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Interactive Visualization as a Tool for Analysing Time-Varying and Non-Linear Systems

Authors:Johansson Jimmy, Linköping University, Sweden
Lindgren David, Linköping University, Sweden
Cooper Matthew, Linköping University, Sweden
Ljung Lennart, Linköping University, Sweden
Topic:1.1 Modelling, Identification & Signal Processing
Session:Applications of Nonlinear Modeling Methods
Keywords: Interactive visualization, system identification, model validation.


This paper proposes advanced visualization and interaction techniquesas a support for the analysis of system identificationdata. Non-linear or time-dependent dynamics often leave a significantresidual with linear, time-invariant models. The structure of thisresidual is decisive for the subsequent modelling and by visuallyanalysing the data the modeller may gain a deeper insight into itsstructure than can be gained using only standard correlationanalysis.