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Simplified Adaptive Nonlinear Observer using B-Spline Based Approximators

Authors:Baang Dane, Seoul National University, Korea, Republic of
Stoev Julian, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Bulgaria
Choi Jin Young, Seoul National University, Korea, Republic of
Park Jaehong, Seoul National University, Korea, Republic of
Topic:1.2 Adaptive and Learning Systems
Session:Adaptive and Learning Approaches to Controller Design
Keywords: Uncertain Dynamics, Adaptive Systems, Observers, B-Splines, Stability


It is well known that universal approximators can be used for adaptive control and estimation. In this paper, the problem of adaptive state observation of a large class of nonlinear uncertain systems is considered and it is shown that splines have some special properties, which can lead to simplified observer structure. In particular, the observer filter has fixed dynamical order, independent of the number of parameters to be estimated. This simplification is possible because of the local support property, which is specific to splines.