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Feedback Linearization Control for a Distributed Solar Collector Field

Authors:Cirre Cristina Martínez, Plataforma Solar de Almería (CIEMAT), Spain
Gutiérrez Loreto Valenzuela, Plataforma Solar de Almería (CIEMAT), Spain
Soria Manuel Berenguel, Universidad de Almería, Spain
Camacho Eduardo Fernández, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
Topic:6.3 Power Plants and Power Systems
Session:Solar and Wind Energy
Keywords: Nonlinear control, PID control, Lumped-parameter-systems, Feedback Linearization, Solar Energy


This article presents a feedback linearization control of a distributed solar collector field, which main purpose is to heat a fluid using the energy provided by the solar irradiation. The control objective is to track an outlet temperature reference manipulating the fluid flow trying to attenuate the effect of disturbances (mainly radiation and inlet temperature). A feedback linearization technique has been developed and implemented to control this nonlinear plant by merging both feedforward and feedback control. The design of the feedback controller is performed based on a linear simplified version of the system. Experiments in the real plant are shown