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Effects of local actuator action on the control of large flexible structures

Authors:Benatzky Christian, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Kozek Martin, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Topic:4.2 Mechatronic Systems
Session:Vibration Control
Keywords: actuator placement, local actuator action, Frequency Response Mode, model correction


Active vibration damping of flexible structures requires the positioning of actuatorsand sensors along the structure. When the actuators become particularly small incomparison to the structure a large number of modes is necessary to accuratelyrepresent the response of the structure. Neglecting these higher modes may resultin a spillover phenomenon which is capable of destabilizing the closed loop system.Therefore proper correction methods to account for the dynamics of higher modesin the structural model have to be found. One such possibility is the utilization ofFrequency Response Modes (FRM), a special form of the particular solution of theequations of motion of a flexible structure. In this paper the FRM is defined andused for model correction of a simply supported beam. Finally, correction termsare used to quantize local actuator action.