change in feed-rate with the open-loop model (with no level control) is obtained from
[t,x]=ode15s('cola4_F1',[0 500],Xinit); 
t0 = t; M1=x(:,42); xB = x(:,1); yD = x(:,41); % Save the data for plot 
Let us now compare the response when we use the LV-configuration with tight control of reboiler and condenser holdup. We must go into the file cola_lv.m and change F to 1.01 (save the new file as cola_lv_F1.m), and then use
[t,x]=ode15s('cola_lv_F1',[0 500],Xinit); 
tlv=t; M1lv=x(:,42); xBlv = x(:,1); yDlv = x(:,41); %save data for plot 
Comparing the simulations with those for the open-loop model (e.g. use plot(t0,xB,t,xBlv)) ) we see that the reboiler holdup Mb levels of very quickly at 0.501 because of the fast level control where D is increased from 0.5 to 0.501. However, there is essentially no difference in yD and only a small difference in xB (the increase in xB is slightly larger in the latter case with fast level control). Note that with slow level control, the LV-model becomes identical to the open-loop model. This demonstrates that the LV-configuration is rather insensitive to the level tuning. Note that it is only the LV-configuration which behaves similarly to the open-loop model, and which is insensitive to the level tuning.

For example, consider the LB-configuration with tight level control, as given in the file cola_lb.m. We do a simulation of the same feedrate change

[t,x]=ode15s('cola_lb_F1',[0 500],Xinit); 
tlb=t; M1lb=x(:,42); xBlb = x(:,1); yDlb = x(:,41);
Here the vapor flow is adjusted to keep the reboiler holdup constant, so the feed increase results in an increased vapor flow up the column, so the increased feed actually ends up leaving the top of the column. The result is that xB and yD decrease rather than increasing as they did for the LV-configuration. With a slowly tuned level controller, e.g. KcB=0.1, this results in an inverse response for the compositions xB and yD.

Finally, consider the response with the Double ratio (L/D-V/B) configuration given in the file cola_rr.m. In this case we set the ratios L/D and V/B externally, and let the levels be controlled using D and B (controlling the levels like this may not be the best solution; but for tight level control it makes no difference).

[t,x]=ode15s('cola_rr_F1',[0 500],Xinit);
trr=t; M1rr=x(:,42); xBrr = x(:,1); yDrr = x(:,41); 
In this case, the system is almost ``self-regulating'' with respect to the feed rate disturbance, because by the indirect action of the level controllers all flows in the column are increased proportionally to the feedrate change (which obviously is the right thing to do - at least at steady state).

There is also a file for the DV-configuration in the file cola_dv.m, but for a feed rate disturbance it behaves as the LV-configuration (but otherwise the dynamic response and control properties are completely different).

To plot all the above results use:

title('MB: reboiler (bottom) holdup [mol]');

title('xB: reboiler (bottom) composition');

title('yD: distillate (top) composition');

Linearized models

The models can be linearized with the SIMULINK environment (see below). In the MATLAB enviroment we can use the included subroutine cola_linearize.m to perform the linearization. To linearize the open-loop model (with no level control) we use the subroutine cola4_lin.m and the command
Ls=2.706; Vs=3.206; Ds=0.5; Bs=0.5; Fs=1.0; zFs=0.5;
[A,B,C,D]=cola_linearize('cola4_lin',Xinit',[Ls Vs Ds Bs Fs zFs]);
G4u =  pck(A,B,C,D);
The linear model has six inputs (the latter two are actually disturbances):

[LT VB D B F zF]

and four outputs

[yD xB MD MB]

To check the model we may compute its 82 eigenvalues, eig(A) , and we find that the 3 eigenvalues furthest to the right are 0, 0 and -5.1562e-03. The first two are from the integrating (uncontrolled) levels in the reboiler and the condenser, and the latter one, which corresponds to a time constant of 1/5.1562e-03 = 193.9 minutes is the dominant time constant for the composition response (it also behaves almost as an integrator over short time scales, so a ``stabilizing'' controller is also needed in practice for the compositions, e.g. by using a temperature controller).

