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Stability and Performance Analysis of Classical Decentralized Control of Irrigation Canals

Authors:Welz Iana Guenova, Cemagref, France
Litrico Xavier, Cemagref, France
Fromion Vincent, INRA, France
Rijo Manuel, Universidade de Evora, Portugal
Malaterre Pierre-Olivier, Cemagref, France
Topic:8.3 Modelling & Control of Environmental Systems
Session:Modeling and Control of Water Resources, Irrigation and Distribution Systems
Keywords: Control Application, Irrigation Canals, Stability and Performance Analysis of Linear Systems, Decentralized Control


Irrigation canals have a series structure which is generally used to designmultivariable controllers based on the aggregation of decentralized monovariablecontrollers. SISO controllers are designed for each canal pool, assuming that theinteractions will not destabilize the overall system. It is shown that, when thecanal pools are controlled using the discharge at one boundary, the multivariabledecentralized control structure is stable if and only if the SISO controllers arestable. The performance of the multivariable system is also investigated, and itis shown that the interactions decrease the overall performance of the controlledsystem. This loss of performance can be reduced by using a feedforward controller.Experimental results show the effectiveness of the method.