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Regulation of discrete-time linear systems with positive state and control constraints and bounded disturbances

Authors:Rakovic Sasa, V., Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Mayne David, Q., Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Topic:2.5 Robust Control
Session:Set-Invariance Techniques
Keywords: Positive constraints, Constrained control, Set invariance, Linear systems.


A variety of control problems require the control action and/or state to be positive. Typical applications include situations where the operating point maximizes (steady state) efficiency so that the steady state control and/or the steady state itself lie on the boundaries of their respective constraint sets. Any deviation of the control and/or state from its steady state value must therefore be directed to the interior of its constraint set. We characterize a novel family of the robustly controlled invariant sets for linear systems under positivity constraints. The existence of a constraint admissible member of this family can be checked by solving a single linear or quadratic programming problem. The solution of this optimization problem yields the corresponding controller. These results are then used to devise a robust time-optimal controller.