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Risk Assessment for Safe Restart of Anaerobic Digestion Processes

Authors:Demmou Hamid, LAAS/CNRS Toulouse, France
Brahimi Belynda, LAAS/CNRS Toulouse, France
Helias Arnaud, LBE/ INRA Narbonne, France
Steyer Jean Philippe, LBE/ INRA Narbonne, France
Topic:8.3 Modelling & Control of Environmental Systems
Session:Modeling and Control of Wastewater Treatment Plants
Keywords: Anaerobic digestion, wastewater, bioprocess control, timed automata, diagnosis, model checker, risk assessment


For several years, a 1 m3 fixed bed anaerobic digestion process has been operated for the treatment of wine distillery vinasses. This reactor has been fully instrumented with the following variables available on-line: pH, temperature, liquid and gas flow rates, gas composition , concentration of bicarbonate, chemical oxygen demand, total organic carbon, volatile fatty acids and alkalinity. This paper deals with the problem of restarting the reactor after a period of time with missing information from the sensors. An approach has been developed to determine – while managing inherent uncertainty – the evolution of the inputs between the date of loss of information and the one when the information is recovered. It is then used together with a timed automata formalism and model checking capabilities to assess and to analyse the induced risk in order to restart the process in safe conditions.