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A hybrid control scheme for freeway systems

Authors:Sacone Simona, University of Genova, Italy
Franco Elisa, University of Trieste, Italy
Parisini Thomas, University of Trieste, Italy
Topic:7.4 Transportation Systems
Session:Transportation Systems II
Keywords: Road traffic, nonlinear models, switchedcontrol, stability analysis.


The development of a hybrid control scheme for freeway systems isthe objective of the paper. A finite number of models is defined,each relevant to a specific traffic condition. The system statevariables are the differences between the traffic density and thetraffic mean speed in each section and their desired values. Areceding-horizon regulator is defined for each model beingthe control variables the traffic volumes at on-ramps. A hybridcontrol scheme is proposed. The application of the proposed controlscheme makes it possible to guarantee some suitable stabilityproperties of the origin as an equilibrium point of the systemconsidered at the first control level.