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Convergence of the EKF in mark-based vision for 3D vehicle tracking

Authors:Delgado Emma, University of Vigo, Spain
Barreiro A., University of Vigo, Spain
Baltar J.A., University of Vigo, Spain
Topic:7.5 Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles
Session:Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles
Keywords: Dynamic vision, Nonlinear observers, Extended Kalman Filters, Domain of attraction, Convergence, Vehicle tracking, Pose estimation.


In this paper, the extended Kalman filtering (EKF) technique is considered for 3-dimensional tracking of vehicle movement using a fixed camera that provides vehicle images showing several marks, easily detectable, fixed to the vehicle body. The algorithm will be implemented in a minihelicopter hover-stabilization application. For this problem, we present results on the convergence and the domain of attraction of the non-linear observation scheme as a function of the tuning filter parameters: the initial value of the covariance and the robustifying parameter alpha.