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Application of Model-Based Predictive and Robust Loop Shaping Control to Automatic Car Steering

Authors:Nathan Zambou, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Bollig Alexander, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Abel Dirk, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Siedersberger Karl Heinz, Audi AG I/EF-56, Germany
Müller Karin, Audi AG I/EF-56, Germany
Topic:7.1 Automotive Control
Session:Vehicle Dynamics Control II
Keywords: Automotive Control, MPC, Robust Control, Quantitative Feedback Theory (QFT),Vehicle Dynamics, Automatic Steering, Steering Angle Rate Control


The automatic steering assistance system presented in this paper takesadvantage of the technique of Model-based predictive control (MPC) of systemswith hard input constraints in order to compute the appropriate steering angleof the front tires. In addition the Quantitative Feedback Theory (QFT) is usedto find a robust controller that maintains the key properties of the loop forthe implementation of the Model-based Predictive Controller input, despiteuncertainty, i.e. stability, tracking performance and disturbance rejection.The procedure involves deriving a steering angle rate from the front tireangle and applying it to the steering column. The feasibility of the proposedassistance system is evaluated in a simulation using Matlab/Simulink and a testvehicle. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the automatic steeringsystem in lane keeping and yaw dynamic improvement.