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Decentralised sliding mode control for nonminimum phase nonlinear interconnected systems

Authors:Spurgeon Sarah, University of Leicester, United Kingdom
Yan Xinggang, University of Leicester, United Kingdom
Edwards Christopher, University of Leicester, United Kingdom
Topic:2.3 Non-Linear Control Systems
Session:Sliding Mode Control II
Keywords: nonlinear interconnected systems, sliding modes, nonminimum phase


A class of interconnected systems with nonlinear interconnectionsand nonlinear disturbances is considered. A continuous nonlinearreduced-order compensator is established by exploiting thestructure of the uncertainties. A sliding surface is proposed inan augmented space formed by the system output and the compensatorvariables, and the stability of the corresponding sliding mode isanalysed. Then, a robust decentralised dynamical output feedbacksliding mode controller is designed to drive the system to thecomposite sliding surface and maintain a sliding motion on itthereafter.