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Stability Switches and Reversals of Linear Systems with Commensurate Delays: A Matrix Pencil Characterization

Authors:Niculescu Silviu-Iulian, Univ. de Tech. de Compiegne, France
Fu Peilin, University of California, Riverside, United States
Chen Jie, University of California, Riverside, United States
Topic:2.2 Linear Control Systems
Session:Frequency-domain Analysis and Design of Time-Delay Systems
Keywords: Delay, Asymptotic stability, Switch, Reversal, Matrix pencil


This paper addresses the problem of asymptotic stability of linear time-delay systems including commensurate delays. More precisely, we focus on the characterization of stability switches and reversals using a matrix pencil approach. The proposed approach makes use of the generalized eigenvalue distribution with respect to the unit circle of some appropriate finite-dimensional matrixpencils. Classical problems, as for example, hyperbolicity and delay-independent/delay-dependent stability characterizations are reconsidered, and simple computational conditions are derived.