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Performance Analysis of Kalman-Based Filters and Particle Filters for Non-Linear/Non-Gaussian Bayesian Tracking

Authors:Shu Wenjie, National University of Defense Technology, China
Zheng Zhiqiang, National University of Defense Technology, China
Topic:1.1 Modelling, Identification & Signal Processing
Session:State Estimation, Tracking and Sensor Fusion
Keywords: Kalman-based filters, Particle filters, Bayesian tracking


In this paper, we present an overview performance analysis ofKalman-based filters and particle filters forNon-Linear/Non-Gaussian Bayesian tracking. The simulation resultsshow that the particle filters has superior performance than theKalman-based filters. Although the particle filters is timeconsuming, but in many situations such as the low data rate, lowsignal-to-noise ratio situations, the superior performance is veryattractive.