G4u. The above linear model is called G4u - 4 denotes that there are 4 inputs (L,V,D,B) - in addition to the two disturbances - and the u denotes that the model is unscaled.

Linear simulation. To simulate a feed-rate increase we can use one of the commands from the control toolboxes, for example,

[Y,X,T]=step(A,B,C,D,5); plot(T,Y(:,1),T, Y(:,2))

which makes a unit step change, deltaF=1 [kmol/min], in input 5 (the feed rate). This increase is actually 100 times larger than in the nonlinear simulation above, but since we here use a linear model we need only reduce the output by a factor 100. Taking this into account we see that an increase in F of 0.01 to 1.01 [kmol/min] (1%) yields a steady-state increase in y_D of 0.0039 and in x_B of 0.0059.

Comparison with nonlinear simulation. Simulation with the nonlinear model gave a an increase in y_D of 0.0025 (to 0.9925) an in x_B of 0.0072 (to 0.0172). Thus, the increase in y_D is smaller with the nonlinear model, but larger in x_B. The reason is that y_D approaches higher purity (which is difficult to achieve) whereas x_B approaches lower purity (which is easy to achieve).

Remark. These nonlinear effects are to a large extent counteracted by using logarithmic compositions, X=ln(x_L/x_H) where L denotes light component and H heavy component. For the top and bottom composition of a binary mixture, we may use

X_B = ln (x_B/(1-x_B)); Y_D = ln (y_D/(1-y_D))

Make sure you get the sign for the bottom loop right if these logarithmic outputs are used for controller design.

Model reduction. The above linear model has 82 states, but using model reduction the order can easily be reduced to 10 states or less - without any noticable difference in the response. But beware - the open-loop ("uncontrolled") model is unstable as it has two integrators. The following MATLAB commands from the Mu-toolbox show how we may first decompose the model into a stable and unstable part, and then model reduce the stable part to 6 states using Hankel norm approximation (for more details see page 465-466 in Skogestad and Postlethwaite (1996)).

% First scale the model:
% Scaling of the model is generally recommended before you do model reduction
% The scaling should make all inputs of about equal importance, and all outputs of about equal importance. 
% For more details about the scaling; see below 
Du = diag([1 1 1 1]);                  % max inputs (scalings)
Dd = diag([ .2 .1]);                   % max disturbances (scalings)
De = diag([0.01 0.01 1 1]);            % max output errors (scalings)
Si = daug(Du,Dd); So = minv(De);       % introduce scaling matrices
G4 = mmult (So, G4u, Si);              % scaled 82 state model
% Now do model reduction
[syss,sysu]=sdecomp(G4); [syssb,hsig]=sysbal(syss); 
G4_8=madd(sys1,sysu);                   % scaled 8 state  model
G4u_8=mmult( minv(So), G4_8, minv(Si)); % "un"scaled 8 state model
The resulting overall model G4u_8 has 8 states. Note that the model was scaled before the model reduction such that all the inputs and outputs are of equal importance (see below for the scalings used). We can compare the reponses of the 82-state and 8-state linear models to a feed rate change:
[Y8,X8]=step(A8,B8,C8,D8,5,T); plot(T,Y(:,1),T,Y8(:,1));
As can be seen, there is no significant difference.

Analysis of linear model. The main advantage with a linear model is that it is suitable for analysis (RGA, RHP-zeros, CLDG, etc.) and for controller systhesis. Again, see Skogestad and Postlethwaite (1996) for more details, or see some useful commands in cola_commands.m

Linearized models for other configurations. To obtain linear models for other configurations, we can start from the ``open-loop'' linear model G4u as shown in Table 12.3 in the book by Skogestad and Postletwaite (1996). Alternatively, we can linearize the nonlinear model directly, for example,

For the LV-configuration (with 4 inputs and 2 outputs):

