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Missile Interceptor Guidance and Control using Second Order Sliding Modes

Authors:Shtessel Yuri, University of Alabama in Huntsville, United States
Shkolnikov Ilya, Z/I Imaging Corporation, United States
Levant Arie, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Topic:2.3 Non-Linear Control Systems
Session:Advances in High Order Sliding Mode Control
Keywords: sliding mode control, missile guidance and control


The missile interceptors integrated guidance and control technology for achieving the hit-to-kill accuracy against targets performing evasive maneuvers including spiraling motion is developed on the basis of high (second) order sliding mode control (HOSM). The integration of guidance and flight control systems is achieved in a two-loop guidance and flight control system designed in the combined state space of engagement kinematics and vehicle dynamics. The designed guidance-control system performance is verified via computer simulations using miniature hypervelocity kinetic energy endo-atmospheric interceptor planar model.