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Traversability Prediction for Unmanned Ground Vehicles based on Identified Soil Parameters

Authors:Hutangkabodee Suksun, King's College London, United Kingdom
Zweiri Yahya H., King's College London, United Kingdom
Seneviratne Lakmal D., King's College London, United Kingdom
Althoefer Kaspar, King's College London, United Kingdom
Topic:7.5 Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles
Session:Mobile Robots III
Keywords: Parameter Identification, Tracked Vehicles, Traversability, Interaction Dynamics


A novel technique for identifying soil parameters on-line while traversing with a tracked vehicle on unknown terrain is presented. This technique, based on the Newton Raphson method is used to identify unknown soil parameters. Comparing with the Least Square method, it shows that the Newton Raphson method is better in terms of prediction accuracy, computational speed, and robustness to initial conditions and noise. For heavy tracked vehicle, cohesion has negligible effect on the vehicle performance. These identified soil parameters are then employed for traversability prediction for a tracked vehicle travelling on unknown terrain.