Ls=2.706; Vs=3.206, Fs=1.0; zFs=0.5;
[A,B,C,D]=cola_linearize('cola_lv_lin',Xinit',[Ls Vs Fs zFs]);
Glvu =  pck(A,B,C,D);
For the double ratio (L/D-V/B) configuration (with 4 inputs and 2 outputs):
R1s = 2.70629/0.5; R2s=3.20629/0.5; Fs=1.0; zFs=0.5;
[A,B,C,D]=cola_linearize('cola_rr_lin',Xinit',[R1s R2s Fs zFs]);
Grru =  pck(A,B,C,D);

Scaled linear model G4

Scaling of the linear model is generally recommended before you do controllability analysis, model reduction, etc. The scaling should make all inputs/disturbances of about equal importance, and all outputs of about equal importance. Usually, this is done by dividing each variable by it maximum change, i.e.
     u = U / Umax;   y = Y / Ymax;   d = D / Dmax 
where U is the deviation in original units, Umax is the maximum allowed or expected deviation, and u is the scaled variable. For more details see Skogestad and Postlethwaite (1996). NOTE: "Unscaled" linear models are here denoted with "u", e.g. G4u.

To get the scaled model G4 referred to in Table 12.3 on page 491 in the book of Skogestad and Postethwaite (1996), we need to scale the above linear model G4u as follows:

% The following max. changes are used (for scaling the model):
Du = diag([1 1 1 1]);       % max inputs (scalings)
Dd = diag([ .2 .1]);        % max disturbances (scalings)
De = diag([0.01 0.01 1 1]); % max output errors (scalings)
% This implies the folling in terms of the scaled model G4:
   % Units for inputs (L,V,D,B):  1 = 1 kmol/min = F (the feed rate)
        % Comment: For simplicity we here used the same value for all inputs
        % Normally we select the nominal flow as the max input, i.e. Du = diag([2.7 3.2 0.5 0.5])
   % Units for disturbance 1 (F): 1 = 0.2 kmol/min (20% change)
   % Units for disturbance 2 (z_f): 1 = 0.1 mole fraction units (20% change)
   % Units for outputs 1 and 2 (y_d and x_b): 1 = 0.01 mole fraction units
   % Units for outputs 3 and 4 (M_d and M_b): 1 = 1 kmol
% The scaled model is then G4:
Si = daug(Du,Dd); So = minv(De);       % introduce scaling matrices
G4 = mmult(So, G4u, Si);
All the command needed to generate this model ``from scratch'' are given in cola_G4.m.

Column temperatures

All the tray compositions are x_i available in the state vector, and as a simple expression for the temperature we may assume a linear boiling point curve
T_i = x_Li T_bL + x_Hi T_bH
where T_i is the temperature on stage i, and x_i is the liquid mole fraction. T_bL and T_bH are the boiling temperatures of the two pure components. (this may seem very crude but is actually a good approximation for many mixtures). For "column A" we use the data
T_bL = 341.9 K, T_bH = 355.4 K
This gives a boiling point difference of 13.5 K (in terms of linearized variables we have dT_i = - 13.5 dx_i), which is consistent with a relative volatility of 1.5.

See also work by Mejdell et al. for use of column temperatures to estimate product compositions.


All the things we did above can be done with SIMULINK, although the simulation runs quite a bit slower. On the other hand, it is much easier to inteface controllers etc. with SIMULINK.

The SIMULINK interface to colamod.m is colas.m ; the latter file simply calls the first file to get derivatives of the states for a given state X and input U. The nominal initial steady-state conditions, Xinit are loaded from the file cola_init.mat (you may easily generate Xinit by running the file cola_init.m ).

