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Parametrization of supply rates for establishing ISS and prescribed dissipative properties of nonlinear interconnected systems

Author:Ito Hiroshi, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
Topic:2.3 Non-Linear Control Systems
Session:Nonlinear Stabilization I
Keywords: Nonlinear systems, Interconnected systems, Parametrization, Supply rates, Input-to-state stability, Small gain condition, Lyapunov functions


In this paper, a novel technique of parametrization of supply rates is developed for establishing Input-to-State Stability(ISS) and dissipative properties of nonlinear interconnected systems. In the application of the ISS small-gain theorem, selecting supply rates to establish stability properties is not a straightforward task. This paper proposes useful tools for selecting supply rates by allowing some new freedoms in supply rates. The idea of the parametrization provides us with a set of various supply rates with which a fixed ISS small-gain condition can establish the ISS of the interconnected system. Dissipative properties of the interconnected system can be also prescribed in the parametrization.