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A Hybrid Approach to Tension Control in Hot Rolling

Authors:Asano Kazuya, JFE R&D Corporation, Japan
Tsuda Kazuro, JFE R&D Corporation, Japan
Imura Jun-ichi, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Kojima Akira, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology, Japan
Masuda Shiro, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology, Japan
Topic:6.2 Mining, Mineral & Metal Processing
Session:Hot Rolling
Keywords: Automatic process control, Control schemes, Optimal control, Industrial control, Steel industry


Since tension and looper control is the key to successful operations in the hotstrip finishing mill, several multivariable controllers have been proposed for it. Thesecontrollers, however, can be applied only after the transient response in the start-up phaseof each rolling has settled. This paper presents a new control design method for tensioncontrol in the start-up phase. A hybrid system approach is taken to describe thediscontinuous dynamics of the system and to optimize the tension and looper trajectoriessimultaneously throughout the start-up phase. Simulation results are shown to comparethe control performance with the conventional ad hoc control.