Some SIMULINK files:

  • colas_nonlin.m - A nonlinear SIMULINK model/setup with no control loops closed (so the model has 4 inputs; L, V, D and B, and 3 disturbances: zF, F, and qF, and 4 outputs).
    Type colas_nonlin in the MATLAB window and the non-linear SIMULINK model of the distillation column appears. You may run a simulation by pressing Simulation and then Start in the SIMULINK window. The default is an increase in F from 1 to 1.01 to be simulated for 50 minutes, but this is easily changed. (NOTE: second should be minutes in the window which appears during simulation). The outputs are stored in y1, y2, y3, y4 and the entire state vector for the 41 compositions is stored in Comp. To plot the reboiler composition, for example, you may write plot(t,y2) in the MATLAB window. To plot the compositon on stage 7 (counted from the bottom), write plot(t,Comp(:,7)) , etc.
  • colas_lv_nonlin.m - A non-linear SIMULINK model/setup with the LV-configuration (but with NO composition loops closed).
    Type cola_lv_nonlin in the MATLAB window and the non-linear SIMULINK model of the distillation column with LV-configuration appears. As level controllers we have used P-controllers with a gain of 10 (so the level control is fast; a value of 1 would probably be more realistic)
  • colas_PI.m - Same as above (nonlinear LV-configuration), but with also two decentralized PI composition loops closed. A measurement delay of 1 min is used for each of the two compositions.
  • colas_lin.m - A linearized SIMULINK model with no control loops closed. Use the following MATLAB commands to get a SIMULINK window with the linearized model:
            load cola_init
            [A,B,C,D] = linmod('colas',Xinit,Uinit); 
    The linear SIMULINK simulation is faster than with the nonlinear model, but still slow compared to using MATLAB (see above).
  • colas_test.m - contains sample commands and further description on use of the SIMULINK models. Controllers. With SIMULINK it is easy to do modifications to the control structure. If, for example, you want to study the non-linear distillation column in the LV-configuration with two PI-controllers controlling the compositions then you may use colas_PI.m . Alternatively, you may make a state space multivariable controller and connect it up. See the SIMULINK manual for further details.

    Simulating another column

    To simulate another column (with different relative voloatility, number of stages etc.) you first need to find an initial steady-state. This may be done with the Fortran program fenske.f (you may then specify compositions) or you may use dynamic simulation in Matlab and run it to a steady-state.

    In any case you it is recommended to use dynamic simulation and run it to steady-state (e.g. using a modefified cola_init.m ) to obtain steady-state data which can be used as initial data for later simulations (saved in cola_init.mat for use with Matlab simulations or with Simulink simulations).

    You then need to change the steady-state data in colamod.m (most of the changes are needed because of the linearized flow dynamics). For simulations in Matlab you also need to change the "Inputs and disturbances" for the individual configurations, such as cola4.m or cola_lv.m . For simulations with Simulink you need to change NT (no. of stages) in colas.m .

    Good Luck.


    1. Further information about use of the model is given in the book Multivariable feedback control (Wiley, 1996) by S. Skogestad and I. Postlethwaite.
    2. S. Skogestad and M. Morari, ``Understanding the Dynamic Behavior of Distillation Columns'', Ind. & Eng. Chem. Research, 27, 10, 1848-1862 (1988).
    3. M. Morari and E. Zafiriou, Robust process control, Prentice-Hall (1989) - see their Appendix (but their model has no liquid flow dynamics.)
    4. S. Skogestad, ``Dynamics and Control of Distillation Columns - A Critical Survey'', (Invited plenary lecture). Preprints IFAC-symposium DYCORD+'92, 1-25, Maryland, Apr. 27-29, 1992. Reprinted in the Nowegian research bulletin Modeling, Identification and Control, 18, 177-217 (1997).
    5. T. Mejdell and S. Skogestad, ``Estimation of Distillation Compositions from Multiple Temperature Measurements using Partial-Least-Squares Regression'', Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 30, 12 , 2543-2555 (1991).
    6. S. Skogestad, Dynamics and control of distillation columns - A tutorial introduction. Presented at Distillation and Absorbtion 97, Maastricht, Netherlands, 8-10 Sept. 1997. Published in Trans. IChemE, Vol. 75, Part A, Sept. 1997.
    7. I.J. Halvorsen and S. Skogestad, ``Distillation Theory'', Encyclopedia of Separation Science. Ian D. Wilson (Editor-in-chief), Academic Press, 2000.