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AQM Generalized Nyquist Stability in Multiple Bottleneck

Authors:Giarre' Laura, Dias-Univerista di Palermo, Italy
Bauso Dario, Dinfo-Universita di Palermo, Italy
Di Bernardo D., Universita di palermo, Italy
Neglia G., DIE-Universita di Palermo, Italy
Topic:3.3 Computers and Telematics
Session:Control Methods for Communication Networks
Keywords: Stability analysis, Communication Networks, Control Theory


In this paper, we discuss the influence of multiple bottleneckson the stability of Active Queue Management (AQM) controllers,usually configured on a single bottleneck basis. To see this, weconsider a network scenario where RED is configured at eachrouter according to previously developed control theoretictechniques. These configuration rules assure stability in asingle bottleneck scenario. Yet, we show that instability mayarise when two links become congested. We justify this resultthrough a multiple bottleneck model using the GeneralizedNyquist stability criterion and simulations.