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PID Control Design for Rehabilitation by Quasi-isometric Training in Paraplegia: A Simulation Study

Authors:Previdi Fabio, University of Bergamo, Italy
Ferrarin Maurizio, Fondazione Don Gnocchi ONLUS, Italy
Savaresi Sergio M., Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Bittanti Sergio, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Topic:8.2 Modelling & Control of Biomedical Systems
Session:Control Applications to Life Medicine I
Keywords: Rehabilitation engineering, Functional Electrical Stimulation, PID Control


This paper reports simulation results about the design of a PID controller of Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) to be used for quasi-isometric exercises in rehabilitation of paraplegics. The simulations refer to a specific seesaw device developed at the Fondazione Don Gnocchi, mainly used in standing up and sitting down using FES. The design of feedback controllers for such a device is currently based on nonlinear strategies. These are necessary when aiming to standing and sitting control. However, there is a strong demand by rehabilitation physiotherapists for easy-to-tune controllers, even though these could be used only in specific conditions. So, a PID linear controller has been designed and tested by means of simulations. The controller tuning is performed by using four different methods specifically designed for unstable systems with delay.