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Delayed Generalized Predictive Control of Bilateral Teleoperation Systems

Authors:Slama Tahar, University of Orleans, France
Aubry Didier, University of Orleans, France
Vieyres Pierre, University of Orleans, France
Kratz Frédéric, University of Orleans, France
Topic:2.1 Control Design
Session:Predictive Control: Implementation and Applications
Keywords: Bilateral teleoperation systems, DelayedGeneralized Predictive Control, Internal model control, Delayedlinear systems, Pi-freeness.


This paper presents a Delayed Generalized Predictive Controller(DGPC) by internal model for bilateral teleoperation systems inthe presence of both communication delays and force feedback.First, the Pi-freeness algebraic property of mechanical delayedsystems, which presents some similarity with the notion offlatness, is used for the slave system to track a master systemreference trajectory; the DGPC next ensures stability of theglobal slave system in spite of delays, disturbances or the slaveforce feedback (the reference trajectory is not a priori known).Simulation results illustrate the performance of the proposedpredictive polynomial controller.